Monday, December 14, 2015

IDC: Legislature must immediately pass bill to deny guns to terrorists and protect our citizens;

  Calls on legislature support bill to ban and confiscate weapons to those on FBI’s terror watch list and federal ‘no-fly’ list

  The Independent Democratic Conference called on members of the legislature to support a bill introduced by State Senator Jeff Klein that will not only stop individuals on the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s terror watch list or federal no-fly list from purchasing guns, but will empower New York State Police to confiscate firearms already owned by these individuals.

“No gun should ever wind up in the hand of a suspected terrorist in New York State and after the tragedies in San Bernadino and Paris we will remain vigilant and protect our citizens by disarming anyone who poses a threat to innocent people. It’s an outrage that anyone argues that terrorists deserve Second Amendment rights. We have the right to protect law-abiding New Yorkers who have already experienced terror first hand. I’m calling on lawmakers to support my legislation and take a stand against terror,” said State Senator Jeff Klein.

Klein’s legislation, the Deny Firearms to Dangerous Terrorists Act, was introduced in the State Senate on Friday. It amends the New York State SAFE Act by banning any person on the FBI’s terrorist screening database or federal no fly list from obtaining a New York State issued gun license.

The comprehensive bill also goes a step further by empowering New York State Police to confiscate firearms from suspected terrorists on either list, as well as revoke their license to carry the weapon, under the proposal. The bill provides notification to an individual in writing within 30 days of a gun license being revoked.

The Superintendent of the New York State Police, under this proposal, would sweep both databases once a year to ensure that all appropriate law enforcement agencies are notified and firearms are confiscated.

On Sunday, Governor Cuomo and US Senator Chuck Schumer announced that they planned to close the “terror gap,” by banning the sale of firearms to anyone on a federal terror watch list or no-fly list.

No federal law forbids the sharing of data between federal and state law enforcement agencies, and with a Presidential executive order the information can flow. Congressional gridlock on the issue necessitates passing the Deny Firearms to Dangerous Terrorists Act or similar legislation on a state-by-state basis.

Enacting this measure immediately sends a strong message to the federal government.

“Now, more than ever, it is vital that we take action. I join my IDC colleagues in urging President Obama to allow state access to the terrorist watch and no-fly lists, so that we can ensure that all New Yorkers are kept safe and protected from the threat of terror,” said State Senator David Valesky.

“We must act quickly to pass this important legislation. While the federal government stagnates on gun control, the IDC is taking action. By passing this legislation immediately, New York State will send a message to our nation - we will not tolerate guns in the hands of suspected terrorists, while citizens are left at risk. This bill would not only ban the sale of firearms to individuals on the no-fly and terrorist watch lists, it would additionally empower the New York State Police to revoke the license of anyone on these lists, and confiscate their weapons. When it comes to protecting New Yorkers, we must be swift and thorough, and that is why I am joining my IDC colleagues in calling for the legislature to pass the Deny Firearms to Dangerous Terrorists Act,” said State Senator Diane Savino.

As inaction in Congress continues, it is now on us to enact commonsense laws that will protect law abiding New Yorkers from harm. Terrorists and anyone on the no-fly list must not only be restricted from legally acquiring firearms, but proper procedures must be in place to confiscate firearms should they fall into their hands. I join my fellow IDC members in support of the Deny Firearms to Dangerous Terrorists Act, and urge my colleagues in the legislature to pass this law,” said State Senator David Carlucci.

“Suspending a suspected terrorist’s ability to obtain and possess a firearm while they’re on the no-fly list is a common sense measure in the wake of worldwide terrorist attacks. There is a reason that these individuals have been barred from air travel and if the FBI feels that they are a potential liability, we should absolutely factor that assessment in regard to their ability to bear firearms. As elected officials, we are responsible for doing everything we can to keep our constituents safe and that starts by not allowing weapons to fall into the hands of terrorists,” said State Senator Tony Avella.


Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., City Council Member Ritchie Torres and City Council Member Vanessa L. Gibson today announced the formation of the Bronx Public Housing Authority Task Force.

The new task force will work with New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) tenants, law enforcement agencies, elected officials, community organizations and others to focus on solutions to crime and public safety issues that affect the borough’s NYCHA developments. The task force will officially launch in January 2016.

“Our NYCHA developments are home to some of our most vulnerable populations, and they deserve to live in a safe space free from the fear of crime. Recent reports have put the issue of crime and gang activity in NYCHA housing into clear focus, and through this new task force we will be able to create and implement a clear vision for a safer NYCHA in our borough, in collaboration with law enforcement agencies and the community-at-large. I thank Council Members Torres and Gibson for their commitment to this critical initiative, and I am hopeful that the ideas we put forward for The Bronx could prove useful for all five boroughs,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

"Gang violence is a serious and disturbing problem that we must tackle by addressing its root social and economic factors that lead to it. This taskforce will look at how we can reduce gang violence and ensure young men of color can lead productive lives that are not defined by guns. I look forward to working with my colleagues to confront the challenges and develop solutions that will make our borough and City safer," said Council Member Ritchie Torres, Chair of the Council's Public Housing Committee.

I am proud to join Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Chair of the Committee on Public Housing, Bronx Council Member Ritchie Torres, as we embark on a task force to address the growing needs of Bronx NYCHA residents. Everyone deserves a safe and secure community in which to live. Together, this task force will address the public safety and quality of life issues that have plagued the residents of these developments for far too long. I look forward to working with my colleagues on this project and continuing our work to create a better and brighter Bronx for all,” said Council Member Vanessa L. Gibson, Chair of the Committee on Public Safety.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

100 PERCENT Sunday December December 13 2015

By Robert Press

Bronx County News

   You may be asking what is the Bronx County News, and the answer is the Bronx County News is a new newspaper that will be coming out in a Wednesday December 16th. The Bronx County News will be published every other week, and the week the Bronx County News is not printed 100 PERCENT will be found here on this blog as it has been the past several weeks.  There will be many other interesting items in the Bronx County News of interest to you, and the paper will be found from the top of the Bronx in Riverdale to the bottom of the borough that being in Soundview, and almost every neighborhood in between. I am not going to tell you any more about the Bronx County News as you will have to read the newspaper to find the next 100 PERCENT column which is titled "Who Is Going to Be Next?'. That is a reference to the latest conviction of former State Senate Majority Leader (and now former state Senator) Dean Skelos. That coming almost a week after the conviction of former State Assembly Speaker (and now former Assemblyman) Sheldon Silver. That is why the question 'Who Is Going to Be Next?'. 
   Also in the first issue of the Bronx County News in the 100 PERCENT column is my advice to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on how to cross a street safely, among several other items. 
     Now that I have teased you with some of what will be in the 100 PERCENT column be sure to pick up your copy of the Bronx County News. 
      If you have any political information that you want to share or have checked out, any comments about this column, or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on this blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press. 

Belmont Christmas Tree Lighting 2015

  It was the Christmas tree that almost did not happen this year as the New York Post reported that a security guard was hired to chase away panhandlers and homeless people in Ciccrone Park on Arthur Avenue in the Belmont section of the Bronx. That would mean there was no money for a Christmas tree this year. Channel 2 News along with some help from this blogger (it was this blogs photo of last years Christmas tree in Ciccrone Park that appeared in the Channel 2 story) helped shed light on the Christmas tree problem. It was said that the Belmont BID had to hire a security guard because there were panhandlers and homeless people in the park and around the BID area. It seemed that no one told the merchants who wind up paying for the BID through their landlords or property taxes, and many of them were angry.
  After the Channel 2 story broke it seemed that area Councilman Ritchie Torres and the BID along with a few other contributors were able to buy a Christmas tree, bring Santa back again to the park this past Saturday (during his very busy season), and have music, cookies, and other goodies for the kids. Last year there were less than 150 people who showed up, but that was due to the rain that was falling last year on the tree lighting night. This year almost 500 people were on hand with a few Parks Enforcement Police, and officers from the 48th Precinct including the commanding officer. Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., stopped by to see the tree lighting, and take several photos with many of the neighborhood residents. City Councilman Ritchie Torres spoke of the importance of the tree lighting, and how he was glad to help. 78th A.D. Assemblyman Jose Rivera did not show up again this year, but 80th A.D. Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj was on hand, and Assemblyman Gjonaj brought with him what seems to be his choice to run against Assemblyman Jose Rivera, that being Bronx Community Board 7 member Ischia Bravo.  

Above - Santa took pictures with all the children. 
Below - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. also took photos with children, but it was their parents who really wanted their photos with the BP.

Above - Local Councilman Ritchie Torres thanks Santa for coming, and tells that he was glad to help bring the Christmas tree lighting to Ciccrone Park this year.
Below - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. (left with hat), Belmont Community Activist Jose Padilla Jr. (with his Christmas vest), Councilman Ritchie Torres (middle), 80th A.D. Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, and Ischia Bravo (probable candidate for 78th A.D.).  

The 2015 Belmont Ciccrone Park Christmas tree.

Wreaths Across America

  The Bronx Veterans Coalition, American Legion, Borinquen Post 1951 and Military Woman In power are in a participatory project with Wreaths Across America. Our Goal is to Provide our Fallen Guardians of freedom with a holiday wreath. approximately 225 Wreaths Are needed to for this mission. We are humbly asking that you assist us in executing this yearly mission. The Wreaths are scheduled to be place on the 18th of December.

Phone Scams, Springsteen Ticket Gouging & More

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Protecting New Yorkers Against Phone Scams

Following an uptick in reports of telephone scammers, the Attorney General released tips to defend against these fraudsters. New Yorkers have recently reported scammers posing as officials from the Internal Revenue Service and the Attorney General’s Office. The scammers typically target seniors, students and first generation Americans, and are often looking to uncover personal information. New Yorkers should remember to never give out personal information when receiving an unsolicited call, and to always be suspicious of those who ask to keep the conversation private. And remember, the safest thing to do is always to say “no” and hang up. Those who believe they have been the victim of fraud should contact the office immediately.

Standing Up For Religious Liberty

The Attorney General sent a letter to leading civil rights and Muslim advocacy groups reiterating his commitment to enforce all laws protecting religious liberty and equality. While some have chosen to exploit fear and anger by targeting certain religious minorities, the Attorney General emphasized that his office stands ready to enforce all state and federal civil rights laws protecting the liberty and equality of people of all religions. Anyone who is aware of potential violations should contact the office’s Civil Rights bureau at (212) 416-8250 or This is just the latest step the Attorney General has taken to protect religious liberty. In 2011, his office launched the Religious Rights Initiative, which is dedicated to addressing religious discrimination claims and ensuring that anti-discrimination laws are aggressively enforced. The Attorney General has also reached an agreement with a municipal healthcare organization to safeguard all employees' rights to religious accommodations in 2012. And this past February, the Attorney General’s office joined a coalition of states in filing a friend-of-the-court brief with the US Supreme Court in support of a Muslim woman who had been denied employment at an Abercrombie & Fitch store because she wore a hijab.

Cracking Down On Foreclosure Rescue Scam Advertisements

This week the Attorney General announced an innovative partnership with state media associations to stop rampant and unlawful advertising of foreclosure rescue scams. Scammed homeowners have frequently reported that they were lured by ads the scammers placed in local media outlets, as these trusted outlets are often used as vehicles to target vulnerable New Yorkers. To combat this, the Attorney General’s is partnering with the New York News Publishers Association, New York Press Association and the New York State Broadcasters Association to help local outlets scrutinize advertisements to identify possible scammers. These scams are particularly repugnant because they take victims of the housing crash and make them victims again, and the Attorney General thanks the media associations for working to ensure that scammers cannot exploit New Yorkers. 

Holding Restaurant Owners Accountable For Wage Theft

The owner of a restaurant in Westchester has pleaded guilty for failing to pay minimum wage and overtime to workers. Elisa Parto hired cooks, cleaners and cashiers who were all owed the minimum wage for hours worked, as well as overtime at one and one half times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week. As part of the plea, Parto will be required to pay $47,000 in unpaid wages, which will be distributed to six former employees. The Attorney General has consistently taken a firm stance on the minimum wage and overtime violations, and protecting the livelihoods of hardworking New Yorkers will continue to be a priority for his office. 

Preventing The Use Of Forged Narcotic Prescriptions

The Attorney General announced the arrest of a Schenectady nurse for allegedly obtaining narcotics by presenting prescriptions with the forged signature of a physician assistant at the hospital. It is alleged that Kristie Clemovich presented seven prescriptions to Rite Aid and Walmart pharmacies that were issued in the names of relatives of Clemovich and which bear the forged signature of a physician assistant. The alleged forged alleged prescriptions were discovered as a result of New York’s I-STOP Prescription Monitoring Program, an online database that enables doctors and pharmacists to report and track controlled narcotics in real time. This case shows that I-STOP is working as envisioned, and the Attorney General will continue to root out prescription drug abuse epidemic that has ruined lives and ripped families apart across our state. 

Stopping Medicaid Fraud

The Attorney General announced the guilty pleas of two Schenectady personal care aides for submitting false time sheets to an area Physicians Health Plan. The false submission caused more than $1,000 each in theft of Medicaid funds, as the duo failed to provide in-home personal care that they claimed to perform.

In a separate instance, a Rochester nurse has been arrested for allegedly stealing nearly $5,000 from the Medicaid program. Erica Viverette allegedly repeatedly billed Medicaid for the care of four medically fragile individuals, which she never performed.  When individuals exploit the Medicaid program’s flexibility and a patient’s vulnerability, it takes away from those who are in need of basic health care services.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Dean Skelos and Son Adam Found Guilty on All Eight Counts

  Last week former Assembly Speaker and now former Assemblyman Sheldon Silver was found guilty on all seven counts in the indictment by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara.

  Today it the State Senate's turn as former State Senate Majority Leader, and now former State Senator Dean Skelos along with his son Adam Skelos were both found guilty on all eight counts in the indictment by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara. It was not disclosed just how much time either Skelos would be facing in jail, but that will be decided at the sentencing that will be announced soon.

  The U.S. Attorney has the following statement on the conviction of both Dean and Adam Skelos.

 “The swift convictions of Sheldon Silver and Dean Skelos beg an important question – how many prosecutions will it take before Albany gives the people of New York the honest government they deserve?” 

  The only question now is -Who will be next?

Bronx Assemblyman Michael Blake to Join Hilltop Public Solutions Consulting Firm

  Politico is reporting that current 79th A.D. Assemblyman Michael Blake will become a partner at Hilltop Public Solutions a political consulting firm. Politico also says that Hilltop never mentioned the fact that Blake is a current sitting New York State Assemblyman or if Blake would leave his position as a New York State assemblyman. They do mention that Hilltop is home to several political consultants who are close advisors to Mayor Bill de Blasio such as Hilltops founder Nick Baldick, Bill Hayes from de Blasio's 2013 campaign, and Rebecca Katz also from the de Blasio campaign team and then administration.  

  It was Ms. Katz Politico continues who said that Assemblyman Blake would not be stepping down from the New York State Assembly after joining Hilltop. Assemblyman Blake told Politico that his work for them would be of a national or international nature, having nothing to do with New York State. The entire Politico article can be found here.