Friday, May 12, 2017


  The auditorium at the Richard Green MS 113 Campus was transformed with today’s community leaders reciting poetry, recalling their experiences of overcoming bias and inequality and encouraging the more than 700 youngsters in the audience for the 11th annual YOUTH SPEAKS conference to follow their dreams.

Hosted by the Bronx Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) in partnership with NYC Council Member Andy King, the teens received insight on what it’s like to become an actor, police officer, professional basketball player, a school administrator, compete in the Olympics or start their own business.
Fifteen schools throughout the 12th Council District participated in Wednesday’s conference. The theme was equality and a short video on the U.S. Constitution’s Three-Fifth Clause was shown.
“The Three-Fifth Clause still affects us today,” said Bronx YEP member Amear Rattray, a junior at the High School for Contemporary Arts, about struggles and inequality in communities of color.
Members of Bronx YEP led the question and answer session with panelists City Schools Chancellor Carmen Farina, Fred Mwangaguhunga, Silver-Medal Olympian Daryl Homer, Actor L. Steven Taylor, who plays the part of Mufasa in The Lion King on Broadway and his fellow cast members, Lt. Sanders of the 47th Precinct; and Kevin “Butter” Johnson, who plays professional basketball in Australia.
“Follow your journey,” said Johnson, who told students about his experience as special education student in school. “Through it all, I followed my journey in basketball and I have an amazing life traveling across the world.”
Prior to the panel discussion, Chancellor Farina was surprised by members of Bronx YEP and the Council Member King with the presentation of the 12th District Council Real Leadership Award in honor of her more than 50 years of leadership in New York City schools.

Acting U.S. Attorney Announces $54 Million Settlement Of Civil Fraud Lawsuit Against Benefits Management Company For Improper Authorization Of Medical Procedures

CareCore Admits to Improperly Authorizing Over 200,000 Procedures Paid For With Medicare and Medicaid Funds

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Scott Lampert, Special Agent in Charge of the New York Regional Office for the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS-OIG”), announced today that the United States simultaneously filed and settled a civil fraud lawsuit against benefits management company CaRECORE NATIONAL LLC (“CARECORE”)now part of eviCore healthcare, for authorizing medical diagnostic procedures paid for with Medicare and Medicaid funds over a period of at least eight years without properly assessing whether the procedures were necessary or reasonable. The settlement, approved in Manhattan federal court by U.S. District Judge Richard J. Sullivan, resolves CARECORE’s civil liabilities to the United States under the federal False Claims Act. Under the settlement, CARECORE must pay a total of $54 million, of which $45 million will be paid to the United States and $9 million will be paid to the states that are named as plaintiffs in the suit. CARECORE also admitted and accepted responsibility for, among other things, improperly approving prior authorizations requests for hundreds of thousands of diagnostic procedures paid for with Medicare Part C and Medicaid funds.

Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “Benefit management companies are supposed to determine whether medical diagnostic procedures paid for with Medicare and Medicaid funds are necessary and reasonable. Instead, CareCore blindly approved hundreds of thousands of medical procedures over a period of many years, leaving Medicare and Medicaid to foot the bill. This lawsuit and settlement shows our commitment to ensuring that fraud and waste involving federal funds will be identified and stopped.”

HHS-OIG Special Agent in Charge Scott J. Lampert said: “CareCore’s irresponsible behavior compromised the integrity of the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and wasted millions of taxpayer dollars. HHS-OIG will continue to ensure that companies that do business with federally-funded health care programs do so in an honest fashion.”

The United States Complaint-In-Intervention (the “Complaint”) alleges that starting in as early as 2005, CARECORE, which performs prior authorization review for diagnostic procedures on behalf of many insurers, including those providing insurance through Medicare Part C and Medicaid Managed Care, was unable to review prior authorization requests in a timely fashion, and in order to avoid contractual penalties for failing to timely process the requests, CARECORE instituted a practice of improperly approving prior authorization requests. By 2007, CARECORE had formalized this practice into the “PAD program.” Between 2007 and 2013, through the PAD program, CARECORE improperly authorized over 200,000 diagnostic procedures.

As part of the settlement, CARECORE must pay $54,000,000 to resolve both federal and state false claims act claims, the latter of which will be the subject of a separate settlement agreement between CARECORE and the states. In the settlement, CARECORE admits, acknowledges and accepts responsibility for the following conduct:

  1. CARECORE provides services to health insurers, including managed care organizations that provide services to beneficiaries of the Medicare Part C and Medicaid programs (collectively, “MCOs”). CARECORE provides prior authorization services, which consist of screening prior authorization requests for certain procedures for medical reasonableness and necessity. During the times pertinent to this matter, CARECORE’s Clinical Reviewers, who generally were nurses, received information from the treating physicians and input that information into CARECARE’s proprietary software system. That software system, based on the information provided, either recommended approval of the prior authorization or recommended further review by a physician.
  1. Under the applicable regulations and contractual provisions, if a plan decides to implement prior medical necessity review in order to cover physician-ordered services, only a physician or other appropriate health care professional with sufficient expertise has the authority to deny a procedure. Thus, if a prior authorization could not be issued based on the information currently supplied by the treating physician, the prior authorization request, including all of the related information, was placed in an electronic queue, the Medical Review Queue. The prior authorization request could be accessed in the Medical Review Queue by a CAERCORE Medical Director, who is a physician retained by CARECORE, who would review the information and determine whether to conduct a peer call with the treating physician or appraise information gathered after the initial request in order to determine whether prior authorization of the procedure was appropriate, or should be denied.
  1. In order for the MCOs to meet timelines in the applicable regulations and/or pursuant to its contractual obligations and provisions, CARECORE was required to issue a determination on prior authorization requests within fixed time periods known as “Turn Around Times,” or “TATs”, often as little as 4 hours for urgent requests, and 48 hours for non-urgent requests. CARECORE was also subject to contractual monetary penalties if it failed to maintain performance standards, including meeting the processing deadlines set forth in the regulations and contracts.
  1. Starting in at least 2007, CARECORE developed the “Process As Directed,” or “PAD” Program. Under the PAD Program, CARECORE’s Clinical Reviewers would approve certain prior authorization requests awaiting physician review that had been on the queue for nearly the entire applicable TAT. The PAD Program consisted of Clinical Reviewers improperly approving certain prior authorization requests on the Medical Review Queue without having obtained any new objective medical information about the request, and without a Medical Director having independently reviewed the prior authorization request. These prior authorization requests (“padded requests”) were then transmitted to CARECORE’s client insurers, including MCOs, as preauthorized requests.
  1. In 2007, the PAD Program was formalized into corporate policy, which included detailed training materials and daily reporting of the number of padded requests to high-level executives then-employed at CARECORE. When daily regular review of the Medical Review Queue showed the volume of cases in the Medical Review Queue was too high to make a timely decision for a significant volume of requests for prior authorization, certain Clinical Reviewers were directed by then-management to approve requests for prior authorization without obtaining or considering any new medical information.
  1. From 2007 through June 13, 2013, CARECORE padded between 200,000 and 300,000 prior authorization requests.
  1. In CARECORE’s role managing the prior authorization process, it had medical information of the beneficiaries seeking prior authorization. When CARECORE approved padded requests, CARECORE made a representation that it had appropriately reviewed the requests when it knew it had not. Thus, those padded requests incorporated CARECORE’s false representation that it had approved a case after completing the required review process. The MCOs thereafter provided coverage based on CARECORE’s approval of the prior authorizations.
  1. MCOs would only pay for procedures that require a prior authorization if the prior authorization was granted in a manner consistent with the MCO’s policies and procedures. Thus, the PAD Program resulted in insurance claims related to the padded requests being presented to the MCOs for payment with federal and/or state government funds, and MCOs actually paid insurance claims made in connection with the padded requests.
The Complaint in this case was filed under the federal False Claims Act, which punishes violators who submit false claims or make false statements material to claims submitted to entities administering programs funded by the government. The allegations of fraud stated in the Complaint were first brought to the attention of the government by a whistleblower, who filed a lawsuit under the qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act. Those provisions allow private parties who have knowledge of fraud committed against the government to file suit on behalf of the government and share in any recovery. The United States may then intervene and file a complaint, as it did here.

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney And FBI Assistant Director Announce Insider Trading Charges Against Law Firm Partner

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced today that WALTER C. LITTLE, a/k/a “Chet,” a former partner at an international law firm (the “Firm”), and ANDREW BERKE, a business associate of LITTLE, were arrested this morning and charged with insider trading. LITTLE and BERKE collectively made approximately $1 million in profits in connection with options and stock trading based on material nonpublic information that LITTLE improperly accessed from the Firm’s databases and then provided to BERKE. LITTLE and BERKE were arrested today and presented before a Magistrate Judge in the Middle District of Florida.
Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “Walter Little, a former partner at a major international law firm, allegedly used confidential information – entrusted to the firm by its clients – to illegally trade for personal gain. Although he billed no work for these clients, Little allegedly used his position at the firm to access and share their nonpublic business information. As alleged, Little and Andrew Berke then used that inside information to make approximately $1 million in illegal profits. We continue the fight against illegal insider trading, and are committed, along with our partners at the FBI and the SEC, in ensuring fairness and integrity in our financial markets.
FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said: “Little and Berke allegedly used Little’s position at the firm to access material, nonpublic information and engage in insider trading – a scheme that ultimately resulted in collective profits of approximately $1 million. Having access to this type of information is a privilege, one that is extended in furtherance of trusted business-related matters. When clients’ proprietary information is used in this way, they’re not the only ones at risk of losing; keeping our markets fair for all investors remains a top priority for the FBI. We will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to bring charges against those who use illegal and unfair advantages in our securities markets.”
According to the Complaint unsealed today in Manhattan federal court:[1]
Between February 2015 and May 2016, LITTLE was employed at the Firm as a partner. During that time, the Firm provided transactional and regulatory legal advice to a wide variety of corporations, among other services. Clients regularly entrusted the Firm with nonpublic information and the Firm consequently enacted policies requiring its employees to keep such information confidential. LITTLE, however, failed to abide by these policies. Even though he did not perform any billable work for the associated clients, LITTLE accessed documents relating to seven different companies containing material nonpublic information about (1) a client’s anticipated delisting from the NASDAQ stock exchange; (2) multiple clients’ involvement in mergers and acquisitions; (3) multiple clients’ anticipated earnings announcements; and (4) a securities offering being planned by a client. LITTLE then purchased and sold stock and options based on the information contained in these documents, making profits of over approximately $320,000.
In addition to trading on the information himself, LITTLE also provided the information to BERKE, his business associate and friend. BERKE also traded on the information, making profits of over approximately $660,000. For example, on or about July 23, 2015, LITTLE accessed a document on the Firm’s document management system entitled “Revised Merger Agreement,” which contained material nonpublic information about an upcoming merger of a Firm client. The following morning, between approximately 8:31 a.m. and 8:34 a.m., LITTLE and BERKE exchanged approximately six text messages. Approximately an hour later, at 9:41 a.m., BERKE purchased hundreds of shares of stock in the relevant company. The merger referenced in the document that LITTLE had accessed became public approximately three days later, resulting in significant profits for BERKE.
LITTLE, 43, of Tampa, Florida, and BERKE, 49, of Apollo Beach, Florida, are each charged with one count of conspiring to commit securities fraud and six counts of securities fraud. LITTLE is also charged with an additional five counts of securities fraud. The charge of conspiring to commit securities fraud carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, and each securities fraud count carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. The charges also carry a maximum fine of $5 million, or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense. The statutory maximum sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants would be determined by the judge.
Mr. Kim praised the investigative work of the FBI and thanked the SEC, which has filed civil charges in a separate action. He added that the FBI’s investigation is ongoing.
 The allegations contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
 [1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint and the description of the Complaint set forth below constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Father And Son Pair Charged With Gunpoint Robbery And Kidnapping In Bronx Home Invasion

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, James P. O’Neill, the Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), and Ashan M. Benedict, the Special Agent in Charge of the New York Field Office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (“ATF”), announced today the filing of a criminal complaint charging JORDANY FRIAS-ROSARIO, a/k/a “Julio,” and PEDRO CASTILLO, a/k/a “Juan Antonio Frias,” with robbery, kidnapping, and use of a firearm during the commission of a crime of violence. As alleged, FRIAS-ROSARIO and CASTILLO committed a home invasion robbery in the Bronx on March 30, 2017, and forcefully tied up two victims, including a 7-year-old boy with autism. FRIAS-ROSARIO was arrested in Utica, New York, this morning and will be presented this afternoon before the Honorable Thérèse Wiley Dancks. CASTILLO is still at large, and the general public is encouraged to contact Crime Stoppers at 800-577-TIPS (800-577-8477) with any information on CASTILLO’s whereabouts.
Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “The defendants are charged with a callous crime of violence. They allegedly terrorized two people at gunpoint during a home invasion robbery, tying up a 7-year-old autistic child and pistol-whipping an adult. We commend our partners at the ATF and NYPD for the exemplary work that led to the charges today.”
ATF SAC Ashan M. Benedict said: “The defendants are alleged to have brazenly and viciously committed a gunpoint home invasion, during which one victim was tied up and violently assaulted in the presence of the second victim, an autistic child, who was also tied up. Such acts of violence and depravity will not be tolerated, and the defendants will now face justice for their actions. I would like to express my gratitude to the ATF Special Agents and NYPD Detectives assigned to the ATF SPARTA Task Force for their hard work throughout this investigation, and the many others in which they are successfully targeting armed robbers for arrest and prosecution. I would also like to thank the United States Attorney’s Office for their continued partnership and dedication in pursuing the prosecution of violent offenders.”
According to the Complaint[1] filed in Manhattan federal court:
On March 30, 2017, JORDANY FRIAS-ROSARIO, a/k/a “Julio,” and PEDRO CASTILLO, a/k/a “Juan Antonio Frias,” committed a home invasion robbery in the Bronx, New York (the “Robbery”). During the course of the Robbery, FRIAS-ROSARIO and CASTILLO brandished a firearm and forcefully tied up two victims (“Victim-1” and “Victim-2”). Victim-1, a 66-year-old man, was pistol whipped, leaving a deep gash over his left ear. Victim-2, a 7-year-old boy with autism, was also tied up during the course of the Robbery.
FRIAS-ROSARIO, 24, of the Bronx, was arrested this morning. CASTILLO, 56, also of the Bronx, is still at large and the general public is encouraged to call Crime Stoppers with any information on CASTILLO’s whereabouts. FRIAS-ROSARIO and CASTILLO are each charged with robbery, kidnapping, and using a firearm during the commission of a crime of violence; the charge carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by the judge.
Mr. Kim praised the efforts of the NYPD and ATF in this investigation, specifically the Bronx Robbery Squad and the Joint Robbery Task Force.
The charges contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
 [1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint and the description of the Complaint forth herein constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Assemblyman Dinowitz Pens Letter to Management of 500 West 235th Street Urging Restoration of Gas Service

  Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz penned a letter to the management company of 500 West 235th Street, urging them to complete repair work on gas service in the building. The building has been without gas service since October 26th, 2016 and residents have had to make do with lack of gas for 7 months.

Assemblyman Dinowitz’s office has been in communication with the building’s management, the Department of Buildings(DOB) and Con Edison since December, attempting to get gas restored to the building and to ensure that Elbridge, DOB and ConEd work as efficiently as possible to restore service. Despite these efforts, gas service has still not returned.

“While I understand that a project of this nature takes time to complete, it has been seven months that your tenants have had to live without this essential service. This has led to increased hardship for these tenants, including an increase in their utility bill for use of the alternatives such as hot plates or heating devices that have been supplied to them, “ said Assemblyman Dinowitz in the letter.

Recently, it became clear after conversations with DOB and ConEd, that gas service has not been restored because the building has failed multiple inspections necessary before gas service can be approved by DOB. These inspections were failed because gas pipes remain in publicly accessible areas, against regulations, and must be relocated before gas service can be approved by DOB and installed by ConEd. The building will continue to fail inspection as long as management leaves the pipes where they are and gas service will continue to be withheld until adequate measures have been taken to ensure the safety of tenants in the building.

NEWS FROM Congressman Eliot L. Engel

Engel Calls Senate Plans to Sidestep Regular Process for Trumpcare "Outrageous and Hypocritical”

Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, released the following statement regarding Senate consideration of the American Health Care Act, known as Trumpcare:

“The policies included in Trumpcare are utterly devastating. But similarly unconscionable was the process by which House Republicans pushed this bill forward – a process that, stunningly, Senate Republicans appears poised to mirror.

“House Republicans passed Trumpcare without a single hearing, robbing Americans of the chance to hear testimony and analysis from expert witnesses. The bill bypassed every relevant subcommittee, moving straight to full Committee votes. And the final text was hidden from view until less than 24 hours before the House voted to pass it. That vote took place without an up-to-date readout from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office – i.e., without a complete understanding of what Trumpcare will cost and how it will affect our constituents.

“To call this process ‘opaque’ would be an understatement. And yet the Senate plans to retrench even further.

“Reports indicate that the Senate version of Trumpcare will sidestep Committee review altogether – a step even more egregious than House Republicans’ truncated Committee process. Instead, Senate Republicans have convened a working group that will conduct its business completely out of public view, and without a single woman or Democrat.

“This is as outrageous as it is hypocritical. For nearly a decade, Republicans have relentlessly castigated the process by which the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted. Yet, over the course of 2009 and 2010, the House alone held 79 bipartisan hearings and markups on health insurance reform. Just in the Energy and Commerce Committee, on which I serve, Democrats adopted 24 Republicans amendments to the ACA. In contrast, on their first failed attempt in March, House Republicans adopted zero Democratic amendments to Trumpcare during our Committee’s single, 27-hour marathon markup.

“I had hoped that Trumpcare’s initial failure in March may have given pause to my Republican colleagues, who could have worked openly with Democrats to improve the ACA and build on its progress. But it appears that the GOP isn’t ready to work with Democrats, or to work to protect the American people.”


“Reporting today makes clear that Attorney General Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein offered their ‘recommendations’ for FBI Director Comey's dismissal to give President Trump a modest cover, while in fact, the President’s anger underlay his outrageous decision to fire the person investigating him. This acquiescence at the highest level of the Justice Department shows a remarkable lack of integrity, judgment, and independence.

I renew my call for AG Sessions, who gave false testimony in his confirmation hearing, to step down. I also urge Deputy AG Rosenstein to request that a three-judge panel appoint a special prosecutor and then recuse himself from any investigations dealing with the Trump Administration. Their jobs are to enforce our laws, not give the President cover, and their actions leave them compromised and entangled in the President's scandal. 

“Furthermore, the Senate should postpone confirming any new Justice Department officials until a special prosecutor and an independent commission are in place to investigate the Trump-Russia Scandal. The President must not be allowed to entrust this issue to a hand-picked Trump insider. This week has already shown that his Administration puts his personal interests ahead of the rule of law.”
Engel Statement on President Signing Executive Order to Investigate Electoral Process
“Since the election and even prior, the President has perpetuated this unsubstantiated myth about voter fraud. Now he’s taken this myth to the next level with an Executive Order that creates a commission to investigate the electoral process. This is just the latest diversionary tactic the White House has deployed to draw attention away from the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, which is the real story that requires serious investigation.”


Statement from Mayor de Blasio:

  "Joe Ponte has spent his life reforming jails. New York City owes a debt of gratitude to Commissioner Ponte for his tireless efforts to change the culture and improve the effectiveness of one of the nation’s most challenging jail systems. While much work remains, there is no doubt that our city’s jails are safer, more rehabilitative, and more humane as a result of Commissioner Ponte’s work. As we continue the search for our next commissioner, I will be looking for the same experience and progressive commitment to smart, effective correctional policy that Commissioner Ponte’s career has epitomized."

Statement from Commissioner Ponte:

  “I want to thank the uniformed and non-uniformed staff of the Department of Correction for the tremendous job they have done over the past three years to bring about meaningful reform and build a culture of safety at the Department. Without their hard work, the comprehensive reforms of the 14-point anti-violence reform agenda would not have gotten off the ground. That agenda is their agenda.

“I am happy to have spent the last chapter of my career in New York City. It was a privilege to work with the men and women of the Department as we reduced violence and the overuse of punitive segregation, brought on 3,700 new officers, retrained a large part of the staff, added thousands of security cameras, and provided new opportunities for education and training for inmates, among many other initiatives. I’m confident that all the hard work we’ve accomplished has positioned the Department for even more meaningful reform in the days ahead. It has truly been my honor to serve as Commissioner of the New York City Department of Correction.”

Bronx Week Centenarian Celebration

  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. held his annual Centenarian Celebration to honor the 41 Bronxites who have passed the 100 year mark of their life. The oldest member of this club is 107 year old Joe Binder. Joe was called up front  by BP Diaz to tell a few jokes as has been done for the past few tears. The jokes Joe tells are could be called adult, and you will see the reaction of Deputy BP Greene in one of the photos. We hope to see all 41 current Centenarians next year with some more new member to the group.

Above - Bronx BP Diaz was joined by State Senator Jeff Klein during the event.
Below - Saxophonist Tony Smith was only one part of the entertainment.

Above - The PS 72 Ballroom Dancers.
Below - Some of the students danced with the seniors.

Above and below - BP Diaz and Senator Klein thanked the Centenarians.

Above - BP Diaz and Senator Klein congratulate 101 year old Irving Ladimer who is still an active member of Community Board 8.
Below - BP Diaz and Deputy BP Greene present the Bronx Quilt to one Centenarian.

Above - BP Diaz and Senator Klein congratulate 107 year old Joe Binder.
Below - You can see Deputy BP Greene's reaction to one of Joe's Jokes.