Friday, June 26, 2015

Statement from Senator Rivera on the End of Session

  The following comes from State Senator Gustavo Rivera.


"I am deeply disappointed on the end results of this legislative session. It is appalling that throughout the negotiation process hardworking New Yorkers were used as political pawns to serve special interest. The policies included in this legislation simply fail to adequately address the dire issues facing New Yorkers in the areas of housing, education, and criminal justice reform."


"The failure to make significant changes to the rent-regulation laws ensures that at least 90 thousand apartments will be deregulated during the next four years, further exasperating our housing crisis and leaving thousands of New Yorkers struggling to afford a home. Furthermore, this deal made little effort to fix the 421a tax abatement that is supposed to encourage the development of additional affordable housing.


At a time when our public schools are struggling, this legislation uses public resources to assist private schools and allows charter schools to continue to determine their admissions process without requiring that they serve an adequate portion of high need students in the communities they are in. It also extends Mayoral Control for only one year, leaving New York City's educational system exposed to the political whims of next year's legislative session.


It is truly unbelievable that given the current climate criminal justice reform was not addressed during this legislative session.  This legislation completely omits any measure that would help make our criminal justice system more balanced and just - whether we are talking about the implementation of an independent prosecutor for cases involving a police officer that result in the injury or death of a civilian, decriminalizing syringes or raising the age of criminal responsibility.

Editor's Note:

   It seems very interesting that Senator Rivera has adopted the "Our Public Schools are Struggling", instead of admitting that Mayoral Control has done nothing to end or even slow down the fact that more public schools are failing than before Mayoral Control. That is the reason parents, especially those with students who achieve higher scorers on the state tests are looking for a better education system than the public school system.
   As for the other issues Senator Rivera, admit that Speaker Heastie did little if anything, and was outflanked by Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan and Governor Cuomo.  Until then you can stand on your soap box and yell at the top of your lungs, but no one will listen to you.

   See the statement from Assemblyman Pichardo that I have placed below.
Which one of the two are correct Senator Rivera?

Assemblymember Pichardo: Rent regulations agreement enhances tenant protections

“My neighbors in the Bronx and families across New York State can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the vital rent laws that help them stay in their homes and neighborhoods will not only be extended, but improved. The final agreement includes a four-year extension of rent regulations, ends loopholes that were detrimental to renters and increases the vacancy decontrol threshold while requiring that it be indexed to future increases.

From day one, the Assembly has been an unflinching advocate for tenants’ rights and I’ve long supported efforts to bolster the laws that protect renters and increase access to affordable housing. We refused the extreme proposals that would have shortchanged tenants and worked to find a compromise because the more than 29,000 families who live in rent-regulated units in my district deserve peace of mind knowing that they will not be forced from their homes. Moving forward, I will continue to be a staunch supporter of pro-tenant measures that protect my constituents and renters across the state.”

Pelham Parkway-Van Nest Library Block Party

  The Pelham Parkway- Van Nest Library will host its second annual Summer Kick Off Block Party on Saturday, June 27 from 12:00pm - 4:00pm, on Barnes Avenue between Lydig Avenue and Pelham Parkway South. The event is co-sponsored by Health First, Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, Senator Jeff Klein and Councilman James Vacca.

The event kicks off the summer season with a family friendly community resource fair and block party featuring music, BBQ, free raffles, Bounce House, youth activities and much more. All are welcome to attend to enjoy as we welcome the summer.


  "I am humbled and honored to be chosen by my colleagues to chair the Subcommittee on Libraries at this historic time in which the #investinlibraries campaign has forced  us to confront how important these facilities are in our neighborhoods. As a member of the Cultural Affairs Committee, since I entered the City Council in 2012, I have been working on how we, in the Council, can effectively fund and promote the important work our city's three library systems do in our communities every day. I am a Bronx native who grew up going to the New York Public Library and it has helped to make me who I am today. I promise I will remain committed to ensuring our libraries remain the beacons of light they have been for over a century," said Council Member Andy King, the third-ever council member to hold the position.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Simone Developers Celebrate Grand Opening of Marriott Residence at Metro Center Atrium Complex

Left - Simone Development Vice-President Joe Kelleher. 
Right - Simone Developers President Joe Simone. As both stand in front of the new Marriott Residence Inn at the Hutchinson Metro Tech Center. 

Both were very energetic about the new Marriott Residence Inn that is owned by Simone Developers as a franchise from Marriott International. The new Marriott Residence Inn is located in the heart of the Hutch Metro Center just off the Hutchinson Parkway, and within 200 feet of the newly proposed Metro North Station for the Morris Park section of the Bronx. The new Metro North Station when completed will allow residents of this Marriott Residence Inn to get to Midtown Manhattan by rail in less than 30 minutes. Mr. Simone added that people who stay at this Marriott Residence will be able to visit the Bronx Zoo, Bronx Botanical Gardens, Yankee Stadium, and the new Donald Trump Golf Course, all world class destinations for anybody among the other finer things the Bronx has to offer.

Above - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., City Councilman Jimmy Vacca, and Father Richard Gorman (who gave the invocation, and blessing for the new Marriott Residence Inn) were among those on hand.
Below - Senator Jeff Klein and Assembly members Mark Gjonaj & Michael Benedetto were still up in Albany, as you see representatives sitting in for them. 

Above - The ribbon is about to be cut by Mr. Joe Simone as BP Diaz and others await the ribbon cutting.
Below - At last the ribbon is cut to officially open the new Marriott Residence Inn at the Hutch Metro Center. A tour of the hotel and a small buffet of delicious appetizers followed. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tentative Albany Deal on Rent Regulations, 421A, Property Tax Cap, and Mayoral Control, but Little Details

   A tentative deal has been agreed upon by the 3 men in the room, Governor Andrew Cuomo, State Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan, and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie. This deal however is subject to ratification by the members of the State Assembly and State Senate.

   As for Rent Regulations there could be a 4 year extension with some higher threshold for vacancy decontrol which was not announced. It also includes a higher threshold landlords need for MCI increases, but again no numbers were announced. 

  The 421A deal is a 6 month extender contingent upon the real estate industry and labor unions agreeing on a prevailing wage during the 6 months. If that happens the 421A program will be extended to 4 years and be tied to Rent Regulations. If there is no agreement on a prevailing wage in 6 months the 421A program will end.

    As for the Property Tax Cap no details were announced, just that there was a deal for a $1.3 million dollar property tax rebate for homeowners outside New York City. 

   Mayoral Control will be extended for another year with no details, with $250 million dollars will go to private schools for reimbursement of mandated services, again no details of what services.

   It is now up to each individual state legislature to vote on the agreements by their respective leaders. It looks like some state legislatures will have to have this deal shoved down their throats to get it passed over objections of said state legislatures, but it should be able to be passed by both houses since there were items specific to one house of the state legislature over the other put in.


Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. is praising a decision by the City’s Department of Environmental Protection to expand public access to the Jerome Park Reservoir.
“This is incredibly welcome news, and something my office has advocated for over the past few years. Jerome Park Reservoir is a historic gem of the Northwest Bronx, yet for too long access to its paths has been denied to the public for a variety of reasons. The announcement by Emily Lloyd, commissioner of the City’s Department of Environmental Protection, to begin the process of expanding public access to the Jerome Park Reservoir is incredibly welcome, and I look forward to helping plan and implement access for the reservoir in the fall,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
Borough President Diaz added, “It is my hope that this announcement is the first step towards greater, permanent access to this incredible amenity.”
At a meeting of the Filtration Monitoring Committee on Monday, June 22, Commissioner Lloyd announced the creation of a task force that will convene this summer. That task force will plan a three part pilot access program for the reservoir this fall, which will include walking tours of the reservoir; a two-hour open session where people can access the reservoir inside the existing security fence and an educational curriculum developed for local schools. 
Access to the Jerome Park Reservoir has been a high priority for Borough President Diaz since he took office in 2009. In May 2011, the borough president hosted a press conference with elected officials and community leaders to call for improved access to the Jerome Park Reservoir, and in June 2011 he hosted a public hearing to solicit greater input from Bronxites on the future of public access to Jerome Park Reservoir. In June 2014, Borough President Diaz joined State Senator Jeff Klein and Assembly Jeffrey Dinowitz to support legislation that would declare Jerome Park Reservoir a public park.
“Improved public access to the Jerome Park Reservoir will not only create new recreation activities in our borough, it will help unite communities across the Northwest Bronx. I congratulate the elected officials, community boards and dedicated activists whose work has helped make this announcement possible, and I look forward to walk around the reservoir this fall,” said Borough President Diaz. 
Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz (D-Bronx) issued the following statement:

“After meeting with DEP Commissioner Emily Lloyd last night I am pleased that DEP has announced a pilot program for access to the Jerome Park Reservoir. As a long-time activist for Jerome Park Reservoir this is extremely welcome news and I hope it is the beginning of a long-term access plan so that Bronx residents can enjoy one of the city’s most beautiful resources now and in the future. It is great to see that DEP has listened to the community in agreeing to this pilot project, just as they agreed to the pedestrian bridge project in Van Cortlandt Park recently. I have worked for many years on both of these issues and I'm thrilled to see that the hard work of so many people and elected officials has paid off,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz.

Council Member Andrew Cohen Applauds the Decision to Make the Grounds of the Jerome Park Reservoir Accessible to Members of the Community
 At a meeting of the Filtration Monitoring Committee on Monday, June 22nd, Emily Lloyd, Commissioner of the City’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), announced the creation of a task force that will commence this summer. That task force will plan a pilot program for public access to the reservoir this fall. The pilot program will include the use of the perimeter path around the reservoir, an educational tour of the site and its facilities for local schools, as well as a two-hour open session where people can access the reservoir inside the existing security fence. Council Member Andrew Cohen applauded this decision to make the grounds of the Jerome Park Reservoir accessible to members of the community.
“I have been a long-time advocate for Parks and public access to open green space throughout The Bronx. Members of our community have advocated for a public access plan to the Jerome Park Reservoir since 2006, which makes this pilot program a welcomed opportunity. This will increase the amount of recreational space that is available for residents of The Bronx in an open-air landscape without having to leave the City. I look forward to continuing my work with the DEP to implement access to the Reservoir and hope to see this become a permanent amenity for my neighbors,” said Council Member Andrew Cohen.
The Jerome Park Reservoir is a 93-acre open air reservoir that was placed in service in 1905. Since September 11, 2001 the entire Jerome Park Reservoir site was off-limits to the public for both security and operational reasons. Understanding that the role of the reservoir would change once the Croton Filtration Plant began operating, Bronx civic leaders asked the DEP to commit to making the reservoir accessible to the public after that time.


  New York Elected Officials Instrumental in Litigation Forcing LG Retreat on Proposed Tower

 State Senator Jeff Klein, Congressman Eliot Engel, Senator Adriano Espaillat, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, and Council Member Andrew Cohen praised the agreement announced today between LG Electronics USA, Inc. and a coalition of conservation and environmental groups from both sides of the Hudson River that will preserve views of the Hudson Palisades from a proposed corporate headquarters that would have towered over the natural and historic landmarks protected by the Palisades Interstate Compact.

"I spearheaded the fight to protect the beautiful vista of the Palisades, and today's agreement with LG Electronics to reduce the height of its building is a victory in preserving this national treasure that would have towered over the treetops,” said Senator Jeff Klein.  “I led the way by filing an amicus brief in support of an appeal in New Jersey Appellate Court, fought side-by-side with environmental advocates and won the battle against LG’s plan to forever ruin the verdant bluffs that we enjoy so much. My years-long battle paid off for the residents of The Bronx, and especially for our environment.”

The agreement resolves litigation that has been pending for over a year in New Jersey, with a coalition of individuals and advocacy groups seeking to void LG’s approval to build a 143-foot-high corporate headquarters Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.  Under the agreement, which is subject to court and local approval, the building will be approximately 69-feet, and will not pierce the treeline.

“I am pleased that LG, Scenic Hudson, NRDC and others were able to reach an agreement that benefits the economic and environmental interests of the people of the Bronx, Westchester, and all of New York and New Jersey,”  said Congressman Eliot Engel, a senior member of the United States House of Representatives’ Energy and Commerce Committee.  “We filed our amicus brief to protect the otherwise undisturbed Palisades tree line on the Hudson River, which has gone untouched for centuries.  Today’s agreement preserves that historic vista while simultaneously allowing LG to bring more high-quality jobs to our region.” 

Klein joined Congressman Eliot Engel; New York State Senator Adriano Espaillat; New York Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz; and New York City Councilman Andrew Cohen, in filing amici curiae briefs on April 7, 2014, urged New Jersey’s Superior Court, Appellate Division to invalidate LG’s variance to exceed the traditional 35-foot height limit in towns surrounding the Park by more than fourfold.  In their brief, elected officials argued that the variance allowed “one municipal board to defeat over a century of collaborative work and investment by New York and New Jersey citizens, legislators, and courts, as well as by the federal government, to preserve the historic Hudson River Palisades north of the George Washington Bridge.”

"The view of the Palisades from upper Manhattan is an awe inspiring sight and has remained largely unspoiled since Henry Hudson's voyage more than 400 years ago. A determined coalition of local environmental groups and elected officials were able to protect that view for what I hope will be the next 400 years," said State Senator Adriano Espaillat.

“The incredible natural beauty of the Palisades is an amazing resource that must not be spoiled. It took eons and eons to form and we have a responsibility to protect it,” said Assemblyman Jeff Dinowitz. “That is why this victory is so important. The elected officials, environmentalists, and other worked hard to protect the Palisades, so this decision by LG is very welcome to us.”

“The Palisades is a natural beauty, the view of which has been preserved and conserved for the benefit of New York and New Jersey. I am pleased that today’s agreement removes the immediate threat of the Palisades viewshed so that residents in both states can continue to enjoy the historic landscape,” said Council Member Andrew Cohen. “I plan on continuing to work vigilantly with my colleagues and advocates to fight for permanent protection of the Palisades from similar proposals in the future.”

All five elected officials were represented in the litigation against LG and in shaping the settlement agreement announced today by Bradley M. Campbell, a nationally known environmental leader and the President-designate of the Conservation Law Foundation.


“The proposed LG Tower had the potential to stain a national treasure—the Palisades—which look virtually the same as they did when man first laid eyes on them. This compromise is a tremendous victory not only for The Bronx, but for New York, New Jersey and nature lovers everywhere. A smaller LG Tower, one shorter than 70 feet, will preserve these views and protect the Palisades from blight. I congratulate those elected officials, activists and community organizations on both sides of the river who fought so hard for this change, and I commend LG for listening to our concerns and agreeing to a reasonable compromise,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.


Transportation Committee set to hear legislation next week  

   Today NYC Council Transportation Chairman Ydanis Rodriguez and Council Member Stephen Levin announced two pieces of legislation that will allow the city to better respond to the rapidly growing For-Hire sector. 

The first piece of legislation (introduced by NYC Council Transportation Committee Chairman Ydanis Rodriguez) will require the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) to work jointly with other city agencies to determine the impact of the growth of the for hire and black car industries in the following areas: traffic, air quality, noise, and public health). The study will further consider the impact of the increase in the number of drivers, vehicles, and bases. Agencies to work closely with the TLC on this study include but are not limited to the Department of Transportation and Department of Environmental Protection. This study is due to the Council by August 31st 2016. 

The second piece of legislation (introduced by Council Members Levin and Rodriguez will temporarily limit new vehicle licenses to a rate of growth within historic norms to allow for the study described above provides data still relevant to the Council in 2016. According to the legislation bases can add new licenses at a rate based on their size as of June 15th, 2015:
Bases with 2-19 vehicles can increase by a maximum of 15% of cars previously affiliated (maximum increase of 3 cars to a base with 19 vehicles)
Bases with 20-499 vehicles can increase by a maximum of 5% of cars previously affiliated (maximum increase of 25 cars to a base with 499 vehicles)
Bases larger than 500 vehicles can increase by a maximum of 1% of cars previously affiliated. (maximum increase of 260 cars to a base with 26,000 vehicles)

According to data collected by the Taxi and Limousine Commission as well as the Department of Transportation, congestion in Manhattan is rapidly increasing with a 9% decline in traffic speeds in Manhattans Business District saw a 9% decline in traffic speeds over the last year-from 9.35 mph in 2014 to 8.51 mph in 2015. This decrease has had negative impacts on bus speeds and ridership and has lead to a fresh frustrations for commuters. Since 2011, 25,000 new FHV licenses have been issued a 63% jump. These new licenses are issued at a rate of 2,000 per day. In order for the study to produce valuable outcomes, the rate of issuance must be returned to a reasonable rate of growth seen prior to 2011. 

The legislation will be heard by the Transportation Committee next Monday, June 29th at 10am in the Council Chambers. Bills can be made available upon request.

"Acknowledging the existing problems of congestion parking and negative environmental impacts like poor air quality, we must ensure our city moves forward with the best plan that mitigates these negative impacts. In order to achieve just that we need to make sure our city is armed with the information necessary to make lasting change that benefits every New Yorker, driver, pedestrian and resident alike" said Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez "This package of legislation will allow us to act from a place of knowledge and I am proud to sponsor these important measures with Council Member Steve Levin." 

"The For-Hire sector has experienced explosive growth over the past few years, putting many more vehicles on the road and raising questions about potential negative impacts. The city needs time  to examine the effects of this unprecedented expansion in depth and determine how it impacts congestion, public transportation, public health and quality of life for New Yorkers. This package will  temporarily limit new licenses to allow the city to conduct an accurate analysis and ensure that we can approach the challenge of curbing potential negative impacts in the most informed and responsible way. I thank Council Member Rodriguez for his partnership in sponsoring this package of legislation and look forward to working with him on this important issue," said Council member Stephen Levin.