Saturday, May 27, 2017


  'City Hall in the Bronx Week' by Mayor Bill de Blasio was a unique way of bringing the Mayor, First Lady, and just about every citywide department head to the Bronx with so many events that involved the mayor and citywide commissioners that are rarely seen here in the Bronx, I was able to cover several events (which are posted in the archive section on the left), but I have to say that to me the best event was the last one of 'City Hall in the Bronx' where Mayor de Blasio ended the week in Riverdale to say a few words at the Riverdale Jewish Center. 

  The mayor not being Jewish faith gave an inspirational speech that was on topic to the targeted audience of Jewish worshipers, but also recognized that without respect of one another there would be no civilization. He spoke of a crowded subway car where people of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds are together packed in a cramped space, but the people all respect each other while the train moves on. It was a very enlightening speech in which another side of Bill de Blasio was seen, a man who loves the city he is running. 

 The photos below are outside of the synagogue after the mayor spoke out of respect. It as a wonderful site to see Mayor de Blasio standing where the Rabbi does, and speaking which I hope not to forget.

Above - As Mayor Bill de Blasio leaves he thanks Auxiliary Police Captain of the 50th Precinct for all the hard work he does for the community.
Below - The mayor was happy to pose with several of the Auxiliary officers who were on hand.  

Above - The local elected officials Congressman Eliot Engel, Assemblyman Jeff Dinowitz, and Councilman Andrew Cohen have their photo taken with the mayor. Also in the photo is Sarah Cohen the daughter of Councilman Cohen, and possibly the next council member when her father is term -limited out of office in four years. 
Below - Congressman Engel and Assemblyman Dinowitz must feel real safe standing with the police officers present for the mayor's visit. 

City Hall in Your Borough at Bronx House

Mayor Bill de Blasio came to Bronx House to unveil the plan to celebrated the anticipated expansion of the Senior Homeowners’ Exemption (SCHE) and Disabled Homeowners’ Exemption (DHE) on Friday.

With the Mayor were State Senator Jeff Klein, Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, and Assemblyman Michael Benedetto.

Above - State Senator Jeff Klein Speaks about the benefit to homeowners especially seniors who are on a fixed income of the program.
Below - Mayor de Blasio brought people to help show the benefits of the program, and how to apply.

Above - Mayor de Blasio talks with community leaders Edith Blitzer and Andres Seigel.
Below - The mayor chats with World War two veteran Ed Peck, as Bronx House Executive Director Howard Martin watches.

Above and Below - The mayor spoke to many of the seniors in the room, who were happy that they were able to talk directly to the mayor.

Senator Jeff Klein, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Joined by Elected Officials & Seniors, Celebrate Major Property Tax Savings That Are On The Way for Homeowners

SCHE/DHE program expansion set to help thousands more live affordably in New York

Senator Jeff Klein, Mayor Bill de Blasio, joined by Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, Assemblyman Michael Benedetto and Bronx seniors, celebrated the anticipated expansion of the Senior Homeowners’ Exemption (SCHE) and Disabled Homeowners’ Exemption (DHE) on Friday.

This year, Senator Klein fought to increase the income eligibility for the SCHE and DHE programs which provide major property tax exemptions to residents living on fixed incomes. In The Bronx, seniors could potentially save upwards of $1,000 a year through the exemption.

The proposal  received support from Mayor de Blasio.

The New York State Senate recently passed legislation carried by Independent Democratic Conference member Senator Diane Savino, which would raise the income cap for SCHE/DHE to $50,000 for a full 50% property tax exemption and to $58,400 for a partial exemption, which will provide much-needed relief to New York City homeowners. The eligibility levels have not been raised since 2006. The current income limit for a full 50% reduction is just $29,000.

It is expected to pass in the Assembly, where Assemblyman Brian Kavanagh carries the legislation.

“Our seniors deserve to live out their golden years without worrying that they can no longer afford their homes, the places where they raised their children and hold cherished memories. It is important that for seniors and disabled homeowners living on tight budgets we create an affordable New York by bringing real property tax relief by raising the income eligibility for SCHE and DHE to 2017 levels. I’m proud that the IDC has been the driving force behind this policy and I thank the Mayor de Blasio for his support,” said Senator Klein.

“Since the creation of these programs, life has changed significantly in New York City. We’ve watched the cost of living increase, but the income requirements for SCHE and DHE have remained stagnant,” said Mayor de Blasio. “New York City’s seniors should not be worrying about how they’ll afford to stay in their homes. At a time when we’re facing tax cuts for billionaires by billionaires, it is our duty to do all we can for those most deserving of some assistance.”

The program will help seniors save big in The Bronx. On average a qualifying homeowner in:

  • Throggs Neck will save $1,029 a year
  • Morris Park will save  $2,637 a year
  • Melrose will save $1,589 a year
  • University Heights will save $1,523 a year
  • Soundview will save $2,339 a year
  • Riverdale will save $1,017 a year

On average a homeowner who qualifies for the program under the expanded income threshold could save up to $1,750 a year.

This proposal would also increase the cap for partial exemptions to $58,400, with property tax exemptions provided to qualified senior and disabled homeowners on a sliding scale.
SCHE/DHE at $50,000 (Proposed)
 Income Range
$57,500 - $58,400
$56,600 - $57,499
$55,700 - $56,599
$54,800 - $55,699
$53,900 - $54,799
$53,000 - $53,899
$52,000 - $52,999
$50,100 - $51,999
$50,001 - $50,999
$0 - $50,000



  Mayor Bill de Blasio, Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., and local officials officially opened Orchard Beach to the public for its summer season. Orchard Beach’s historic Pavilion is set to be restored through a $50 million investment that includes $20 million in capital funding committed by the Mayor, and $10 million in funding each from Governor Cuomo, State Assembly Speaker Heastie, and Borough President Diaz. Orchard Beach is The Bronx’s only public beach, and draws visitors from across the city. Its pavilion has been closed to the public since 2007, when deteriorated conditions rendered it unsafe.

"Together, we’re building a future for Orchard Beach that’s worthy of its history. Bronxites deserve to see the centerpiece of the Bronx Riviera restored to its former glory," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "Orchard Beach and our other beautiful public beaches are open for the summer starting this weekend."

“The Assembly is proud to commit $10 million to support the preservation of recreation space at Orchard Beach. I want to thank Mayor DeBlasio, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., and Governor Cuomo for their funding investments and their commitment to work together to improve Orchard Beach,” said Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie.

“Orchard Beach is one of the jewels of our borough, and it has the potential to be an even greater tourist attraction, drawing in visitors from all over the region, if not the world. The Parks Department has put forth an excellent plan for the redevelopment, and I was proud to commit $10 in capital funding from my own office’s budget last year. We have seen a tremendous commitment of resources from Mayor Bill de Blasio, Governor Andrew Cuomo and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie to move this project forward, and I am grateful for the support each of their offices has given to this important project. Mayor de Blasio’s visit to Orchard Beach today shows that he understands the need for a revitalized and renovated Orchard Beach Pavilion, and I look forward to partnering with his administration and others to move this project forward,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr.

The City’s eight public beaches will open for the season on Saturday, May 27, and remain open through Labor Day Weekend.  Lifeguards will be on duty daily from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; swimming is prohibited at all other times. 

The design process for restoring the historic pavilion will commence over the coming year, with construction expected to be complete by 2021. The project will be managed by the New York City Economic Development Corporation. The restoration of the historic north and south pavilions will reopen the building to the public, creating more room for programming and beach-related activities, as well as improve accessibility to the beach through the main entrance of the pavilion.

"What better way to launch the beginning of the beach season than at Orchard Beach, a vital recreation venue not just for the Bronx but all of New York City. I am thrilled we are making it even better with a major investment in renovating and upgrading its aging pavilion," saidCouncil Member Mark Levine, Chair of the Committee on Parks.

History of the Orchard Beach Pavilion:

This building is designated NYC Landmark structure. It was designed and built during 1935-37 using W.P.A. funds during the tenure of Parks Commissioner Robert Moses.

The imposing building consists of a pavilion with monumental entry porticos, ramps, crescent shape dining loggias, waiting areas, observation terraces, and promenade—all facing the crescent shaped, man-made beach. The interior of the building consists of kitchens, pantries, storage spaces and a huge central dining hall.

During the early years of operation, the pavilion created a carnival-like atmosphere. An orchestra played dance music in front of the pavilion and firework displays were launched offshore on Chimney Island. After decades of neglect, the pavilion closed to the public in 2007 when deteriorating conditions left it unsafe. When reopened, it will once again become an amenity to thousands of beachgoers.


   Michael Beltzer, a Democratic candidate for City Council and Bronx Democratic Committee Member, made the following statement upon receiving a release from The Bronx Democratic Party:

"As a proud Bronx Democrat, I can't say I am surprised in Elected Officials coming out to endorse another sitting Official in District 18. It has long been an old tradition in the County to close ranks and exclude the constituents and party members from the decision-making process. If you read the statement carefully, it acknowledges achievements made in the past to fix issues that still aren't rectified. These times, where our communities are facing immense pressures from displacement and wage stagnation, require forward thinking and planning to grow not just for this generation, but for the ones to come. 

It is very concerning to me that though these officials have been mentored themselves, they could not collectively prepare a new and inclusive leader for all the people."

Mr. Beltzer is a declared candidate in the 18th City Council race.

Wave Hill Events Jun 9–Jun 16

Two workshops, each offering different but naturally wonderful ways to focus on working with plants, make this an especially attractive Saturday and Sunday. Add birding or a guided garden walk for an uplifting mid-June weekend.  

Sat, June 10    Family Art Project: Lotus Paper Lanterns
Visit the Aquatic Garden to sketch and observe for inspiration. Using bright tissue paper, cut nature shapes inspired by the floating flowers and inhabitants of that watery garden. Then use a simple papier-mâché method to transform their shapes into globe-like lanterns. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon

Sat, June 10    Garden Workshop: Artful Airplants
Wave Hill Gardener Jennifer Cimino has a special fondness for airplants (Tillandsias) and displays them in whimsical ways. She has hung them up as decorative curtains, using lengths of fishing line, and suspended others in garlands of “bells”—tiny inverted flowerpots. With Cimino guiding you, mount a selection of these easy-to-care-for plants to enliven your home or garden. $45/$30 Wave Hill Member. Registration required, online at or onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center.

Sat, June 10    Garden Highlights Walk
Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Sat, June 10    Gallery Tour
Wave Hill’s Curatorial Fellow leads a tour of current exhibitions in Glyndor Gallery. The group show,Outcasts: Women in the Wilderness, explores how women have been treated and portrayed as outcasts in history, myth and biblical legend. In the Sunroom Project Space, Sonya Blesofsky’s sculptural installation is inspired by the history of Glyndor House, while Sindy Butz’s includes enlarged photographs and videos of her performing with Wave Hill fireplaces. Free with admission to the grounds.


Sun, June 11    Summer Birding
Naturalist Gabriel Willow contributes his extensive knowledge of diverse bird species and their behavior on these captivating walks through the gardens and woodlands. Observe the plants, insects and habitats at Wave Hill that make it an appealing destination for such a wide variety of birds. Birders of all levels welcome! Ages 10 and older welcome with an adult. Free with admission to the grounds. NYC Audubon Members enjoy two-for-one admission to the grounds.

Sun, June 11    Family Art Project: Lotus Paper Lanterns
Visit the Aquatic Garden to sketch and observe for inspiration. Using bright tissue paper, cut nature shapes inspired by the floating flowers and inhabitants of that watery garden. Then use a simple papier-mâché method to transform their shapes into globe-like lanterns. Free with admission to the grounds. 

Sun, June 11    Yoga in the Garden
Enjoy a morning yoga class on the lawn. Participants should bring a mat, dress appropriately and expect to be outside, unless precipitation or excessive humidity occurs. Classes are offered in partnership withYoga Haven. All levels welcome. Continues Sundays through June and July 9. $25/$15 Wave Hill Member. Pre-registration recommended, online at or onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center.

Sun, June 11    Family Nature Walk
Join naturalist and educator Gabriel Willow on a family-friendly walk through the gardens or woodlands. No registration required. Children ages six and older welcome with an adult. Severe weather cancels. Free with admission to the grounds. 

Sun, June 11    Wellness Workshop: Nature’s Medicine Cabinet―Summer Healing
Phase out the over-the-counter products in your medicine cabinet and replace them with all-natural, plant-based alternatives. Working with herbalist Tina Triburgo of Tina’s Tinctures, formulate home remedies for summer symptoms, such as sunburn, scrapes and rashes, poison ivy, bee stings and dehydration. Go home with a full set of handmade samples as well as recipes and resources for creating these products on your own. Ages 10 and up welcome with an adult. $55/$45 Wave Hill Member. Registration required, online at or onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center.

Sun, June 11    Garden Highlights Walk
Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.

Mon, June 12    
Closed to the public.

Tue, June 13    Garden Highlights Walk
Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Tue, June 13    Gallery Tour
Wave Hill’s Curatorial Fellow will lead a tour of current exhibitions in Glyndor Gallery. The group show,Outcasts: Women in the Wilderness, explores how women have been treated and portrayed as outcasts in history, myth and biblical legend. In the Sunroom Project Space, Sonya Blesofsky’s sculptural installation is inspired by the history of Glyndor House, while Sindy Butz’s includes enlarged photographs and videos of her performing with Wave Hill fireplaces. Free with admission to the grounds.

A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM–5:30PM, starting March 15.  Closes 4:30PM, November 1–March 14.
ADMISSION  $8 adults, $4 students and seniors 65+, $2 children 6–18. Free Saturday and Tuesdaymornings until noon. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES  Programs are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

Visitors to Wave Hill can take advantage of Metro-North’s one-day getaway offer. Purchase a discount round-trip rail far and discount admission to the gardens. More at

DIRECTIONS – Getting here is easy! Located only 30 minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, as well as the W. 242nd Street stop on the #1 subway line. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Free offsite parking is available nearby with continuous, complimentary shuttle service to and from the offsite lot and our front gate. Complete directions and shuttle bus schedule at

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at


Several lanes and toll booths on the Bronx-Whitestone & Throgs Neck Bridges have been closed as a result of the MTA’s Open Tolling Initiative, causing chaotic delays in The Bronx and Queens   

  State Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj stood with Assemblyman Michael Benedetto and other community leaders during rush hour Thursday, May 25th, to call on the MTA to immediately implement a plan to ease the traffic nightmare caused by the simultaneous lane closures near the toll booths of the Bronx-Whitestone and Throgs Neck Bridges. Just steps from a jam-packed Throgs Neck Bridge, they and other local officials echoed concerns they raised in a separate joint letter to the MTA.

The letter, also signed by, includes State Senator Jeff Klein, Assemblyman Edward Braunstein, Senator Tony Avella, Assemblyman Michael Simanowitz and Assemblyman Michael DenDekker, urged the state agency to act now.
Since construction began in April as part of the MTA’s Open Roads Tolling Initiative, lane closures at the toll plazas of the two bridges have created a two-borough traffic nightmare, with major backups, doubled commute times, and life-endangering delays for emergency vehicles.
“We write this letter to urge you to immediately take action to alleviate the unfathomable traffic delays caused by the recent, simultaneous construction on the Bronx-Whitestone and Throgs Neck bridges as part of the Open Roads Tolling initiative,” the elected officials said in the letter to Fernando Ferrer, the acting head of the Metropolitan Transportation Administration.

“While the initiative is meant to streamline commutes, the construction process is proving to be a major hindrance to the everyday lives of the residents of Bronx, Queens and commuters at large,” the letter stated.  
The elected officials pointed out that because of the two-bridge work, emergency vehicles have had problems responding to calls for help. They cited at least four incidents within the past week where emergency vehicles have either been delayed or totally blocked from responding to calls.
"This is an unacceptable danger to New Yorkers in need of emergency services," the letter read. “It is imperative that the MTA work with the New York City Police and Fire Departments, as well as the city Department of Transportation, to create a plan that will reroute excess traffic and allow the safe passage of emergency vehicles during the construction process.”


  Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced the appointments of two new judges to Criminal Court and seven new interim Civil Court judges who will sit in Criminal Court. These judges span a wide spectrum of experiences, and are uniquely qualified to serve New Yorkers.

“New Yorkers deserve dedicated, experienced and impartial judges in court,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “I look forward to working with these nine new judges, who have diverse personal and professional backgrounds and will represent the best interest of New Yorkers across the five boroughs.”

The Mayor appointed the following judges:


Judge Keshia Espinal
Judge Espinal served with the Queens County District Attorney’s Office for 16 years in various bureaus including Appeals and Supreme Court. She most recently served as a Supervising Assistant District Attorney of the Domestic Violence Bureau. She received her undergraduate degree from St. Joseph’s College and her law degree from Western New England University School of Law.

Judge Danielle Hartman
Judge Hartman was a former prosecutor with the Queens County District Attorney’s Office for eight years having served in the Domestic Violence, Narcotics, and Appeals Bureaus. She then became Principal Court Attorney to the Administrative Judge of Supreme Court, Criminal Term in Queens County. Judge Hartman received her undergraduate degree from Emory University and her law degree from The George Washington University Law School. 


Judge Angela Badamo
Judge Badamo served with the New York State Unified Court System for 17 years, most recently as an Assistant Deputy Counsel in the Office of Chief Administrative Judge. She was also an Associate Appellate Counsel at the Legal Aid Society. Judge Badamo graduated from SUNY Binghamton and Washington & Lee University School of Law. Judge Badamo is appointed to the Civil Court and has been assigned to Criminal Court.

Judge Mary Bejarano
Judge Bejarano served for nearly five years with the Queens County District Attorney’s Office before becoming a criminal defense attorney. She returned to public service as a prosecutor with the Kings County District Attorney’s Office. She received her B.A. and M.A. degrees from St. John’s University and her law degree from Syracuse University College of Law. Judge Bejarano is appointed to Civil Court and has been assigned to Criminal Court.  

Judge Tara Collins
Judge Collins served with the Legal Aid Society, Criminal Defense Practice for 18 years, including the last nine years as a Mental Health Attorney. She received her undergraduate degree from SUNY Geneseo and her law degree from Jacob D. Fuchsberg Touro Law Center. Judge Collins is appointed to Civil Court and has been assigned to Criminal Court.

Judge Scott Dunn
Judge Dunn served with the United States Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of New York, for 23 years, most recently as the Chief of Immigration Litigation. Prior to that, he was an Assistant General Counsel with the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Judge Dunn received his undergraduate degree from Cornell University and his law degree from Fordham University School of Law. Judge Dunn is appointed to Civil Court and has been assigned to Criminal Court.

Judge Jerry Iannece
Judge Iannece served with the Bronx County District Attorney’s Office. Most recently, he was in general practice partnership for 29 years which included criminal defense work. He served as Chairman of Community Board #11 in Queens. Judge Iannece received his undergraduate degree from New York University and his law degree from St. John’s University School of Law. Judge Iannece is appointed to Civil Court and has been assigned to Criminal Court.

Judge Joseph McCormack
Judge McCormack served with the Bronx County District Attorney’s Office for 31 years, most recently as the Chief of the Trial Division/Vehicular Crimes Bureau. He previously served as Deputy Chief of the Criminal Court Bureau. Judge McCormack graduated from SUNY Albany and St. John’s University School of Law. Judge McCormack is appointed to Civil Court and has been assigned to Criminal Court.

Judge Jeffrey Rosenblueth
Judge Rosenblueth served with the New York State Unified Court System for the last seven years as a Principal Law Clerk. Prior to that, he served with the Queens County District Attorney’s Office for seven years before becoming a solo practitioner specializing in criminal defense and family law. Judge Rosenblueth graduated from New York University and Benjamin Cardozo School of Law. He is appointed to Civil Court and has been assigned to Criminal Court.