Monday, April 25, 2016

Assemblyman Dinowitz Denounces Online Retailer, Calls for Investigation in to their “Prime Free Same-Day” Delivery Service

   Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz denounced today the online retail giant following a report by Bloomberg for failure to provide equal services to areas of New York City with high minority populations.

Over the last few years Amazon has unveiled and rapidly expanded its “Prime Free Same-Day” service, which is currently available in over 27 major cities across the U.S. The service allows Amazon’s “Prime” customers to order retail items from the company’s website and have them delivered to their doorstep within hours. However, according to the Bloomberg report, “Amazon Doesn’t Consider the Race of Its Customers. Should It?,” authored by David Ingold & Spencer Soper, several major cities, including Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, New York and Washington D.C., all have non-white areas that do not have access to the “Prime Free Same-Day” service. In New York, for example, the underserved areas include the entirety of the Bronx and parts of eastern Queens. 

“This is simply outrageous,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz, who chairs the Assembly Committee on Consumer Affairs and Protection. “I find it completely implausible that Amazon is able to offer same-day delivery service from Manhattan all the way down to Philadelphia, but can’t manage to offer the same service to a single neighborhood in the Bronx, a borough which has seen one of the fastest economic growth spurts in New York City history over the last seven years. It’s a real slap in the face to the 1.4 million proud Bronxites who might want to do business with Amazon.”

According to the report, a spokesman for Amazon claimed that the Bronx is “difficult to reach because the warehouses that serve the area are in New Jersey,” seemingly unaware of the fact that the George Washington Bridge connects I-95 directly to the Cross Bronx Expressway.

“This practice is nothing short of de facto segregation, and I think it merits serious investigation by the New York State Attorney General’s office, the State Division of Consumer Protection, and the U.S. Attorney,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz. “Frankly, I’m disappointed. Amazon offers a wonderful service and has always been a champion of equal pricing policies regardless of race, age, gender, or region, but to say that it’s a coincidence that predominantly non-white neighborhoods have been excluded from accessing this service is a little ridiculous. Whether we’re talking about the Bronx in New York, or the south-side of Chicago, or Roxbury in Boston, Amazon’s failure to overcome decades of institutionalized segregation is a harsh reminder that we still have a long way to go before all American’s have the same opportunities.”

49th Precinct Community Council Meeting This Tuesday, April 26th 7:30 PM at Eastchester Garden Community Center

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman - Protecting Voting Rights

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  The Attorney General announced that his office would open an investigation into the New York City Board of Elections after the office received over 1,000 complaints to his Election Day hotline on primary day. The day after the NY primaries, Attorney General Schneiderman issued a statement that said, in part:
    "I am deeply troubled by the volume and consistency of voting irregularities, both in public reports and direct complaints to my office's voter hotline..That's why today, we have opened an investigation into alleged improprieties... by the New York City Board of Elections. If necessary, we will initiate inquiries in additional areas of the State where voting irregularities appeared unusually high. Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy, and if any New Yorker was illegally prevented from voting, I will do everything in my power to make their vote count and ensure that it never happens again."
   A day after the Attorney General announced his investigation into the Board of Elections, the agency suspended a top officialfor her role in removing tens of thousands of otherwise eligible voters from NYC voter rolls.

Protecting Children From Toxic Toys

The Attorney General was in Rochester this week to announce that his office has launched an investigation into how toys with high levels of lead end up on store shelves. An investigation by the office found that retailers including Target, K-Mart and Toys-R-Us sold certain products with high levels of lead in stores across the state.

Toxic Toys

Stopping False Advertising Practices

The Attorney General has put an end to advertising practices used by Walgreens that misled and overcharged consumers. An undercover investigation found that Walgreens and its subsidiary Duane Reade used a variety of practices that led consumers to believe they were receiving a lower price on a product, when in many instances consumers wound up paying more than advertised.    

Cracking Down On Shady Sales Methods

Four auto dealer groups will return almost $2 million in restitution to nearly 5,000 consumers for using deceptive sales tactics that resulted in inflated car prices. The dealerships sold unwanted “after-sale” products that sometimes added thousands in hidden charges—often times without the consumer even aware that these services were being tacked onto their bill.    
Four taxi companies and their owner will pay over $250,000 in fines, damages and restitution for violating drivers’ rights and breaching a previous settlement agreement with the Attorney General.

Have a question, comment, or complaint? Click here. You can also learn more about the various initiatives of the Attorney General's office by visiting our website You can also call our General Hotline: 800-771-7755

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Community Board 7 Holds Second Livable Neighborhood Program

  Community Board 7's Community Relations and Long Term Planning Committee along with the Municipal Arts Society of New York presented the second part of the Livable New York Program. 
  Today's agenda included Arts, Culture, and your community, a mapping exercise, pin ups including a discussion section, and a wrap up and survey questionnaire. Ms. Samelys Lopez the Chair of the committee spoke briefly about the previous meeting, and also briefly about today's goal for the meeting. Community Board 7 District Manager Andrew Sandler also spoke briefly about some of what he and Community Board 7 do. The meeting was then turned over to the representatives of the Municipal Arts Society of New York to continue the agenda as you see in the photos below.

Above - Ms. Lopez speaks about the different areas of CB 7, and the different facilities in the Bedford Park area of  Community Board 7.
Below - A chart of the local business corridors in CB 7. 

I left early when current 78th A.D. Assemblyman Jose Rivera made it a political event apparently for himself as you can see in the photo above. It must be re-election time for Rivera as he was taping answers by those in the audience, probably to learn what the problems of the district are. Assemblyman Jose Rivera challenged me to a boxing match for some of the things that I have been writing about him. As you can see Assemblyman Rivera you will not bully this member of the press, and I will continue to write about your record (or lack of one). The Democratic primary for New York State Assembly members is Tuesday September 13th.

Friday, April 22, 2016

A.G. Schneiderman Announces Settlement With Walgreens/Duane Reade For Overcharging Consumers And Misleading Advertising Practices

  Walgreen Co. Will Pay $500,000 In Penalties, Fees, And Costs And Will Reform Its Advertising Practices In New York

Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced that his office has obtained a settlement with the national drugstore chain Walgreen, Co. and its subsidiary Duane Reade (collectively, “Walgreens”) for overcharging New York consumers and using misleading advertisements.  Walgreens has also agreed to reform its advertising practices. 
“Businesses are required to ensure that their advertisements are truthful and not misleading,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “When consumers purchase products at retail stores in New York, they should be able to rely on the prices displayed in advertisements and on shelf tags and not have to worry about being overcharged when they get to the register.”
“Walgreens has failed to provide the staffing and systems needed to accurately price its products,” said Michael Zucker, Director of Change to Win Research Initiatives. “We’ve seen these deceptive practices in a number of other states, costing consumers and violating the public trust.  We applaud Attorney General Schneiderman for taking strong action and standing up for New York consumers.”
Walgreens operates approximately 251 Walgreens and 214 Duane Reade stores across New York State.  The Attorney General’s undercover investigation found that Walgreens deceptively induced New York consumers to purchase products by:
  • Representing to consumers that they will receive the price published in print advertisements and on store shelf tags, but charging consumers a different price at the register (including shelf tags that remained up after the advertised price had already “expired”);
  • Representing to consumers that a product is a “Smart Buy” or “Great Buy” when the advertised price is the same as the original retail price Walgreens regularly charges for that product;
  • Representing to consumers that a product is a “Last Chance” or “Clearance” item, thus implying that the product is available at a reduced price only for a limited time when such product may actually be available at the reduced price for a significant period of time (in some cases as long as 8-10 months);
  • Implying that consumers will receive an immediate cash discount, when the discount would only be received on a future purchase.  For example, representing that consumers’ purchases are “like paying . . .” or “like buying . . .” a product for a certain price when the item could not be presently purchased for that price.
The Attorney General’s investigation also found that Walgreens failed to provide consumers with clear and consistent information concerning its Balance Rewards Points program, a loyalty incentive program that allows consumers to redeem points toward a discount on future purchases.   For example, Walgreens’ website contained two different charts regarding point redemption.  One chart showed that consumers could redeem points starting at 1,000 points, which is equivalent to a $1.00 discount.  Another chart, however, showed point redemption starting at 5,000 points, which is equivalent to a $5.00 discount.  Furthermore, Walgreens employees did not routinely ask consumers whether they want to redeem their accumulated points toward their current purchases during the check-out process.
In addition to paying $500,000 in penalties, fees, and costs, Walgreens has agreed to several important reforms of its current advertising and business practices in New York.  These include, among others:
  • removing expired shelf tags within 36 hours;
  • restricting the manner in which Walgreens can use “Smart Buy” or “Great Buy” shelf tags;
  • no longer promoting items as a “Last Chance” or a “Clearance” item if the product will remain available for sale for an extended period of time;
  • restricting the manner in which Walgreens can use “like paying” or “like buying" shelf tags;
  • conducting internal and external price check audits in its stores;
  • each store that fails two consecutive external audits will pay an additional $2500 penalty;
  • updating PIN pads in its stores to display consumers’ Balance Rewards Points and, on every fifth purchase, ask consumers if they want to redeem their points.
This matter was handled by Assistant Attorneys General Melissa O’Neill and Stephanie Sheehan, Deputy Bureau Chief Laura J. Levine, and Bureau Chief Jane M. Azia, all of the Consumer Frauds and Protection Bureau.

Bronx Borough President Invites you to celebrate Cinco De Mayo Sat. May 7th

BP Diaz & Bronx Tourism Council Announce 2016 Bronx Walk of Fame Inductees

   Vincent Pastore, Peter Sohn, Arlene Alda & Eduardo Vilaro make up this year’s class

    Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and The Bronx Tourism Council announced that actor Vincent Pastore, animator & director Peter Sohn, author Arlene Alda and dance pioneer Eduardo Vilaro are the 2016 class of honorees for the Bronx Walk of Fame.

“Once again, we have put together a tremendous class of individuals that represent the best of our borough for induction into the Bronx Walk of Fame,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “These four individuals have seen considerable success in their chosen fields, and throughout it all they have highlighted their strong roots in The Bronx. I congratulate Vincent Pastore, Peter Sohn, Arlene Alda and Eduardo Vilaro on their induction to the Bronx Walk of Fame, and I look forward to celebrating their accomplishments during Bronx Week 2016.”

Vincent Pastore has been a star of screen and stage for decades, and is best known for his role in HBO’s hit series The Sopranos, for which he received a Screen Actors Guild Award for his work in 2001. A City Island resident, Mr. Pastore has appeared in films including Goodfellas, Carlito’s Way, Awakenings, State of Grace, The Godfather Part III and many more.

The first Asian-American to ever be inducted to the Bronx Walk of Fame, Peter Sohn is an award-winning animator and director with Pixar Studios, having worked on numerous hit films including Finding Nemo, The Incredibles and Up. Most recently, Mr. Sohn directed Pixar’s 2015 feature hit The Good Dinosaur.

Arlene Alda, who grew up in Williamsbridge and graduated from Evander Childs High School, is an award-winning photographer and author whose work has appeared in numerous books, newspapers, magazines and galleries. Mrs. Alda is the author of 19 books, most of them children’s books featuring her words and illustrations. Her latest book, Just Kids from The Bronx: Telling it the Way it Was, An Oral History, consists of stories about growing up in The Bronx based on interviews with over 60 accomplished and proud Bronxites.

First generation Cuban-American Eduardo Vilaro became artistic director of Ballet Hispanico, the nation’s first and oldest Latino dance organization, in 2009. He is only the second person to head the company since it was founded in 1970. In 2015, Mr. Vilaro took on the additional role of Chief Executive Officer of Ballet Hispanico. Mr. Vilaro has been part of the Ballet Hispanico family since 1985. As a dancer with the Ballet Hispanico company, he performed throughout the United States, Latin America, and Europe for an audience of nearly 3 million while assisting founder Tina Ramirez with the development of dance education residencies.

“I love living in The Bronx,” said Vincent Pastore. “This borough is a great mixture of cultures and ethnic groups—a true cross section of today’s America. And my home, City Island, is growing each year. It’s New York City's very own Martha’s Vineyard.”

“I am so proud to be honored in this way.  The Bronx is a part of me in so many ways, in how I was formed and how my family was formed,” said Peter Sohn. “My father came to the United States from Korea with nothing and he started our family in The Bronx.  And just like all those other families that would come to my dad’s vegetable store it became a community of immigrant families that were all just beginning and helping each other out. My career as an artist in film started here as well.  There were several years of study and drawing at the Bronx Zoo that helped me fill up my portfolio to get a job in animation.  And the stories and memories of my youth here have fueled so much of the work I do at Pixar today.  So thanks Bronx.  Thanks for taking care of me and my family.” 

“I am a first-generation American, and so to be inducted into the Bronx Walk of Fame is especially meaningful to me. I feel the special connection to the current generation of first generation immigrants in The Bronx, now. It is a deep honor I do not take for granted,” said Arlene Alda.

“I have been blessed with a special life. I create art and impact young people with the arts education and my culture. When I look back and think of what in my DNA made me strong enough to contend with the challenges I had to face, I know it is because I grew up in the Bronx,” said Eduardo Vilaro. “The Bronx gave me the strength and determination to excel and succeed. Growing up in a tough neighborhood wasn't just about learning to stand up for yourself. It was about community and the neighbors who watched out for you—the helping hand when one of your own was in trouble. We learned the respect and dignity of hard working adults. Behind the often described gritty face The Bronx, there is a community that is full of pride and a beautiful soul that welcomes everyone.”

“Witnessing our hometown heroes take their rightful place on The Bronx Walk of Fame is one of my favorite events for Bronx Week. It fills me with pride to honor these sons and daughters of The Bronx!” said Olga Luz Tirado, Executive Director of The Bronx Tourism Council.

Mr. Pastore, Mr. Sohn, Mrs. Alda and Mr. Vilaro will be officially inducted into the Bronx Walk of Fame as part of the 45th annual Bronx Week, a program of The Bronx Tourism Council.

Bronx Week 2016 is a highly-anticipated 11-day event where the entire borough, including government, business, and the community-at-large, come together to celebrate “The Best of The Bronx” through festivals, concerts, health fairs, parades, performances and a host of other activities. It will take place from May 5th – May 15th.

At the end of the 11-day celebration, these four hometown heroes will be honored with induction into the Bronx Walk of Fame, where their names are emblazoned on a street sign to reside on the historic Grand Concourse forever.

For more information about Bronx Week 2016, visit


   In the wake of the powerful earthquake that recently devastated Ecuador, with a death toll of over 600 victims and still rising; Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.; New York State Assembly Member Marcos Crespo and members of the Ecuadorian community will host a “Day of Solidarity” press conference to highlight ways to provide aid to Ecuador.

WHEN:          Monday, April 25, 2016

WHERE:       Steps of The Bronx County Building (Grand Concourse side)
                        851 Grand Concourse at East 161st Street
                        The Bronx, NY
TIME:            10:00 a.m.