Saturday, April 22, 2017

A.G. Schneiderman Announces Felony Charges Against Steve Pigeon, Kristy Mazurek, And David Pfaff

Western New York Political Operatives Charged With Knowingly And Willfully Engaging In Illegal Campaign Coordination
Schneiderman: These Charges Send A Clear Message That We Will Aggressively Enforce Our State’s Election Laws
   Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced the filing of a felony complaint charging G. Steven Pigeon, 55, Kristy Mazurek, 46 and David Pfaff, 57, with three class E felonies in violation of Election Law section 14-126 (5), and one count of Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the First Degree, in violation of Penal Law section 175.35, a class E felony. The three defendants were arraigned on the felony complaint today by Hon. Donald F. Cerio, Jr., in New York State Supreme Court, Erie County. 
According to the felony complaint filed in court today, Pigeon, Mazurek, and Pfaff are alleged to have knowingly and willfully engaged in illegal campaign coordination while acting on behalf of the Western New York Progressive Caucus (“WNYPC”), an “unauthorized political committee,” in regard to the nomination for election of three political candidates in the September 10, 2013 Democratic primary. Each defendant faces a maximum sentence of four years if convicted on all counts. The charges stem from a joint investigation conducted by the Office of the Attorney General, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the New York State Board of Elections.
“These charges send a clear message: we will aggressively enforce our state’s election laws,” said Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. “As alleged in our criminal complaint, the defendants in this case flouted the law to fund their own handpicked candidates for office in Erie County. As alleged, the defendants' use of a political committee to circumvent the law and undermine the integrity of these elections was an affront to Erie County voters – and we intend to hold them accountable.”
“In democratic societies, the voting process is a means by which citizens hold their government accountable,” said FBI Buffalo Special Agent in Charge Adam S. Cohen. “Our system of representative government works only when it's done in accordance with the laws created to ensure fair elections.”
The felony complaint alleges that Pigeon and Mazurek created WNYPC for the purpose of electing their preferred candidates and that many of the candidates funded by WNYPC were relying almost entirely on the political committee for all campaign-related expenditures. In fact, as the complaint details, very little money was raised by the candidates themselves. For example, one candidate raised just $450 between July 12, 2013 and September 16, 2013, while WNYPC received $250,000 in contributions and spent extensively in support of the candidate’s campaign – resulting in the vast majority of the candidate’s campaign-related costs being borne by WNYPC rather than the candidate’s committee.
The complaint alleges that, on behalf of the WNYPC, the defendants sought input from two candidates regarding campaign literature and arranged for them to appear at a photo shoot paid for by WNYPC. WNYPC also paid other expenses on behalf of one of the candidates that exceeded the $1,476.50 contribution limit of that race by over $16,500; and paid nearly $12,000 worth of expenses over the $1,192.70 contribution limit for the second candidate’s race. 
The defendants also allegedly conferred with a third candidate and used WNYPC funds to pay for the third candidate’s campaign signs, postage, and campaign literature. In doing so, WNYPC exceeded the $1,550.10 contribution limit for that race by over $3,200. 
The defendants are also charged with filing a false Campaign Finance Disclosure Report with the New York State Board of Elections by failing to truthfully disclose the financial activity of the WNYPC.
An unauthorized political committee is a political committee that is not specifically authorized by one candidate or a group of candidates to raise or spend money on their behalf for their election.  
Campaign coordination is a crime under the Election Law that is committed when a person knowingly and willfully solicits, organizes or coordinates the activities of an unauthorized committee with the activities of a candidate or the candidate’s agents for the purpose of making expenditures on behalf of the candidate that exceed the contribution limit for that candidate’s race.
In addition to the new charges filed today, Pigeon is currently under indictment for the crimes of Bribery in the Second Degree, Bribery in the Third Degree, six counts of Rewarding Official Misconduct in the Second Degree, and Grand Larceny in the Third Degree. The charges arise from conduct which involved former State Supreme Court Justice John A. Michalek, who resigned from the bench after pleading guilty to the felony charges of Bribe Receiving in the Third Degree and Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the First Degree on June 29, 2016. The indictment against Pigeon is pending before Judge Cerio. A trial date has been set for September 5, 2017.
The charges contained in the felony complaint are merely allegations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

Comptroller Stringer Audit: Public Denied Required Amenities at Public Spaces as City Enforcement Lags

   Of 333 privately owned public spaces, 275 had not been inspected by the Department of Buildings in at least four years

More than half of privately owned public spaces failed to provide all required public amenities
Comptroller Stringer calls for an immediate top-to-bottom review of all POPS sites by the City
According to a new audit released by Comptroller Scott M. Stringer, developers and building owners – despite receiving generous zoning regulation exemptions that allow them to build taller and denser – are not providing the required public spaces and public amenities such as bike racks, seating, trees, and drinking fountains in line with their City agreements. The report found the Department of Buildings (DOB), the agency principally responsible for evaluating and ensuring compliance, hasn’t inspected most of these locations in years.
Privately owned public spaces – known as POPS – are outdoor or indoor spaces that are built for public use, for taxpayers’ benefit, by the developers of private buildings. In exchange for creating that public space, those developers are allowed to construct buildings higher and denser than would otherwise be allowed by applicable zoning regulations.
Currently, New York City property owners benefit from approximately 23 million square feet of additional zoning floor area in their buildings, in exchange for providing public space at 333 locations. Yet, the majority of property owners have been financially rewarded without fully meeting the obligations of their zoning agreements.
The Comptroller’s Office’s inspected all 333 New York City POPS locations as part of the audit, and found conditions at 182 of them – or 55 percent of the total – that violated requirements and had been largely ignored by DOB. Those violations include:
  • Public access restricted by some type of fence, barricade or chain;
  • Signs stating “For Private Use Only” despite locations’ being public space;
  • A lack of required amenities (e.g., artwork, bicycle parking, drinking fountain, elevator, lighting, litter receptacles, planting, plaque/sign, seating, tables, trees, and a sufficient number of chairs); and
  • Restaurants occupying portions of public space by placing tables and chairs for their private patrons to the exclusion of the public.
Even though the Department of Buildings is primarily responsible for ensuring compliance and issuing violations, the City has refused to proactively inspect POPS locations, instead opting for reviews only when individual complaints are received. That policy has allowed some violations to persist for years without any enforcement action by the City. In its response to the audit, DOB disagreed with the recommendation that it inspect all POPS location to ensure they are in existence, provide the required amenities to residents, and offer full public access as required to taxpayers.
  • Of 333 POPS locations, 275 of them had not been inspected by DOB for at least four years, and when inspections did take place, they were often late, incomplete, or ineffective.
  • Based on auditors’ observations of the 58 POPS locations that had been inspected by DOB in the prior four years, the Comptroller’s Office found that 41 (71 percent) were not in compliance with their City agreements.
  • Yet, despite those 41 locations’ noncompliance, DOB issued only 18 violations to 10 of the locations.
  • The Comptroller’s Office found that 34 of the 87 inspections that DOB conducted in the prior four years didn’t occur within 40 days of DOB’s receiving a complaint – the Department’s goal for such inspections.
“What’s happening is simply unbelievable. It’s egregious. New Yorkers are literally getting cheated out of tens of millions of dollars in public space – and the city is willfully choosing to do nothing about it. Public resources are effectively being given away at the expense of all of us. While there are many good actors who are meeting their requirements, where agreements are being violated, the Department of Buildings is refusing to provide effective enforcement. It’s unacceptable, and it has to change,” Comptroller Stringer said. “We have to be a city where everyone plays by the rules. That’s why today I’m calling on DOB to launch a top-to-bottom review of all of these locations and vigorously enforce the law when violations are found. If the City will only do inspections when it receives constituent complaints, then both as a New Yorker and as Comptroller, I want this audit to be considered a formal complaint about every location we found to be in violation of its agreement.”
The following photographs show some of the ways that the public is excluded from what are supposed to be public spaces.

Above are photos of a POPS location at 175 East 96th Street where public access was denied. This building was allowed an additional 68,157 square feet of floor area for creating a public space, but the public is not allowed in.
At 101 Barclay Street (below), the building owner benefits from increased height of the structure in exchange for a public lobby. Yet, the POPS is entirely closed to the public, and auditors who attempted to inspect the site were stopped, prevented from taking photographs, and escorted to the security office where they were questioned. Building security informed auditors that this lobby had been closed to the public for at least 15 years.
In addition, the auditors observed a notice prominently posted on the door that explicitly informs the public the space is for private use (below).
Coupled with the DOB, the New York City Department of City Planning (DCP) also oversees aspects of developers’ and owners’ compliance with their agreements. DOB enforces the City’s Building Code and Zoning Resolution and is responsible for issuing violation notices to owners when POPS are found to be out of compliance. These violations carry penalties of $4,000, and if a building owner defaults on a notice of violation, the penalty increases to $10,000.  DCP is responsible for overseeing land use in New York City. DCP currently certifies POPS compliance with zoning regulations prior to the developer obtaining a foundation permit and conducts periodic compliance reviews for POPS created after 2007.
The Comptroller’s audit recommends a series of measures and reforms to ensure POPS are compliant with City zoning rules, including proactive inspections of all POPS locations, completion of a new, comprehensive database of all POPS locations, and referring the apparent destruction of a POPS location at one specific address to the City Law Department.
To read the full audit, click here.

Bronx Borough President Invites you to celebrate CINCO de MAYO


  Effort supports City’s OneNYC plan to reduce greenhouse gases by 80% by 2050 & create 3,000 good-paying jobs

   In celebration of Earth Day and to further bolster an emerging green economy, Mayor de Blasio and the Building Construction Trades Council (BCTC) announced an agreement to launch the first class of pre-apprenticeships available through the NYC Green Jobs Corps. The NYC Green Jobs Corps was first announced by the Mayor during his 2017 State of the City address. This new partnership with the BCTC and its members under the NYC Green Jobs Corps is necessary to deliver on the Mayor’s commitment to train 3,000 workers with new skills needed for the emerging green economy over the next three years.

“This Earth Day, we’re making a statement: fighting climate change and creating good-paying jobs go hand-in-hand,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “The NYC Green Jobs Corps will support the training of 3,000 workers who will be instrumental in making this a cleaner and better city. New Yorkers are working together to help realize our shared vision for a more sustainable, resilient and just city.”

“This collaboration with the Mayor’s office will help provide New Yorkers with good paying jobs and middle-class opportunities in the construction trades industry," said Gary LaBarbera, President of the 100,000 member Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York. "The NYC Green Jobs Corps builds on the Building Trades job training successes, such as the Construction Skills Program, and we look forward to working with the administration in offering greater opportunity to build a better and more sustainable city."

New Yorkers can sign up through SBS Workforce1 to be screened for construction trade opportunities starting today. This initial phase of the program will identify the first two hundred candidates eligible for pre-apprentice classes taught this summer, following assessment and referral by SBS Workforce1. The City has committed to financially support these trainings through SBS.

The New York City Green Jobs Corps is modeled after the successful Build It Back and Sandy Recovery Workforce1 efforts to engage New Yorkers impacted by Hurricane Sandy in rebuilding their neighborhoods. In total, 1,400 Sandy-impacted New Yorkers received jobs through Build It Back and Sandy Recovery Workforce1. Build It Back has hired 950 Sandy impacted residents across the program at an average wage of $30 per hour. 22 percent of all tradespeople hired by the program are Sandy-impacted residents. Sandy Recovery Workforce1 has placed 450 people with employment, and among these individuals 135 people were placed with unions through a pre-apprenticeship program.

Today’s announcement is an important first step in opening doors for New Yorkers to enter the building construction trades and access pathways to a good career. The NYC Green Jobs Corps will develop the workforce needed to meet the Mayor’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050 (80 x 50).  Among the biggest green job skill needs to meet this goal, is retrofitting the city’s one million buildings for greater energy efficiency. The City’s buildings, including municipal buildings, contribute approximately two-thirds of the city’s emissions. The City has previously announced up to $2.6 billion in work on municipal buildings retrofits.

Earlier this week, as part of the lead up to Earth Day, Mayor de Blasio announced significant new progress on solar energy investments, new support for electric vehicles, cleanup of brownfields, and progress on the City’s OneNYC program, all of which demonstrate an expanded commitment to reaching 80 x 50, while creating a growing need for green job skills and to meet that demand, and will require continued partnership with BCTC.

Recognizing that climate change is an existential threat for the city, and that we must meet goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050, the NYC Green Jobs Corps is meant to provide the necessary apparatus to train New Yorkers who want to be part of a growing field, while helping deliver on the City’s ambitious OneNYC goals of creating a more just, more resilient, and more sustainable city.

“Winning the fight against climate change will require an equally important effort to bring more New Yorkers into the green economy, creating pathways to good-paying construction jobs,” said Daniel Zarrilli, Senior Director of Climate Policy & Programs and Chief Resilience Officer in the NYC Mayor’s Office. “Today, we’re thrilled to take the next step in that effort by launching the first phase of our NYC Green Jobs Corps.  In partnership with the Building Construction Trades Council, we will train New Yorkers starting this summer to participate in the transformation of our buildings to a low-carbon future.  These opportunities can change lives – part of Mayor de Blasio’s OneNYC program to build a stronger and more just city."

“By employing jobseekers citywide, we can achieve Mayor Bill de Blasio’s ambitious goal to reduce the city’s emissions by 80 percent by the year 2050,” said Gregg Bishop, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Small Business Services. “We’re opening doors for New Yorkers to learn new skills and join a growing economy here in New York City.”

“Rising sea levels and a changing climate will threaten New York City’s future if we don’t act now to build more resilient communities and reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases,” said Jainey Bavishi, Director of the NYC Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency. “We are thrilled to partner with BCTC to create this direct pathway for New Yorkers to gain training and opportunities to participate in the next generation of green jobs, and help us deliver on our ambitious OneNYC goals.”


NYC Web Development Fellowship is part of the Tech Talent Pipeline; TTP has connected over 370 New Yorkers to careers through training

  Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced that the NYC Web Development Fellowship program, part of the City’s Tech Talent Pipeline Initiative, is expanding to serve as many as three times the number of New Yorkers interested in careers in web development. The expansion comes as three new tech training providers partner with the fellowship program: the Fullstack Academy, General Assembly, and New York Code + Design Academy.

TTP is aimed at New Yorkers seeking good-paying, career-track technology jobs.

Overall, 372 New Yorkers served by TTP’s ten programs – which help businesses start and grow by equipping New Yorkers with in-demand tech skills – have secured jobs and paid internships with average salaries of nearly $53,000. The largest cohort of TTP graduates, those in web development, have secured average salaries of $67,000.

“I am incredibly proud to announce that TTP has already connected more than 370 New Yorkers to good paying jobs and that we are expanding this incredible fellowship program, one that reaches New Yorkers from all boroughs and offers even more opportunities in the new economy,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said.

New Yorkers interested in applying to TTP’s programs can visit TTP.NYC, and sign up to be notified when programs are accepting applications.

Through the NYC Web Development Fellowship, and in combination with SBS, graduates have been connected to positions at leading companies, including Spotify, Viacom, and Kickstarter.

“The NYC Tech Talent Pipeline has created opportunities for more New Yorkers to achieve good, career-track jobs in the tech field, and I am pleased that we are expanding one of its most successful training programs,” said Gregg Bishop, Commissioner of the Department of Small Business Services. “The tech industry is an important part of New York City’s economy and we will continue to work with our private sector partners to forge a future that is inclusive and taps the rich talents of all of our people.”

The NYC Web Development Fellowship serves New Yorkers, including many without four-year degrees and those who cannot afford a private tech training boot camp. It’s the largest of TTP’s ten training and education programs, all of which are designed, developed, and delivered in partnership with industry and educational institutions to offer real-world skills needed in the innovation economy. They range in focus from software engineering and data analysis training to “Bridge-To-Tech,” which is delivered with The Knowledge House, an innovative Bronx-based and tech-focused program for individuals seeking additional skills before entering training or post-secondary education.

Web Development Fellowship Graduate Spotlight:

After her Web Development Fellowship training and an internship at Kickstarter, Geraldina Garcia Alvarez, 24, started a new job as a fulltime software engineer at VICE in November 2015.

“I can’t believe how much my life has changed since I completed the NYC Web Development Fellowship. After juggling jobs to pay my rent, the Fellowship provided the opportunity of a lifetime. Today, I’m excited to be working as a software engineer where I am able to do what I love every day,” said Garcia Alvarez.

More than training, TTP’s broader impact:

Leveraging employer insight to design and develop trainings is just one of the ways that TTP works to equip New Yorkers with the skills needed to secure and succeed in in-demand tech roles. TTP works directly with industry and academic partners to improve alignment of tech education pathways with the needs of NYC’s growing tech ecosystem in order to better prepare New Yorkers for tech jobs. For example, in March, TTP held a Web Development Summit at Spotify headquarters that brought together 25 industry advisors and representatives of eight academic and training organizations to identify opportunities to better prepare New Yorkers for web development roles. A summary of industry feedback from the summit can be found here.

By investing in the alignment of curriculum with industry needs, TTP is expanding its reach and laying a foundation for quality jobs and quality talent at scale.

Wave Hill Events May 5–May 12

An article I read over the weekend by Rob Cowen, the author of Common Ground: Encounters With Nature at the Edges of Life, has been on my mind as I think about the week ahead. Cowan wrote: “I know that the chance to encounter and experience the intimacy of nature in all its beautiful and terrifying glory is a key part of understating the true shape of being human.” Intimacy is so much of what the experience of Wave Hill is all aboutI felt relieved to read his deep validation of its place in our urban lives.

Explore Wave Hill’s woodlands and shady areas using watercolor and related media to capture dappled light and luminous colors, with artist Wennie Huang. Materials not included; hardware, such as easels and brushes, will be provided. $270/$240 Wave Hill Member. Registration required, online at or onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center, starting April 26. This six-session workshop continues May 11, 18, 25, June 1, 8. 

Join naturalist Gabriel Willow on a special early-morning walk to spot the amazing diversity of birds in the gardens and woodlands, as well as in the skies above, before the gates open to the public. Ages 10 and older welcome with an adult.Free, but advance registration is required, online at or onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center, starting April 26.

Due to the fragile nature of some of our trees, we don’t fly kites at Wave Hill, but we will parade them! Join visiting artistAndrea Lomanto to design a simple paper kite to display your environmental dream for caring for the earth. Carry your kite message in a spring parade or take it home to watch it fly. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Join us at this artist talk in the Sunroom Project Space. The artist Borinquen Gallo discusses her installation, an imaginary hive interior informed by Wave Hill’s beehives. Created using recycled plastic bags and caution tape woven through debris netting, her hive points to the apiary as a symbol of community and collaboration. Free with admission to the grounds.

Due to the fragile nature of some of our trees, we don’t fly kites at Wave Hill, but we will parade them! Join visiting artistAndrea Lomanto to design a simple paper kite to display your environmental dream for caring for the earth. Carry your kite message in a spring parade or take it home to watch it fly. Free with admission to the grounds. 

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.

Enjoy the garden as the setting for your yoga practice as you find your breath and become connected to the landscape. Classes are led by certified Yoga Haven instructors, for all levels. Please bring a mat and be on time. This class is held indoors in case of rain. Drop-in rate is $30/20 Wave Hill Member; series fee is $210/$130 for eight weeks. Registration opensApril 26.

MON, MAY 8    
Closed to the public.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Wave Hill’s Curatorial Fellow will lead a tour of the spring exhibitions in Glyndor Gallery. The group show, Outcasts: Women in the Wilderness, explores how women have been treated and portrayed as outcasts in history, myth and biblical legend. In the Sunroom Project Space, Borinquen Gallo’s imaginary hive interior is informed by Wave Hill’s beehives. Free with admission to the grounds.


A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM–5:30PM, starting March 15.  Closes 4:30PM, November 1–March 14.
ADMISSION  $8 adults, $4 students and seniors 65+, $2 children 6–18. Free Saturday and Tuesday mornings until noon. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES  Programs are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

Visitors to Wave Hill can take advantage of Metro-North’s one-day getaway offer. Purchase a discount round-trip rail far and discount admission to the gardens. More at

DIRECTIONS – Getting here is easy! Located only 30 minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, as well as the W. 242nd Street stop on the #1 subway line. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Free offsite parking is available nearby with continuous, complimentary shuttle service to and from the offsite lot and our front gate. Complete directions and shuttle bus schedule at

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at

Friday, April 21, 2017


  New York- Mayor Bill de Blasio and Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. today announced the next stop for City Hall in Your Borough will be The Bronx. Mayor de Blasio, top City officials and commissioners will arrive to Bronx Borough Hall the last full week of May for a week-long series of satellite office hours.

“Moving City Hall’s day-to-day operations to Bronx Borough Hall will allow for an intensive focus on the people and the priorities of The Bronx,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “I look forward to being on the ground, meeting with and hearing from Bronxites.”

“Like all New Yorkers, Bronxites demand exceptional service and prompt responses from their government. Bringing City Hall directly to The Bronx will provide my constituents with an opportunity to get direct answers from various agencies, learn more about the future of the city and interact with the highest levels of municipal government. I look forward to a productive and substantive week as we welcome Mayor de Blasio to The Bronx in late May,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

The week will include meetings with local groups, various stops and events in the borough, and a town hall. First Lady Chirlane McCray will also hold a series of events.

The announcement was first made via Mayor de Blasio and Borough President Diaz’s respective Twitter accounts, @NYCMayor and @rubendiazjr. More details about the Bronx edition of City Hall in Your Borough” will be made public in the near future.


Bronx Week ends on Sunday May 21st with the Annual Bronx Week Parade, Food, and Music Festival along Mosholu Parkway. More on Bronx Week as soon as I get the details from the BP's office, and if the mayor will be part of Bronx Week or host 'City Hall in your Borough' after Bronx Week. 

Bronx Democratic Party - Judicial Screening Process Now Open

Judicial Screening Application Now Open! 

The Independent Judicial Screening Committee of Bronx Democratic Party (IJSC) is currently accepting applications  is currently accepting applications for all of the elected judicial positions that will occur in the 2017 election in and for The Bronx and the City of New York. 

All potential candidates for Judge of the Civil Court of the City of New York and Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York must complete and submit a 2017 questionnaire. Questionnaires must be completed and submitted no later than May 5, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. to the offices of Bronx Democratic Party headquarters located at 1640 Eastchester Road, Bronx, NY 10461.

Candidates who qualify will be interviewed by a judicial screening panel between May 13th and 14th, 2017, the Bronx Democratic Party headquarters. 

For more information on the application process, please visit: 

1640 Eastchester Road
Bronx, NY 10461