Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Two Bloods Gang Member Brothers Sentenced In Manhattan Federal Court, One For Committing A 2005 Murder

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that brothers BURNELL SCOTT, a/k/a “B.U.,” and BURCHANTI SCOTT, a/k/a “Napp,” were sentenced in Manhattan federal court today. BURCHANTI SCOTT was sentenced to 11 years in prison for distributing heroin, while BURNELL SCOTT was sentenced to 25 years in prison in connection with the 2005 drug-related murder of Kason Pinnick, a/k/a “Marijuana” (“Pinnick”) in Paterson, New Jersey. U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain imposed both sentences.

Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “As they admitted in their guilty pleas, Burnell and Burchanti Scott, brothers and longtime members of the Bloods street gang, distributed heroin and used violence to protect their drug distribution territory. Burnell Scott in fact shot and killed Kason Pinnick over a territorial dispute in Paterson, New Jersey. Today, each brother was sentenced to the lengthy prison term their crimes merit.”

BURCHANTI SCOTT previously pled guilty to participating in a conspiracy to distribute and possess with the intent to distribute more than 100 grams of heroin.

BURNELL SCOTT previously pled guilty to participating in a conspiracy to distribute and possess with the intent to distribute more than one kilogram of heroin.

According to the indictments and the felony information previously filed in Manhattan federal court, and public information:

BURNELL SCOTT, a long-time member of the G-Shine set of the Bloods street gang, was arrested on October 30, 2013, in Paterson, New Jersey. On February 24, 2016, SCOTT pled guilty to participating in a conspiracy to distribute and possess with the intent to distribute more than one kilogram of heroin, from 2005 through 2014. SCOTT admitted that, as part of the charged narcotics distribution offense, he and his co-conspirators were engaged in an ongoing dispute concerning, inter alia, drug distribution territory in Paterson. In connection with that ongoing dispute, on or about September 28, 2005, SCOTT encountered Pinnick in the vicinity of Twelfth Avenue and East 23rd Street, in Paterson. SCOTT pulled out a firearm, and discharged multiple rounds at Pinnick at point-blank range, striking Pinnick in the head, and killing him.

BURCHANTI SCOTT, the brother of BURNELL SCOTT and a high-ranking member of the Fruit Town Brims set of the Bloods street gang, who used violence or the threat of violence to protect his drug distribution territory, was writted into federal custody on March 18, 2014, from the New Jersey Department of Corrections, where he was incarcerated. On August 17, 2016, BURCHANTI SCOTT pled guilty to participating in a conspiracy to distribute and possess with the intent to distribute more than 100 grams of heroin, from 2012 through 2014. 

Mr. Kim praised the outstanding investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) Safe Streets Task Force, Newark Division, the Paterson Police Department, the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office, the Clifton Police Department, and the New Jersey State Police.

A.G. Schneiderman Announces Take Down Of New York City Insurance Fraud Ring

Investigation Charges Six-Person Ring With Stealing Over $120k From Auto Insurance Carriers 
If Convicted, Alleged Ringleader Carlington Haye Faces 5 To 15 Years In Prison; Other Defendants Could Face 2 1/3 To 7 Years
Schneiderman: When A Few People Organize To Commit Insurance Fraud, All New York Consumers Pay The Cost 
  Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced a 42-count indictment, charging six individuals for their participation in an auto insurance fraud scheme in which the defendants allegedly cheated insurance carriers out of over $120,000 by submitting fake property damage claims for high-end vehicles. Four of the charged defendants, including ringleader Carlington Haye, were arrested and arraigned today in Kings County Supreme Court.          
“When a few people organize to commit insurance fraud, all New York consumers pay the cost,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “My office remains committed to rooting out fraud of any kind and this is no exception.”
According to the Attorney General’s indictment, between January 2014 and September 2015, members of this insurance fraud ring allegedly conspired to submit 11 fake property damage claims, which included multiple false misrepresentations, including the manner in which car accidents and purported damages occurred.  The defendants also allegedly resubmitted claims for the same vehicles with preexisting damages multiple times. In order to maximize insurance payments, the defendants utilized high-end vehicles, including a Lexus, BMW, Audi, Mercedes, and Bentley. The defendants received payments ranging from $5,000 to over $20,000 for their property damage claims.
In addition, prosecutors allege that in three of the charged claims, the defendants used the stolen identity of a United States serviceman.  As a result of their alleged conspiracy, the defendants fraudulently obtained a total of over $120,000 in insurance payments for their counterfeit claims and cashed insurance checks at two Pay-O-Matic check cashing branches in Kings County, New York. 
The Attorney General’s 42-count indictment, unsealed today in Kings County Supreme Court, charges the defendants with Insurance Fraud in the Second Degree (a class C felony), Insurance Fraud in the Third Degree (a class D felony), Identity Theft in First Degree (a class D felony), Grand Larceny in the Third Degree (a class D felony), Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree (a class E felony), Scheme to Defraud in the First Degree (a class E felony) and Conspiracy in the Fifth Degree (a class A misdemeanor).  The following six defendants are charged with multiple felonies:
  • Carlington Haye, age 35, of Kings County, New York  
  • Mkada Beach, age 36, of Kings County, New York
  • Omari Brown., age 22, of Kings County, New York
  • Keon Cole, age 33, of Kings County, New York
  • Dexter Karl, age 27, of Kings County, New York
  • Theresa King, age 26, of Kings County, New York 
Defendants Carlington Haye, Mkada Beach, Omari Brown and Theresa King were arraigned today in Kings County Supreme Court before the Justice Danny Chun. Defendant Haye was remanded into custody pending a bail application; bail was set in the amount of $50,000 bond or $25,000 cash for defendant King; and defendants Beach and Brown were released on their own recognizance. 
If convicted of the top count charged, ringleader Carlington Haye will face up to 5 to 15 years in prison, and the remaining defendants face up to 2 1/3 to 7 years in prison.
The charges against the defendants are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law. 
These arrests are the culmination of a long-term investigation conducted by Attorney General Schneiderman's Automobile Insurance Fraud Unit. The Attorney General thanks the National Insurance Crime Bureau, New York State Department of Financial Services, New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, New York City Police Department, New York City Department of Finance Office of the City Register, and the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles for their invaluable assistance in this case.  The Attorney General also thanks State Farm Insurance Co., GEICO Insurance Co., Nationwide Insurance Co., United Services Automobile Association, and Progressive Insurance for their valuable assistance. 

A.G. Schneiderman Announces Guilty Plea Of Major NYC Landlord Steven Croman

Croman To Serve One Year In Rikers, Pay $5 Million Tax Settlement – Marking Significant Precedent In Effort To Combat Landlords Who Base Their Business Model On Displacement Of Rent-Stabilized Tenants
Criminal Case Revolves Around Croman’s Efforts To Obtain Loans Based On False Accountings Of Rent-Stabilized Tenants In His Buildings
Schneiderman: Now Croman Will Serve A Year In Rikers – And Unscrupulous Landlords Are On Notice 
  Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced the guilty plea of Steven Croman, a major New York City landlord with more than 140 apartment buildings across Manhattan, for fraudulently refinancing loans and committing tax fraud. Under the terms of his plea, Croman would serve one year of jail time on Rikers Island and pay a $5 million tax settlement – marking a significant precedent in the effort to combat landlords who base their business model on the displacement of rent-stabilized tenants.
Rarely, if ever, has a landlord been sentenced to serve time in jail for engaging in these practices. The jail time and multi-million settlement announced today send a strong message to landlords that the Attorney General will pursue anyone who engages in these types of practices to the fullest extent of the law.                                     
“Steven Croman is a fraudster and a criminal who engaged in a deliberate and illegal scheme to fraudulently obtain bank loans,” Attorney General Schneiderman said. “He went to outrageous lengths to boost his bottom line – including falsely listing rent-stabilized units at market rates when his efforts to displace those renters had failed. Now Mr. Croman faces a year in Rikers and a $5 million settlement – and unscrupulous landlords are on notice that we’ll pursue them to the fullest extent of the law.”
Croman entered into the guilty plea before State Supreme Court Justice Jill Konviser, to Grand Larceny in the Third Degree (a class D felony), and Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree and Criminal Tax Fraud in the Fourth Degree (both class E felonies). Croman fraudulently obtained several multi-million-dollar refinancing loans between 2012 and 2014, and committed tax fraud in 2011 by failing to withhold appropriate NY State payroll tax from certain Croman Real Estate employee paychecks. In addition to serving jail time, Croman also must pay a $5 million tax settlement to the State Department of Taxation and Finance. Croman will be sentenced on September 19, 2017.
A year-long investigation by the Attorney General’s office found that Croman purchased buildings with rent-stabilized units and, immediately after purchase, began the process of displacing rent-stabilized tenants while simultaneously attempting to refinance the initial mortgage.
The criminal referral in the Croman investigation was provided to the Attorney General’s office by the New York State Department of Housing and Community Renewal’s Tenant Protection Unit (TPU).
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo said, “We have zero tolerance for those who seek to use harassment and intimidation to chase tenants out of their homes. ‎The Tenant Protection Unit was created to crack down on these unscrupulous practices and this prosecution sends a clear message that New York stands united and the full force of the law will be used to ensure the rights of renters are respected and protected.”
New York State Homes and Community Renewal Commissioner RuthAnne Visnauskas said, “Under Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Schneiderman, we will continue to bring more resources to bear to protect more than two million rent-regulated New Yorkers. The Governor’s Tenant Protection Unit and our partners in law enforcement will vigorously investigate an owner’s questionable business practices that put profits over the safety and security of their tenants. When this happens, tenants suffer; they lose their homes and they lose their communities. I congratulate the AG and the Governor’s Tenant Protection Unit for another job well done in holding an owner liable for his criminal actions.”  
“Attempting to displace families from their homes is criminal and deplorable, and should be punished to the full extent of the law. Seeing one of the city’s most notorious landlords receive jail time as a direct result of his actions sends a powerful message to those who would prey on vulnerable tenants,” said New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer. “We applaud the Attorney General’s hard work and dedication to not only bring corrupt landlords and building owners to justice, but also continuously lay the groundwork for tougher penalties for unacceptable behavior.”
Buildings Commissioner Rick D. Chandler, PE said, “Blatant disregard of the law that puts profits ahead of people’s lives will never be tolerated in our city. DOB was proud to work with the Attorney General to support the successful criminal case against Mr. Croman. With our city and state partner agencies, we look forward to furthering our mission to crack down on crooked building owners.”
Pursuant to the plea agreement and the defendant’s allocution, Croman submitted false documents to banks, including rent rolls that falsely reflected market rate rents for units that were actually occupied by rent-stabilized tenants. Croman also inflated the amount of rent charged for certain commercial spaces in his buildings in an effort to show greater rental income. Croman falsified these rent rolls in order to inflate the annual rental income of his buildings, upon which his refinancing terms are partially based. 
All told, over a three-year period, Croman received more than $45 million in loans under these false pretenses.
Croman also intentionally failed to withhold New York State payroll taxes from bonus payments made to a former Croman Real Estate property manager, who was paid bonuses to get rent stabilized and rent controlled tenants out of Croman apartment buildings.
The Attorney General also has a separate civil lawsuit against Croman for allegedly engaging in harassment of rent-regulated tenants and other illegal, fraudulent, and deceptive conduct in connection with his real-estate business. That case remains ongoing.
Last week, Attorney General Schneiderman formally introduced new legislation aimed at holding the city’s most unscrupulous landlords criminally accountable for Harassment of a Rent Regulated Tenant. Current state law demands prosecutors reach an inexplicably high bar in order to criminally charge landlords with that crime—which is why in the past twenty years, not a single landlord has ever been convicted of the crime of Harassment of a Rent Regulated Tenant. Instead, prosecutors have only been able to bring criminal charges against landlords for other crimes – such as fraudulently refinancing loans and committing tax fraud, as Croman pled guilty to today.
The Attorney General’s legislation would set a more reasonable standard that removes the need to prove physical injury to a tenant, and opens the door to Harassment of a Rent Regulated Tenant prosecutions arising out of more commonplace and insidious tactics, such as turning off heat and hot water, exposing young children to lead dust, and making rent-stabilized buildings deliberately uninhabitable for current tenants and their families. The Attorney General’s legislation is sponsored by State Senator Liz Krueger and Assemblymember Joe Lentol.
The Attorney General has taken a number of other steps to combat tenant harassment and illegal practices by landlords across New York City, including:
The Office of the Attorney General thanks our partners at the Department of Buildings, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, and the Department of Taxation and Finance for their assistance in the investigation and prosecution of this matter.

Bronx Democratic Party - Upcoming Events

Bronx Dems Host Landlord/ Tenants & Consumer Credit Law Panel
When: Thurs. 6/8/17, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 
Where: Davidson Community center, 2038 Davidson Avenue

Join the Law Committee of the Bronx Democratic Party as we host a 
Landlord/ Tenants & Consumer Credit Law panel as part of a Know Your Rights series.  

For more information on this event, 
please see the attached flyer.

Click to Enlarge
Chippewa Democratic Club's 119th Annual Dinner Dance 
When: Thurs. 6/8/17, from 6:30 to 11:00 p.m.
Where: Villa Barone Manor, 737 Throggs Neck Expressway 

Join the Chippewa Democratic Club as they honor the Bronx Democratic Party Chairman, Marcos A. Crespo, among other honorees, at their 119th Annual Dinner Dance. 

For more information on this event, please contact 
Edward L. Koester at (718) 671-1679 or at edkoester@optonline.net

Click to Enlarge
Bronx Elected Officials Host Abrazo Boricua
When: Thurs. 6/8/17, from 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.
Where: Eastwood Manor Caterers, at 3371 Eastchester Road

Join Bronx Democratic Party Chairman Marcos A. Crespo, Senator Ruben Diaz Sr., Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda, City Councilman Rafael Salamanca, State Senator Marisol Alcantara, and Assemblyman Victor Pichardo for their Abrazo Boricua event. 

For more information on this event please contact Leila
Martinez at (718) 991- 3161

Click to Enlarge
Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson Hosts Annual Housing Conference
When: Weds. 6/14/17, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Bronx Museum of the Arts, South Wing, Lower Level, at 1040 Grand Concourse, (Corner of East 165th Street)

Join Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson with the Offices of State Senator Jose M. Serrano and Assemblywoman Latoya Joyner,
along with the 16th Council District's Tenant, Block 
and Neighborhood Council, as they host their Annual 
Housing Conference.

For more information on this event, please see the attached flyer. 

Bronx Elected's Hosts a Job Fair
When: Fri. 6/17/17 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: New South Bronx Center - Police Athletic League, 991 Longwood Avenue 

Join Assemblyman Marcos A. Crespo, Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda, City Councilman Rafael Salamanca, and Senator Ruben Diaz for a job fair in the South Bronx, in partnership with the Department of Labor and the Department of Youth and Community Development. 

For more information on this event, please call 
Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda's office at (718) 931- 2620


Click to Enlarge
Latino Leadership Institute Hosts The Women, Millennials and LGBTQIA+ In Politics Panel 
When: Sat, 6/24/17, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 
Where: Transit Workers Union, 195 Montague Street (3rd Floor) Brooklyn, NY, 11201

Join the Latino Leadership Institute as they host a conference and day long panel dedicated to educating, enlightening, supporting and hearing from the women, millennials, and LGBTQIA+ individuals in politics. 

For more information on this event, please see the
attached flyer or call (347) 446 - 5786


  The first ever “Our Caribbean Heritage Celebration” was a community-relationship builder for one of the most diversified cities in the northeast region.

New York City Council Member Andy King and other elected officials kicked off National Caribbean American Heritage Month with a celebration of nine outstanding people of Caribbean heritage at the “Our Caribbean Heritage Celebration” on June 3rd at the Celeste Bartos Forum, New York Public Library--Stephen A. Schwarzman Building at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street, Manhattan.

“The National Caribbean American Heritage Month provides a wonderful opportunity for us as a people to strengthen and develop additional relationships,” said Loreen Bannis-Roberts, Dominica’s Ambassador to the United Nations and an honoree at Saturday’s celebration, which included music by the City South Steel Orchestra, songs by world-renowned opera and jazz singer from Dominica, Marie-Claire Giraud and videos about the Commonwealth of Dominica.

“I represent the 12th District of the Bronx, a large Caribbean community. We’re full of color, we’re full of life, zeal and love for one another,” said Council Member King, who organized the celebration.

“Puerto Rico is where I was born and raised, Puerto Rico is where my mother continues to live, and I am really, really proud of my identity, my culture, and my heritage, ” said New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, who received the “Real Leadership” award. 

In addition to Speaker Mark-Viverito and the Honorable Bannis-Roberts, other honorees  awarded for their outstanding contribution to their community and country were: Ms. Giraud, Gabriel J. Christian, Esq., Henry A. Garrido, DC 37, Executive Director; Ambassador Curtis Ward, former ambassador of Jamaica to the United Nations; Hon. Dr. Irving W. André, Superior Court of Justice, Dominica; Crispin Gregoire, United Nation Development Program’s (UNDP) Chief of the Caribbean Strategic Monitoring and Support Unit of the Regional Bureau of Latin America and the Caribbean and Dr. Clayton Shillingford, former president of the Dominica Academy of Arts and Sciences.

“It is with great pleasure to recognize and honor these individuals in our community who have made significant contributions in their chosen fields and supported Caribbean communities,” said Council Member King.


Who: Randy Abreu – Candidate for New York City Council, 14th Council District

What: Office Opening, accompanied by a rally and Reception for Randy Abreu.

Where: 10 W. Kingsbridge Rd. Bronx, NY 10468

When: Saturday, June 10, 2017 at 4:00pm

Why: Randy Abreu is a progressive Democrat running for New York City Council District 14. Raised in the Bronx, Abreu – a young lawyer – wants to help give back to the community that raised him. Having previously worked for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and in the administration of former President Barack Obama, he has the knowledge and experience necessary to represent the people of Council District 14 at City Hall. For more information on Randy Abreu for City Council, visit AbreuForNYC.com

Monday, June 5, 2017

Council Transportation Chair Rodriguez Proposes Solutions to Crippling Congestion

  On Monday, June 5th, the NYC Council Transportation Committee will held an oversight hearing on persistent traffic congestion and its economic, environmental and safety impacts. The hearing examined an array of contributing factors and possible solutions. Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez, Chair of the Committee offered several possible solutions to ease congestion in Manhattan and other busy areas in the city. His opening statement is available here.

"Congestion is choking Manhattan," said Council Transportation Chair Ydanis Rodriguez. "We've seen this in report after report and we know the impacts can be severe. From lost economic output to environmental damage to increased danger for pedestrians and cyclists, this is a serious issue that we have to tackle today; we cannot push this problem on the next generation as the costs are too great. From increasing enforcement, to rethinking freight delivery, to investments in mass transit and restricting vehicle use in the city core, we can make a major impact on reducing crippling congestion in our City."

Chair Rodriguez pressed hard on the need for increased enforcement against behavior that adds considerably to congestion. From double parking, to parking in bike and bus lanes, to the abuse of public parking placard privileges, congestion is greatly contributed to by illegal actions. Council Member Rodriguez highlighted findings from CCNY Professor Robert Paaswell that posited congestion could be cut by 15% if enforcement was stronger against this low hanging fruit.

Council Member Rodriguez also spoke to issues with freight delivery creating issues on city streets. With online shopping booming in recent years, we are seeing more truck deliveries than ever before. This is also true of deliveries to big box and chain stores that have grown in number across the city. Council Member Rodriguez posed that many of these personal deliveries can be made by cargo tricycles like those used in cities around the world. The smaller, cheaper and more efficient electric trike that powers these deliveries could have a major impact on city congestion.

Council Member Rodriguez also called for the restriction of public parking placards in midtown and downtown, saying that city workers should instead travel by subway or one of the many other modes available to them. This privilege should be reserved for emergency and vital city vehicles, rather than for those making inspections or going to meetings, tasks easily and sometimes faster accomplished by public transportation.

Legislation heard today by Council Members Levine and Rodriguez would require the NYC DOT to study the traffic impact of trucks delivering during the day, some even at rush hour. Intro 1031 would focus on downtown Manhattan and Brooklyn and offer recommendations based on the findings.

"The issue of traffic and congestion in lower Manhattan has been escalating for years," said Council Member Mark Levine, sponsor of Intro 1031. "Though there are several factors behind these issues, delivery trucks are a significant driving force. By conducting a comprehensive study on the effects of these trucks' impact on lower Manhattan traffic, we will be taking a critical step towards assessing what can be done to address this problem. I thank Transportation Rodriguez for his commitment to reducing the amount of congestion not just in Manhattan, but across the five boroughs, and look forward to working with him to pass this legislation."

Why is it that the constant bumper to bumper traffic on the Cross Bronx Expressway is not also being studied to find a remedy to this traffic, and health problems of the Bronx residents who live around the Cross Bronx Standstill.

Independent Democratic Conference brings successful model of governing to Albany for New York’s middle- and working class

New digital ad campaign tells the story of the six-year -old, third conference that gets results

In a three-and-a-half minute digital media campaign that launched on Monday, Independent Democratic Conference Leader Jeff Klein speaks about six years of steady success of his third, separate conference.

Klein kicks off with the founding of the IDC, borne out of the severe dysfunction of a Democratic Majority in the Senate — a majority that he worked hard to achieve.

“We accomplished a Democratic Majority, but the finger pointing among Democrats, and between Democrats and Republicans, had paralyzed our state. New York became the most dysfunctional legislature in the country,” Klein says.
“It was then that I made a decision that there had to be a new model for how to serve the people of this state. A new way of governing,” he adds.

IDC leader Klein makes clear that the members of the IDC have always put policy before politics, and the needs of their constituents first. The IDC began with four members and has since grown to eight members, who come from upstate to downstate.

“Our legislative agenda has been clear: reach out to our middle class, working families, and those most vulnerable. Our initiatives have to help homeowners with an onerous tax burden as well as the working poor who cannot make enough to make ends meet. We must help families that find it difficult to cover tuition for their college kids as well as tenants who need legal representation when facing eviction,” Klein says.

Among the IDC’s achievements are fighting side-by-side with Mayor Bill de Blasio to secure funding for universal pre-K, and with Governor Cuomo on the minimum wage and Paid Family Leave.
“And this year, we would not give up, working with the Democratic Assembly, until the Senate agreed to raise the age of criminal responsibility, which has been generally accepted would not have happened had it not been for the untiring work of the IDC members,” Klein continues.
“The IDC refused to stand idle as we witness Trumps’ frontal attack on our immigrant community. Our work resulted in the largest budget allocation in New York State history to help immigrants – from those who need legal assistance while they face deportation hearings to those who need information to fulfill their dream to become US citizens.”
“If you don’t know of our work at the IDC – you should know that while members of the Republican and Democratic legislative conferences in Albany have a divergent set of positions on the most controversial issues, the IDC is the only legislative conference that is unanimously in support of the Dream Act, a woman’s right to choose and upholding the rights of LGBT New Yorkers,” Klein says.
“The IDC’s philosophy is clear – we will work with those who are ready to move forward a progressive agenda that lift New Yorkers economically and socially. But we will not allow for the legislative dysfunctionality of the past to prevail. Our commitment is only to our constituents who sent us to Albany to get the people’s work done, to fight for them and to bring resources to our neighborhoods. Our goal is to serve you because you put your trust in us.”