Monday, March 3, 2014

Immigration Forum, hosted by NYS Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj

Friends of VCP's March 2014 Enewsletter

Please join us on Saturday March 29th as the Friends and Bronx CB 8 host an event to highlight a broken link and broken promise in Van Cortlandt Park: a Pedestrian Bridge over the Major Deegan to connect its eastern and western halves and connect the broken Old Croton Aqueduct Trail.  Below is a map which shows the desired location of the bridge (green line with black bars).
bridge location 2
Join us along with community members, our elected officials, and all those who love Van Cortlandt Park as we demand that NYC DEP keep its promise to the Bronx by funding this project.  With the Pedestrian Bridge now part of Van Cortlandt Park's Master Plan (which will be released this spring), the time for action is now!   Also, please take a moment to sign our online petition.

The bridge event will kick off a packed spring season of events in the Park.  Below you will see all of our April events.  Visit our Events Page to see a full listing of spring events.

Hope to see you in the Park!



Friends' April Events
Volunteer Trails Restoration CrewDec12TrailsCrew1
First Saturday of the Month from April to June 2014 from 10am to 3pm
Crew Members will work alongside trails professionals, developing skills in various areas of trail construction while improving the various trails in Van Cortlandt Park.  Projects include building boardwalks, clearing waterbars and drainage swells and installing drainage dips.  No prior trails experience is necessary but encouraged; all training will be offered in an on-the-job format.  All volunteers must register online by April 1st.

Get Active Hiking Series in VCP
Good Stuff 073 2Join us on the Second Saturday of Each Month at 10am for a hike in Van Cortlandt Park.  Please wear appropriate shoes and bring plenty of water and a snack for the hike. 

April 12th, meet at Woodlawn Playground (VCP East & Kepler Ave.):  Family friendly leisurely hike in the Northeast Wood.  Hike will last 60-90 minutes.
May 10th, meet at the Friends Compost & Garden Site (enter the Park at Broadway and Mosholu Ave):  An introductory hike of 2-3 hours on the Northwest Woods of VCP.
June 14th, meet at the last stop of the 1 train: Our longest hike a 3-4 hour, hike to see all Seven Wonders of VCP.

Spring Garden Crew for 6th-12th Graders
Tuesdays from April 29th to June 10th from 4-6pmphoto 2
Garden Crew is a chance to get outside, learn something new, have fun with your friends, and spend time working towards making your community and park a better place.  Any high school and middle school student interested in community service can come out and prepare our garden for the growing season by sifting compost, planting vegetables, weeding and watering the plants as they start to grow.   Applications for Spring 2014 Garden Crew are due on April 25th.

Spring Kickoff Forest Volunteer Event
park32Saturday April 12th meeting at 10am
Join us as we start our spring volunteer season with projects throughout the Northwest Woods of Van Cortlandt Park.  Projects, including tree plantings and invasive plant removal, will take place on the John Muir and Cass Gallagher Trails.  Meet at the Compost Site- enter the Park at Broadway and Mosholu Avenue.

5th Annual Hike-a-Thonhike a thon t shirt (1024x852)
Saturday April 26th, 2014 at 10am
Get out for a hike and help us raise funds for the restoration of Van Cortlandt Park’s spectacular hiking trails.  Similar to a Walk-a-Thon, we are asking you to seek out supporters to sponsors your hike for this rain or shine event.  Participants can choose one of three hiking routes (ranging from an easy 1 mile hike to a strenuous 5 mile hike) the day of the event. $25 Registration Fee includes a Hike-a-Thon t-shirt, water and snacks at the event, and an expertly guided hike of our beautiful park. Register online or by mail.  

Saturday, March 1, 2014

87th A.D. Democratic District Meeting

  It was billed as a meeting to "Meet Your Elected Officials", and "Join Our New Democratic Club". There were estimates of 100 - 150 people that were expected to show up, but when  almost 250 people showed more food had to be brought in. 87th A.D. Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda has quietly grown a local Democratic club called the Roselyn Johnson Democratic Club on Castle Hill Avenue. This club helped him get elected to the 87th A.D. seat with a huge majority over his opponent in 2012. Last year the Club was very instrumental in helping Democratic Mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio not only win the Democratic primary, but win without a run off election.
  On a primary or election day people known as poll workers are needed. Local clubs and district leaders help bring the names of qualified people to the Board of Elections to become poll workers. The 87th A.D. is no different and today names of qualified people wanting to be poll workers for the upcoming June Congressional, September Democratic primary, and general election in November were gathered. The crowd also heard from the many elected officials that were on hand as you will see in the photos below. State Senate Co-Leader Jeff Klein, State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr., Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Carl Heastie, Assemblyman Louis Sepulveda, Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, Councilwoman Annabele Palmer, Councilman Fernando Cabrera, and 87th A.D. District Leaders Julia Rodriguez & William Rivera were in attendance. 
 Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. bows down to his leader in the state senate Co-Leader Jeff Klein.
One of the group photos- (left) Councilman Fernando Cabrera, Female District Leader Julia Rodriguez, Senator Ruben Diaz Sr., Senator Jeff Klein, Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda, and District Leader William Rivera.


Left - Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Carl Heastie addresses the large crowd of people.
Right - Councilman Fernando Cabrera speaks of getting cameras installed at the NYCHA Houses in his council district, and that he would like to see a bridge named after former Mayor David Dinkins.

Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Carl Heastie listens to Councilman Fernando Cabrera a possible challenger to 33rd State Senator Gustavo Rivera as Councilwoman Ananbel Palma is also in the photo.

Another group photo of the elected officials and District Leaders.

13th Congressional Candidate Adriano Espaillat Visits Fordham Road With Senator Gustavo Rivera

  It was a cold brisk morning that State Senator Adriano Espaillat and State Senator Gustavo met on Fordham Road to greet voters from Senator Rivera's district and introduce Senator Espaillat as the candidate for the 13th Congressional District. The two walked along Fordham Road visiting several stores to speak with the merchants and possible voters. In 2012 Senator Espaillat ran for this very same seat losing to umpteen incumbent Congressman Charles Rangel. 
  Only 6 percent of the eligible voters came out two years ago for the June primary. I asked Senator Espaillat before he announced his candidacy what he would be doing different this time around. He said that he would be out more with the voters, and make them aware of the June congressional election. He added that he would also show the voters why he is the best candidate in the race to represent the 13th Congressional district. Below are a few photos of the Fordham Road walking tour. Click on any photo to make them larger.

 Left - 13th Congressional candidate Senator Espaillat speaks with potential voters on Fordham Road.
Right - Senator Gustavo Rivera stands with 13th Congressional candidate Espaillat as he greets another voter.


Left - The pair enjoy a bite to eat in a Fordham Road eatery, as the reporters covering the walk are at the bottom of the photo.
Right - Senator Rivera took Senator Espaillat into this store to meet the merchant.


Bronx Chamber Logo  
   Mark your calendar for
   our upcoming events! 


Irish Heritage Month Celebration By Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr.

Irish Heritage Month Celebration
Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
Invites you to join him at the

Rambling House
4292 Katonah Avenue
Bronx, New York
Thursday, March 13, 2014
12 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

2014 Honorees 
Caroline Duggan
Teacher, Public School 59
Founder of Keltic Dream Dance Group

Father Richard Gorman
Chairman, Community Board #12

John Samuelsen

President, TWU Local 100

Friday, February 28, 2014


  Council Members Stephen Levin and Ydanis Rodriguez are introducing a resolution calling on the New York State Legislature to pass legislation that would lower New York City's speed limits to 20 miles per hour unless otherwise noted and to give the City Council the authority to impose different speed limits in the city. New York State law currently sets 30 miles per hour as the speed limit in New York City unless otherwise noted.

The chances of survival after being struck by a vehicle increase dramatically when a vehicle travels at a slower speed. A study conducted by the United Kingdom Transportation Department found that a pedestrian has a 45 percent chance of dying if struck by a vehicle traveling at 30 miles per hour, but when the vehicle is traveling at 20 miles per hour there is only a 5 percent chance of death.

Senator Martin Dilan and Assemblyman Daniel O'Donnell have introduced legislation in the State Legislature that would allow New York City to lower the city's speed limit to 20 miles per hour unless otherwise posted.

Council Member Stephen Levin said, "The data is conclusive: slower speeds decrease the probability that someone will be seriously injured or killed in a crash. We have seen time and time again the pain inflicted on families as the result of crashes and we as New Yorkers refuse to stand by and let another person be killed in traffic. By reducing speed limits in New York City we will save lives and achieve the goals of Vision Zero. I want to thank Senator Dilan and Assemblyman O'Donnell for introducing this legislation at the state level and urge their colleagues for their support."

"Speed kills, plain and simple," said Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez. "Whether here or in Albany, we as legislators have a responsibility to protect the lives of our constituents. Easily avoidable traffic deaths devastate our city and we must be given the tools to prevent them. When lives are at stake, death is the price of inaction."

According to NYPD data, in 2013 alone 268 people - including 168 pedestrians - were killed in traffic crashes in New York City. Additionally, unsafe speed was cited as a contributing factor in over 3,000 collisions that resulted in injuries or fatalities.

  Editors Note:
  What is needed is more enforcement of the laws that are currently in effect. 
More police officers on patrol, and not answers like more cameras to catch offenders because there is no real penalty for the offending driver. It is not the offender who has to pay for the fine from a camera it is the owner of the vehicle.

Rangel Affordable Care Act Event - March 7, 2014 @ 8:30 AM

  Even though this event is taking place in Manhattan Congressman Rangel still does represent areas of several Bronx Assembly Districts.

Are you uninsured?
Learn About the Affordable Care Act

Keynote Speaker
Congressman Charles B. Rangel

Friday, March 7th
515 Audubon Avneue
(Near West 190th Street)
8:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Sign-up opportunities for affordable and comprehensive health insurance.

Authorized Navigators will be available to provide you with free help on obtaining insurance. The Federal government’s current open enrollment period ends March 31, 2014.

To RSVP or for additional information, please call the Washington Heights-Inwood Chamber of Commerce at (212) 928-6595.

Hosted by: The Washington Heights-Inwood Chamber of Commerce, Community Board 12, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University Medical Center, and Isabella Geriatric Center.

Light refreshments will be served