Thursday, January 22, 2015


This morning the MTA Board is taking up a proposal that will raise the base fare for individual riders. In my capacity as both a City Councilman and Chair of the Transportation Committee, I join the chorus of thousands of working and middle class New Yorkers, transit advocates, and elected officials in denouncing these plans.

In order to maintain our status as a world class destination, we must have a well-functioning, well connected, transit system. However, the MTA has lacked the vision necessary to bring our city and states infrastructure to good repair let alone to expand its network to better reach all New Yorkers. Rather, they still operate under a $15 billion shortfall with no true dedication to exploring alternative means of funding.

Despite these shortfalls, ridership has been ever increasing. On September 23rd, 6.1 million people rode the subway's 659 miles of track, many on lines using decade's old technology. New York, an international leader in finance, real estate and countless other industries is better than this.

The MTA must become forward thinking and begin to discuss alternative and creative revenue sources like requiring all TLC licensed vehicles pay towards the MTA improvement fund, a fair tolling plan for bridges and tunnels and / or furthering Public-Private Partnerships. It can no longer be the first instinct of the MTA to increase the burden they put on working class New Yorkers. The priority should be improving the system for all New Yorkers through new methods, not closing the fiscal gap on the backs of the working class.

Editors Note: It kind of makes one feel how the city council is operating - 'In the dark'. 

The 3 New Amigos - What's the Difference?

What You Should Know 
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District 

You should know that during the 2015 State of the State Address and the presentation of the Executive Budget for New York State, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced his intentions to visit Mexico accompanied with Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.  The Governor made this pronouncement with great fanfare and excitement, using a giant screen to show the three of them wearing Mexican hats with the caption: The 3 Amigos.

It is important for you to know that when I saw that image of Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, I reacted; making gestures that drew the Governor's attention. Governor Andrew Cuomo responded by saying: These 3 Amigos are different than previous ones.

I thought to myself, "Mr. Governor, different than what?"

You should know, my dear reader, that the history of the 3 Amigos goes back to 2009 when I joined with former Senators Karl Kruger and Pedro Espada to form an alliance in the State Senate to demand change so the State Senate could vote on bills that would help all communities.  During that year, Karl Kruger, Pedro Espada and I all bought Mexican hats and called ourselves the 3 Amigos.  Everyone in New York politics knows the history of the 3 Amigos and everyone knows how we all ended up.

Senator Pedro Espada was arrested, judged and found guilty of corruption, and is now serving a sentence in a federal penitentiary and is not expected to come out for another four years.  There is a similar situation for Karl Kruger. He, too, was arrested, judged and found guilty of corruption, and is serving a sentence in a federal penitentiary.

I am the only one of the 3 Amigos who is, politically speaking, alive.

Now, our beloved Governor has created another version of the 3 Amigos, saying they are different than the previous ones. It was clear to many that the Governor was trying to publicly take a punch at me.

What you should know is that the Governor forgot to say is how he, himself, is under investigation by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara. Governor Andrew Cuomo has already spent over $130,000 on a prominent white collar criminal defense attorney to represent him and the scandal that surrounds the Governor's anti-corruption commission.  It remains to be seen how this will end.

On the other hand, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has been arrested today, January 22, 2015, on federal corruption charges, by the same U.S. Attorney who is investigating Governor Andrew Cuomo. While the nature of the charges have not been released as of the time I write this, the investigation began in March, 2014 - right after Governor Andrew Cuomo shut down his Moreland Commission. The tabloids say it has to do with undocumented payments he received from a law firm, and rumors say it has to do with fraud.

You should know that where I come from in Puerto Rico, there is an old saying: With these thunders, who could sleep?

And so, my dear reader, there is something ironic about Governor Andrew Cuomo's obvious attempt to publicly try to take a punch at me about New York's original 3 Amigos - Pedro Espada, Karl Kruger and myself - and say that the new version of the 3 Amigos will be different than the 3 Amigos of the past.

I am obliged to publicly share my response to him:  "Excuse me, Mr. Governor. Different in what way?  If, along with the thunders I am hearing, we continue to read the newspapers and listen to what everyone is talking about, there is a great possibility that Mr. Silver will be keeping company with Karl Kruger and Pedro Espada and eating the same food and dressing in the same colored clothing."

Ladies and gentlemen, as far as these 3 New Amigos goes: What’s the difference? 

This is State Senator Rev Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.

Editor Note: I couldn't agree with Senator Diaz more. It is not known who will replace Speaker Silver, but I have been told it will not be anyone from the Bronx.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

STATEMENT FROM BP DIAZ RE: Gov. Cuomo's 'State of the State'

“Gov. Cuomo continues to outline a strong agenda for the entire state, especially for The Bronx. Our governor continues to put forward policy proposals that have real impact on the lives of people in my borough.

“His continued support of our proposal to expand Metro North services to the East Bronx is incredibly welcome, and shows his commitment to creating new transit options and new opportunities for investment in our borough. While I appreciate the governor’s suggestion that one of these new stations bear my name, his considerable support of this proposal is all the recognition I need. I am grateful that Governor Cuomo has already outlined significant funding for this proposal in his budget, and I will continue to work with the governor, the MTA and the State Legislature to bring this transformative transit proposal to life.

“The governor’s expansion of employment programs in our borough, specifically for young adults of color, is also a major victory for The Bronx. In August, I joined Governor Cuomo, the State Department of Labor and the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation to launch the ‘Bronx Works’ strike force, which is putting unemployed Bronxites in direct contact with the employers who need them. New projects are taking root every day in The Bronx, and this $10 million proposal will ensure that more Bronx residents, especially young adults of color, will be prepared for the jobs we are creating.

“Governor Cuomo’s plan to raise the minimum wage statewide, and to increase the minimum wage to a higher rate in New York City, shows that the governor continues to understand the realities of living in the five boroughs. The cost of living is considerably higher in The Bronx than upstate, and this increase would allow more New Yorkers to make ends meet.

“Governor Cuomo understands what is important to this borough: economic development and job creation, making sure Bronxites are getting the jobs we create, and making sure those jobs pay a decent wage. I will continue to work with my good friend, our governor, and his administration to enact strong policy proposals and affect positive change for the people of The Bronx,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

State of the Borough Address

The Honorable Ruben Diaz Jr.

President, Borough of the Bronx

 State of the Borough Address

Thursday, February 19, 2015

10 a.m.

The Mall at Bay Plaza

200 Baychester Avenue

THIRD floor Pavilion

The Bronx


Council Member King to Host Funding Workshop on Monday, Jan. 26th

 New York City Council Member Andy King will hold a workshop on Monday, Jan. 26, for community-based organizations that would like to apply for discretionary funding from his office.

The applications for Council Discretionary Member Item funding, which is awarded each year by council members to non-profits and other eligible groups in their districts, must be completed online. But the workshop will help to make sure those applying for funding to fully understand the process.

Those organizations applying for funding from Council Member King are strongly urged to attend the  workshop on Monday, 6-9 p.m., at the Williamsbridge NAACP ECE Center, 680 East 219th St., Bronx.

Applications must be completed online in one session and applicants cannot save the information as they work or navigate away from the page while they are working. But the application does not time out, and applicants can go back to correct mistakes.

Applications are currently available on the city council website – (click pull down button `Budget’).

The FY 2016 timetable is as follows:
•           Currently – FY 2016 applications available on the city council website (applications may only be submitted online);
•              Feb. 20 - FY 2016 discretionary expense funding applications must be completed no later than 5 p.m.;
•              Feb. 26 - FY 2016 capital funding applications to the borough president and city council for the same project must be completed no later than 5:00 p.m.;
•             March 26 - The deadline for FY 2016 capital applications to the city council only must be completed no later than 5:00 p.m.

For more information on the applications or budget process, please contact Brian Melford, Special Assistant to Council Member Andy King at (718) 684-5509.

Tenant Forum on Heating, or Lack Of

Is your apartment COLD?

Are your calls to your landlord going unanswered?

Do you want to DO something about it?

Let your voice be heard at the

Simply Better Homes

Tenant Forum

Tuesday, January 27, 2015 7:00 PM

Sister Annunciata Senior Center

243 E. 204th Street | Bronx, NY 10458

(at Valentine Avenue)

Sponsored by:

West Bronx Housing

In collaboration with:

Council Member Andrew Cohen,

 Council Member Fernando Cabrera, 

& Bronx Community Board 7

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Croton Filter Project - Continued Closure of Eastbound Right Lane on Sedgwick Near Goulden through Winter 2015

Thus cane in from the DEP about the current lane closures on Sedwick and Goulden Avenas.

        A small portion of the right eastbound lane on Sedgwick Avenue was closed in April 2014 in order perform work at an existing  100 year old water supply structure that lies partly beneath the closed lane at the corner of  Sedgwick Avenue and Goulden Avenue. It was originally expected that this work would take six months.
        A traffic analysis was performed before starting this work.  Based on this analysis and after consultation with the DOT Bronx Borough Commissioner and OCMC, a plan was developed to make the traffic impact minimal and manageable. Three (3) Traffic Agents are assigned to control traffic and help pedestrians from 7 AM to 10 PM on weekdays.  Signs are installed to guide traffic and pedestrians. A well-lighted pedestrian corridor was constructed through the work area and later paved to improve pedestrian accessibility.
        The delay in construction is due to age of the water supply structure and the equipment in it. We are taking additional precautions to prevent damage to the equipment that remains and we are replacing parts of the structure that were discovered to be in poor condition when we excavated.
        We anticipate that the traffic lane will be re-opened by mid- April 2015.  NYCDEP also intends to improve the sidewalks in this location, which may take another month. Included in the sidewalk improvements are removal of the existing above-ground black painted entrance structure that is on the corner of Sedgwick/Goulden Avenues.
        The Contractor is actively working to complete the work and if the lane was re-opened (even temporarily at this time), the work could not be completed and would only get delayed more. Note that a significant portion of the work since April 2014 has been performed underground inside the water supply  structure and this may have given the impression that no work was being done. That having been said, the contractor did give the workmen a break at Christmas/New Year. Current working hours are 7:00 am to 3:30 pm Monday to Friday with overtime when deemed productive by the contractor.
        The water main work on Sedgwick Avenue at Hillman is being performed by NYCDEP but is unrelated to the Croton project. Also. the long term work that is being performed by Con Ed on Sedgwick Avenue is unrelated to this project.
        This work has no impact on starting the Croton Plant.
        This work is completely unrelated to the schedule for the  Mosholu Golf Course Club House at the Croton Plant.

Any comments for the DEP?

NYCHCC Empowerment Seminar

Below are two sizes of the same event, as I could not size it to fit the area.