Tuesday, May 2, 2017


  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that KWAME INSAIDOO, the former executive director of United Block Association (“UBA”), a New York-based non-profit organization, and his wife ROXANNA INSAIDOO, were found guilty in Manhattan federal court of embezzlement from a federally funded program, money laundering, and defrauding their mortgage lender. KWAME INSAIDOO was also found guilty of defrauding the City of New York in connection with UBA’s contracts to operate senior centers in Upper Manhattan. The jury convicted KWAME and ROXANNA INSAIDOO on all counts in the superseding indictment following a one-week trial before U.S. District Judge Valerie E. Caproni.

​Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “As a unanimous jury found today, Kwame Insaidoo and his wife Roxanna Insaidoo stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from a government-funded non-profit organization that operated senior centers in Manhattan, and used that money to pay for luxury cars and personal expenses. The defendants’ brazen theft deprived some of the City’s neediest residents of public money for healthy meals and senior citizen programs. Despite efforts to hide their schemes, including the use of a fake charity, the outstanding investigative work of our partners at the New York City Department of Investigation exposed the defendants’ conduct, and the jury swiftly convicted them.”

​According to the Indictment, other filings in Manhattan federal court, and the evidence admitted at trial:

UBA is a non-profit organization headquartered in New York, New York, that was controlled by KWAME INSAIDOO, its former Executive Director. UBA received funding from New York City’s Department for the Aging to operate and provide healthy meals and programming at four senior centers in Upper Manhattan. From in or about July 2008 through March 2015, the Department for the Aging paid UBA more than $8,700,000 in federal, state, and local funds to provide such services.

As found by the jury, ​KWAME INSAIDOO, with the assistance of his wife ROXANNA INSAIDOO, abused his authority as UBA’s executive director by embezzling over $580,000 from UBA. KWAME INSAIDOO and ROXANNA INSAIDOO, who were both signatories on a UBA bank account that was not subject to audits by the City, wrote hundreds of checks from that UBA account to themselves, their son, and a fake charity they used to launder some of the money. The defendants used the stolen funds to pay for personal expenses, including their home mortgage, the purchase of a Mercedes Benz and a Cadillac, and telephone bills and other personal utilities. They also wired more than $300,000 abroad.

​In addition, KWAME INSAIDOO repeatedly lied to the Department for the Aging in an effort to evade scrutiny for these unauthorized payments and to maintain UBA’s funding.

In 2011, KWAME and ROXANNA INSAIDOO also engaged in a scheme to defraud their mortgage lender, in connection with a modification of their mortgage under the federally sponsored Home Affordable Modification Program, by underreporting their income and assets. This scheme led to a write-off of almost $200,000 from KWAME and ROXANNA INSAIDO’s home mortgage.

KWAME INSAIDOO, 60, and ROXANNA INSAIDOO, 63, both of Bay Shore, Long Island, were each found guilty of embezzlement from a federally funded program, conspiracy to commit money laundering, wire fraud of their mortgage lender, and conspiracy to commit wire fraud of their mortgage lender, each of which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, and also each was found guilty of conspiracy to embezzle from a federally funded program, which carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison. KWAME INSAIDOO was also found guilty of one count of defrauding the City of New York, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. Their sentencings are set for August 11, 2017, before the Honorable Valerie E. Caproni.

The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by the judge.

Acting U.S. Attorney Kim praised the outstanding investigative work of the New York City Department of Investigation and the Criminal Investigators of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.

Top Two Executives Of Credit Card Processing Company Charged In $30 Million Overbilling Scheme

Defendants Are Charged with Victimizing More than 10,000 Small Businesses

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Philip R. Bartlett, the Inspector in Charge of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and David E. Beach, Special Agent in Charge of the New York Field Office of the U.S. Secret Service, announced the indictment and arrest today of MICHAEL MENDLOWITZ, a/k/a “Moshe Mendlowitz,” and RICHARD D. HART, a/k/a “Rick Hart,” on charges of fraudulently operating a payment card processing company that operated under various names including Commerce Payment Systems (“CPS”). MENDLOWITZ, the chief executive officer and part owner of CPS, and HART, a CPS vice president and director of sales and the president of a number of CPS affiliated companies, are charged with masterminding a years-long scam that took more than $30 million from more than 10,000 small businesses, who relied upon CPS to help them process debit card and credit card sales. MENDLOWITZ and HART were arrested this morning and will be presented and arraigned later today before U.S. District Judge Vernon S. Broderick.

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “Michael Mendlowitz and Richard Hart, executives of a credit card processing company, allegedly preyed on small business owners, defrauding over ten thousand businesses of over $30 million. Small businesses – like all businesses – are entitled to be treated fairly and to have their bills honestly reflect the services they received. That is not what the businesses that Mendlowitz and Hart dealt with got. Instead, they allegedly got a series of lies and misrepresentations to support tens of millions of dollars in overbilling.”

U.S. Postal Inspector in Charge Philip R. Bartlett said: “In an economy where small businesses are already struggling, it’s disappointing these individuals allegedly devised a scheme to prey upon these business owners by lying and manipulating the fees they are required to pay for debit and credit transactions. Postal Inspectors reminds fraudsters that defrauding members of the business community will never be tolerated. We will find you and bring you to justice for misuse of the US Mail.”

Secret Service Special Agent in Charge David E. Beach said: “Technological advancements have led to the sophistication of fraudulent schemes. While these schemes have a profound impact on our financial crimes investigations, this case demonstrates the combined power of law enforcement and our federal partners to share information and resources, and ultimately bring the alleged perpetrators to justice.”

According to the Indictment unsealed today in Manhattan federal court[1]:

MENDLOWITZ and HART operated a fraud scheme founded on false claims of very low fees, along with false promises that there were “no hidden fees,” and that rates were “guaranteed for life.” In truth, however, CPS customers were charged all manner of hidden fees, and MENDLOWITZ subsequently altered customer accounts to add even higher fees. Among other deceptive tactics, MENDLOWITZ and HART used a “cost comparison calculator” that ostensibly showed potential customers a direct comparison between what they were currently paying versus what they would pay if they became customers of CPS. However, these cost comparison calculators were intentionally designed to conceal many of the fees that the customers would be charged.

In furtherance of their fraud, MENDLOWITZ and HART also concealed from customers pages of contract terms that directly contradicted representations made to customers during the sales process. When internet ratings of CPS became particularly negative, MENDLOWITZ and HART surreptitiously created a series of other corporate names, each with its own email domain, internet web page, and phone number, to operate their scheme free of the negative reviews. These brand-new affiliates were marketed under false brochures and websites that falsely claimed that the affiliate had been in business for many years, had “300,000 satisfied customers,” and that those customers included major national hotel chains, restaurant chains, and a university.

MENDLOWITZ, 42, of Woodmere, Long Island, and HART, 36, of East Meadow, Long Island, are each charged in three counts, with wire fraud, mail fraud, and conspiracy to commit wire and mail fraud. Each charge carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, and a maximum fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense. The maximum potential sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by the judge.

Mr. Kim praised the work of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and the United States Secret Service, as well as the Office of the Special Investigator General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (“SIGTARP”).

This case is being handled by the Office’s Complex Frauds and Cybercrime Unit. Assistant U.S. Attorney David Raymond Lewis is in charge of the prosecution.

The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment, and the description of the Indictment set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Eight Members And Associates Of Violent Narcotics Trafficking Organization Charged In Manhattan Federal Court With Six Murders And Racketeering Offenses

   Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Philip R. Bartlett, Inspector in Charge of the New York Office of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (“USPIS”), Adolphus P. Wright, the Special Agent in Charge of the Miami Field Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), James J. Hunt, the Special Agent in Charge of the New York Field Division of the DEA, Peter Forcelli, Special Agent in Charge of the Miami Field Division and Puerto Rico Field Office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”), Angel M. Melendez, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (“HSI”), James P. O’Neill, the Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), and  George P. Beach II, the Superintendent of the New York State Police (“NYSP”), announced the unsealing today of an Indictment charging eight members and associates of La Organizacion de Narcotraficantes Unidos (“La ONU”) with various racketeering, drug trafficking, and firearms offenses, including six murders. 
Five of the defendants are already in custody for other offenses.  The remaining three defendants – OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA, a/k/a “Pony,” WILLIAM VASQUEZ-BAEZ, and RALPH LABOY – will be presented today in the District of Puerto Rico before U.S. Magistrate Judge Silvia Carreno-Coll.  VASQUEZ-BAEZ was an active member of the Puerto Rico Police Department when he allegedly committed the May 9, 2007, murder of Anthony Castro-Carrillo, as charged in Counts 13 and 14 of the Indictment.  LABOY had recently resigned from the Puerto Rico Police Department when he allegedly committed the Castro-Carillo murder.  The case has been assigned to United States District Judge Jesse M. Furman in Manhattan.
All eight defendants are charged with murder.  In connection with the racketeering conspiracy and a narcotics conspiracy, members and associates of La ONU are charged in the Indictment with committing the following murders in Puerto Rico:
  • The April 9, 2005, murder of Crystal Martinez-Ramirez.
  • The June 23, 2006, double murder of Ken Gonzalez-Rodriguez and Jean Adorno-Caballero.
  • The December 28, 2006, murder of Israel Crespo-Cotto.
  • The May 9, 2007, murder of Anthony Castro-Carrillo.
  • The March 20, 2009, murder of Carlos Barbosa.
Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “Members and associates of a violent drug trafficking organization, La ONU, allegedly committed six ruthless murders to further a drug trade that funneled massive quantities of cocaine from Puerto Rico to New York. Frighteningly, one of those six murders allegedly was committed by an active and a former member of the Puerto Rico Police Department. As alleged, when police officers, sworn to protect the citizens they serve, instead kill to protect drug trafficking profits, that tears at the very fabric of civilized society. Such alleged lawlessness simply cannot be left unchecked. We thank all of our federal and local law enforcement partners for their tireless investigative work to bring these defendants to justice in a court of law.”
USPIS Inspector in Charge Philip R. Bartlett said:  “This criminal enterprise stopped at nothing to allegedly move drugs from Puerto Rico to the Bronx; it was all about money.  They didn’t care who or what got in their way, and based on the indictment, they ‘got rid’ of their perceived obstacles. Fortunately, members of this criminal enterprise underestimated the power of interagency cooperation and collaboration. These individuals will be brought to justice for their alleged heinous crimes against the community and the misuse of the US Mail to facilitate the transport of illegal drugs into the United States.”
DEA Special Agent in Charge Adolphus P. Wright said:  “Through this collaborative effort with our law enforcement partners, drug traffickers committing not only drug violations, but also other equally egregious and violent crimes, have been taken off the streets. We remain committed to pursuing their prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.”
DEA Special Agent in Charge James J. Hunt said:  “A 2013 investigation grew legs into something much more dangerous than a local drug distribution organization operating out of a daycare center in the Bronx. It led investigators to identifying the organization’s alleged source of supply comprising corrupt cops and violent thugs who were arrested today in Puerto Rico. This is a great example of collaborative law enforcement efforts.”
ATF Special Agent in Charge Peter Forcelli said:  “For years, ATF has made combatting violent crime its top priority and this case is a perfect example of our commitment to making our communities safer.  We will work tirelessly with our state, local, and federal partners to identify, investigate, and prosecute those who use or traffic in illegal firearms, regardless of where they engage in criminal activity. This case is a clear example of interagency teamwork and collaboration across several jurisdictions and I’m proud of the work that was done here.”
Superintendent George P. Beach II said:  “This investigation is yet another example of law enforcement partners working collaboratively to get dangerous individuals and drugs off our streets.  The expertise and dedication of our law enforcement colleagues charges eight individuals in multiple murders in Puerto Rico. Two of the individuals were police officers, trusted with enforcing the law, and were instead breaking it and causing terror in communities.  I thank all of our law enforcement partners for their hard work, professionalism and commitment to making our neighborhoods safer.”
As alleged in the Indictment[1] unsealed today in Manhattan federal court and in other court papers:
La ONU was a criminal enterprise involved in the trafficking of cocaine from Puerto Rico to the Bronx, New York. The cocaine was distributed in New York, including out of a daycare center in the Bronx, New York.  Members and associates of La ONU engaged in acts of violence, including murder, to protect and expand the enterprise’s criminal operations and in connection with rivalries with other criminal organizations.  In particular, members of the enterprise shot and killed suspected rival drug trafficking members.
Count One of the Indictment charges JULIO MARQUEZ ALEJANDRO, a/k/a “Chino Montero,” LUIS BLONDET, a/k/a “Cabezon,” OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA, a/k/a “Pony,” JASON DONES-GONZALEZ, a/k/a “Jason,” a/k/a “Arrabal,” JOSE VICTOR PELLOT CARDONA, a/k/a “Vitito,” and REINALDO CRUZ-FERNANDEZ with participating in a racketeering conspiracy for criminal involvement in La ONU. 
Counts Two and Three of the Indictment charge LUIS BLONDET with the murder of Crystal Martinez-Ramirez in aid of racketeering, and a related firearms offense.
Counts Four, Five, and Six of the Indictment charge JULIO MARQUEZ ALEJANDRO and OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA with the murder of Jean Adorno-Caballero in aid of racketeering and in connection with a drug crime, as well as a related firearms offense.
Counts Seven, Eight, and Nine of the Indictment charge JULIO MARQUEZ ALEJANDRO and OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA with the murder of Ken Gonzalez-Rodriguez in aid of racketeering and in connection with a drug crime, as well as a related firearms offense.
Counts 10, 11, and 12 of the Indictment charge JULIO MARQUEZ ALEJANDRO and OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA with the murder of Israel Crespo-Cotto in aid of racketeering and in connection with a drug crime, as well as a related firearms offense.
Counts 13 and 14 of the Indictment charge RALPH LABOY and WILLIAM VASQUEZ-BAEZ with the murder of Anthony Castro-Carrillo in connection with a drug crime, as well as a related firearms offense.
Counts 15, 16, and 17 of the Indictment charge JULIO MARQUEZ-ALEJANDRO, JASON DONES-GONZALEZ, JOSE VICTOR PELLOT-CARDONA, and REINALDO CRUZ-FERNANDEZ with the murder of Carlos Barbosa in aid of racketeering and in connection with a drug crime, as well as a related firearms offense.
Charts containing the names, ages, charges, and maximum penalties for the defendants are set forth below. The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by the judge.
Mr. Kim praised the outstanding investigative work of USPIS, the DEA, the ATF, and the NYPD. He also thanked the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Puerto Rico, U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, the Office of the Special Narcotics Prosecutor for the City of New York, and the Puerto Rico Police Department for their support in this ongoing investigation.
This case is being handled by the Office’s Narcotics Unit. Assistant United States Attorneys Jordan Estes, Dina McLeod, Andrew Thomas, and Lara Pomerantz are in charge of the prosecution.
The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
1 Racketeering conspiracy   18 U.S.C. § 1962(d) JULIO MARQUEZ-ALEJANDRO (age 47)   LUIS BLONDET (age 42)   OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA (age 35)   JASON DONES-GONZALEZ (age 37)   JOSE VICTOR PELLOT-CARDONA (age 38)   REINALDO CRUZ-FERNANDEZ (age 43)   Life in prison
2 Murder in aid of racketeering activity   18 U.S.C. § 1959(a)(1) LUIS BLONDET Death penalty, or life in prison
3 Use of a firearm for murder   18 U.S.C. § 924(j)(1) LUIS BLONDET   Death penalty, or life in prison
4 Murder in aid of racketeering activity   18 U.S.C. § 1959(a)(1) JULIO MARQUEZ-ALEJANDRO   OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA   Death penalty, or life in prison
5 Murder in connection with a drug crime   21 U.S.C. § 848(e)(1)(A) JULIO MARQUEZ-ALEJANDRO   OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA   Death penalty, or life in prison    
6 Use of a firearm for murder   18 U.S.C. § 924(j)(1) JULIO MARQUEZ-ALEJANDRO   OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA   Death penalty, or life in prison    
7 Murder in aid of racketeering activity   18 U.S.C. § 1959(a)(1) JULIO MARQUEZ-ALEJANDRO   OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA   Death penalty, or life in prison
8 Murder in connection with a drug crime   21 U.S.C. § 848(e)(1)(A) JULIO MARQUEZ-ALEJANDRO   OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA   Death penalty, or life in prison    
9 Use of a firearm for murder   18 U.S.C. § 924(j)(1) JULIO MARQUEZ-ALEJANDRO   OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA   Death penalty, or life in prison    
10 Murder in aid of racketeering activity   18 U.S.C. § 1959(a)(1) JULIO MARQUEZ-ALEJANDRO   OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA   Death penalty, or life in prison
11 Murder in connection with a drug crime   21 U.S.C. § 848(e)(1)(A) JULIO MARQUEZ-ALEJANDRO   OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA   Death penalty, or life in prison    
12 Use of a firearm for murder   18 U.S.C. § 924(j)(1) JULIO MARQUEZ-ALEJANDRO   OSCAR VALDES-GARCIA   Death penalty, or life in prison    
13 Murder in connection with a drug crime   21 U.S.C. § 848(e)(1)(A) RALPH LABOY (age 36)   WILLIAM VASQUEZ-BAEZ (age 48)   Death penalty, or life in prison    
14 Use of a firearm for murder   18 U.S.C. § 924(j)(1) RALPH LABOY   WILLIAM VASQUEZ-BAEZ   Death penalty, or life in prison    
15 Murder in aid of racketeering activity   18 U.S.C. § 1959(a)(1) JULIO MARQUEZ-ALEJANDRO   JASON DONES-GONZALEZ   REINALDO CRUZ-FERNANDEZ   JOSE VICTOR PELLOT-CARDONA   Death penalty, or life in prison
16 Murder in connection with a drug crime   21 U.S.C. § 848(e)(1)(A) JULIO MARQUEZ-ALEJANDRO   JASON DONES-GONZALEZ   REINALDO CRUZ-FERNANDEZ   JOSE VICTOR PELLOT-CARDONA   Death penalty, or life in prison    
17 Use of a firearm for murder   18 U.S.C. § 924(j)(1) JULIO MARQUEZ-ALEJANDRO   JASON DONES-GONZALEZ   REINALDO CRUZ-FERNANDEZ   JOSE VICTOR PELLOT-CARDONA   Death penalty, or life in prison  
[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment constitutes only allegations, and every fact described herein should be treated as an allegation.

School cafeteria violations will be posted online, thanks to Senator Klein

After releasing shocking report on lunchroom violations, City administration strikes deal to post vital health inspections for parents and send information home with students

Senator Jeff Klein announced an agreement with City officials to provide parents with health inspection reports for their children’s school cafeterias.

“Parents deserve to be aware of the conditions of the cafeterias that their children eat in every day. I’m proud that we were able to quickly come to an agreement with the city to make sure that this information is made easily available to parents,” said Senator Klein.

Health inspections will be posted online at www.schoolfoodnyc.org by the start of the new school year. Health inspections and steps taken to remedy any violations will also be sent home to parents and guardians.

This will be codified into law through Senator Klein’s S.4173A, which requires the New York City Department of Education to post cafeteria health inspection data online and send secondary notices home with students.

Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan sponsors its companion bill.

Online the inspections will be searchable buy school and will look like this:


In December 2016, Senator Klein and the Independent Democratic Conference released a scathing report on the sanitary conditions of school cafeterias, “School Lunch Flunks: An Investigation into the Dirtiest New York City Public School Cafeterias.”

Inspection data from schools was requested by Freedom of Information Act because it was not posted online for public consumption and parents had no way of knowing the state of cleanliness inside their child’s lunchroom.
In the report, IDC analysts assigned letter grades for cafeterias based on the already established letter grading system that is used for restaurants. They found that nearly 15% of the 2,976 school cafeteria inspections would be graded a “B” or “C” in NYC Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-2016. In addition, 61 schools in FY 15-16 that were inspected more that once never earned a score that would have returned an “A” grade.

Among the violations reported, conditions that can lead to vermin infestations and evidence of mice were two of the five most common violations issued against school cafeterias.  In FY 15-16 inspectors gave out 442 mice related violations to 320 different school cafeterias, including an inspection at Sixth Avenue Elementary School in Manhattan where inspectors found 400 mice excreta in one inspection.

Other violations found includes ones for filth flies and other pests.

News From State Senator Gustavo Rivera

Statement from State Senator Gustavo Rivera As "Happy Meal" Bill Passes The Senate Health Committee

  State Senator Gustavo Rivera released the following statement today after bill S1074, also known as the "Happy Meal Bill", was reported out of the Senate Health Committee. The "Happy Meal" bill would require fast food restaurants to set nutritional guidelines for meals aimed at children by including incentive items, such as toys, playing cards or other consumer products that appeal to children. The bill has now been referred to the Senate Codes Committee.

"Today, we took an important step forward in directly combating the obesity epidemic that continues to affect the lives of millions of children across New York State. Setting these critical guidelines for meals accompanied by toys will not only help parents and children make healthier food decisions at fast food restaurants, but it will also hold these restaurants accountable for the meals options they offer to children. As the Ranking Member of the Health Committee and the sponsor of this bill, I am fully committed to continue working with my colleagues in the Senate and Assembly to ensure that we pass this piece of legislation and continue to make fighting obesity a priority." 

Statement from State Senator Gustavo Rivera On Bill To Expand Medicaid Coverage To Include Blood Based Allergy Testing Passes the Senate Finance Committee

  State Senator Gustavo Rivera released the following statement after bill S1222 passed the New York State Senate's Finance Committee. This bill, sponsored by Assemblymember Nick Perry in the New York State Assembly, will ensure critical access to blood allergy testing, in addition to the already covered skin prick testing, for Medicaid recipients seeking to determine a potential allergy condition. The bill is now eligible to be placed on the Senate Active list. 

"As the Ranking Member of the New York State Senate Health Committee and sponsor of this bill, I am proud that my colleagues have joined me in pushing it towards the next step of the legislative process," said State Senator Gustavo Rivera. "This common sense measure will ensure that Medicaid patients across New York State have greater and easier access to different options of allergy testing, allowing them to identify and treat their allergies faster and reducing unnecessary emergency room visits. In doing so, our State is taking the appropriate steps to help reduce the health disparities that continue to plague low-income and minority communities. I'm committed to working diligently with my colleagues in both houses to make this bill into law."


Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. in conjunction with The Hebrew Institute of Riverdale -“The Bayit,” hosted the borough’s annual celebration of Israel’s independence.

The event, which marks the 69th anniversary of the independence of Israel, w completely free and included a barbeque dinner, inflatable rides, puppet show, entertainment, music and much more.

Above - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. arrives at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale to help celebrate ISRAELI INDEPENDENCE DAY.
Below - On his way in BP Diaz stops to talk to a proud Jewish father.

There were inflatable rides as you see above, and board games, along with good talking as seen below.

Above - Bronx BP Diaz Jr. was joined by Rabbi Exler, Councilman Cohen, and Bronx DA Clark.
Below BP Diaz presents a proclamation to Rabbi Exler proclaiming today Israeli Independence Day. 



  Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez, Chairperson of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade (NPRDP), alongside members of the Parade's Board of Directors, announced plans for the 2017 Parade, its 60th Anniversary celebration on Sunday, June 11. Under the theme, "Un Pueblo, Muchas Voces" (One Nation, Many Voices), the 2017 Parade and associated events will advance the Parade's mission of promoting culture, art and education in the Puerto Rican community, both on the Island and the mainland U.S.

"The Parade has become one of New York City's iconic institutions, and what better way to kick off our 60th Anniversary celebration than at the top of the historic Freedom Tower, with New York City as our backdrop," said Board Chair, Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez. "In this monumental year, we are showcasing our collective achievement and the legacy we have built by working in solidarity, and we will discuss key challenges that Puerto Rico is facing to help inform and engage our community. We also honor legendary figures and the next generation of stars that are already accomplished in their own right."

JetBlue Airways, the Official Airline of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade and sponsor of One World Observatory, hosted today's press conference and treated those in attendance to spectacular views of New York City. "JetBlue congratulates the National Puerto Rican Day Parade on its 60th year of bringing the community together to celebrate Puerto Rican culture," said Giselle Cortes, Director of International cities, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands for JetBlue. "It's a point of pride for JetBlue to be the largest airline connecting families and friends between Puerto Rico and the mainland U.S., and our ongoing sponsorship as Official Airline of the parade is one important way in which we honor the community. Just as in years past, we look forward to celebrating with the community both leading up to and on the day of the Parade."

In attendance at the Press Conference was 2016 Summer Olympic Gold Medalist in Gymnastics and Dancing With the Stars champion, Laurie Hernández, who will join the star-studded line-up of honorees, as an Athlete of the year. Born in New Jersey from Puerto Rican parents, Hernández has an impressive resume that goes beyond elite, competitive gymnastics and includes being a New York Times best-selling author, with her book "I got this: To Gold and Beyond", as well as the recognition of being the youngest champion on ABC's Dancing with the Stars.

"I am very honored to be chosen as one of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade's Athletes of the Year," said Laurie Hernández. "I am so excited to be part of this special event and to celebrate my Puerto Rican heritage."

Other 2017 honorees will include a host of illustrious figures in music, entertainment, sports, theater and film, led by 6-time GRAMMY® Award-winning singer Gilberto Santa Rosa, as Grand MarshalThe Parade's Queen title goes to the talented actress from TV and film, Lana Parrilla, who plays the role of the Evil Queen/Regina Mills in the ABC fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time. Parrilla also starred in several hit television series, including Spin City24 and Boomtown.
The prolific baseball catcher, Iván Rodríguez, a 14-time MLB All-Star and 13-time Gold Glove winner who was elected into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in January 2017, will be honored as Padrino (Godfather) of the Parade. The internationally renowned singer/actress, Iris Chacón, will be honored as Madrina (Godmother)of the Parade. Best known for her hit TV variety show, El Show de Iris Chacón, which aired for fifteen years in Puerto Rico and major markets across the U.S., Chacón most recently starred in the stage play Malas, at the Santurce Performing Arts Center in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in early 2017.
Special Tributes and Recognitions:
This year's Parade themes and major tributes will be particularly poignant, as the 60th Anniversary coincides with 100years of U.S. citizenship for Puerto Ricans. U.S. citizenship for all Puerto Ricans was one provision of the Jones Act of 1917, signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson. A source of great and ongoing debate, the Jones Act has had considerable impact on Puerto Rico and its people, and the NPRDP will include this topic in its programming in order to foster a dialogue and help inform the youth of the community of its historical significance. This milestone will have particular significance given the impact the Jones Act has had on the financial situation in Puerto Rico.

The NPRDP will honor political prisoner Oscar López Rivera, with a unique honoree title, Prócer de la Libertad (National Freedom Hero). Born in San Sebastián, Puerto Rico, López Rivera was a community activist in Chicago who became a lead figure in the Puerto Rico Independence Movement. Commuted by President Barack Obama in January 2017, López Rivera was incarcerated in 1981 for charges of seditious conspiracy but without having been convicted of injuring or killing anyone. His appearance in the 2017 Parade will mark López Rivera's first visit to New York City after his May 17 release from prison.

The honored Puerto Rican pueblo (town) will be Hormigueros, a rural municipality in Southwest Puerto Rico. Additionally, Lorain and Cleveland, Ohio will be the honored stateside community, in recognition of the robust Puerto Rican population that represents more than half (55%) of the Ohio's Puerto Rican population, the tenth largest among all States.

In recognition of the NPRDP 60th Anniversary, the Parade's Board of Directors announced special tributes to Gilberto Gerena Valentín (1918-2016) and Ramón S. Veléz (1933-2008), individuals who played critical roles in the formation and
evolution of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade, now one of New York City's iconic institutions. Both were born in Puerto Rico and migrated to New York City, where their life's work was dedicated to helping build a strong legacy of Puerto Rican culture and sense of community in New York City. Of note, Ramón S. Veléz was born in Hormigueros, the 2017 honored pueblo in Puerto Rico.
A Banner Year for the NPRDP Scholarship Program:

This year, the NPRDP fulfills its goal of awarding 100 scholarships, the largest number of scholarships in its history and a 20-fold increase since 2013, when the organization awarded 5 scholarships. Each scholarship is in the amount of $2,000 and will be awarded to exceptional students of Puerto Rican descent who are making a difference in their communities. The number of applications received in 2017 was more than triple the number submitted last year, with students representing 17 states and Puerto Rico. Winners will be announced at the NPRDP Education Leadership Awards on May 25th at Time Warner Center in New York City. In addition to the scholarship monies, winners will have the opportunity to attend the NPRDP Cultural Boot Camp and Professional Enrichment days, which the Board of Directors designed to help increase the students' command of Puerto Rican culture and history and to promote their personal and professional development.

Announcement of 2017 Honorees:

In addition to the announcements of Lana Parilla as Queen, Ivan Rodríguez as Padrino (Godfather), and Laurie Hernández as Athlete of the Year, the NPRDP Board announced additional 2017 honorees:
  • Nuestro Orgullo: J.W. Cortés - actor in Gotham, U.S. Marine combat veteran
  • Rising Star: Ozuna (Juan Carlos Ozuna Rosado) - singer, songwriter and producer
  • Rising Star: Rolando Alejandro -classical pianist
  • Ambassador: Shalím Ortiz - television and stage actor and singer
  • Ambassador: Ismael Rivera, Jr. - salsa singer and son of the late Ismael Rivera
  • Ambassador: Ektor Rivera - singer and actor, star of Broadway's "On Your Feet"
  • Ambassador: Allan Villafaña - co-anchor, Primera Edición on Telemundo 47/WNJU
  • Ambassador: Ricardo Luis Villarini - reporter for Telemundo 47/WNJU
  • Boricuas Destacados: BuscaBulla (Raquel Berrios and Luis Afredo del Valle) musical duo highlighted by Rolling Stone Magazine in February 2017 as "10 artists you need to know"
Earlier this year, the Parade's Board of Directors announced its first installment of 2017 honorees:
  • Grand Marshal: Gilberto Santa Rosa - GRAMMY® Award-winning singer, actor and producer 
  • Madrina (Godmother): Iris Chacón - TV and stage entertainer
  • Lifetime Achievement in TV and Entertainment: Walter Mercado - iconic TV personality
  • Lifetime Achievement in Music: Bobby Cruz - salsa singer from Hormigueros and recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Latin Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences
  • Lifetime Achievement in Performing Arts: Julio Monge - choreographer, actor and director
  • Special Recognition: the Puerto Rican National Baseball Team ("Team Rubio") - finalists at the 2017 World Baseball Classic
  • Trailblazer in Music & Arts: Yandel (LLandel Veguilla Malavé) - GRAMMY® Award-winning singer/songwriter and producer 
  • Athlete of the Year: Mónica Puig - tennis champion at 2016 Rio Olympics and first Olympic Gold Medalist for Puerto Rico
  • Ambassador: Ana Isabelle - singer and actress in theater, television and film
  • Ambassador: Modesto Lacen - actor in television, film and stage 
Posthumous Recognitions to Puerto Rican Luminaries:

Posthumous recognitions 2017 will be held at the Parade's Catholic Mass, Saint Patrick's Cathedral on Fifth Avenue, on Sunday June 4 at 4:00 pm.  Luminaries to be honored include:
  • Ramón Luis "Papo" Brenes (1953-2017): Pioneering entertainment journalist and former director of Puerto Rico's "Teve-Guia" magazine
  • Miriam Colón (1936-2017): Legendary actress, co-founder of the Puerto Rican Traveling Theater.
  • Ismael Fernández Reyes (1960-2016): Founder of the Taller de Fotoperiodismo (The Photojournalist Workshop) of Puerto Rico and the Association of Photojournalists of Puerto Rico
  • Miguel Ferrer (1955-2017): Actor of television and Hollywood films
  • Robert Garcia (1933-2017): U.S. Congressman from New York and co-founder of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
  • Gilberto Gerena Valentín (1918-2016): Community activist and co-founder of the Puerto Rican Day Parade of New York
  • Iris Martínez (1924-2017): Actress and former president of the Puerto Rico Actors' Association (Colegio de Actores de Puerto Rico)
  • Dave Valentín (1952-2017): World-famous flutist, pianist and music director
  • Rafael Ramos (1974-2014): New York City Police officer killed while on duty in Brooklyn
  • Elín Ortiz (1934-2016): Actor, comedian, producer and father of 2017 Ambassador, Shalím Ortiz
The 60th Annual National Puerto Rican Day Parade will be held on New York City's Fifth Avenue from 44th Street to 79th Street, on Sunday, June 11, starting at 11:00 am (EST). The event will be aired live via WABC-TV, Channel 7 in New York, as well as through its affiliates in Orlando, Florida on WFTV/WRDQ, and in Puerto Rico ABC5 (WORA-TV 5.2), from 12:00 pm to4:00 pm (EST) . Live streaming on the Internet will be available at www.abc7ny.com.
Applications for participating in the in the 2017 National Puerto Rican Day Parade are due on May 12. For participant applications, more information about the Parade and a calendar of events, visit www.nprdpinc.org.

Annual Golf Outing
Fundraiser for NPRDP's Scholarship Program
May 15, 2017
Education Leadership Awards: Presentation of Scholarships
Honors leaders in education and celebrates NPRDP scholarship recipients
(By invitation only)
Thursday, May 25
152nd Street Cultural Festival
Family-friendly event, showcasing artisans, music, cultural activities, entertainment and food
152nd Street and Jackson Avenue, Bronx
Saturday, May 27
Annual Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral
Annual tradition and holy celebration that unites the religious community in worship and thanksgiving.
Sunday, June 4
Gala and Banquet in Benefit of Scholarship Fund
Celebratory fundraiser that honors prominent Puerto Ricans in business and leaders in the community
(For ticket holders only)
Friday, June 9
2017 National Puerto Rican Day Parade
The 60th Anniversary of America's largest cultural celebration, Fifth Avenue, from 44th St. to 79th St.
Sunday, June 11