Friday, May 20, 2016

News From Congressman Engel

Engel and House Democrats Win Key Vote to Restrict Confederate Flags in National Cemeteries

    Congressman Eliot Engel, a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce, voted in favor of a Democratic proposal yesterday to limit the display of Confederate Flags in national cemeteries. House Democrats plus a minority of House Republicans joined to approve the measure with a vote of 265-159.

“The Confederate Flag is a symbol of hatred and bigotry that only serves as a reminder of our country’s darkest days,” Congressman Engel said. “Displaying the Confederate Flag is divisive, especially in national cemeteries – sacred ground for Americans of all creeds and colors. It’s time we confined the Confederate Flag to history, where it belongs. I’m disappointed that so many of my Republican colleagues opposed this measure, but the fact that it passed shows that the vast majority of Americans are ready to retire this terrible symbol, and I hope the vote spurs even more jurisdictions across the country to end its use as an official government display.”

Engel Blasts Republicans For Anti-LGBT Vote

    Congressman Eliot Engel, a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, issued the following statement in response to today’s shameful maneuvering by Republicans to defeat a Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney Amendment to a spending bill that would have barred federal contractors from getting government work if they discriminated against the LGBT community:

“The Republican majority should be ashamed of themselves. The House of Representatives stood ready to fight back today against discrimination targeting LGBT workers, but the majority bullied, twisted arms, and used procedural tricks to change the outcome of a fair vote in real time on the House Floor.

“Republicans seem unable to help themselves. At every turn, they go out of their way to strip rights away from LGBT Americans. It’s obvious where their priorities lie. I’m tremendously disappointed they decided to go to such extreme lengths today to make life that much harder for so many Americans.”

Bronx HIRE Public Speaking Certification Class

City Island Memorial Day Parade and Wreath-Laying Ceremonies


The United War Veterans Council (UWVC) — organizers of the New York City Veterans Day Parade — calls on Bronx residents to remember this Memorial Day Weekend those who have sacrificed for us by participating in the City Island Memorial Day Parade and other events on Monday, May 30.

The Parade begins 1:45 p.m. at City Island Ave. Belden St. Prior to the parade UWVC will participate in two wreath-laying ceremonies in the area: the first, 10:30 a.m. at Bicentennial Veteran Memorial Park (Throgs Neck Expressway at Pennyfield and Elisworth Aves.); and the second, 11:15 a.m. at Throgs Neck Memorial Post – American Legion (1456 Shore Dr.).

The UWVC is working with community groups throughout the metropolitan area to help organize and promote memorials, parades and other Memorial Day-related events.


WHEN:          MONDAY, MAY 30
WHERE:       1:45 P.M. (PARADE)

                        10:30 A.M. (WREATH-LAYING)

1456 SHORE DR.
COST:            FREE

BP DIAZ RE: Compromise on Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis/PROMESA

  “After more than a year of negotiation and advocacy by my office and many others, I am pleased to see an important first step between the White House and Congress on the future fiscal health of the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, H.R. 5278, the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA). 

“This bipartisan compromise, while certainly not perfect, is a tremendous step forward and offers many of the solutions that I and others have been advocating for.  Although access to bankruptcy courts would have been preferred, we are encouraged by the bill’s provision to allow Puerto Rico to reduce repayments to creditors.  However, the process for appointing members of the proposed control board must ensure that the individuals selected protect the best interests of the Puerto Rican government and its people.

“There is still much work needed to be done by Congress to update and revise the Puerto Rican economic regulatory framework.  Health care must be delivered more effectively, import costs reduced and infrastructure investments made so that Puerto Rico has greener energy solutions and is prepared for the dramatic changes already being produced by climate change. 

“I thank the White House and Congress for taking the concerns of the Puerto Rican government, its citizens and their advocates on the mainland seriously and working towards this agreement. I especially want to thank those who have worked assiduously on this compromise, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand; and Reps. Nydia Velázquez, Jose Serrano and Luis Gutiérrez.

“The people of Puerto Rico are American citizens, and they deserve the same rights and protections as their countrymen,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. 

6th annual LGBTQ Bronx Awards


BY Senator Rev Rubén Díaz 
District 32 Bronx County, New York 

  You should know that in 2002, when I was elected to the New York City Council, I was one of the first Councilmembers to work to support Mayoral Control of New York City’s public school system under former Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
After years of seeing our public school education system fail our children, especially our Black and Hispanic children, I have decided that this Mayoral Control should not be allowed to continue.
You should also know that Assemblyman Charles Barron, a Democrat from Brooklyn, made one of his most passionate speeches during the Assembly Session on May 17, 2016. His speech was followed by a round of applause from his colleagues.
Charles Barron pleaded for the Assembly to stop giving total control to Mayor de Blasio for a school system of 1.1 million children and a $24 billion dollar budget.  He said that Mayor de Blasio wants to be held accountable, but Charles Barron says the Mayor is already accountable, insisting that the reason Mayor de Blasio really wants the control is for the billions of dollars in contracts.
“Contracts … contracts,” repeated Charles Barron,  “people are making millions of dollars off of a failing school system.” He detailed how “test taking companies get multi-billion dollar contracts to make these tests” that do nothing for our children and their families except to cause stress.
Charles Barron reminded everyone of one excuse being used to push this legislation through: “Bloomberg had control so why not de Blasio?” He asked how we could give “one single man who is clueless about education” this kind of power, citing to Bloomberg’s choice of Cathy Black as an example of someone “so incompetent.”
It is important for you to know that while Charles Barron agreed that the Department of Education’s Chancellor Fariña is an educator, he qualified that fact by saying how “she is implementing the same policies as Bloomberg.”
You should know that Charles Barron stressed how our children are not being prepared for college: “If a Black child doesn’t get an education, their pipeline is going to be to prison,” and “the diplomas our children are receiving are not worth the paper and ink they are on.”
He continued by explaining how 78% of New York City public high school graduates, if they attend any of the New York City CUNY Colleges to continue their education, “need remediation because they were not properly educated.”
Another fact that Charles Barron presented to his colleagues is: “In New York City, the #1 city in the world, where we brag about democracy, parents have no control of the budget of what happens to their children.”
I completely agree with Charles Barron and his insistence that the Legislature only extend Mayoral Control for one year, and to include a Commission that would let experts review the current system and devise a way to let our children be properly educated so they could attend college or a trade school and compete in our global economy.
As my colleagues in the Senate, especially my Black and Hispanic colleagues, examine the merits of extending Mayoral Control of Schools in the New York City school district, I urge them to carefully consider what Charles Barron says, and to take his recommendations very seriously.
Our children cannot take 3 more years of failure.
I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.


It seems that State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. is right on the money here, and I rarely if ever agree with Councilman Charles Barrons, but they are both right when it comes to Mayoral Control of the public schools. 
Why is it that charter schools can operate better on lower budgets? The answer is they are accountable to their Board of Directors, the state, parents, and do not have the bureaucracy of the New York City Department of Education. The mayor must admit that Mayoral Control is a failure, and try to come up with a system of school governance that involves everyone, and that will make all schools better.
That is 'What You Should Know'.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Bronx Democratic County Committee - Upcoming Events

Save the Date: 2016 Bronx Dems' Annual Dinner
When: Wed. 7/13/16 from 6 - 10p
Where: Marina del Rey - 1 Marina Drive, Bronx, NY
Join us as we recognize great honorees for their commitment to the Bronx. 

For more information, call (347) 956 - 0320 or email
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The Bronx Young Democrats Host The New York State Young Democrats Convention
When: Fri. 5/20/16 to Sun. 5/22/16
Where: Visit the website below for locations

The Bronx Young Democrats are hosting the New York State Young Democrats convention right here in our very own borough.

To learn more about the convention, schedule of events, or to register
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Reception in Support of Letitia "Tish" James
When: Wed. 5/18/16 from 6:30 - 8:30p
Where: Sam's Soul Food Restaurant Bar & Lounge - 598 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY

Please join the 79th Assembly District Leader Cynthia Cox and Wilbert "Tee" Lawton as they host a reception in support of Letitia "Tish" James for NYC Public Advocate.

RSVP by email to, by phone at (917) 450-5192, or online at
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Immigration Fraud Round Table
When:  Wed. 5/18/16 from 6 - 8p
Latino Pastoral Action Center - 14 W. 170 St., Bronx, NY

Join Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman and Council Member Vanessa L. Gibson, in collaboration with Senator Jose M. Serrano and Assemblywoman Latoya Joyner invite you to hear a discussion on how to protect your community from Immigration Services Fraud and the Unauthorized Practice of Law. 

For more information or to RSVP, please call(212) 416 - 8754 or

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Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club's 56th Annual Dinner
When: Thurs. 5/19/16 from 6 - 9:30p
Where: Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale - 475 West 250th Street on Henry Hudson Parkway East, Bronx, NY

You are invited to join the Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club at their 56th annual dinner.

For additional information, contact (718) 796-6177.
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Fire Safety Town Hall
When:  Fri. 5/20/16 from 5:30 - 7:30p
Claremont Neighborhood Center - 489 E. 169 St. (bet. Washington & Third Aves.), Bronx, NY 

Senator Gustavo Rivera, Council Member Vanessa L. Gibson, and Assemblyman Michael A. Blake invite you to a town hall meeting offering valuable resources to help prevent fires in your home. 

For more information, call Council Member Gibson's office at (718) 588-7500, or

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Community Board 2 AIDS Walk
When:  Sat. 5/21/16 at 9a
Southern Blvd. & Westchester Ave., Bronx, NY 10459

Join Community Board 2 in supporting those who are living with HIV/AIDS and help increase education and awareness throughout our community. 

To sign up or for more information, call (718) 328 - 9125 or email

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In solidarity,
Hon. Marcos A. Crespo, Chair
The Bronx Democratic County Committee
1640 Eastchester Rd.

Bronx Borough President - Ramadan Celebration