Friday, December 1, 2017


  Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement:

“Today, Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced that General Michael Flynn, Donald Trump’s short-lived National Security Advisor, pleaded guilty to the felony of lying to the FBI about a conversation he had with the Russian Ambassador last December.  I know that every American understands the gravity of today’s guilty plea, as this sad parade of indictments slowly makes its way through Trump’s inner circle.

“Yet, far too many questions still remain unanswered about the Trump Russia Scandal, such as who was involved with instructing Flynn to speak with the Russians directly, about what, and why.  Frankly, it seems that more evidence is uncovered every day about collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, and I’m glad that Special Counsel Mueller is investigating these very serious allegations.”

Applebee's presents Dinner and a Movie: "Elf" | Sunday | December 17, 2017 | 5:00-7:30pm

Applebee's Movie Night presents "Elf"

Join Us this December for this Great Community and KRVC Events

Salamanca Legislation Holding ACS Accountable Passes Council

Legislation by Council Member Rafael Salamanca, Jr. bringing greater accountability to the Administration on Children's Services (ACS) unanimously passed the City Council today. 

Part of a package of bills aimed at reforming ACS, Salamanca's legislation, Intro 1609-A, would require the ACS to report annually on the findings and recommendations of its child fatality reviews during the previous calendar year.  

Such a report would include the number of fatalities known to ACS for the previous year, the cause of death in such fatalities, the age, gender, race and ethnicity of children with such fatalities, any relevant trends identified and systemic recommendations, and a summary of any case practice findings and agency policy changes made in response to child fatalities in the previous 12 months.

The legislation comes after ACS came under increased scrutiny in reports highlighting a persistent lack of progress in meeting its own targets for how investigations surrounding fatalities are conducted, supervised and managed, including a number of child deaths in the last two years. 

"While I believe that the administration has taken steps to rectify problems at ACS, it is my belief that the Council is taking meaningful and needed steps forward today to reform ACS through this package of legislation," said Salamanca. 
'While we will never forget the names Michael Guzman, Jaden Jordan and Zymere Perkins - three beautiful kids who tragically lost their lives on a fatality list that’s way too long, my hope is that we can prevent all fatalities of young children in the future.  I appreciate the support I received today on Intro 1609-A." 

Assemblymember Michael Blake - Statement on the 62nd Anniversary of Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat, which lead to the Montgomery Bus Boycott

Today, December 1st, 2017 marks the 62nd anniversary of Rosa Parks not giving up her seat that lead to the Montgomery Bus Boycott.  Please see Assembly Member Michael Blake's statement:
In an environment where women are taking courageous and bold stances to speak up for justice, equity and fairness, we pause to never forget how Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat 62 years ago today gave all of us a chance to stand up as a people for generations to come.  Moreover, at a time where eyes of political and societal discourse are forthcoming in Alabama, it is a powerful reminder that all women, Black women and women of color have and continue to be transformational leaders for change in our communities who move our prospect of the promise forward.  It may have been a seat on a bus, but, it was a movement far greater than one vehicle. 
Whether it is Rosa keeping her seat to Colin taking a knee, true courage is realizing that you will suffer personal attacks for the sake of your people achieving progress.  The realization that it is not about the individual but the collective is why Rosa Parks is a Shero! 
Never forget that Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on December 1st, 1955 which later lead to the bus boycott from December 5, 1955 until December 20, 1956.  We may not realize that our one act of courage can shift the course of history forever.  We must also recognize that justice does not come quickly, and we should not be deterred if the reward is not immediate.  Because Rosa Parks was not going to have her justice denied any longer, we have a chance to move history's journey of justice further down the road to a new vision unseen. 
Thank you Rosa Parks for not standing up.  It is our moment to be descendents of your lineage of courage and refuse to give in to present day injustices until we all can move forward together.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj - Join me for these upcoming Holiday Events

Annual Holiday Tree Lighting 
Rudy Macina Peace Memorial Plaza !
Thursday, December 7th 3:30pm
Rudy Macina Peace Memorial Plaza
Pelham Pkway, North at Esplanade

Annual Holiday Tree Lighting 
at Loreto Park !
Thursday, December 7th 5:00pm
Loreto Park
Corner of Morris Park Ave. & Haight Ave

Join us for hot cocoa, caroling, and a special appearance by Santa!

Breakfast with Santa ! 
Saturday, December 16,2017
9:30AM - 11:30AM Maestro's Caterers
Menorah Lightings ! 
Tuesday, December 12th,2017

3:30PM - Bronx House

4:30PM - Einstein Hospital
Corner of Morris Park Avenue and Eastchester Rd
Bronx, New York 10461

5:30PM - Rudy Macina Peace Memorial Plaza
Pelham Parkway N at Esplanade 

NYC Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez - MTA Should Only Focus on Maintenance, Repair and the Signal System

   Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez, Chair of the Council Committee on Transportation, today proposed measures to improve service delivery by the MTA.

"Throughout the years we have witnessed how the City and State of New York have taken on great challenges and succeeded. Creating 3-K for All; the construction of the Mario Cuomo Bridge; the decrease in the unemployment rate to 6.4 percent, the lowest in six years; the renovation of the LaGuardia Airport, among other important projects, are just some examples our accomplishments.
"Motivated by our achievements as New Yorkers, I proposed earlier this week that the MTA should put a hold on starting new projects, focus completely on finishing all maintenance and repair work throughout all subway lines, and upgrade the New York City subway signal system by 2028.
"Since the 1980s, more than $100 billion have been invested in the infrastructure of the New York City subway. These dollars have not been effectively spent to improve service and safety. They have been bandages preventing the subway system from further collapsing. The Regional Planning Association's call for a "subway reconstruction public benefit corporation" echoes my proposal to make repair and maintenance the priority.
"In addition to working solely on maintenance, repairs and the signal system, the board should be reorganized to include two members of the New York City Council. Straphangers deserve to be more fairly represented. The MTA is not delivering the service New York City residents deserve and they need more voices that better reflect their experience riding the subway.
"New Yorkers need to see more results and transparency in the subway improvement process. We can raise over $27.1 billion over 10 years by implementing Comptroller Stringer's state bonds plan, Move NY's proposals, Mayor De Blasio's "Fair Fix" and Dinowitz' income tax set-aside. This revenue would be fully dedicated to funding the work I am proposing for the next ten years.

"As New Yorkers, I know we can take on this feat and work together to bring our subway system to the 21st century."

ENGEL on Reports of Tillerson Being Replaced by CIA Director Pompeo

  Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement:

“I have serious concerns with how Rex Tillerson has performed at the State Department, but regardless of who is Secretary of State, it’s clear that Donald Trump has been trying to undermine the Department and hollow out our diplomatic corps. With his 31% budget cuts and the exodus of so many of our most senior foreign service officers, morale at the Department is hitting rock bottom. And without skilled diplomats working on national security issues like North Korea, every American is less safe.

“Here's what America needs going forward:  A Secretary of State who strongly supports the diplomatic corps, fully funding the State Department, USAID, and our other foreign affairs agencies, and showing the world that we want to extend a hand of friendship, rather than building walls of division.”