Monday, May 8, 2017

Bronx Week 2017 May

              MAY 11 - 21st
               SEE MORE

Here are some photos from today's Bronx Week 2017 Kick Off Party

Above - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. tells the story of how Bronx Day has grown into almost two weeks of a Bronx-wide celebration of all that is good in the Bronx 
Below - This years four Bronx Walk of Fame Honorees - Prince Royce Bronx born singer and song writer, Funkmastet Flex Hip Hop DJ and radio host, Selenis Leyva famous Bronx born actress, and Dr. Manny Villafana Bronx born famous for his work in the medical industry for improving  heart valves and pacemakers.

Above - Bronx Historian Lloyd Ultan and Mr. Angel Hernandez of the Bronx Historical Society have a table full of facts about Bronx History. The pair are standing in front of one of the four murals in the Bronx Courthouse that depict Bronx History during Colonial Times circa 1684 with Judge Pell.
Below - One of the great eateries in the Bronx The Sweet Water Cafe gave out some samples of their food.

The Bronx is now known for its small local Bronx brewed beer. 
Above - The Bronx Brewery
Below - The Chelsea Craft Brewing Company which recently relocated to the Bronx.

Above - The Port Morris Distillery.
Below The guys from the Kingsbridge Social Club get ready.

And of course it wouldn't be a full meal of fine food and good spirits without a cannoli from Gino's Pastry Shop in the Bronx Little Italy.

Bronx Democratic Party - Upcoming Events

Congressman Adriano Espaillat Celebrates His First 100 Days in Congress
When: Tues. 5/9/17, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Tracey Towers, Moshulu Parkway South 

Join Congressman Adriano Espaillat in a celebration at Tracey Towers in commemoration of his first 100 days in Congress. 
For more information on this event, please email

Bronx Week's Health Day Stickball Game
When: Fri. 5/19/17, from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.
Where: Joyce Kilmer Park, Grand Concourse & 161st Street

for a classic game of Stickball as part of Bronx Week's Health Day. 

To RSVP, please visit:

The Bronx Community Blood Drive
When: Weds. 5/31/17, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Where: 1973 Westchester Avenue 

Join Assemblyman Luis R. Sepulveda and Senator Ruben Diaz Sr.                 
n a community wide blood drive that will benefit and save countless 
lives throughout the Bronx borough. 

For more information on this event, please visit

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Senator Klein, in partnership with Assemblyman Gjonaj, hosted the 3rd Annual Jewish American Heritage Month Celebration at Bronx House

  The room was full of people to help celebrate the 3rd Annual Jewish American Heritage Month Celebration at Bronx House with State Senator Jeff Klein and Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj. One person however was missing, and that was Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj who was still up in Albany as the State Assembly members are still finalizing a few items in the state budget. Since President Trump has made changes to what was called Obamacare, now known as Trumpcare the legislators have to redo what they think the changes will do to the state budget.

  With State Senator and IDC Chair Jeff Klein in the Bronx House the Annual Jewish Heritage Celebration went on. The three Honorees this year were, Kay Cardona of the Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association, Marcy Gross of Bronx Community Board #11, and Paul Klein, President of Temple Beth El of City Island. Photos of the event are below.

Above - Senator Klein opens the event by telling those present that Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj is still up in Albany as the State Assembly is still going over some items in the state budget.
Below - You can see the crowded room.

Above - Senator Klein announces that students from PS 105 will be reading Jewish Heritage poems.
Below - One by one each child from PS 105 read a different Jewish Heritage poem.

Above - Senator Klein with the three honorees, Ms. Kay Cardona, Mr. Paul Klein, and Ms. Marcy Gross.
Below - Senator Klein is with Mr. David Edelstein of the BJCc, and Rabbi Shmuel Zuckerman.

BP Diaz Attends Crescent Street Cinco De Mayo Celebration

  The Annual Crescent Street Cinco De Mayo celebration run every year by the Perez family, owners of the C-Town Supermarket on Crescent Street was visited by not only many people, but also Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., and his father State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. 

  Bronx BP Diaz mentioned that most people think that Cinco de Mayo is the celebration of Mexican Independence Day, but the BP cleared that up by saying that Mexican Independence Day falls on September 15th not of May 5th. He went on to explain that Cinco de Mayo commemorates the victory of the Mexican Militia over the French army at the Battle of Puebla on May 5th in the year 1862. Below are some photos of the event.

Above - A large stage was set up for the entertainment which included several bands and local talent.
Below - There was face painting for children, and a stilt walker among the many vendors offering free food, refreshments, and community advice.

Above - Sets of Yankee tickets were given away on the half hour.
Below - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. is introduced.

Above - State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. (BP Diaz's father) speaks to the crowd about Cinco de Mayo.
Below - BP Diaz is given an honorary Mexican hat in for Cinco de Mayo.

Above - The cake made by Egidio's Bakery is guarded by Diego one of the workers there until it is time for dessert. 
Below - Bronxnet T.V. was on hand to interview people about Cinco de Mayo, including Mr. Jason Cancel candidate for the 15th City Council district.

Saturday, May 6, 2017


  Mark G. Peters, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), announced the findings of an investigation into the use of Department of Correction (“DOC”) assigned “take home” vehicles by high-ranking DOC staff, including the Commissioner of DOC. DOI’s Report uncovered misuse of the City-owned vehicles for unauthorized travel, including trips to Maine, the Hamptons, Cape Cod and other transportation to beaches, amusement parks and local airports. Using City-owned vehicles for these purposes is expressly prohibited by City policy, DOC’s own policy, and Conflicts of Interest laws. DOI’s investigation revealed 21 senior-level employees routinely abused take-home vehicle privileges and cost City taxpayers thousands of dollars in wasted money spent on gas and tolls to cover personal trips. As a result, DOI is referring the findings for these 21 individuals to the appropriate enforcement bodies for further review and has issued recommendations to address the vulnerabilities identified in the Report that contributed to this systemic misuse. A copy of DOI’s report can be found at the following link: 

  Commissioner Mark Peters said, “DOC staff, including the Commissioner, routinely misused City vehicles and violated City rules. This widespread disregard of policy undercuts DOC’s ability to ensure order and discipline at an agency already struggling to control violence and crime in its jails, issues that DOI has been investigating for the past three years. Most disturbing in this report is the conduct of senior officials who must be accountable for their actions.” 

  DOI’s investigation began with an anonymous allegation that DOC Commissioner Joseph Ponte, and other high-ranking and executive staff, were misusing their take-home vehicles for personal use. DOI reviewed vehicle usage in Calendar Year 2016, mapping over 24.5 million GPS data points, analyzing dozens of vehicle usage maps, vehicle assignment records, gas card data and E-ZPass statements to determine if unauthorized trips were taken. Of the 98 take-home vehicles and corresponding maps that were reviewed, DOI determined that approximately 40% of those maps demonstrated irregular travel to locations out-of-state or outside of the five boroughs on weekends and holidays, with the most egregious examples including multiple trips to shopping malls, area airports on nights and weekends, beaches, spas, resorts and other destinations without corresponding timesheets. 
  DOC vehicle policies expressly prohibit unauthorized out-of-state travel, E-ZPass usage for non-official charges, and requires all DOC drivers to maintain vehicle usage logs or “trip sheets” to prove compliance with the policies. Interviews with DOC’s Transportation Division revealed that each of the subjects in DOI’s Report received copies of the City Handbook, which describes City take-home vehicle policy and DOC’s vehicle policies. 

  DOI’s investigation revealed misuse of take-home vehicles by DOC top-level executives: 

  Commissioner Ponte drove his assigned vehicle out of New York State on 28 occasions, for multiple days at a time, with many of the trips to areas of Costal Maine, and used his vehicle outside of New York State on personal business for 90 calendar days in 2016 – approximately 24.6% of the calendar year.
   Chief of Staff Jeff Thamkittikasem used his City vehicle to drive to a friend’s house in Virginia for a birthday party, informing DOI that since he answered phone calls and emails while he was out of town he considered it to be the equivalent of being at work, even submitting his timesheet to reflect he had been at work during that time. 
  Acting First Deputy Commissioner Cynthia Brann told DOI that she used her City vehicle on weekends almost exclusively for shopping, including trips to Woodbury Commons Outlets and the Gallery at Westbury Plaza, among others.
  Deputy Commissioner (“DC”) Gregory Kuczinski, who oversees the Department’s internal investigations, took over 20 trips to Westchester County in his take-home vehicle on personal business, including a vacation day to go golfing and multiple trips to John F. Kennedy (“JFK”) and LaGuardia airports to transport family.  
  DC Kuczinski was previously fined $1,500 by the Conflicts of Interest Board (“COIB”) for having a subordinate transport him and his family to JFK Airport for a family vacation in 2015, in which Kuczinski admitted in a statement that he did not have authorization to use the vehicle which was, by his admission, “to be used for official business only.”
 All of these senior staff members informed DOI that they considered themselves to be on “24-hour call” and therefore needed to respond from wherever they went, making the use of their City-assigned vehicles permissible during these times, however, no staff member reported having ever actually responded to any departmental emergency from the locations cited by DOI in its Report and some staff admitted that personal response from long distance was not practical in any event. The City’s Department of Administrative Services (“DCAS”) also confirmed that no 24-hour, on-call allowance or exception exists. 

  Beyond misuse of vehicles, DOI’s investigation also found DOC recordkeeping and maintenance is unorganized, with staff routinely failing to submit or maintain monthly trip sheets. As a result of this systemic abuse of car privileges and additional compliance issues, DOI has issued recommendations to DOC, including:

   DOC should reissue to all staff who drive City-assigned vehicles the Citywide rules and regulations that prohibit the use of City vehicles for personal use, and each driver acknowledge receipt of the policies. 
  DOC must enforce existing policies related to vehicle usage, including the requirement that drivers maintain trip sheets, and DOC should have a centralized way of tracking these trip sheets. 
  DOC should conduct periodic audits of E-ZPass and gas card usage to ensure that unauthorized out-of state travel is not occurring. 
  DOC should conduct annual audits of vehicle usage. GPS data should be used to aid in these audits.
  DOI Commissioner Mark Peters thanked Deputy Commissioner and Chief Fleet Officer Keith Kerman of the DCAS Fleet Services Unit, and his staff, for their assistance and cooperation in this investigation.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Ben Franklin Democratic Club Dinner

  Last Night the Ben Franklin Democratic Club Dinner was held. In TRUE DEMOCRACY this reporter was told by 81st A.D. Female District Leader, and Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz's Chief of Staff Randi Martos not to attend the club dinner even though other reporters were welcome to attend.

  It is the loss of those who were honored not to get the publicity they would have gotten here and in my column in the Bronx Voice. 

  As State Comptroller Tom di Napoli said at a recent Ben Franklin club meeting 'that political clubs are loosing the power they once had as has been evidenced by the past presidential election'. Come to think of it, the room that night was not as crowded as it has been in the past.

   I can only guess that this year's Ben Franklin dinner was not as good as last year's dinner, could that be the reason why I was kept away? 

Bronx Attorney Sentenced To Prison For Preparing Fraudulent Tax Returns For Clients

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Stewart M. Goldberg, the Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Tax Division of the Department of Justice, announced today that WILLIAM DOONAN, an attorney who operated a tax preparation business in the Bronx, New York, was sentenced today to 24 months in prison by U.S. District Judge Vernon S. Broderick for preparing and filing thousands of false and fraudulent returns that claimed more than $6 million in bogus deductions. DOONAN pled guilty on November 1, 2016, before Judge Broderick to one count of aiding and assisting in the preparation of a false tax return, and one count of obstructing and impeding the due administration of internal revenue laws.
Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney John H. Kim said: “William Doonan’s so-called ‘business’ didn’t prepare taxes, it manufactured lies and false tax returns that resulted in more than $1.8 million in lost revenue for the IRS. In filing thousands of federal tax returns, Doonan used his legal knowledge to circumvent the law. Thanks to the dedicated investigators of the IRS, he will be held to account for his criminal misdeeds.”
Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General Goldberg said: “William Doonan used his status as an attorney to attract clients to his tax preparation business. But instead of performing honest and professional work, he routinely falsified their returns, adding more than $6 million in phony deductions and causing the IRS to incur more than $1.8 million in lost taxes. Doonan’s prison sentence today makes clear that those who prepare and file fraudulent returns face significant penalties.”
According to the allegations in the Information to which DOONAN pled guilty, other documents filed in Manhattan federal court, and statements made in court proceedings:
DOONAN, a New York-licensed attorney since 1982, carried out a tax preparation business in the Bronx using the firm name “William Doonan, Esq.” Every year from 2010 through 2013, DOONAN prepared and filed between 3,000 and 5,000 federal tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) for taxpayer-clients in exchange for a fee. Several thousands of these returns were false and fraudulent in that they attached Schedules C to the clients’ returns that reported “consulting” businesses the clients did not own, operate, or materially participate in, and business losses that the relevant clients did not incur. DOONAN also prepared returns that attached Schedules A that reported false medical and dental expenses, state and local taxes, home mortgage interest, gifts to charity, job expenses, and other miscellaneous deductions. Between tax year 2009 through tax year 2012, DOONAN included in excess of $6 million in these fabricated and inflated items on his clients’ federal tax returns. As part of his plea, DOONAN agreed that he caused a tax loss of between $1.5 and $3.5 million.

In addition to the term of imprisonment, DOONAN, 69, of the Bronx, New York, was sentenced to one year of supervised release, ordered to pay $65,820 in restitution to the IRS, and ordered to pay a fine of $10,000.

Mr. Kim and Mr. Goldberg praised the outstanding efforts of IRS-Criminal Investigation in the investigation.

Former Minister Of Mines For The Republic Of Guinea Convicted Of Receiving And Laundering $8.5 Million In Bribes From Chinese Companies

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Kenneth A. Blanco, the Acting Assistant Attorney General of the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division, announced that MAHMOUD THIAM was convicted in Manhattan federal court yesterday of money laundering charges stemming from his scheme to launder $8.5 million in bribes that THIAM received from senior representatives of a Chinese conglomerate. THIAM was charged with using his official position as Minister of Mines for the Republic of Guinea to facilitate the award to the Chinese conglomerate of exclusive and highly valuable investment rights in various sectors of the Guinean economy. THIAM was convicted after a seven-day trial before U.S. District Judge Denise L. Cote.

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “As a New York federal jury has now found, Thiam abused his official government position to enrich himself at the expense of one of Africa’s poorest countries. Thiam laundered the proceeds of his bribery scheme into the United States to fund his lavish lifestyle, buying a multi-million dollar estate in Dutchess County, and paying for private schools for his children. Thanks to the work of the FBI, Thiam’s scheme was exposed and he was swiftly convicted.”

Acting Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Blanco said: “As a high-level Minister in Guinea, Thiam sold out his country and then used U.S. banks and real estate to hide millions in bribes paid to him by a Chinese conglomerate. Corruption is a global disease that undermines the rule of law everywhere. The Justice Department is committed to investigating and prosecuting those who commit these crimes and use the U.S. financial system and free marketplace to conceal and benefit from their crimes.”

According to the Indictment, other filings in Manhattan federal court, and the evidence admitted at trial:

THIAM, a United States citizen who was Minister of Mines and Geology of the Republic of Guinea in 2009 and 2010, engaged in a scheme to accept bribes from senior representatives of a Chinese conglomerate and to launder that money into the United States and elsewhere. In exchange for these multimillion-dollar bribe payments, THIAM used his position as Minister of Mines to facilitate the award to the Chinese conglomerate of exclusive and highly valuable investment rights in a wide range of sectors of the Guinean economy, including near-total control of Guinea’s significant mining sector.

In order to receive the bribes covertly, THIAM opened a bank account in Hong Kong (the “Hong Kong Account”) and misreported his occupation to the Hong Kong bank to conceal his status as a public official in Guinea. Upon receiving the bribes, THIAM transferred millions of dollars in bribe proceeds from the Hong Kong Account to, among others, THIAM’s bank accounts in the United States; a Malaysian company that facilitated and concealed THIAM’s purchase of a $3,750,000 estate in Dutchess County, New York; private preparatory schools in Manhattan attended by THIAM’s children; and at least one other West African public official.

To further conceal the unlawful source of the bribery proceeds that THIAM transferred from the Hong Kong Account to banks in the United States, THIAM lied to two banks based in Manhattan and on tax returns filed with the Internal Revenue Service regarding the bribe payments, his position as a foreign public official, and the source of the funds in the Hong Kong Account. In total, THIAM received approximately $8.5 million in bribes from the Chinese conglomerate.

THIAM, 50, of Manhattan, was convicted of one count of transacting in criminally derived property, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison, and one count of money laundering, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. THIAM is scheduled to be sentenced before Judge Cote on August 11, 2017, at 10:00 a.m.

The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.

Mr. Kim praised the outstanding investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Criminal Division’s Office of International Affairs also provided substantial assistance in this matter. The Office is grateful to the government of Guinea for providing substantial assistance in gathering evidence during this investigation.