Thursday, April 28, 2016

Council Member Andy King to host information session for property owners facing tax lien sale

  NYC Council Member Andy King will host an information session about the city’s upcoming tax lien sale on Thursday, May 5, at 6:30 p.m. at the Williamsbridge NAACP Early Childhood Educational Center, 670-680 East 219th St., Bronx.

The workshop will be conducted by representatives of the New York City Department of Finance, Environmental Protection, and Housing Preservation and Development, who will meet with property owners faced with a lien sale.

Properties appearing on the tax lien sale list may be there because of overdue property tax, water or sewer charges. After a certain time, the city sells the tax liens. There are 852 properties within the boundaries of Council Member King’s 12th District on the 2016 lien-sale list, according to the latest information from the city Department of Finance.

The last day for property owners on the tax lien sale list to pay their debt or enter into a payment agreement is on May 11, 2016. The Lien Sale will take place on May 12, 2016.

Anyone unable to attend the information session should call 311 and state that they have a tax lien problem. The call will be transferred directly to the Department of Finance. Bills can also be paid by visiting the Bronx Business Center, 3030 Third Ave., 2nd Floor.

There are several ways to remove a property from the tax lien list. Tax abatements and exemptions are two of them. Members of the clergy, veterans, seniors and those with disabilities may be eligible for an exemption to be applied to a portion of the tax bill. Applicable tax abatements may also remove a property from the sale list. For more information, visit the Department of Finance website at

Those who do not qualify for an exemption or abatement can have their property removed from the list by developing a payment agreement with the Department of Finance or the Department of Environmental Protection.

Call the Department of Finance, Tax Lien Ombudsperson, at (212) 410-5408 for information regarding property taxes, NYC Dept. of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Customer Services at 718-595-7000 for information on water and sewer bill;  and the NYC Dept. of Environmental Protection, Water Lien Ombudsperson Office at 718-595-OMBU (6628) to dispute water and sewer charges. For more information about the information session, call Council Member King’s office at (718) 684-5509.

Jacobi Medical Center Auxiliary, Inc. and Give Local NYC

On Tuesday, May 3, 2016, New Yorkers are joining communities throughout the United States for a national day of local giving. 

The Jacobi Medical Center Auxiliary, Inc. is participating in Give Local NYC,  a 24-hour on-line event designed to empower every New Yorker to donate to nonprofit organizations that are tackling today's most critical issues.

Please view and circulate the attached flyer, and visit our giving day site -- -- anytime between 12:00 am and 11:59 pm and click on our link to donate.

By making a donation to the Jacobi Medical Center Auxiliary, Inc. on May 3, your charitable gift will go a long way in helping the Auxiliary to fulfill its mission to enhance the quality of patient care services and the patient experience.

Thank you, in advance, for your support!

NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi
1400 Pelham Parkway South
Building 4, Room 7N9
Bronx, NY  10461



Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Jamaal Bailey Announces for 36th State Senate Seat

   With many Bronx elected officials and community leaders 83rd A.D. Male District Leader Jamaal Bailey in front of the Butler Memorial Church announced his intention to run for the 36th State Senate District. The 36th State Senate District currently is held by State Senator Ruth Hassel-Thompson who unsuccessfully ran for mayor of the city of Mount Vernon last year. However Senator Hassel-Thompson has been tapped by Governor Andrew Cuomo to join his administration as of July of this year. 
    Joining Mr. Bailey as you will see in the photos below were a wide range of Bronx elected officials from Mr. Bailey's current boss Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, to the Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Marcos Crespo. Also on hand were Bronx Democratic County Committee Chair Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Bronx Democratic County Democratic County Committee Treasurer Assemblyman Michael Benedetto, so one would have to think that since this is going to be an open seat in the Democratic primary that 83rd A.D. Male District Leader Jamaal Bailey has the inside track for the Bronx Democratic County organization endorsement. City Council members Vanessa Gibson, Andy King, Andrew Cohen, and Fernando Cabrera joined the many people who came out to hear the announcement by Mr. Bailey that he is running for the 36th State Senate District.  

Above - Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Marcos Crespo speaks about the experience of Jamaal Bailey. 
Below - Bronx Democratic County Committee Chair Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz who represents a part of the 36th State Senate District tells of the need for a person like Mr. Jamaal Bailey in elected office. 

Above - Bronx Democratic County Committee Treasurer Assemblyman Michael Benedetto who represents Coop-City which is a part of the 36th State Senate District also stresses why Mr. Jamaal Bailey is needed tio represent the 36th State Senate District.
Below - Councilman Andy Cohen who also represents a part of the 36th State Senate District continues with the reasons why Mr. Jamaal Bailey should be the next 36th State Senator. Also notice that Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie is on the left in all photos looking like a proud father as his son  on the left who is finally getting his big chance in life. 

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj - Mosholu Parkway Clean Up Sat. April 30th

Bronx Week 2016 is Only One Week Away

WED |MAY 4 | 5:30pm
Hop on the trolley and enjoy attractions at some of the hottest cultural spots along the lower Grand Concourse. 
The Trolley departs every hour on the 1/2 hour 
starting at 5:30pm and ending at 7:30pm.
The Longwood Arts Gallery@Hostos, 
450 Grand Concourse (near 149th Street)
More information:
FRI | MAY 6 | 5:30pm
The Bronx Seaside Trolley tour shuttles you for an evening of Art, Music, and Fine Dining on City Island, a nautical community along the Long Island Sound.
Trolley departs every hour on the 1/2 hour
starting at 5:30pm and ending at 9:30pm.
Pelham Bay Train Station (last stop on the #6 train)
More information:
MON | MAY 9 | 9am-2pm
Visit several buildings in various sections of the borough designed to mitigate environmental impacts often associated with dense urban communities. The Bronx is becoming a leader in energy and environmental design. Space is limited. Please contact for availability.
THU | MAY 12 | 9:30am - 12:30pm or 1:30pm - 4:40pm
Take a double decker bus OR the trolley to see places of interest throughout the borough. Bronx historian, Professor Lloyd Ultan will lecture on the double decker while it follows the trolley. 
851 Grand Concourse (between 158th and 161st street). Pre-registration is required., or call718.590.3047

FRI | MAY 6 | 11am - 4pm | $50

From Pale Ales to Puerto Rican Moonshine, take a tour and tasting of The Bronx Craft Breweries & Distilleries and learn about the history of brewing tat dates back to the late 1800's. Only adults 21 years or older please! Light lunch inc. Purchase tickets here.

SAT | MAY 7 | 10am-2pm | $30
Celebrate The Bronx while visiting various urban farms and community gardens. In addition to food and honey production, one of the sites features bioswales, a rain garden ad landscape elements that capture and manage storm water. Lunch inc.  Purchase tickets here.

FRI | MAY 13 | 10am - 4pm | $50
Visit some of the oldest houses in The Bronx and learn about their rich history in the revolutionary war. Walk the gardens where famous people such as Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe, and Arturo Toscanini lived. Purchase tickets here.
SAT | MAY 7 | 8pm | $45/$55/$60

250 Bedford Park Boulevard West

Check out our 
Spring for The Bronx
Fun Guide 

120 Members And Associates Of Two Rival Street Gangs In The Bronx Charged In Federal Court With Racketeering, Narcotics, And Firearms Offenses

Believed to be Largest Gang Takedown in New York City History

Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, William J. Bratton, the Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), Angel M. Melendez, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (“HSI”), James J. Hunt, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), and  Delano Reid, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Division of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”), announced charges today against 120 members and associates of two rival street gangs operating in the Bronx: the 2Fly YGz (“2Fly”) and the Big Money Bosses (“BMB”).  The gangs are charged in two separate Indictments – United States v. Laquan Parrish et al., S1 16 Cr. 212 (LAK) (the “Parrish Indictment”), andUnited States v. Nico Burrell et al., S2 15 Cr. 95 (AJN) (the “Burrell Indictment”) – with racketeering conspiracy, narcotics conspiracy, narcotics distribution, and firearms offenses.   
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said: “Today, we seek to eviscerate two violent street gangs – 2Fly and BMB – that have allegedly wreaked havoc on the streets of the Northern Bronx for years, by committing countless acts of violence against rival gang members and innocents alike.  The gangs’ alleged victims include not only a 15 year-old child stabbed and left to die in the street, as well as a 92 year-old woman shot by a stray bullet in her own home, but also extend to the thousands of residents of Eastchester Gardens and its surrounding neighborhoods terrorized for years by the gangs’ open-air drug dealing and senseless violence.  We bring these charges today so that all New Yorkers, including those in or near NYCHA public housing, can live their lives as they deserve: free of drugs, free of guns, and free of gang violence.  I thank and recognize the bravery and tireless investigative work of the NYPD’s Bronx Gang Squad, HSI’s Violent Gang Unit, the New York Field Division of the DEA, and the ATF’s Joint Firearms Task Force, as well as all the other law enforcement partners that assisted in the operations today.”           
NYPD Commissioner William Bratton said:  “As alleged, these individuals engaged in open-air drug sales near homes and schools in the Bronx, pushing poison onto our streets.  Allegedly, they also committed numerous acts of violence and at least eight murders in the course of their illicit operations.  This includes the murder of a 92 year-old innocent bystander who was killed by a stray bullet inside her home.  I want to thank the members of the NYPD’s Bronx Gang Squad and our law enforcement partners for dismantling these gangs.  I commend them for their dedication and precision throughout this long-term investigation.”
HSI Special Agent-in-Charge Angel M. Melendez said:  “Those arrested today allegedly used violence and fear to intimidate people who live within and around the Eastchester Gardens Public Housing.  These ruthless gang members are allegedly responsible for more than 1,800 shots fired, resulting in eight alleged homicides.  Public safety is important to us, and today our city streets are safer because of the work of HSI agents in our Violent Gang Unit and the work of our federal and local law enforcement partners.”
DEA Special Agent-in-Charge James J. Hunt said:  “The gangs of New York have returned to open air drug markets; brazenly selling marijuana, crack cocaine, powder cocaine and prescription pain medication to drug users in neighborhood parks, abandoned houses, and playgrounds.  A decade long rivalry between two of the Bronx's most violent gangs has resulted in drug related violence, fatal stray bullets and daily intimidation felt by the law abiding residents living in their crosshairs.  Law enforcement has come together again to identify and dismantle these gangs that have plagued our community for too long.”
ATF Special Agent-in-Charge Delano Reid said:  “This investigation demonstrates ATF’s commitment to our communities by partnering with our federal and local counterparts in order to dismantle armed criminal organizations.  These two violent groups, allegedly responsible for multiple shootings, homicides, and other acts of violence, will now have to face the consequences of terrorizing the communities that they lived in.  This should be a lesson to others who are engaged in these types of illegal activities.  Our cooperative law enforcement efforts will continue.”
According to the Indictments[1] unsealed today in Manhattan federal court and other publicly filed documents:
The Indictments arise from a joint investigation by the NYPD’s Bronx Gang Squad, HSI’s Violent Gang Unit, the New York Field Division of the DEA, and the ATF’s Joint Firearms Task Force into the years-long gang war between 2Fly and BMB, which has led to an enormous amount of fatal and non-fatal violence between 2007 and the present in the Northern Bronx, including shootings, stabbings, slashings, beatings, and robberies.  
2Fly is a subset of the “Young Gunnaz,” or “YG” street gang, which operates throughout New York City.  2Fly is based in the Bronx, within and around the Eastchester Gardens housing development (“ECG”) and in an area called the “Valley” or the “V,” which is in the vicinity of Gun Hill Road.  ECG is a rectangular complex of residential buildings bordered by Burke, Adee, Yates, and Bouck Avenues, in the middle of which is a playground.  Members and associates of 2Fly control the narcotics trade at ECG, which takes place in the open air at the playground and in apartments at ECG.  2Fly primarily sells marijuana and crack cocaine, but also sells powder cocaine and prescription pills, such as oxycodone.  2Fly members and associates store guns at the playground or in nearby apartments or cars in order to protect the narcotics business and for protection against rival gangs.  The case of United States v. Laquan Parrish et al. charges 57 members and associates of 2Fly, including its “Big Guns,” or leaders: LAQUAN PARRISH, a/k/a “MadDog,” a/k/a “Quanzaa,” ANDRE BENT, a/k/a “Dula,” and AARON RODRIGUEZ, a/k/a “Gunz,” a/k/a “Cito.”  2Fly coexists at ECG with a faction of the Bloods street gang called “Sex Money Murder” (“SMM”), which controlled ECG before 2Fly and has allied with 2Fly to prevent others from selling drugs at ECG.  Two of the leaders of SMM at ECG – brothers PRESTON PASLEY, a/k/a “Fresh,” and TERRENCE PASLEY, a/k/a “Smoove” – and several of its members are also charged in the Parrish Indictment.
BMB is a subset of the “Young Bosses,” or “YBz” street gang, which operates throughout New York City.  BMB – whose members also sometimes refer to themselves as the “Money Making Mafia” or “Triple M” – operates primarily on White Plains Road from 215th Street to 233rd Street in the Bronx.  This area is a long stretch of road under a subway train overpass, bordered on each side by single-family homes and local commercial establishments, and in the vicinity of several playgrounds and schools.  BMB’s narcotics trafficking activity is based principally in the vicinity of White Plains Road and 224th Street, an open-air drug spot that is referred to by gang members as the “Forts.”  BMB members also operate a drug spot on Boston Road and Eastchester Road in the Bronx, which they refer to as “B Road.”  BMB members who work principally at the B Road spot typically refer to themselves as “Blamma.”  BMB primarily sells marijuana and crack cocaine, but also sells prescription pills, such as oxycodone.  BMB members and associates store guns in abandoned homes and other places near their drug spots in order to protect their narcotics business and for protection against rivals.  The case of United States v. Nico Burrell et al. charges 63 members and associates of BMB, including its “Big Suits,” or leaders: NICO BURRELL, a/k/a “Nico Zico,” and DOUGLAS MCLARTY, a/k/a “Q-Don,” a/k/a “Q-Dizzy.”
In addition to numerous non-fatal acts of violence against both rival gang members and innocents, the rivalry between 2Fly and BMB – as well as with other gangs, such as the “Slut Gang,” which is based at the Boston Secor housing development, and the “YSGz,” who are based at the Edenwald housing development – has led to the following murders, among others:
  • The murder of Sadie Mitchell, who was killed in her own home by a stray bullet, at the age of 92, by an associate of BMB in the vicinity of White Plains Road and 224th Street and White Plains Road, on or about October 20, 2009;
  • The murder of Jeffrey Delmore, a/k/a “Famous,” a/k/a “Junior,” who was stabbed to death, at the age of 15, by members of BMB in the vicinity of East Gun Hill Road, on or about May 15, 2010;
  • The murder of Alexander “A.J.” Walters, who was stabbed to death at age 17 by members of 2Fly in the vicinity of 1824 Prospect Avenue in the Bronx, on or about March 8, 2012;
  • The murder of Donville Simpson, a/k/a “Donny,” who was shot to death at ECG at age 17 by members of 2Fly, on or about October 5, 2013
  • The murder of Keshon Potterfield, a/k/a “Keke,” who was shot to death, at the age of 18, by a member of BMB in the vicinity of 232nd Street between White Plains Road and Barnes Avenue, on or about June 22, 2014;
  • The murder of Fabian Pennant, an associate of 2Fly, who was shot to death by a member of BMB at the age of 24 in the vicinity of Eastchester Road on October 22, 2014;
  • The murder of Jordan Jackwett, who was shot and killed at the age of 23 in the vicinity of Ely Avenue during a shooting between members of 2Fly and BMB on July 26, 2015; and
  • The murder of Darren Epps, age 47, who was shot to death by a member of 2Fly in the vicinity of 215th and White Plains Road during a botched robbery on March 13, 2016.
In connection with these arrests, federal and local law enforcement officers also executed court-authorized search warrants at four locations tied to the defendants.  During the arrests and searches, agents and officers seized, among other evidence, seven guns, ammunition, crack, marijuana, counterfeit currency, and drug paraphernalia.  To date, in this case, agents and officers have seized, among other evidence, quantities of marijuana, crack, cocaine, and oxycodone, as well as firearms, ammunition, scalpels, and knives.  During the investigation, agents and officers also intercepted thousands of wiretap calls, during many of which various members and associates of the gangs discussed their racketeering and narcotics activities. 
*                   *                  *
In a coordinated operation, 78 defendants were arrested in New York yesterday and early this morning.  They will be presented later this afternoon in Manhattan federal court.  Defendants ANDRE BENT, ROBERT POPE, JAMES PILGRIM, JAMAL BLAIR, STEPHAN CLARKE, LAQUAN PARRISH, JAFAR BORDEN, ANDERSON ROSS, BARFFOUR ABEBERSE, ROBERT HAUGHTON, SHAQUILLE DEWAR, MARTIN MITCHELL, DONQUE TYRELL, DEVANTE JOSEPH, DAQUAN ANDERSON, JAQUAN MCINTOSH, and SEAN MCINTOSH were in custody on state charges and were transferred to federal custody today.  Charts identifying each defendant, the charges, and the maximum penalties are below.
U.S. v. Parrish et al. is assigned to U.S.  District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan.  U.S. v. Burrell et al. is assigned to U.S. District Judge Alison J. Nathan.
Mr. Bharara praised the outstanding investigative work of the NYPD’s Bronx Gang Squad, HSI’s Violent Gang Unit, the New York Field Division of the DEA, and the ATF’s Joint Firearms Task Force, as well as the United States Marshals’ Service, the New York State Office of Special Investigation--Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, and the New York State Police for their assistance in today’s arrests.  He also thanked the Department of Investigation and the Bronx County District Attorney’s Office for their support in this ongoing investigation.
The Office’s Violent and Organized Crime Unit is overseeing the case.  Assistant U.S. Attorneys Rachel Maimin, Micah W.J. Smith, Robert Allen, Hagan Scotten, Jessica Feinstein, and Drew Johnson-Skinner are in charge of the prosecution.
The charges contained in the Indictments are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.      

Council Member Williams Recovering From Hernia Surgery

  Council Member Jumaane D. Williams, Deputy Leader and co-chair of the Council's Taskforce to Combat Gun Violence, issued the following statement today after successfully undergoing hernia surgery early this morning at New York Methodist Hospital:

"Several weeks ago after experiencing some pain, I visited my primary physician and was subsequently diagnosed with a hernia. After consulting with specialists, I underwent corrective surgery this morning at New York Methodist Hospital.

"Foremost, I want to thank the Creator for the blessing of life and my family, friends & colleagues for their support during this time. I would like to express my gratitude to my surgeon Dr. Raffaele Borriello and thank the entire Methodist staff and administration for their hospitality. I want to give special thanks to my mother, Patricia Williams and my sister Jeanine Williams, who were by my side through this event, as well as my good friend Leroy Morrison, owner of Alexis Van Lines, who dealt with logistical issues to allow my family to focus on the surgery.

"I want to reassure the residents of the 45th Council District that my office will continue to function normally as I recuperate from surgery. My dedicated staff will be focused on constituent services, legislative and budgetary matters. I have every confidence in their abilities and so should you. My recovery will be a few weeks but I will be also diligently working from home to address the issues of my office.

Lastly I want to take this opportunity to urge everyone to value the importance of their health and visit their doctor regularly. Particularly those of us who are in the midst of their careers and often ignore physical signs that something may be wrong. Too often we overly focus on taking care of business or family, and forget to take care of ourselves. As I celebrate my 40th birthday next month, this surgery has been a sobering reminder that a career in service to your community must be balanced by taking care of myself physically.

"Thank you in advance for your prayers. Feel free to reach out to my office at any time and I look forward to personally greeting all of you in the very near future."

-Jumaane D. Williams-
Council Member, 45th District

Editor's Note: 
We wish Councilman Williams a speedy recovery so that he can get back to work for the people of New York City.