Tuesday, March 1, 2016



Part of 10-fold increase in free legal services for tenants under de Blasio administration
Specialists go door-to-door, securing building repairs and bringing free legal help.

Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced the newly created Tenant Support Unit resolved its 1,000th tenant case since it launched in July 2015, keeping tenants in their homes and protecting affordable housing in fast-changing neighborhoods. 

The proactive unit goes door-to-door in neighborhoods across the city, informing tenants of their rights, documenting building violations, soliciting complaints related to harassment and eviction, and making referrals to free legal support whenever necessary. 

The Tenant Support Unit is part of a multi-pronged approach Mayor de Blasio has implemented to fight displacement. It includes a ten-fold increase in free legal services for tenants ­– totaling $62 million – that will be fully implemented this year. The administration has also pursued an aggressive preservation program, locking more than 26,000 apartments to date into long-term affordability agreements that help low-income families stay in their homes for decades to come. 

Evictions by City Marshals have decreased 24 percent since Mayor de Blasio took office, down from 28,849 in 2013 to 21,988 in 2015. 

“When it comes to protecting tenants and affordable housing, we don’t wait for a 311 call to come in. We have teams knocking on doors in fast-changing neighborhoods to solve problems then and there. This is a new strategy that’s helping us keep New Yorkers in their homes and fight displacement before it happens,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Modeled after the outreach program for Pre-K for All that successfully enrolled 68,500 children in free, full-day Pre-K, the Tenant Support Unit reaches New Yorkers directly. Since it launched in July 2015, specialists from the unit have knocked on more than 57,000 doors and called more than 23,000 tenants, identifying 2,400 New Yorkers that needed help. 1,000 of those cases have been resolved so far, and agencies and legal service providers are addressing the remainder. 

Key efforts of the Tenant Support Unit:

  • Know Your Rights: Specialists are trained to educate tenants about their fundamental rights in multiple languages, ensuring tenants are not intimidated or deceived into accepting a buyout offer or illegal surcharges on their legal rent.

  • Securing Repairs: Specialists help tenants document complaints about inadequate heat or hot water, infestations and mold, and work directly with HPD’s Division of Code Enforcement to secure necessary repairs.

  • Referrals to Free Legal Services: When specialists encounter evidence of harassment or illegal eviction, they refer tenants to a City-contracted, free legal service provider who can represent tenants in housing court. More than 500 such referrals have been made so far. Combined with 311 referrals, the City’s augmented legal services have aided more than 10,000 tenants over the past year.

“Legal services are an essential part of helping tenants stay in their homes, reducing homelessness and preserving affordable housing. The City's free legal services for tenants have already served 10,000 households,” said Human Resources Administration Commissioner Steven Banks

“The multi-pronged anti-harassment strategy the de Blasio administration has implemented across New York City – which includes the Tenant Support Unit – has been invaluable in helping to protect tenants who are being pressured by bad-apple landlords seeking to push them out through neglect and other tactics. We congratulate the Tenant Support Unit on this impressive first milestone, and their work helping tenants and the City fight property owners who are not playing by the rules,” said Housing Preservation and Development Commissioner Vicki Been.

“With fears running high over tenant displacement by unscrupulous landlords, it is great to know northern Manhattan residents, as well as those across the city, have a dedicated team to back them up,” said Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez. “Less than a full year in and the Tenant Support Unit is already showing overwhelmingly positive results. The peace of mind for tenants – knowing they have free legal support to fight back, inspectors to keep them safe in their buildings and a dedicated team fighting to preserve housing affordability ­– is immeasurable. I urge anyone facing harassment, unsafe living conditions or eviction to contact the Tenant Support Unit right away. Every hardworking New Yorker deserves affordable housing. The de Blasio administration is dedicated to this goal, not just through getting this housing built, but by protecting those who already have it.”

“Legal services are vital in combating the eviction epidemic, reducing homelessness and ensuring the voices of vulnerable New Yorkers can be heard,” said Council Member Mark Levine. “New York City has implemented a comprehensive strategy to change the game for tenants, level the playing field and bring crucial support directly to their doors. I commend Mayor de Blasio and my colleagues for aggressively fighting displacement in our neighborhoods so more hard-working New Yorkers can live comfortably in their homes.”

“The Tenant Support Unit has partnered with my office to great effect. The initiative's focus on linking tenants with the legal services they need has been crucial to helping people stay in their homes. I commend Mayor de Blasio for his work on this initiative,” said Assembly Member Guillermo Linares.

“Since 1979, the Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation has been providing anti-displacement services that are key to keeping families and communities intact. NMIC applauds the Mayor's efforts to support legal services, and the allocation of additional funds will increase our capacity to provide much needed eviction prevention services,” said Maria Lizardo Executive Director of the Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation.


This seems to be great news for Manhattan residents, but what is being done in the Bronx? 

Assemblymember Michael A. Blake - Pre-K For All Open Enrollment

The Pre-K for All application deadline for families with four-year-olds born in 2012 isFriday, March 4th! This includes children with disabilities and children whose home language is not English.
Pre-K for All provides free, full-day, high-quality pre-K and will lay the foundation of skills and knowledge to prepare for our children for school and life. All programs create a high-quality learning experience designed to support how young children learn and develop. Apply now! Families who apply will receive an offer letter in early May 2016, more than a month earlier than last year.
How to Apply
Pre-K is offered at NYC Department of Education (NYCDOE) district schools, Pre-K Centers, charter schools, and NYC Early Education Centers (NYCEECs). Pre-K Centers are district-based, NYCDOE-operated programs that serve only pre-K students. NYCEECs (also known as community-based organizations, or CBOs) are private organizations that partner with the NYCDOE to provide pre-K programs.
There are three ways to apply using a single application, available in ten language. Interpretation services are provided in over 200 languages for applications submitted over the phone and in person.
o    Online at nyc.gov/prek.
o    Over the phone by calling 718-935-2067.
o    In person, at a Family Welcome Center.

Explore Your Options
 A list of available programs will be provided in the Pre-K Directory, which is accessible on the pre-K website in ten languages. Printed copies of the Directory are available at district schools, NYCEECs, Family Welcome Centers, libraries, and other community centers. For the most up-to-date information, families are encouraged to use Pre-K Finder online.
For additional support, please contact the Pre-K for All Outreach Team at 212-637-8000 or pre-k@schools.nyc.gov.
Assemblyman Michael Blake

KRVC - Upcoming Events

KRVC's 2016 Calendar of Events

Thursday, March 31 
Community Jazz Concert,7-9:30pm at Kelly Ryan's, 
5790 Mosholu Avenue, Bronx, NY 10471

SundayApril 17
Greenway Day, 1-3pm
at Riverdale Station Park, West 254th Street,
 and the Hudson River, Bronx, NY 10471

SundayMay 1
South Riverdale Avenue Festival, 1-5pm
Riverdale Avenue,
236th-238th Street,
Bronx, NY 10463  

SaturdayJune 4
Boat Rides, Schedule TBA & Movie on the River, 8pm at the College of Mount Saint Vincent

Sunday, June 5
Riverdale RiverFest,
12-6pm at the College of Mount Saint Vincent

Saturday, July 23
Movie in Seton Park,
7-10 pm, 232nd Street
and Riverdale Avenue,
Bronx, NY 10463

SaturdaySeptember 10Movie in Vinmont Park,
7-10pm, 255th Street
and Mosholu Avenue,
Bronx, NY 10471

Sunday, September 18 Johnson Avenue Festival,1-5pm, Johnson Avenue, 235th-236th Street,
Bronx, NY 10463  

Monday, February 29, 2016


   A new audit released today of the South Bronx Charter School for International Cultures and the Arts by New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer found unauthorized expenditures that include travel, $16,000 spent on MetroCards that could not be accounted for and thousands in overpayments to the principal.
“Nothing is more important than the education of our children,” Comptroller Stringer said. “If we are going to make sure that every child in our City has a fair and fighting chance to succeed, we must ensure that money spent on their education actually goes toward that goal. The South Bronx Charter School for International Cultures and the Arts must take immediate action to correct overpayments and overhaul its financial oversight.”
The financial audit examined whether the South Bronx Charter School for International Cultures and the Arts, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt not-for-profit education corporation overseen by a Board of Trustees, had proper internal controls in place to ensure responsible oversight of its fiscal affairs from July 2012 through June 2014.  The audit is the first in aseries of charter school audits that the Comptroller announced in October 2014.
The Comptroller’s office reviewed $876,016 in operating expenditures and found that $104,915 were not properly documented and an additional $31,151 in charges were not properly authorized.  Main findings of the audit include:
Poor oversight of credit card expenditures
  • Auditors sampled $40,263 worth of credit card transactions and found $10,194, or 25 percent, had insufficient documentation, such as original invoices or copies of receipts. Of this amount, there was no documentation whatsoever for $2,095 in charges, including $230 for an unexplained car rental on the principal’s credit card along with phone bills, meals and shipping charges.
  • $7,129 of these charges had no itemized receipts, of which $6,473 were for meals.
  • An additional $7,125 in travel expenses for the principal were not approved by the board for trips to Boston, Albany, and Las Vegas.
Principal overpaid by $23,000 for work that is part of her employment agreement 
  • The principal was compensated a total of $23,000 for work as a supervisor at an after-school program during the school year even though managing school programs during the school year is part of her contractual responsibilities.
School-based checking account used improperly
  • The school bypassed controls that require proper documentation and authorization by using a school-based account, which is intended for small purchases and emergency payments that require less documentation and approvals, instead of the main checking account.
  • As a result, out of the sample reviewed, the audit found $4,039 in payments made by a single staffer without any of the required approvals; $4,286 in payments purportedly made to a vendor that did not contain the vendor’s business address, phone and fax number and taxpayer ID; and additional payments including $4,725 in teacher training and $33,149 in off-site storage units that were improperly processed.
  • An additional $5,923 was spent without adequate documentation, including two payments totaling $1,525 where invoices were dated months after purchases were made.
$16,000 spent on MetroCards that were not tracked
  • The school purchased 180 30-day unlimited MetroCards for students, but was unable to provide signed receipts from parents for 143, worth $16,000.
The Comptroller’s Office recommended that the school:
  • Update its written policies to address internal control weaknesses;
  • Improve how it maintains receipts and records to ensure school funds are used for proper purposes;
  • Refer the principal’s after school payments to the Board for review and recoup funds if necessary; and
  • Continue its efforts to help teachers gain their certifications.
“There’s no excuse for thousands of dollars to slip through the cracks, and it’s even more concerning when those funds should have gone toward the education of our schoolchildren.  The school should continue to take steps to improve how it operates to better serve its students,” Stringer said.
To read the full audit, please click here.


  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. is partnering with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation to help Bronx businesses do more business with the transit authority.

The MTA and the BOEDC, which serves as the borough president’s economic development arm, will co-host a business development seminar titled “Learn How to do Business with the MTA,” on Tuesday, March 8, 2016. The event will take place at the Bronx Museum of the Arts, 1040 Grand Concourse, and will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The event will provide an opportunity for certified minority, women-owned, disadvantaged or small business enterprises to learn about contracting and procurement opportunities available with the MTA.

“From construction to concessions and everything in between, there is tremendous opportunity for MWBE’s, small businesses and others to do business with the MTA. Our four forthcoming Metro North stations in the East Bronx will offer tremendous contracting opportunities close to home, and the maintenance of such an enormous transit system requires constant procurement. I want Bronxites to be able to take advantage of these opportunities, and I hope our business community will take advantage of this important event,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

"We are delighted to work with Borough President Diaz and the BOEDC to help increase opportunities for all businesses that could be interested in doing work that will further our Capital Program," said MTA Chairman and CEO Thomas F. Prendergast. "Not only is it the right thing to do, but to the extent we can increase involvement of new firms, over the long term, we expect greater competition will help the MTA's bottom line."

“We have worked tirelessly to bring new projects, a new vision and thousands of new jobs to The Bronx in the last six years.  By providing our Bronx businesses with new mentoring, training and access opportunities with the state, we will add to the level of prosperity we are currently experiencing in our borough,” said Marlene Cintron, President of the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation.

Businesses interested in participating in this seminar should RSVP to George Llanos at gllanos@mtahq.org. The complete flyer for the event can be downloaded at https://flic.kr/p/ECdgc5.

Music Titans to Host Fundraiser for Ischia Bravo - Tue. March 1st

As momentum builds for her groundbreaking candidacy, entertainment industry heavyweights
Will endorse Ms. Bravo's vision for the 78th Assembly District and The Bronx

On Tuesday March 1st, 2016, Power 105.1 radio personality, Angela Yee and Executive Vice President of Def Jam Recordings, Shawn "Pecas" Costner, will join community leader, Ischia Bravo, for a special gathering of young professionals in support of Ms. Bravo’s bid to represent the 78th Assembly District of The Bronx.

Ischia Bravo, the former Executive Director of the Bronx Democratic County Committee under now-Speaker of the New York State Assembly Carl Heastie, launched her bid in early February 2016 to represent the neighborhoods of Belmont, Bedford and Kingsbridge in the State Assembly.

Ms. Bravo, 31, is a graduate of John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Hostos Community College, where she served as President of Student Government.  In addition to her time with the Democratic County Committee, her accomplishments include serving as a volunteer for the Latino Commission on AIDS, serving on the staff of both Congressman Jose Serrano & State Senator Jose M. Serrano, and serving as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention for President Barack Obama in 2012.  She is currently a member of Bronx Community Board #7.

Ms. Bravo credits her involvement with her community and the Democratic County Committee at a young age as being crucial to preserving her passion to serve the borough which raised her.  “I was given the reigns of the organization at a very young age,” relays Ms. Bravo. “I was a single mother in charge of the Democratic Committee, and I’m proud that I played a part to elect talented citizens who have gone on to serve The Bronx in an upstanding and noteworthy fashion as electedofficials.”

Ms. Bravo, now launching her own bid to serve her home district with “pride and dignity” in The Bronx and in Albany, is calling on young professionals to become more involved in their communities and the political process.  Joining Ms. Bravo in this effort on March 1st are radio personality Angela Yee of Power 105.1 and EVP of Def Jam Recordings Shawn "Pecas" Costner. 

Angela Yee is cohost of the popular The Breakfast Club's weekday morning show on Power 105.1.  Known for her candor on issues from relationships to politics, Ms. Yee has been a staple on radio since she began her career with Sirius in 2005.  In 2010, Ms. Yee moved to Power 105.1, and has since expanded her presence to TV, appearing on MTV2's Sucker Free and VH1’s reality show The Gossip Game.  

Shawn “Pecas” Costner, prior to his role as EVP at Def Jam, joined Island Def Jam as VP of Lifestyle Promotion before being promoted to SVP in 2010. Prior to his time at Island Def Jam, Coster worked in promotions for V2 Records, Elektra and Arista Records as Director of Urban Promotions for the Northeast Region.

Ms. Bravo wishes to highlight some of the great things young professionals are capable of.   “It is vital that we activate young professionals in our community,” said Ms. Bravo.  “We speak about the next generation being the future, but we cannot lose sight of the young men and women who are currently doing great things in our neighborhoods.  We cannot afford to lose valuable talent to other boroughs.”

March 1, 2016~ Bridges Bar & Lounge: 4100 E. Tremont Avenue,
Bronx NY from 6pm-9pm

You can contribute online for this event at: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/BRAVOBDAY2016
View event flyer: http://bit.ly/1oRqOUe
For more information on Ischia Bravo’s campaign, visitwww.bravoforassembly.com 

Click on the image to make it larger.

BCEQ's Harlem River Water Conference 3/23 at 5 pm

Spring is coming

So, it is time to start 
Talking about the Bronx side of the Harlem River Waterfront at the 
Bronx Council for Environmental Quality (BCEQ) 
15th Annual Water Conference & Membership Meeting.  
We are celebrating all the good news.

Manhattan College
3840 Corlear Avenue at 238th St., Bronx, NY 10463
Wednesday, March 23, 2016 from 5 to 7 pm
 Join us!

Harlem River (HR) News:

BCEQ’s HR Brownfield Opportunity Area Plan Step 2 and Designation completed in Bronx Community Boards 4, 5, 7 & 8

Parks Department HR Watershed Planning Project, and Daylighting Tibbetts Brook

Friends of Van Cortlandt Park Wetland Stewardship for Healthier Bronx
Update on the HR’s own CSO Long Term Control Plan (LTCP)

Seating is Limited Please Register On Eventbrite by 3.21 at www.bit.ly/1WuYwcu or latest news on www.bceq.org 

Refreshments will be served, courtesy of ConEdison.   

BCEQ Logo Name

Sunday, February 28, 2016


New York City unemployment rate fell below the national average for the first time since 2011

  New York City created more than 90,000 private-sector jobs in 2015, the fifth straight year it has accomplished that feat, but more than half of those new jobs were in low-wage sectors, according to a Quarterly Economic Update of the City’s economic performance in the fourth quarter of 2015 released today by New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer.
“The good news is that unemployment continues to decline and more New Yorkers are employed than ever before in modern history,” Comptroller Stringer said. “But too many of these new jobs are in low-wage industries, a sector of our economy that has seen a decline in real wages during our recovery from the Great Recession. When wages are decreasing for hard-working low-income New Yorkers, they can’t afford to raise their families and build our communities, which is why we must continue to push to raise the minimum wage and ensure all workers share in our economic gains.”
The NYC Quarterly Economic Update analyzes economic trends and reports on New York City’s economy within the national context. It examines a broad range of economic indicators that reflect the City’s current conditions. These indicators include the Comptroller’s Office’s measure of Gross City Product (GCP), as well as job growth, unemployment rates, labor participation rates, income tax collections, venture capital investment, commercial real estate vacancy and rental rates, residential real estate sales, hotel occupancy rates, and public transit ridership.
Jobs, Unemployment and Wages
  • The City added a net total of 10,700 private sector jobs in the fourth quarter as compared to an increase of 27,200 in the third quarter of 2015. High-wage sectors added 6,400 jobs and low-wage sectors added 9,000 jobs while medium-wage sectors, including professions such as education and health care, lost 4,700 jobs.
  • In total, New York City created 97,700 new jobs in 2015. However, the City’s quarterly private-sector job growth of 1.2 percent was below the national growth of 2.4 percent.
  • New York City civilian employment reached a record level of about 4 million, as the City’s unemployment rate fell to 4.9 percent from 5.4 percent in the third quarter and the employment-to-population ratio reached a record 57.8 percent.
  • Of the City’s total private-sector job gains in the fourth quarter, 84 percent were in export sectors, which generate income from outside the city.

Unemployment Q42015 Graphic

  • Continued job growth was one of the factors that lowered New York City’s unemployment rate to 4.9 percent, which is 0.1 percentage points below the national rate. The last time that the City’s unemployment rate fell below the national rate was in 2011.
    • From 2009 to 2015, after adjusting for inflation, real wages for private-sector workers declined in all boroughs except for Manhattan (where they increased by 7.5 percent):
    • Real wages declined 3.0 percent in Queens;
    • Real wages declined 2.9 percent in Brooklyn;
    • Real wages declined 2.5 percent in the Bronx; and
    • Real wages declined 1.6 percent in Staten Island.
Overall City Economic Growth Continued as the Nation Stalls
  • New York City’s economy, as measured by Gross City Product (GCP), grew at a 2.5 percent annual rate in the fourth quarter of 2015. During the same period, U.S. GDP grew at a 0.7 percent rate.
  • For all of 2015, the City recorded economic growth of 3.4 percent, an improvement from 2.1 percent growth in 2014.
Real Estate Market Strengthened
  • The City’s vacancy rate for commercial property in Manhattan fell to 8.5%, its lowest fourth-quarter level since 2008.
  • On a year-over-year basis, the commercial vacancy rate dropped one percentage point in Midtown, 0.9 percentage points in Midtown South, and 0.3 percentage points in Downtown.
  • Residential apartment sales in Queens rose 32.7 percent in the fourth quarter, followed by a 24.5 percent increase in Brooklyn and 9.4 percent growth in Manhattan. Home prices increased in all three boroughs.
Venture Capital Investment Soared
  • Venture capital investment in the New York metro area rose 34 percent to about $1.6 billion in the fourth quarter of 2015, the highest fourth-quarter level since 2000.
  • For all of 2015, New York metro area investments climbed 38.7 percent to over $7.3 billion.
“New York City continues to be the engine that could, with robust job growth and economic expansion outpacing the nation.  However, not enough New Yorkers are feeling the recovery where it matters the most: in their wallets. While the City’s economy continued to grow through 2015, the prospects for strong growth in 2016 have diminished with recent volatility in the stock markets and a global economic slowdown. As always, my office will continue to monitor economic indicators and evaluate how shifts in the broader economy impact the city,” Stringer said.