Friday, December 16, 2016

Morris Park Christmas Tree Lighting

  At the corner of Morris Park and Haight Avenues this Christmas tree sits waiting for children, elected officials, Santa, and others to arrive from the Peace Plaza tree lighting.

Above and Below - Children from the PS 83 Chorus sing various holiday songs as they wait for the arrival of Santa to help light the Christmas tree. Notice how dark it is already as this started at 5 PM.

Above - Santa arrived by a horse drawn carriage to Morris Park Avenue.
Below - With very short speeches just thanking the students and everyone else who showed up as the temperature dropped even more the Morris Park Christmas tree was light. You can see the difference from an unlit tree to this very nice looking fully lit tree.

You can see Senator Klein, Assemblymen Gjonaj and Benedetto, District leader Joe McManus, and the Precinct commander standing with Santa with the lit Christmas tree in the background.

Christmas Tree Lightings -Peace Memorial Plaza Pelham Parkway and Morris Park-

  It was the 22nd annual Christmas tree lighting at the Memorial Peace Plaza for State Senator Jeff Klein who was joined by Assemblymen Mark Gjonaj and Michael Benedetto, as well as the Chorus os PS 105 who sang several songs until Santa came to help light the Christmas tree. 

Above - The PD 106 Chorus sang several holiday songs for those who braved the cold like the happy children who got to show off their talent. 
Below - State Senator Jeff Klein welcomes everyone to the tree lighting, introduces his fellow legislators Assemblymen Mark Gjonaj and Michael Benedetto as he thanks the PS 105 chorus for the wonderful songs. 

Above - Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj lets his senior member of the assembly Assemblyman Benedetto speak first, as both assemblymen kept their speeches very short due to the very cold weather.
Below - Santa dropped in to help light the tree here as he says hello to the children.

Santa, the elected officials, the chorus os PS 105, and others gather in front of the Christmas tree for one big group photo. It was then off to Morris Park for most, and the next tree lighting.

2016 Year in Review - Bronx Chamber of Commerce

2016 Year in Review
Professional Achievement
Completing my first year as the new President & CEO of The Bronx Chamber of Commerce has been exciting, challenging and rewarding. I enthusiastically lead this prominent organization to reach historic success for the direct benefit of the current and future membership. I developed and expanded membership to the Chamber and enhanced strategic partnerships with other organizations and companies for our mutual benefit.
Planning, coordinating and implementing successful programs and events is one of my many strengths. The Bronx Chamber of Commerce has sponsored, hosted or co-sponsored over 65 workshops, seminars and networking events for members, non-members and businesses in The Bronx since January 2016. Each event was well attended and feedback from attendees and participants was very positive. I promote and encourage networking and business card exchanges at every setting. I firmly believe: "You never know where your next big deal is going to come from".
The positive messages and promotion of the events resonated in the business community. Successful professionals are drawn to other successful professionals and want to be affiliated with organizations that are professionally managed. I reached out to my over 13,000 Outlook contacts; 5,800 contacts on LinkedIn and additional contacts on Facebook to attend events and join the Bronx Chamber of Commerce. Due to my experience, integrity and reputation, they responded. Over 100 new companies joined the Bronx Chamber of Commerce in the past 12 months. I am very encouraged that membership will significantly increase over the next 5 years.
Project with the Greatest Impact
Based on my experience and understanding of how to manage and strategically grow an organization, I strongly believe it requires a current and up to date database and Membership Directory. While many organizations have replaced a printed or hard copy directory with an electronic or on-line version, I am an advocate of both the printed hard copy and the electronic version of the directory.
Without the luxury of time, I prefer to utilize the experience of other professionals in similar positions rather than attempting to "reinvent the wheel". I visited with neighboring Presidents and CEOs of Chambers of Commerce to examine how they operate regarding programs, services and membership directory. I requested and received a number of proposals from publishers to produce the first annual membership directory for the Bronx Chamber of Commerce.
My personal preference was to work with Rich Martinelli of Today Media. The Board of Directors of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce unanimously approved the Today Media proposal at their March 2016 meeting.  I was delighted to announce and promote that we have entered into a partnership with Today Media (publishers of the Brooklyn, Yonkers Chamber of Commerce and Westchester Business Council Directory) to produce the 2017 Bronx Business Directory & Resource Guide or the Bronx Chamber of Commerce.

I clearly see an important need and service being fulfilled by producing the 2017 Bronx Business Directory & Resource Guide. There is a lot of excitement and very positive comments from current and new members that have recently joined. They see and understand the value and benefit of the printed directory. The 2017 Bronx Business Directory & Resource Guide will list all members alphabetically and by category for referrals and new business contacts. The Directory will also feature important resource information.

Major businesses and institutions in The Bronx also believe in the concept and value of the Bronx Business Directory and have committed significantly with their advertising dollars. Some of the confirmed 2017 advertisers include: Active Staffing Services; American Maintenance; Apple Bank; Berkeley College; Bronx Lebanon Hospital; Castle Hill Recycling; Certified Alarm Tech Systems Inc.; Children's Corner Learning Center; Cottam Heating & Air Conditioning; Country Bank; F & F Insurance Services; Flushing Bank; Fordham University; Hutchinson Metro Center; ISE Office Plus; Law Offices of Joseph A. Romano PC; Manhattan College; Marriott Residence Inn; Metro Optics Eyewear; MetroPlus Health Plan; Monroe College; Mosholu Montefiore Community Center; New York Yankees; Pisacano Eye Surgery & Laser Specialists; Premier Facility Management; Rand Commercial; Ridgewood Savings Bank; Rite Check Cashing; Rooter Plus Plumbing & Heating; Stop & Stor New York's Self Storage; The Woodlawn Cemetery; and Tompkins Mahopac Bank.

Supercharging Productivity in 2017

Membership in 2017 will significantly increase with the printing of the 2017 Bronx Business Directory & Resource Guide delivery date of the end of January 2017. The Directory will be distributed to more than 2,000 member businesses, new businesses, and select governmental offices. It will also be distributed at Bronx Chamber of Commerce events throughout the year.

Companies and businesses that were not included will join the Bronx Chamber of Commerce and will make sure that they do not miss out on future editions. Advertising in the 2018 Bronx Business Directory & Resource Guide will also significantly increase due to the exposure and benefit it brings to the Bronx businesses and institutions and the referral business for small and mid-sized companies. I can easily predict that company advertising will more than double for the 2018 edition.

Greater participation from the membership will emerge from the expanded list of committees of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce. Serving on committees is an excellent way to network and meet potential new customers; contribute directly to the work of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce; interact with fellow members to share ideas and common interests; further the Chamber's objectives for Bronx businesses and the borough through its promotion, support and advocacy initiatives.

We have a place for all professionals including serving on any one of 9 committees such as: Business Development; Bylaws; Events; Finance; Legislative; Membership; MWBE; Technology & Social Media; and Young Professionals Network.

Emerging trends driving investment and development in 2017

As I stated when I accepted the position of President & CEO of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce over 1 year ago, "We are witnessing a renaissance in our great borough that is unprecedented. Together, we will grow the Chamber, enhance its influence and further improve the image of "The Bronx"!

My staff and I recently participated at the New York Business Expo (NYXPO) at the Jacob Javitz Convention Center in Manhattan. Thousands of business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals from throughout the greater New York metropolitan region attended the full day event of excellent seminars, workshops and trade show exhibitors. I love trade shows and networking. I spoke to hundreds of people. What I found most remarkable was that no one had anything negative to say about The Bronx! I only heard positive comments and questions about investment and development opportunities.

I am very excited to be a leader in the continuing renaissance in our great borough and the Bronx Chamber of Commerce.I look forward to your active membership and meeting you at some of our upcoming networking events. My vision is for our Bronx Chamber of Commerce to be one of the most influential and successful organizations in Bronx County. It will happen with our successful Annual Bronx Business Directory & Resource Guide and inclusive organization.
Helping you grow your Bronx Business is our Goal!
Nunzio Del Greco
President and CEO
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"The Network For Business Success"
1200 Waters Place, Suite 106
Bronx, NY 10461
"You never know where your next big deal is going to come from"!

Assemblymember Michael Blake - Why I’m running for Vice-Chair of the DNC

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Dear DNC Members, 
My name is Michael Blake, and, I am running to be a Vice-Chair of the Democratic National Committee. As a Vice-Chair, I will focus on recruiting and winning local elections for Democrats, strengthening our party's training efforts at the county, state and national levels and embracing our diversity with a continual focus on constituency vote programs, especially among communities of color, millennials, and women. 
As Democrats, we have an urgent need to Build Our Bench, Strengthen Our Party and Embrace Our Future. 
Build Our Bench: 
As a DNC Vice-Chair, I will work to identify, cultivate, and build a bench of dynamic candidates for local offices. Our party needs a strong bench partnered with a mentorship-based candidate support program, and we must enlist our top strategists in the DNC efforts to win the bench.
Strengthen Our Party: 
I will work to instill the same community-based organizing tactics that I used in Michigan in 2006 to win three state house races, on the 2008 Presidential campaign for President Obama in eight states and in 2012, as the National Deputy Director of Operation VOTE for President Obama’s campaign to build constituency vote programs. We will train DNC team members on how to identify and engage community leaders and institute a metrics-driven approach to constituency organizing in all 50 states.  I will also advocate for programs that build permanent, meaningful relationships between core Democratic constituencies and a re-energized DNC. 
Embrace Our Future: 
We know our values are shared by a majority of Americans, but we must be better at delivering the message and program of those values in a sustainable way through both grasstops and grassroots of the DNC. I’ll work to convene quarterly messaging workshops with party strategists and officials. We’ll also ensure that we are using cutting edge digital platforms to amplify our message and bring millennials into the conversation. 
We have lofty goals and much to do, but just like you, I’m ready to get to work and to help unite a re-energized Democratic Party.  
I was one of ten young leaders in 2006 selected to the inaugural “Yes We Can” program launched by then-U.S. Senator Barack Obama to train millennials of color how to manage and win local campaigns. I took that training to Michigan where I successfully managed and won three races to help flip the State House into a Democratic majority. 
In 2008, I joined President Obama’s campaign as the Iowa Caucus Deputy Political and Constituency Outreach Director where I successfully brought together coalitions of color, women, youth, veterans, LGBT, faith and rural leaders to caucus for Senator Obama. After the historic 2008 Election, I worked in President Obama’s administration as the deputy associate director of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement coordinating African-American, Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises and state and local elected official outreach.  In 2012, our team oversaw successful constituency vote programs that helped win nine out of ten battleground states.  But, I decided it was time to go back home and help my local hometown more directly.
In 2014, our team built a winning campaign from the ground up, won a six way primary by 13 points and was elected to the New York State Assembly with 80 percent of the vote. In office, we’ve passed legislation to help small, minority-owned, and women-owned businesses get paid faster, helped spearhead the creation of a $20 million My Brother’s Keeper Pilot Program and secured historic funding for housing and Criminal Justice reform.
It is critical for Democrats to win local races and create transformational impact in communities. We must have a seat at the table to stand up for our values and face critical policy fights in an era of Trump – like the redrawing of legislative district lines in 2020 – head-on. 
We need to hear and listen to the everyday needs of everyone, and we must embrace and defend progressive Democratic policies. We must continue to fight for economic justice, quality access to health care for seniors and young adults, equality for all communities and protect collective bargaining rights to create opportunities for everyone. 

The DNC must be a place where all Democrats can call home. My goal as a DNC Vice-Chair is that Democrats across the country are heard, supported, and provided the necessary resources and training to win.
I hope to have your support in the coming weeks, and I look forward to continuing to work together to rebuild the Democratic Party and continuing to fight for the values we share. Join our movement at
It is time for #LeadershipForTomorrow 
Thank you, 


  “Since adopting the nation's most progressive affordable housing law last spring, the City has already approved developments with 4,500 affordable homes. Today’s vote for 550 Washington, a project that includes important funding for Pier 40’s Hudson River Park, is a huge win for the community and New York City. I congratulate Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Council Member Corey Johnson and all those who worked so hard to ensure that any new development serves the needs of their community.”

Bronx Borough President - Have a Happy Hanukkah

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Pre- Chanukah Celebration & Menorah Lighting Ceremony

Thursday, December 22, 2016
12:30 PM

Riverdale YM-YWHA
5625 Arlington Ave
Bronx, NY 10463

Traditional Holiday Foods will be served.

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz

Governor Cuomo Calling A Special Session to Kill New York City’s Taxi Industry

You should know that Governor Andrew Cuomo is planning to call us legislators back to Albany for a Special Session next week.

You should also know that in my opinion, it is ridiculous to call us to Albany at the very end of the year just to vote to remove any responsibility from Uber to get approval from local authorities, and do whatever they want. This will kill all of New York City’s livery bases, destroy our local taxi industry, and effectively cut the throats of our taxi drivers.

On the other hand, these State regulations they would like to ram through would not apply in Nassau and Suffolk Counties.

Ladies and gentlemen, you should also know that I am only one vote, and my vote may not really count because I am sure that Governor Andrew Cuomo has already made a deal with the Assembly Speaker and the Senate Leader to have enough votes for him to do whatever he wants to do.

But for right now, this Black guy from Bayamon, Puerto Rico, with the kinky hair and the broken English is not planning to go back to Albany until January 4, 2017.

So, for all of those Uber followers and supporters who want to kill New York City’s local taxi industry, I am afraid you will have to do it without my vote and in my absence.

I am not planning to go to negotiate my salary increase so that Uber and the Governor can get away with killing New York City’s taxi industry.

I am Senator Ruben Diaz and this is what you should know.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A.G. Schneiderman Indictments Of 13 Current And Former City Fire And Police Department Employees In Half Million Dollar Insurance Fraud Scams

  Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman, New York City Department of Investigation Commissioner Mark G. Peters and New York State Department of Financial Services Superintendent Maria T. Vullo today announced the indictments of 13 public employees in Queens and Brooklyn, including New York City Police Department Traffic Agents and FDNY EMT’s, Lieutenants, and Paramedics for allegedly committing insurance fraud against the American Family Life Assurance Company (“AFLAC”). It is alleged that these city employees signed up for disability insurance through AFLAC, and manipulated the system by forging physician’s or supervisor’s signatures to file false insurance claims. This group of defendants allegedly collectively stole over half a million dollars. Each defendant stands accused of one count of grand larceny and one count of insurance fraud for thefts that ranged from over $3,000 to over $100,000 per defendant.
“Public employees are entrusted to adhere to the highest code of conduct. Yet these defendants undermined the public trust in government and the integrity of our insurance system by perpetrating this alleged scheme,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “Cracking down on public corruption is a top priority for my office, and we will continue our relentless work with our partners in law enforcement to root out fraud and waste wherever we find it.”  
DOI Commissioner Mark G. Peters said, “Today’s arrests result from a lengthy DOI investigation into dozens of City workers, including fire and police department employees. We depend on honesty and integrity from all our public servants and these workers failed us. Our independent investigation will continue to root out this corrupt behavior with more arrests expected to follow.”
Financial Services Superintendent Maria T. Vullo said“The individuals accused of these crimes had sworn to serve and protect the public, but instead they betrayed the public to serve their own selfish greed. The Department of Financial Services appreciates the opportunity to have worked on this case and commends Attorney General Schneiderman and Commissioner Peters for their efforts in bringing these defendants to justice.” The following defendants were arrested this morning on charges of Grand Larceny in the Second Degree and Insurance Fraud in the Second Degree, both class C felonies. Grand Larceny in the Second Degree is charged when the value of the stolen property exceeds $50,000. Upon conviction, a class C felony is punishable by up to fifteen years in prison:
  • MARC MASTROS, 37, of Queens, N.Y., a former FDNY EMT, began working for the agency in September 1999 and resigned from the FDNY in March 2014. He is charged with defrauding AFLAC of approximately $118,630 and was arraigned in Queens County Supreme Court.
  • DEVON GRAHAM, 46, of Queens, N.Y., has been employed as an FDNY EMT since May 2005. He is charged with defrauding AFLAC of approximately $71,310 and was arraigned in Queens County Supreme Court.
  • KENNETH LAMBERT, 35, of Hasbrook Heights, N.J., has been employed as an FDNY EMT since February 2004. He is charged with defrauding AFLAC of approximately $91,056 and was arraigned in Queens County Supreme Court.
The following defendants were arrested this morning on charges of Grand Larceny in the Third Degree and Insurance Fraud in the Third Degree, both class D felonies. Grand Larceny in the Third Degree is charged when the value of the stolen property exceeds $3,000. Upon conviction, a class D felony is punishable by up to seven years in prison:
  • JUAN MASTROS, 28, of Queens, N.Y., has been employed as an FDNY Paramedic since May 2009 and resigned December 9, 2016. He is charged with defrauding AFLAC of approximately $34,176 and was arraigned in Queens County Supreme Court.
  • SUSAN JAMES, 58, of Queens, N.Y., a former FDNY EMS Lieutenant, began working for the agency in March 1996 and retired from the FDNY in October 2013. She is charged with defrauding AFLAC of approximately $9,950 and was arraigned in Queens County Supreme Court.
  • CALEB LAUES, 41, of Queens, N.Y., has been employed as an FDNY Paramedic since February 2004. He is charged with defrauding AFLAC of approximately $41,590 and was arraigned in Queens County Supreme Court.
  • JOSE SOLIS, 34, of Valley Stream, N.Y., has been employed as an FDNY Paramedic since April 2008. He is charged with defrauding AFLAC of approximately $27,229 and was arraigned in Queens County Supreme Court.
  • MOURAD TOUATI, 48, of Queens, N.Y., a former FDNY EMT and current Department of Correction (“DOC”) Officer, began working for FDNY in January 2008 and left in 2014. He joined DOC in May 2014. He is charged with defrauding AFLAC of approximately $31,146 and was arraigned in Queens County Supreme Court.
  • RANDOLPH LOWE, 57, of Brooklyn, N.Y., has been employed as an NYPD Traffic Enforcement Agent since March 2008. He is charged with defrauding AFLAC of approximately $4,753 and was arraigned in Kings County Supreme Court.
  • ANTHONY MIRANDA, 58, of Brooklyn, N.Y., has been employed as an FDNY EMS Lieutenant since March 1996. He is charged with defrauding AFLAC of approximately $22,550 and was arraigned in Kings County Supreme Court.
  • MELISSA OVALLE, 35, of Brooklyn, N.Y., has been employed as FDNY EMS Lieutenant since January 2005. She is charged with defrauding AFLAC approximately $20,670 and was arraigned in Kings County Supreme Court.
  • YOLANDA POWELL, 47, of Brooklyn, N.Y., a former NYPD Traffic Enforcement Agent, began working for NYPD in October 2003 and resigned from the NYPD in December 2015.  She is charged with defrauding AFLAC of approximately $9,505 and was arraigned in Kings County Supreme Court.
  • VALERIY YEDVABSKIY, 58, of Brooklyn, N.Y., has been employed as an NYPD Traffic Enforcement Agency since May 2009. She is charged with defrauding AFLAC of approximately $27,010 and was arraigned in Kings County Supreme Court.
The Attorney General would like to thank the New York State Department of Financial services for the referral in this matter. The Attorney General would also like to thank the New York City Department of Investigation for partnering with the OAG on this investigation.
With offices around the state, and a jurisdiction that is not limited by county, the OAG is uniquely positioned to simultaneously prosecute defendants in multiple venues in cases like this one.
The Attorney General’s investigation into this matter remains ongoing.
Prosecuting the case are Assistant Attorney General Kevin B. Frankel and Special Counsel Brian P. Weinberg of the Attorney General’s Public Integrity Bureau, under the supervision of Bureau Chief Daniel Cort and Deputy Bureau Chief Stacy Aronowitz. The investigation was handled by Investigator Angel Laporte of the Attorney General’s Investigations Bureau, under the supervision of Deputy Chief Investigator John McManus. The Investigations bureau is led by Chief Dominick Zarrella. Forensic Auditor Kristina Kojamanian assisted in the investigation under the supervision of Forensic Audit Section Deputy Chief Auditor Sandy Bizzarro.  The Forensic Audit Section is led by Chief Auditor Edward J. Keegan, Jr. Legal Support Analyst Katharine Litka of the Public Integrity Bureau also assisted in the investigation. 
Handling the case for NYC DOI is Assistant Inspector General Sara Levinson, Data Analyst Nicholas Devine, all under the supervision of Inspector General Frank J. Carine, Assistant Commissioner Michael Healy, Deputy Commissioner/Chief of Investigations Michael Carroll and First Deputy Commissioner Lesley Brovner. The investigation also received assistance from DOI’s Office of the Inspector General for NYPD. Cindy Licata, Senior Criminal Investigator, handled the case for the Department of Financial Services.