Thursday, February 11, 2016

Kingsbridge Armory Community Meeting

Click on the imager to make it larger, and for more information call Senator Rivera's office at 718-933-2034.


Klein Donates More Than 500 Valentine’s Day Cards and Gift Bags to Bronx Veterans

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Senator Jeff Klein, Miss USA Olivia Jordan, and P.S. 105 students pay tribute to the veterans.

State Senator Jeff Klein, joined by Miss USA 2015 Olivia Jordan and students from local schools, donated more than 500 Valentine’s Day cards and gift bags to veterans at the 21st annual “Valentine’s for Veterans” celebration held at the James J. Peters VA Medical Center on Wednesday.

“For the past 21 years, I have proudly hosted ‘Valentine’s for Veterans’ as a way to honor the sacrifices of our American heroes. This intergenerational event allows Bronx children to pay tribute to our brave service men and women and hear firsthand about their courageous acts that contributed to America’s freedom. I thank P.S. 105 for their outstanding performance, SUNY Maritime’s Color Guard, Miss USA Olivia Jordan, and our local students who prepared and donated the gift bags for the veterans,”  said Senator Klein.

“We’re excited to welcome Miss USA, our PS 105 students, and Senator Klein. Their participation just heightens the celebration and brings a special note of cheer to our veterans,” said James J. Peters VA Medical Center Medical Director, Dr. Erik Langhoff. “Our medical center’s 464 volunteers are an important part of our healthcare team and donate over 85,000 hours of their precious time to our veterans.  The National Salute program is a great way for people to learn more about helping the Veterans we serve."

“It is an honor for me to be here at Valentine’s for Vets.  After winning Miss USA last summer I have had several wonderful opportunities to thank the men and women who have served and are still serving our country and I feel it is the least I can do as Miss USA,” said Olivia Jordan, Miss USA 2015.

The event featured patriotic music by the P.S. 105 school choir and a special salute by SUNY Maritime’s color guard.

Senator Klein, Miss USA, and the students distributed Valentine’s Day cards and gift bags prepared by hundreds of students across the borough. Donations items included stationery, pens and pencils, books, playing cards, toiletries, handkerchiefs, and more.

“Valentine’s for Veterans” is held during the National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans, a weeklong celebration from February 7 – February 14 commemorating the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Services and are now cared for by the Department of Veterans Affairs in hospitals, outpatient clinics, and nursing homes across the U.S. The National Salute seeks to spread awareness and appreciation for veterans by encouraging citizens to visit hospitalized veterans in their communities.



State Senator Gustavo Rivera, Ranker of the New York State Senate Health Committee, released the following statement today after bill S779, also known as the "Happy Meal Bill", passed the Senate Health Committee. The "Happy Meal" bill, which is sponsored by Senator Rivera in the Senate and Assemblymember Felix Ortiz in the Assembly, sets nutritional standards for restaurants distributing incentive items aimed at children. The bill has now been referred to the Senate Codes Committee.
"Today, we took a step forward in directly combating the obesity epidemic that continues to affect the lives of millions of children throughout New York State. As the Ranking Member of the Health Committee and the sponsor of this bill, I'm proud that my colleagues joined me in pushing this bill towards the next step of the legislative process. By setting statewide nutritional guidelines for foods that are accompanied by toys, we are ensuring our children are able to make healthy food choices without any misguided influence, while holding restaurants accountable. I am fully committed to working with my colleagues in the Senate and Assembly to ensure that we pass this piece of legislation and continue to make fighting obesity a priority."

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj - Free Smoke/ CO Alarm Giveaway and Installations

Free Smoke/ CO Alarm Giveaways and Installation! 

We will be giving away 100-150 Smoke/CO Alarms while supplies last. All recipients are eligible for free installations. Please arrive on time; Smoke/CO alarms are available on a first come first served basis.  
Come by and arrange for a FREE smoke/CO Alarm installation in your home ! 

February 22,2016
5:00pm - 7:00pm.

Location:District Office of Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj
1126 Pelham Parkway South
Bronx, New York 10461

For more information call : (718) 409-0109

                  For more information call : (718) 409-0109

Monday, February 8, 2016

A.G. Schneiderman Announces $470 Million Joint State-Federal Settlement With HSBC To Address Mortgage Loan Origination, Servicing, And Foreclosure Abuses

Agreement To Provide Certain New York Borrowers With Loan Modifications; Foreclosed HSBC Loans May Be Eligible For Payments For Past Abuse
    Attorney General Eric Schneiderman today announced a $470 million joint state-federal settlement with mortgage lender and servicer HSBC to address mortgage origination, servicing, and foreclosure abuses.
The settlement provides direct payments to New York borrowers for past foreclosure abuses, loan modifications, and other relief for borrowers in need of assistance, rigorous mortgage servicing standards, and grants oversight authority to an independent monitor. It is estimated that New York State has nearly 136,000 HSBC loans, nearly 31% of HSBC’s total portfolio.
The settlement includes New York,48 other states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
“There has to be one set of rules for everyone, no matter how rich or how powerful, and that includes lenders who engage in abusive business practices,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “The settlement announced today is a joint partnership that will create tough new servicing standards that will ensure fair treatment for HSBC’s borrowers and provide relief to customers across New York State and across the country.”
HSBC Agreement Closely Mirrors National Mortgage Settlement
The agreement’s mortgage servicing terms largely mirrors the 2012 National Mortgage Settlement (NMS) reached in February of 2012 between the federal government, 49 state attorneys general, including New York, and the five largest national mortgage servicers. That agreement provided consumers nationwide with more than $50 billion in direct relief, created new servicing standards, and implemented independent oversight.
A subsequent state-federal agreement with SunTrust Mortgage Inc. worth nearly $1 billion was announced in June of 2014.
Attorney General Schneiderman previously announced a national, multi-billion settlement with mortgage servicing giant OCWEN in December of 2013.
Loan Modifications
The HSBC agreement requires the company to provide certain New York borrowers with loan modifications or other relief. The modifications, which HSBC chooses through an extensive list of options, include principal reductions and refinancing for underwater mortgages. HSBC decides how many loans and which loans to modify, but must meet certain minimum targets. Because HSBC receives only partial settlement credit for many types of loan modifications, the settlement will provide relief to borrowers that will exceed the overall minimum amount.
Payments to Borrowers
Nearly 136,000 eligible New York borrowers whose loans were serviced by HSBC and who lost their home to foreclosure from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2012 and encountered servicing abuse will be eligible for a payment from the national $59.3 million fund for payments to borrowers. The borrower payment amount will depend on how many borrowers file claims.
Eligible borrowers will be contacted about how to qualify for payments.
Mortgage Servicing Standards
The settlement requires HSBC to substantially change how it services mortgage loans, handles foreclosures, and ensures the accuracy of information provided in federal bankruptcy court.
The terms will prevent past foreclosure abuses, such as robo-signing, improper documentation and lost paperwork.
The settlement’s consumer protections and standards include:
  • Making foreclosure a last resort by first requiring HSBC to evaluate homeowners for other loss mitigation options;
  • Restricting foreclosure while the homeowner is being considered for a loan modification;
  • Procedures and timelines for reviewing loan modification applications;
  • Giving homeowners the right to appeal denials;
  • Requiring a single point of contact for borrowers seeking information about their loans and maintaining adequate staff to handle calls.
Independent Monitor
The National Mortgage Settlement’s independent monitor, Joseph A. Smith Jr., will oversee HSBC agreement compliance for one year. Smith served as the North Carolina Commissioner of Banks from 2002 until 2012, and is also the former Chairman of the Conference of State Banks Supervisors (CSBS). Smith will oversee implementation of the servicing standards required by the agreement and issue public reports that identify whether HSBC complied or fell short of the standards imposed by the settlement. If HSBC is alleged to have violated terms of the agreement, the states and federal agencies can seek relief through the court.
Additional Terms
The agreement resolves potential violations of civil law based on HSBC’s deficient mortgage loan origination and servicing activities. The agreement does not prevent state or federal authorities from pursuing criminal enforcement actions related to this or other conduct by HSBC, or from punishing wrongful securitization conduct that is the focus of the Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Working Group. Additionally, the agreement does not prevent any action by individual borrowers who wish to bring their own lawsuits.
The agreement will be filed as a consent judgment in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. 

Senator Klein introduces new Paid Family Leave legislation; Bill would grant New York’s hardworking families 12-weeks paid leave by 2017 Inbox x

  Bill would grant New York’s hardworking families 12-weeks paid leave by 2017

 State Senator Jeff Klein introduced Paid Family Leave legislation (S.3301A) on Monday that would grant New York’s hardworking families up to 12-weeks off to take care of a newborn or a sick loved one without fretting over finances.

“No person should ever have to choose between what their heart is telling them to do and what their bank account allows them to do. Dealing with the magical time of welcoming a newborn into the world or the essential time of seeing a loved one through a serious illness shouldn’t be a luxury for the few. We must make it a priority to pass my Paid Family Leave bill to give the workforce the time off that they need to deal with the ups and downs of life,” said Senator Klein.

Long a champion of Paid Family Leave, Senator Klein’s bill puts no burden on businesses and could cost employees as little as 27 cents a week. If passed, it could take effect by 2017 with benefits incrementally increasing as employees pay into the system until 2020 when full benefits are realized.

Under this proposal, workers taking Paid Family Leave could receive:

  • ⅔ of the employee’s average weekly wage, up to 35% of the statewide average weekly wage by January 1, 2017.

  • 70% of the employee’s average weekly wage, up to 40% of the statewide average weekly wage by April 1, 2018.

  • 75% of the employee’s average weekly wage, up to 45% of the statewide average weekly wage by April 1, 2019.

  • 80% of the employee’s average weekly wage, up to 50% of the statewide average weekly wage by April 1, 2020.

A Paid Family Leave eligible employee must work for a business for at least four weeks.

Federal law allows workers to take 12-weeks of unpaid family leave, but working- and middle-class New Yorkers cannot afford to be out of work for without pay for a three month period.

California, New Jersey and Rhode Island have enacted Paid Family Leave proposals.

As a father of two young children, I know first-hand how important it is for a parent to be there for a child in their early years. Unfortunately many families are forced to make the unfair choice of being able to truly care for their newborn or earn the income they need to survive. Enacting comprehensive paid family leave will greatly improve the quality of life of countless middle class New Yorkers. We owe this to our children and our children's children,” said Senator David Carlucci.

“As the cost-of-living in New York rises, it has become increasingly difficult to raise a family or care for a sick loved one, while trying to keep your financial head above water. Many families struggle with choosing between their personal and work lives, when they should be focused on welcoming a new family member or staying by their loved one’s bedside. New York State has always been a leader, and now is the time for us to lead again - we must pass Paid Family Leave,” said Senator Diane Savino.

“Upstate New York has always had some of the hardest working families in the state. When families are faced with a big change - the arrival of a child or a family member’s illness - they deserve the peace of mind that, after working hard every day, they will not be forced to choose between caring for those who are most important or their paycheck. That is why I am proud to support Paid Family Leave. Together, we can ensure that every family has the peace of mind they deserve,” said Senator David Valesky.

“As a long time advocate for affordability in New York, I understand how important Paid Family Leave is to New York’s working and middle class families. Raising a family in an increasingly expensive city has left many people trying to balance their budget over spending time with loved ones when they are most in need. Many New Yorkers already recognize this - with 80 percent of New Yorkers supporting Paid Family Leave. It’s time for the legislature to recognize this, too, and to pass Paid Family Leave,” said Senator Avella.

Welcome 19 New Members to The Bronx Chamber of Commerce

  WELCOME 19 New Members!

Since December 2015 to February 8, 2016 - Nineteen New Member Companies have joined The Bronx Chamber of Commerce. They are:
A.S.A.P Mortgage 
ATM  Advantage
Apple Bank
Century 21 Schneider Realty
Cablevision Media
Destructive Game World LLC
Financial Services
Flushing Bank
Home Helpers
ISE Office
Informa Energy Inc
Morgan Stanley
New York Life
Pergolis Swartz Inc
S & M Moving
Sothebys International
Stadium Tennis Center
South Bronx Overall
Williams Center  / Jackson ddp
Let's keep the momentum going to make a Greater Bronx Chamber of Commerce. 

I need your support and cooperation to strongly request companies that you do business with to join the Bronx Chamber of Commerce. If you do not ask, it does not happen.

Inform your contacts that "if they want do continue to do business with you and your company, they should join the Bronx Chamber of Commerce". If you make it a requirement, they will join!

We are witnessing a renaissance in our great borough that is unprecedented. Together, we will grow the Chamber, enhance its influence and further improve the image of "The Bronx"!
Below is a Brochure that includes a Membership Application. If you need a supply of the printed Brochure to distribute or display in your office or place of business, please contact Josann Ferguson at (718) 828-3900.

Nunzio Del Greco
President and CEO
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"The Network For Business Success"
1200 Waters Place, Suite 106
Bronx, NY 10461
Please mark your calendar and plan on attending some of 
the following events:
February 11, 2016   Annual Valentine's Business Networking
                                Marriott Resident Inn 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
February 24, 2016  African American Heritage Cocktail Party
                                Tosca Marquee 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm
March 9, 2016         Irish Heritage Luncheon
                                Rambling House 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
March 18, 2016       Women of Distinction Luncheon
                                Villa Barone Manor 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
April 13, 2016          Annual Gala
                          Marina del Rey Caterers 5:30 pm -10:30 pm
May 3, 2016            Annual Golf Outing
                                Trump Links 11:30 am - 8:00 pm
June 16, 2016          Annual Business Expo
                            The Mall at Bay Plaza 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

December 14, 2016   Annual Holiday Party  
       Villa Barone Manor 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm


  Will seek court injunction to block imposition of the new charges 

  Assemblyman Luis SepĂșlveda and State Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr. have scheduled a rally of Parkchester owner-residents for the afternoon of Feb. 10, at 4:00 p.m., in front of the management office to continue their protest against management and the board’s plan to impose a 15+ percent monthly increase in common charges assessed to Parkchester South condo owners. They will also announce plans to file for an injunction to block imposition of the common charges hike, with individual owners to be asked to contribute $15 for legal costs. 

“The fact that repairs may be necessary throughout Parkchester South,” said SepĂșlveda, “does not give management or the board carte blanche to do as they please and without any discussion impose draconian increases that will be devastating to the elderly, single families, the disabled, and others who are already struggling to keep up.” 

SepĂșlveda added that Parkchester South management and board “needs to be more accountable and to participate in meetings with the community and its elected officials.” 

State Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr. joined in support. “While Parkchester Management insists that they are operating with full transparency, it’s more than two months that I have been waiting for them to send me a copy of the projected budget for 2016,” said Diaz. “This sudden boost of more than 15 percent in the monthly maintenance burden is unaffordable and unacceptable for the families, seniors, and residents who never saw it coming. 

“I also need to be very clear,” continued Diaz, “especially as a government official, that I refuse to partake in any closed-door meetings with Parkchester management. If management has something to say or to share, we all need to be able to hear what it is." 

For further information please contact Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda at 718-931-2620.