Friday, March 25, 2016

Assemblyman Mark Gjona - Happy Easter

H A P P Y 
 E A S T E R
Easter brings a great opportunity for us to come together and reflect on the many blessings God has given us, while enjoying the time well spent with family and loved ones.

I would like to wish my family, friends, neighbors and community members a happy and blessed holiday weekend. May you all have a safe, joyous and blessed Easter.

~Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj

New York City Public Advocate - Keeping Our City Safe

New York City has an opportunity to lead in the fight against gun violence that is harming communities from coast to coast. With a Congress that refuses to act, it's increasingly up to cities and states to find new and innovative ways to curb violence and hold the gun industry accountable. 

This week, my office called on federal regulators to investigate Sturm, Ruger and Company, one of the largest gun manufacturers in America, for violating U.S. securities law. Americans have the right to know any potential risk associated with their money or their investments and Sturm, Ruger has a legal and moral obligation to disclose the real dangers of their products. 

Leah Gunn Barrett, Executive Director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence said: "We fully support Public Advocate James's call for the SEC to investigate Sturm, Ruger's business practices. We know that on far too many occasions, Ruger's lethal products have ended up in criminal hands. In fact, the illegal firearm market is supplied almost entirely by just 5% of licensed dealers. Manufacturers like Sturm, Ruger know who these dealers are or could easily find out. Sturm, Ruger should be required to document the integrity of their supply chain so their products aren't diverted into dangerous hands by dishonest dealers, and so that they no longer profit from the sale of guns flowing to the illegal market."

This is the second time my office has filed such a complaint with federal regulators: in December, we filed a complaint against Smith & Wesson, the manufacturer of the guns used in the San Bernardino massacre, Umpqua Community College massacre, and the Aurora movie theater massacre. 

As your Public Advocate, I will continue to hold gun makers accountable and work to make New York City safer for all.
Letitia James
New York City Public Advocate

Thursday, March 24, 2016

FVCP Response to Jogger Assault in Van Cortlandt Park

The Friends of Van Cortlandt Park is deeply disturbed by the police report that a jogger was physically assaulted by two men in the park at approximately 7:30 p.m. on March 22, 2016.  We encourage the NYPD to put all necessary resources into promptly solving this crime.  Equally important, however, is the need to increase security and maintenance resources allocated to the Van Cortlandt Park.  FVCP is actively engaged in efforts to improve the City's stewardship of the park as part of the 2034 VCP Master Plan and a key part of that effort must be a bigger presence of Park Enforcement Officers and NYPD officers.  In the meantime, we will continue to be active in the park with trails, wetlands, forest and education programs. 
It is important to remember to call 911 if there is an emergency and to report any suspicious or illegal activity within Van Cortlandt Park by calling the 50th Precinct at 718-543-5700.
To make your voice hear or help the cause, please visit

Assemblymember Michael A. Blake - Women's History Month Event This Saturday

  Assemblymember Michael A. Blake's Women’s History Month Celebration of Leaders in Economic Development, Education and Equality for All in The Bronx

Continuing his dedication to stand up for and celebrate the accomplishments of women, Assemblymember Michael Blake invites the community to join him on Saturday, March 26, 2016, at the Harriet Tubman Charter School (1176 Franklin Avenue, Bronx, NY 10456) for his annual Women's History Month celebration of leaders in Economic Development, Education and Equality for All.

The venue in the name of a trailblazer such as Harriet Tubman and at a school graduating students of color demonstrates how we celebrate our history of women while equally moving our communities forward.

Assemblymember Blake will present several distinguished members of the community with citations to honor their work advancing women’s issues and inspiring future generations of motivated, forward-thinking women and girls to continue efforts to break glass ceilings in every part of society and continue #BuildingABetterBronx.

What: Assemblymember Michael A. Blake's Women’s History Month Celebration of Leaders in Economic Development, Education and Equality for All in The Bronx
Who: Assemblymember Michael Blake; Congressmember Jose Serrano, Senator Gustavo Rivera, Assemblymember Marcos Crespo, Assemblymember Victor Pichardo, Councilmember Vanessa Gibson, and women-owned, women-run, and women-supportive community organizations; Open to the public
WhenSaturday, March 26, 201610AM-1PM
Where: Harriet Tubman Charter School; 1176 Franklin Avenue, between East 167th and East 168th Streets

For more information, contact Assemblymember Michael Blake’s office at 718-538-3829 or Britney Whaley at 702-318-1490

RSVPs are strongly encouraged.

Public Housing Chair Ritchie Torres Endorses Espaillat

  Four NYCHA Tenant Association Presidents Endorse Espaillat

   Council Member Ritchie Torres, Chairman of the Committee on Public Housing, four NYCHA tenant association presidents and scores of NYCHA residents gathered on the steps of City Hall today to endorse Adriano Espaillat for Congress. 

Espaillat, who has continually called for Congress to "get off the side lines" when it comes to public housing, announced he would call for the creation of a federal matching funds system for city and state investments in NYCHA, in addition to targeted federal review of developments where there is a high incidence of maintenance complaints and potential health hazards.

Senator Espaillat said "We need to bring funding and accountability to NYCHA. Our residents deserve to live in dignity and they have suffered long enough under crumbling infrastructure and the perils of an absentee landlord.  The federal government needs to provide the dollars to fix NYCHA and the oversight to get the job done quickly and efficiently."

Councilman Torres partnered with Espaillat last year to help secure an historic $100 million state investment in the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA). 

"I partnered with Senator Espaillat to help secure state funding for NYCHA and I have seen his deep commitment to public housing first hand," said Councilman Ritchie Torres.  "We need Adriano's energy and passion in Congress to get the federal government to reinvest in public housing."

Senator Espaillat was also endorsed at this event by tenant association presidents:Paulette Shomo, of Marble Hill Houses; Nathaniel Greene, of Dyckman Houses;Carmen QuiƱones, of Douglass Houses; and Carlton Davis, of Grant houses.

"We need someone in Congress who is going to roll-up their sleeves and fight for NYCHA. Adriano has done that in Albany, and I know he will do it in Washington. I am proud to support him for Congress," said Dyckman Houses' TA President Nathaniel Greene.  

"From roofing to boilers, our buildings need to be renovated for the 21st century, and it will take a major investment from Congress. We need Adriano in Congress because he understands the problems we face and will deliver results for our tenants," said Douglass Houses' TA President Carmen Quinones. 

"I have known Adriano for years, he walks through our buildings regularly and comes to our meetings. I know he cares, and I know he will do everything he can in Congress to make living conditions better for NYCHA's tenants," said Marble Hill Houses' TA President Paulette Shomo. 

The 13th congressional district stretches from Harlem to Inwood in upper Manhattan and covers parts of the Bronx.

Editor's Note: This is not an endorsement of State Senator Espaillat by this blog, but just reporting the news. The same has been done for other candidates in this race. 

Proximity Bill Passes the Senate Crime Victims, Crime and Correction Committee

  State Senator Gustavo Rivera released the following statement today after bill S1474, also known as the Proximity Bill, passed the New York State Senate Crime Victims, Crime and Correction Committee. The Proximity bill, which is sponsored by Senator Rivera in the Senate and Assemblymember Marcos Crespo in the Assembly, will establish a pilot project to place incarcerated individuals in facilities that are close to their home and their families. The bill has now been referred to the Senate Finance Committee.

  "I am proud that my colleagues in the Senate Crime Victims, Crime and Correction Committee have joined me in pushing the Proximity bill towards the next step of the legislative process. The implementation of this pilot program will effectively reaffirm the notion that our criminal justice system should not just focus on punishment, but also on rehabilitation. Placing incarcerated parents in facilities that are close to their children will help preserve their fundamental relationship. This pilot program does not only give the State the opportunity to be an active agent in ensuring the emotional and psychological welfare of these families, but also the ability to study the benefits of such a program, including its impact on decreasing rates of recidivism. If we are truly committed in reforming our State's criminal justice system, this transformative pilot program could represent an auspicious step. I urge my colleagues at the Senate Finance Committee to review and bring this bill to a vote. I will continue working with my colleagues in the Assembly and the Senate to ensure that this measure passes through both houses."

Editor's Note:

It is unfortunate however good this bill is that it can only come into law if State Senate and the State Assembly approves it, and then the Governor signs it into law. This is only one of the many many one house bills that will most likely never be signed into law.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016



    Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, Chair of the Assembly Puerto Rican/Hispanic Task Force, released the following statement on President Barack Obama’s visit to the Republic of Cuba.

“As President Barack Obama visits the Republic of Cuba and becomes only the second U.S. President to do so, I would like to temper the historic nature of this visit with the harsh reality being faced by 3.5 million American citizens 761 miles from Havana.

Normalizing relations with Cuba is consistent with American values of promoting democracy and protecting human freedoms.  As part of President Obama’s significant foreign policy accomplishments, normalizing relationship with Cuba after decades of an antagonistic relationship is a milestone of progress for both our nations.

However, normalizing the economy of Puerto Rico should not take a back seat to any other effort taking place in the Caribbean.

Puerto Rico is drowning figuratively and literally under unmanageable debt and an imposed federal healthcare reimbursement formula which has created havoc in the island’s health care system. 

Both its $72 billion dollar debt, which is now in default, and the pending collapse of hospitals and clinics which are threating the health of the 3.5 million Americans on the island are crisis which the President should continue to highlight, work to resolve and prompt Congress to act accordingly.

The President, in his proposed federal budget for Fiscal Year 2017, has included the need for Puerto Rico to reorganize its debt via Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection and has targeted $30 billion over the next decade to help stabilize and secure the islands health care system.  I applaud these efforts and ask that the President continue to pressure Congress to act on these matters.

As President Obama visits the Republic of Cuba, It is my greatest hope that he will revisit Puerto Rico so that he can, on a first-hand basis, ascertain the deterioration of the economy and health care system of the island since his last visit in June of 2011.”

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony for Advanced Auto Parts' New Co-op City Location

Join us at the special ribbon-cutting ceremony
for Advanced Auto Parts New Location!