Sunday, April 5, 2015

Time to Fix Up the West 235th Street Pedestrian Overpass

  While grouting may be gone from several stones, the real danger is to the upper left of the photo where the support of the steel beams has been compromised on this Henry Hudson Parkway pedestrian overpass at West 235th Street.  

  This photo is of the corner of the overpass that leads across the HHP. A different section from the first photo.

Left - and Right are the path and lower steps of the west side entrance to the overpass.

Left and Right crumbling and broken steps can be seen, even after having been repaired before.

Left - More steps.
Right - One can trip on this piece of metal curb striping that sticks out on the West exit.

Above and below are photos of the underneath of sections of the East side of the overpass.

The Changing face of Johnson Avenue

 While the Radio Shack located at 3544 Johnson Avenue has closed it adds another empty store to the avenue.

However - Above replacing the closed (for several years) Golden Gate Restaurant is a new European Wax Center will soon open at 3550 Johnson Avenue next to the old Radio Shack..
Below - And on the other side of the old Radio Shack a new restaurant called Moss Cafe will soon open at 3534 Johnson Avenue.

Chancellor Carmen Farina Comes to District 10 - Or Did She?

  The notices that went out said that the District 10 Community Education Council presents a Town Hall meeting with Chancellor Carmen Farina. The town hall meeting with Chancellor Farina was scheduled for Wednesday April 1st from 6:30 - 7:30 PM at PS 86 located at Reservoir Avenue and West 195th Street. In bold letters were 'ALL DISTRICT 10 PARENTS ARE URGED TO ATTEND'.  The photo above was taken at 6:30 PM when the meeting was to begin. About 100 staff from district 10 schools, the chancellors office, children, their parents, and security officers were in attendance. I was told that every parent in the district was given a notice, and some even received calls to attend.  

  At 7PM you can see only 4 of the 9 CEC members and no chancellor on the dias. It was then announced that the chancellor would be a little late. At 7:15 PM attendees were told the chancellor was stuck in traffic on the West Side Highway and that people could leave if they wanted. As several did just so, I followed suit by leaving and not wanting to wait any longer because I had another event to go to which I did not want to miss. 

  I was however able to read a handout on the table giving the results of the past years test scores. As a former Parent leader in District 10 years ago I was shocked to see that the scores were lower than 10 years ago when District 10 was a District in Need of Improvement. English scores were at 16.8 percent down almost 8 points, while math scores were 21.9 percent down over 10 points. When I asked the current District 10 Superintendent (who was on hand) Melodie Mashel why the scores have gone down so, her answer was 'the test is harder now'. The current standards were suppose to be instituted 10 years ago, because I was a member of the Chancellor's Parent Advisory Council when the presentation was given. The city received a waiver for the past 10 years, but now it seems that those 10 year old standards can not even be met today.

Composting is Coming to Another Bronx Area

  Last Tuesday Councilman Andrew Cohen held a forum with the Department of Sanitation about the introduction of an organics recycle pilot program in Community Board 8. The Riverdale and Fieldston areas down to West 238th Street on the east side of the Henry Hudson Parkway, and all the way down to the bridge on the west side of the parkway. This however is for 2700 homeowners and small 1 - 9 unit buildings only. Above is the container that will be given out by the DSNY to hold food scraps and other organic waste so they do not have to go to landfills and can be recycled. 

  Here you can see the actual size of the container which is next to the DSNY organic waste program presenter. Questions raised were how to line the container as not to attract vermin, and the lid snaps closed was the answer. People were also told they could use empty pizza boxes or other food soaked paper for the bottom, but the container will have to be cleaned often. The aim of the DSNY is to cut down on the amount of garbage that is being sent to landfills. If this program is successful citywide up to 15 percent of the current garbage sent to landfills will be recycled.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj's Health & Wellness Fair on April 10th!

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj 's Health & Wellness Fair

Friday, April 10, 2015
3:00 pm6:00 pm
Bronx House
990 Pelham Parkway South
Nutrition and Fitness Information
Health Care Facilities and Providers
Fitness Demos and Giveaways!

For more information or to participate please call
Office of Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj at (718) 409-0109

Passover & Easter Greetings From Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj

Passover and Easter Greetings
from Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj

I would like to wish all of my friends, families, and 
happy  and blessed holiday weekend. 

With Easter and  Passover falling  together  on the 
weekend, it brings  great opportunity for us 
to   gather   
together   and   reflect   on   the   many 
God  has  
given  us,  while  enjoying the 
time  well  spent  with  
family  and  loved  ones.

             May you all have a  joyous and blessed 
Passover and Easter.

Happy Holidays From The Bronx chamber of Commerce


We want to wish you and your family a 
Happy Easter and Passover 

Thank you for your support of 
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce !

Image result for easter and passover picture

 Call 718-828-3900 or go onto our website 

for more information on our events.

Friday, April 3, 2015

STATEMENT FROM BP DIAZ RE: Metro North Funding in New State Budget

  “I am thrilled that Governor Andrew Cuomo and the State Legislature have continued to show their commitment to The Bronx by providing $250 million in funding in the new budget for the East Bronx Metro North expansion plan.

“Governor Cuomo has long understood that new Metro North options in Co-op City, Parkchester, Morris Park and Hunts Point will not only make our region’s transportation system stronger, it will also open up new economic opportunities for almost 95,000 residents living near the proposed stations. This new budget shows that the State Legislature agrees.

“The East Bronx Metro North Expansion is a transformative plan, and I commend Governor Cuomo and the State Legislature for moving this plan forward as part of the newly passed budget,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Editors Note: Our congratulations go out to Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. in making sure that this vital new Bronx rail corridor link made it through the state budget negotiations, most likely with the help of Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie.