Friday, April 28, 2017


These guidelines make New York the first city in the country to integrate multiple climate risks into its capital program, the largest in the country

   Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the release of preliminary Climate Resiliency Design Guidelines, which for the first time establish citywide guidance on incorporating projected impacts from climate change into the planning, engineering, construction, and renovation of City facilities. Building on New York City’s national leadership on climate action, the Guidelines are the first of their kind to comprehensively address multiple climate risks across its capital program, the largest in the country. The Guidelines are a critical step towards integrating resiliency as a core principle in the design of City buildings and infrastructure by providing standard policy framework for incorporating forward-looking climate data into design, ultimately saving money by planning for future risks.

“New York is meeting the challenge of climate change head-on, and in the process we are building a better city,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “These guidelines are another national first, and will make the city’s buildings and infrastructure more resilient in the face of rising seas, extreme heat and storms. Our forward-looking approach will help us prepare for the effects of climate change, so the next generation can continue to call New York home.”

Led by the Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency, the Guidelines provide architects, engineers, planners, and other professionals with step-by-step instructions on how to incorporate anticipated changes in temperature, precipitation, and sea levels into the design of City facilities, based on the best available science provided by the New York City Panel on Climate Change. The Guidelines are to be used throughout the design process—from the conceptual phase to final design—for all new construction and substantial improvements of City buildings and infrastructure. Utilization of the Guidelines will result in enhanced standards that will make our built environment more resilient to extreme weather and climate change while promoting the health, safety, and prosperity of all New Yorkers.

Current building codes and standards incorporate historic weather data without accounting for changing climate conditions, such as the frequency of future floods, heat waves, and precipitation. These Guidelines provide a standard methodology for choosing design parameters from among the range of climate projections when designing resilient facilities.

Highlights of the Guidelines include:

  • Providing guidance to address major climate risks and planning for continued changes in climate across the entire useful life of facilities built today;
  • Ensuring that both critical and non-critical city facilities are designed to be resilient;
  • Ensuring cost-effective investments are made by evaluating the future climate projections against the service life of a planned new asset;
  • Utilizing projected climate data at the local level;
  • Providing guidance on how to limit the Urban Heat Island effect while also protecting facilities against extreme heat;
  • Addressing urban flooding from extreme precipitation;
  • Recommending the use of flexible adaptation pathways, a way of designing facilities with coastal storms protections that can be upgraded, as a way to manage uncertainty;
  • Recommending that large-scale projects undertake a full climate risk assessment to develop a resilient design specific to the facility.

The Guidelines were developed based on the New York City Panel on Climate Change’s regional climate projections that inform City resiliency policy. Composed of leading scientists, the NPCC prepares projections for the City and metropolitan region which have shown that extreme weather will increase in frequency and severity, and that the climate will become more variable. Climate projections encompass a wide range of possible outcomes, for example:

  • Mean annual temperature is projected to increase between 4.1 and 6.6°F by the 2050s and between 5.3 and 10.3°F by the 2080s.
  • Frequency of heat waves is projected to triple by the 2050s to five to seven heat waves per year.
  • Mean annual precipitation is projected to increase between 4 to 13 percent by the 2050s and between 5 to 19 percent by the 2080s.
  • Sea level is expected to continue rising by 11 to 21 inches by the 2050s and by 18 to 39 inches by the 2080s, on top of the 1 foot of rise already measured since 1900.

The NPCC continues to study and refine climate projections for the metropolitan region, and these Guidelines will be updated as new reports are released by the NPCC.

ORR worked in partnership with the NPCC and a working group of City agencies to develop the Guidelines. The City will review and pilot the Guidelines on projects throughout the rest of 2017. The results will be used to refine the preliminary draft and a final version will be released in December 2017.

These NYC Climate Resilience Design Guidelines are aligned with the Department of Design and Construction’s Guiding Principles and are meant to be utilized by agencies within their own work, such as those developed by the Department of Parks and Recreation’s Design and Planning for Flood Resiliency: Guidelines for NYC Parks. The NYC Parks guidelines are in development and will be released in 2017.

“In our OneNYC plan, we sought new ways to make our neighborhoods, economy and public services ready to withstand and emerge stronger from the impacts from climate change,” said First Deputy Mayor Anthony Shorris. “To do this, we need to integrate climate-smart thinking across the work of all City agencies.  The release of these design guidelines brings us closer to building a more just and resilient New York City for all."

“Climate change is an existential threat to our city and our planet. As we continue to invest in climate adaptation across our entire $20 billion resiliency program, we are finding ways to make our investments stretch further to buy down risk for the benefit of all New Yorkers,” said Daniel Zarrilli, Senior Director for Climate Policy & Programs and the Chief Resilience Officer in the Mayor’s Office. “These design guidelines are a critical way that New York City will institutionalize the work of resiliency into the ways we design and build our infrastructure, leveraging our existing spending to ensure that we are continuing to build a more resilient city.” 

“New York can no longer look to the past for how we build for the future. Extreme weather and a changing climate threaten the City buildings and infrastructure that provide critical services that New Yorkers depend on,” said Jainey Bavishi, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency. “The Climate Resiliency Design Guidelines provide clear, accessible guidance on how to incorporate forward-looking climate data into the design of City facilities to ensure they are prepared to withstand the impacts of climate change and can continue to keep our city safe and strong into the future.”

The Preliminary Climate Resiliency Design Guidelines, which are an OneNYC initiative, can be found on line here.

To see the full list of the City’s progress on its OneNYC over $20 billion multi-layered resiliency program, please visit our citywide resiliency map here.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Department of Transportation Proposes New Broadway Corridor Plan

  The Department of Transportation came to Tuesday night's Community Board 8 T & T meeting with a proposal to slow down traffic on Broadway from West 242nd Street up to the Yonkers City line. It included a 'Protected Bike Lane on the park side Northbound on Broadway since there is less traffic which travels northbound rather than southbound. Nivardo Lopez the Bronx DOT Commissioner estimated the volume of traffic difference to be about one and a half times more southbound. 

  The protected bike lane would be nine feet wide which would occupy the current extra space in the parking lanes which were increased to make the travel lanes smaller to slow down vehicles, which apparently has not worked. Also there would be bus bulbs placed at current bus stops in the Broadway corridor for bus riders to board buses. There would still be two lanes of traffic both ways on Broadway, however buses would be stopping in the right lane at the bus bulbs which would then allow for only one lane of traffic to flow until the bus started to move again.

  The room was packed with people who were not shy about the lack of parking in the area, the new buildings going up in the area which would need more parking, and the proposed bike lane. CB 9 Chair Dan Padernacht chaired the meeting since T & T Chair Heller who was chosen to be the new District Manager has resigned from the board, and did not have a Vice-Chair since his last Vice-Chair was not reappointed last June.

Above - CB 8 Chair Dan Padernacht runs the meeting since the T & T Chair resigned from the board to become the new District Manager, leaving without having a Vice-Chair since last June.
Below - One DOT chart shows speeding on Broadway.

Another DOT chart shows changes at the Broadway and Mosholu Avenue corner. The result was that the DOT will come back to the MAy T & T meeting with answers to the questions that were not answered and better charts.

A.G. Schneiderman Announces Arrest And Indictment Of Wall Street Financier Charged With Defrauding Multiple Victims And Stealing $800,000

Anthony Nyame, CEO Of General Capital Corporation, Allegedly Stole Deposits From Clients Intended For Loans, Including $375,000 From A Bronx Church
   Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announced today felony charges against Anthony Nyame, 59, of the Bronx, for allegedly stealing $800,000 from multiple victims by fraudulently inducing them to believe his Wall Street based company, General Capital Corporation, had the ability to secure millions of dollars in loans. If convicted, Nyame faces up to 20 years in prison.
“The elaborate nature of this alleged scheme demonstrates just how shameless the defendant was in exploiting his victims,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “It is unbelievable that there are some who would scam religious institutions for personal financial gain. We will not allow fraudsters to rip off New Yorkers, and those who do so will be held to account.”
According to the indictment and statements made by the prosecutor at arraignment, Nyame allegedly solicited unwitting victims into believing that his company could arrange for tens of millions of dollars in loans provided they pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to collateralize the loans. In one case, Nyame allegedly promised to obtain a $30 million loan for a Church located in the Bronx  that was seeking to build a multi-family dwelling on its property. Instead of using the deposits to secure the promised loans, Nyame allegedly diverted monies from the Church and other investors for his own personal use – including $71,000 in cash withdrawals and transfers to his personal bank account, $47,000 to pay for his Wall Street apartment and an additional $26,000 for assorted personal items. Nyame also transferred hundreds of thousands of dollars to multiple companies and people around the world.
As part of Nyame’s scheme, he allegedly sent forged documents and fake emails to his victims that purported to come from the United States Treasury, including fake emails from the former Under Secretary David S. Cohen. The goal of the forged documents and fake emails was to convince the victims that the loans were delayed because they were in the process of being approved and verified by the US Treasury.
Nyame was arraigned today on the indictment before Supreme Court Judge Gregory Carro in New York County Court.  Bail was set at $2 million bond over $1 million cash.
The defendant is charged with two counts of Grand Larceny in the Second Degree (a Class C felony), one count of Grand Larceny in the Third Degree (a class D felony), five counts of Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Second Degree (a Class D felony) and one count of Scheme to Defraud in the First Degree (a Class E felony).  
The charges against the defendant are merely allegations and he is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.
The Attorney General thanks Special Agent Thomas Brodowski of the United States Treasury, Office of the Inspector General, for his assistance in this investigation.


Learn About Safety Issues; Children Receive Free NYPD Child Identification Cards 

  Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that her office, in partnership with the NYPD and Safe Horizon, will for the first time host a Bronx Child Safety Fair, welcoming families to hear from experts on safety concerns, receive a free Safe Child ID Card and enjoy a fun-filled day of games, music and more. 

  The fair, which commemorates Child Abuse Prevention Month, will be held on Saturday, April 22, 2017 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Mount Hope Community Center located at 55 East 175th Street. Children ages 3 to 13 and their families are welcome to attend. 

  District Attorney Clark said “Our main priority is to keep children from harm and I hope that you will join me on Saturday to learn how to make our community the safest it can be. I am pleased that one of our prosecutors, Danielle Pascale, Supervisor of the Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Bureau, organized this important event for the Bronx.” 

  Safety topics that will be covered include bike safety, bullying prevention, Internet precautions and safe sleeping. Assistant District Attorneys will also be on hand to discuss safe and unsafe touching and the NYPD will distribute free SAFE Child Identification cards which contain a child’s name, biographical information and a fingerprint image of both index fingers. The cards can be easily carried and are an important tool used by the New York State AMBER Alert and Missing Child Alert programs.
  Representatives from several organizations such as the FDNY, the YMCA, the NY Public Library, Universal Pre-K, Odyssey House, and AAA will be also be available and the NYPD will be taking sign-ups for their summer youth programs. 

  In addition to educational opportunities, entertainment will include a DJ, face painting, a bouncy castle, a raffle and free food.  

Comptroller Stringer Audit: HPD Oversight Failures Lead to $12 Million in Questionable Payments

Millions of dollars were spent on demolition without required oversight, raising the specter of potential waste
HPD is unable to justify over 150 payments and prove jobs were completed or workers were paid prevailing wages
  According to a new report from New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer, the New York City Department of Housing, Preservation, and Development (HPD) failed to properly review roughly $12 million in payments. In violation of City spending rules, HPD cannot verify whether these millions of dollars of payments for demolition work were appropriate, and whether all work was actually completed as required. As a result, unjustified payments of taxpayers’ money may have been made.
HPD is responsible for promoting the construction and preservation of affordable, high-quality housing for low- and moderate-income families across the City. As part of that work, HPD contracts with private companies to manage construction projects, demolish unsafe structures, and make building repairs.
To help ensure money is spent appropriately on construction and demolition work, City agencies are required to follow Comptroller’s Directive #7, which instructs them to establish “Engineering Audit Offices,” independent of agencies’ construction operations, to review and approve payments to contractors. These offices are responsible for conducting field inspections, verifying paperwork, and reviewing payroll data to ensure contractors have paid their employees prevailing wages.  During Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015, HPD’s Engineering Audit Office reviewed contractors’ payment requests totaling $56.1 million.
However, Comptroller Stringer’s audit shows that HPD was unable to prove its Engineering Audit Office appropriately reviewed payments made by HPD totaling roughly $12 million. Without evidence that those payments were appropriately reviewed or the work was being done as contracted, the City has greater exposure to waste, fraud, and abuse. It also means unscrupulous contractors could more easily deny workers their prevailing wages.
“When it comes to tackling our City’s greatest challenges, every dollar counts. But when we have no idea whether $12 million of spending is appropriate, we’re not doing our due diligence and serving New Yorkers as they deserve,” New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer said. “These rules are in place to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse — and we have a clear example here of an agency that’s willfully violating them and putting millions of tax payers’ dollars at risk. It has to change.”
Specific findings in Comptroller Stringer’s audit include:
  • Auditors reviewed a sample of 36 payment requests, totaling $10.2 million, from demolition companies and identified serious shortcomings with 32 — or 89% of them — totaling $9.6 million in HPD payments.
  • Seven of the 32 problematic payments — totaling nearly $900,000 — were issued without any review whatsoever by the Engineering Audit Office.
  • The other 25 questionable payments in the sample were reviewed in some way by the Engineering Audit Office, but auditors found most of those evaluations to be inadequate and incomplete. Of those 25 questionable payments:
    • The records for 18 of them lacked evidence of required field checks;
    • In 15 cases, there was no evidence of proper “desk audits,” where engineering auditors review payment requests, plans, documents, and permits;
    • Files for 22 of them did not include the documents necessary to check whether contractors paid their employees prevailing wages, as required by law;
    • In 8 instances, the payments did not comply with Procurement Policy Board Rules regarding prompt payment.
  • When auditors expanded their search to include all demolition-related payments HPD made in FY14 and FY15, they identified 154 additional transactions — worth $2.3 million — that had not been reviewed by the Engineering Audit Office at all.
The Comptroller’s Office made 19 recommendations to HPD, including that its Engineering Audit Office conduct field visits to physically verify that payments align with completed work, that the agency perform all required prevailing wage checks, and that HPD ensure every payment request is submitted to the Engineering Audit Office and reviewed before being paid out.
“There are millions of dollars on the line, and behind every example of potential waste, there’s a family in need. Behind every contractor that doesn’t pay prevailing wages, there’s a hardworking New Yorker struggling to make ends meet. We have to do better,” Comptroller Stringer said.
To view the full audit report, click here.


  I want to thank Father Patrick Woods and everyone at St. Martin of Tours for so warmly celebrating this good life, and allowing us all to be here together in our grief, and thanks to the bishops and all the clergy gathered with us.

Our hearts are broken today as we lay to rest a hero, William Tolley, affectionately known as Billy, 14-year veteran of the FDNY. We’re here to honor his life and to mourn its end.

We’re here to grieve with his family, to be here for them – his wife, Marie; his daughter, Bella; his mother and stepfather, Marie and Frank; his father and stepmother, Bob and Marion; his brother, Bobby, and his family; all who loved Billy so much, and of course his extended family that feels such grief right now, members of Ladder 135, Engine 286. And all members of the FDNY all feel today they’ve lost a brother.

And in their pain they still do the extraordinary every day. We saw on Sunday, even as firefighters feeling such a deep sense of loss, there they were yet again, there for all of us at the tragedy in Queens Village, fighting against the odds as they always do, working through their own grief but serving with their full hearts.

That’s what people do when they join the FDNY. They make a decision – a noble decision to run towards the danger. And no one epitomized that belief and that nobility more than Billy.

He laid down his life in the service of others. And his life was rich – so rich in fact, that it makes the loss even more raw and painful.

But let’s take stock and remember a rich life, a full life, a life full of feeling and love and giving to others, a life lived the way we all should live. That was Billy’s life. And let’s recognize the joy that pervaded his life. He lived with passion. And three things were his particular passions – his family, his work, and of course his metal band.

One friend said of him, “He was a hardcore rocker and also a firefighter with a baby seat in the back of his minivan.” Talk about range.

Billy poured his soul into his passions. And the life of a first responder called out to him. He wanted to be a firefighter even when he was a kid. He was a volunteer firefighter on the day – that tragic day, 9/11. And he rushed to Ground Zero from Hicksville. He spent hours searching for survivors.

He saw things that were not only painful, it could have discouraged someone from a life of service but instead for Billy his yearning to serve was only fortified. He answered the call. He joined the FDNY. He answered the call for 14 years until the final call came last Thursday.

Because he lived life to the fullest and he felt so much for all he loved, that afternoon he stopped in at a bakery near his firehouse because he was looking for the perfect desserts for Bella’s first communion but then, as he had so many times before, he responded to a fire call.

Tragedy struck in an instant.

For all of us as New Yorkers, we knew we had lost a hero and an example. But for one beautiful little girl she had lost her daddy. No words can take away the pain of that loss.

What Bella will know throughout her life is that her extended family of the FDNY will be there for her. Her mom told me last night at the wake how strong Bella had been, what a wise little girl she is.

She knows this is one family that never goes away and is always there, and what an outstanding tradition that is. The outpouring of support has been extraordinary both here in Bethpage and in New York City. Thousands came to vigils and wakes. So many more offered to help the family in any way they can. And all are inspired by the very generosity and kindness that typified that Billy’s life.

As I conclude, I want to say something to you, Bella. And I want to offer you a thought that comes from my own life. I lost my dad when I was young, a little bit older than you but still too young. My dad had worn a uniform too, that of the United States Army.

And I knew he was a hero. I knew he had done great things in the service of others. And you’re going to see throughout your life what that will mean. You’ll remember him always for all the good times you had together.

Sometimes, of course, you’ll wish you knew him better, you wish you had more time but you’ll never have to wonder about his character, what he believed in, how he used his life on this Earth. You will know he was a hero and it will sustain you.

It’s a gift to you that will help you no matter what times you live through, good times and bad. It will be a constant in your life. And it will give you strength to know that that hero is watching over you.

The whole family, we honor you. We thank you for having raised up such a good young man who did so much for others. We will all miss Billy but we will keep his memory alive in all we do.

Thank you. God bless you all.


  Today, U.S. Congressmen Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) and José E. Serrano (NY-15)sent a letter to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and issued the following statement in response to the Department of Education’s recent decision to deny funding for Upward Bound TRIO grant proposals submitted by Fordham University and Columbia University in New York City. Upward Bound is a program that helps low-income high school students prepare to enter and successfully complete college.

“Upward Bound is an essential educational resource for some of our most vulnerable students, helping them graduate from high school in a timely fashion and putting them on a path to higher education,” said Rep. Espaillat. “It is unfortunate that Secretary DeVos rejected funding for Upward Bound programs at Fordham University and Columbia University that have collectively provided New York students invaluable educational services for decades due to a minor typographical error and a spacing issue.”

Rep. Serrano said: “The Upward Bound is critical for students in the Bronx, and the rejection of these applications will mean less opportunities for fewer students. The program is a key driver in helping low-income and potential first generation college students successfully enter and complete college. The grounds under which the U.S. Department of Education rejected the applications from Fordham University and Columbia University is disturbing and lacks common sense. Our students deserve better. At the very least these New York institutions –and the students they serve- deserve to have their applications reconsidered based on their merits.”

In the letter sent to Secretary DeVos, Reps. Espaillat and Serrano express concerns on the misguided decisions, which were not based on the merits of either projects’ proposal and the adverse impact to students eligible for the Upward Bound Program in New York City. Dozens of college applications from all around the country for grants, valued at millions of dollars, have been rejected by the U.S. Department of Education for trivial matters related to the application’s format, like font size/type and spacing, or typographical errors, rather than content or merit. If these universities’ Upward Bound Programs fail to receive funding, thousands of low-income and first-generation students in New York City and beyond will not be able to participate in the program this year, further putting their academic achievement at peril and threatening successful completion of secondary education.

Longtime Bronx Educator Honored By CM Andy King & Fellow Former PS 41 Students From 1971 In Original Classroom

  Baychester resident Lucille Nelson Richards, a retired educator in East Bronx schools, was treated to a surprise trip down memory lane on Thursday, when she visited her old classroom at Olinville's PS 41. 
In celebration of the Week of the Young Child, Council Member Andy King organized some of his third grade classmates from the school to present their teacher Ms. Richards with the first annual 12th Council District Educator of Influence Award.  They were joined by Miss Perry's second grade class, the current inhabitants of Room 103, who welcomed Ms. Richards to their classroom with a round of applause.
The students asked Richards about her years as a teacher, her current interests and her favorite color. (Purple.)  Her advice to the students was to "Read, Read, Read", and mentioned she read a book a day at their age. 
Gina Washington, one of King's classmates in Richard's class, attended the event and thanked her former teacher for the impact she made on her life.
"I just want to thank you.  I don't know if it was because of you, but I've been an educator for 27 years," said Washington.
King encountered Richards at a block association meeting two years ago, where initially the two did not recognize each other.  They had not seen each other in over 40 years.
"I said, 'I had a teacher named Ms. Richards in 3rd grade' and she said "I was a third grade teacher at PS 41. Andrew?  We hugged and there were some tears" recalled King, who has not gone by Andrew in many years.
Ms. Lucille Nelson Richards was a career educator in the New York City Public School system. After substitute teaching around the borough for two years, she taught K-6 and communications arts at PS 41, the school from which her son graduated and daughter attended.  She retired as acting assistant principal at PS 160 in Co-op City in 1995. Richards also spent 13 years as the coordinator for the Bronx Learning Center and was a chapter leader for the United Federation of Teachers.
Council Member King spoke of the important to acknowledge educators as pillars of the community.
"It's called the Educator of Influence Award because we always remember that special someone who guided us in the right direction," said King. We should recognize those dedicated professionals who gave us those experiences we remember for a lifetime."
King will present the award annually to a Northeast Bronx teacher or retired educator with significant experience who has made an impact on the local community.
The Week of the Young Child™ was established by the National Association for the Education of Young Children in 1971 to acknowledge and recognize that the early childhood years (birth through age 8) lay the foundation for children's success in school and later life.