Tuesday, February 2, 2016


  Kicking off Black History Month in the Bronx, Civil Rights pioneer Claudette Colvin and Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams were honored by Council Member Andy King and the Bronx Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) on Monday, Feb. 1 at their annual “Celebrating Our History” program at Evander Childs High School, Library, 800 E. Gun Hill Road, Bronx.

This year’s theme is “Celebrating Our History: Stories Untold.”

Ms. Colvin, now a Bronx resident, has been referred to as “The Other Rosa Parks.” On March 2, 1955, 15-year-old Claudette Colvin was arrested after refusing to give up her seat to a white woman on a Montgomery, Ala., bus nine months before Mrs. Rosa Parks committed the same defiant act.

“I consider myself to be a survivor of the Civil Rights movement because so many lives were lost in the movement,” said Ms. Colvin, recalling her story to more than 150 elementary- and middle-school Bronx students.

Council Member King said Ms. Colvin was an inspiration for the civil rights movement. 

“You are in the presence of living history. She is a pioneer,” said Council Member King.

Also speaking at the program was Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams, who, for the past 30 years, has served the residents of New York City as a police officer, state senator and coalition builder. He encouraged the youngsters to become volunteers and instructed them on “three important facts:” 1) Know how to shake hands; 2) Look into eyes of the person you’re speaking to and; 3) State who you are with your name, age and what you want to be.

“Never give up. Let your haters become your waiters when you sit down and dine,” said Adams. “This is your universe; decide what you will make of it.”

Council Member King and Bronx YEP members Jhaniya Smith and Vincent Middleton presented Adams with a “Recognizing Real Leadership Award” and Ms. Colvin received the “Celebrating Our History Award” in recognition of her contribution to the Civil Rights Movement.

Photo: Courtesy of Office of Council Member Andy King. Picture from left: Jamaal Bailey, Office of NYS Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie; Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, Vincent Middleton, Claudette Colvin, WBLS Personality Dr. Bob Lee, NYC Council Member Andy King, Jerome Rice, President of Co-op City NAACP, and Jhaniya Smith.

Friends of VCP's February 2016 Enewsletter

Friends of Van Cortlandt 
Park's February 2016 

We had our first snowstorm of the season and Van Cortlandt Park was beautiful in all of the snow.  Hope everyone stayed warm and safe during the storm.  We have been taking advantage of these cold days to plan for our spring events.  Visit our events page to see what we have planned.  

image1 2
Sunset in Van Cortlandt Park on the day after the storm.  Photo by Susan Brenner.

In the meantime, we will be tabling at the 22ndAnnual Bronx Parks Speak Up: Using Parks and Green Spaces to Positively Impact Community Health on February 20th from 11am to 5pm at Lehman College.  Hope you will join us there.   

And if you haven't yet please make suggestions on how to improve access to Van Cortlandt Park through Parks Without Borders.  Parks Without Borders is an NYC Parks initiative to make parks more open, welcoming, and beautiful by focusing on improving entrances, edges, and park-adjacent spaces. As part of OneNYC , Mayor Bill de Blasio has dedicated $50 million to the program.  Visit theParks Without Borders Information page  to find out more about how this program works and suggest projects that should be considered.

Hope to see you in the park soon!
Christina and all of your Friends at the Friends of VCP

P.S. Don't forget to follow us on Social Media to keep posted on what is happening in the Park.

Assemblymember Michael Blake - Celebrating Black History Month

  Today marks the first day of Black History Month, a time when we come together as a nation to celebrate the rich history and many contributions of African Americans. We stand on the shoulders of giants and continue to make great progress. We have a shared responsibility to continue the legacy of our predecessors who overcame many challenges and sacrificed their dreams to make our dreams possible. As we reflect, let us also recognize the history being made today. I had the distinct honor of serving under the first African American President and have continued my service as a New York State Assemblymember fighting for issues that are important to the African American community. We have made great strides nationally and also here in our great city, where we have the first African American Speaker of the New York State Assembly, Public Advocate of NYC, Brooklyn Borough President and female Bronx District Attorney. Everyday, we are making Black History, but, we take time to especially reflect and celebrate Black History Month.

Monday, February 1, 2016

New York City Public Advocate - Fighting for Children and Holding DOE Accountable

My fellow New Yorkers, 

Our City is responsible for providing a free and quality education to all children - including over 200,000 children with special education needs. 

But unfortunately, the City's Department of Education (DOE) is failing to properly track the needs of students with disabilities, resulting in a severe lack of services for these children and a loss of hundreds of millions worth of Medicaid revenue for the City. 

That's why this morning, I filed a lawsuit against DOE to force them to fix the broken computer system that is responsible for this failure to deliver basic services. 

I was joined this morning by Modisha, whose 6-year-old son has autism. He is supposed to receive services such as cognitive and behavioral therapy, all year round. He has gone weeks at a time without these services because of the failing system. 

This is our second lawsuit against DOE in six months regarding special education services. In August, we sued DOE for carrying children with disabilities to school on dangerously hot buses.

DOE has failed our children with disabilities for decades - ignoring pleas of parents, students, and teachers - and we will not stop fighting to get them the education, health, and safety they deserve. 
Letitia James
New York City Public Advocate


Five violent offenders still remain in shelters near families, young children
throughout New York City

ALBANY, NY - State Senator Jeff Klein passed legislation today (S.851) that would ban violent sex offenders from temporary emergency housing and family homeless shelters.

The bill, which would require that Level 2 and 3 sex offenders be placed in adult-only housing, passed the Senate unanimously (62-0), and would bring the shelter system up to speed with current public housing law, where sex offenders are already prohibited from residing.

“The city’s most vulnerable - children and young families seeking shelter - shouldn’t have to worry that they are at risk. While these families try to get back on their feet, the City is housing known violent offenders who have been convicted of preying on children – some as young as five and seven-years-old – right next door. If the city’s Department of Homeless Services continues to refuse to protect those most in need, then we will do so through state law. This legislation is necessary to ensure that our homeless families are not being preyed upon by sex offenders allowed to reside with them,” said Senator Klein.

After the release of a disturbing report last year, “Uncovering Sex Offenders in the New York City Family Shelter System,” Senator Klein revealed that nearly a dozen violent Level 2 and 3 offenders were residing in family shelters across the city. The report revealed that each offender had been hiding in plain sight - the offender’s publicly listed address was a family shelter. In one case, after a community in The Bronx railed against the residence of a sex offender in their family shelter, the offender was moved to another family shelter in Queens.

In February of 2015, the NYC Department of Homeless Services rushed to make a public announcement that the agency would move these dangerous individuals from housing where children reside. Despite this commitment, Senator Klein’s office recently learned that five of the offenders brought to light by his report continue to reside in the same family shelter they lived in last year, including the pedophile convicted of assaulting two young children.

Level 2 and 3 Offenders Still Residing in Family Homeless Shelters
Homeless Shelter
Age of Victim
Henwood Family Residence
115 Henwood Place Bronx, NY 10453
Robert Brasier
13 years old
Cleveland Family Residence
1277 Morris Avenue Bronx, NY 10456
Henry Wren
Seneca Houses
1215 Seneca Avenue Bronx, NY 10474
Jay Taylor
20 years old and 24 years old
Tilden Hall Family Residences
2520 Tilden Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11226
Darryl Jones
15 years old
Park Family Residences
154-00 Rockaway Blvd Jamaica, NY 11434
Warren Wilder
29 years old
Lincoln Atlantic

90-35 Van Wyck Expressway Jamaica, NY 11435
Joe Doveran
7 and 5 years old

Despite the fact that this vital legislation passed the Senate in 2011, 2013, 2014 and 2015, the Assembly has failed to pass it any year.

Kosova Independence Day Celebration 2/20/16

Celebrating 8 Years of Kosova 
Save the Date! / Ruaje Daten! 

You are cordially invited to join Assemblyman 
Mark Gjonaj and numerous Albanian-American 
organizations as we celebrate the 

8th Anniversary of  
Kosova Independence  
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Maestros Caterer's
1703 Bronxdale Avenue
Bronx, NY 10462

Tickets are $25.00 each - 
Sponsorships Available
Please RSVP by contacting (347) 671-4355

Bronx Assemblyman endorses Adam for Congress!

  Bronx Assemblyman Jose Rivera has endorsed Adam Clayton Powell for Congress.  My friend, this is huge!
Assemblyman Jose Rivera is a well-respected public official who has represented the Bronx for over 30 years as a City Councilman, State Assemblyman and as the Democratic County Leader.  He is known as a fierceless advocate on behalf of his constituents and others in the various causes he has pursued over the years.
Assemblyman Jose Rivera declared:  "I've known Adam and have worked with him for over 20 years.  I saw this young man get elected to the NY City Council in 1991.  We served together in the City Council and in the State Assembly and so I have witnessed his passion and dedication to our communities.  When others were turning their backs on us, Adam was always there.  He was there to fight for the release of the Puerto Rican political prisoners.  He was there to fight for the people of Vieques and even went to jail for civil disobedience in an effort to stop the U.S. Navy from bombing that island.  Eventually, the Navy left and today the people of Vieques live in peace thanks to Adam Clayton Powell.  I have seen this young man grow.  Adam has the experience, the energy, and the commitment to represent all of us in the United States Congress."

Upcoming Feb. Events at JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center

  On Tuesday, Feb. 9th, the Annabella Gonzalez Dance Theater will present a program of modern and classical dance at 1:00 PM. Shannon Maynor  will perform the Plum Ferry solo from The Nutcracker. AGDT preserves and interprets Mexican folklore through dance. A nutritious kosher lunch of BBQ chicken breast or egg salad, brown rice pilaf, kale and fruit will be served at 12:15 PM followed by the dance program at 1:00 PM. Refreshments will be served. 
Recommended Senior Meal Contribution: $2.50 and $2.00 for event Non-senior Meal Fee: $5.00 and Event Fee: $3.00 Contact JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center office at 718-549-4700 for meal reservations by Fri. Feb. 5th. 

  On Thursday, Feb. 11th, join conductor Cesare Civetta for a “Tribute to Jack Benny,” a multimedia presentation on the life of one of the most beloved comedians of the 20th century. Civetta will share rare footage and little known details about the great entertainer. Lunch of lemon salmon or turkey salad, zucchini rice pilaf, winter blend vegetables will be served at 12:15 PM followed by the presentation at 1:00 PM. Recommended senior meal contribution is $2.50 and event contribution: $2.00.Non-senior Meal Fee: $5.00 and Event Fee: $3.00. Refreshments will be served. Contact JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center office at 718-549-4700 for meal reservations by Tues. Feb. 9th. 

  All meals at JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center are catered by Mauzone (kosher) Meal Service. We offer a daily alternate choice of main dish. Call the senior center office to request the alternative meal option from 9:30 – 10:30 AM. Refreshments are served at all special events. 
  We are located on the first floor of the Van Cortlandt Jewish Center at 3880 Sedgwick Ave. Take the Bronx #1, 2 or 10 bus to the intersection of Sedgwick Ave. and Van Cortlandt Ave. West. For more Information, please call the center office at 718-549-4700.