Wednesday, December 6, 2017


  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. is inviting Bronx residents to consider joining their local Community Board. The Office of The Bronx Borough President will be accepting applications for all 12 Community Boards from city residents who reside, work or have professional or other significant interests in The Bronx.
“Participation on local Community Boards can provide Bronx residents with a forum to share with their community their expertise and talents,” stated Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “There are great things happening in The Bronx that involve the participation of community boards. It is important that community residents participate in the decisions that are building and revitalizing our borough, and our community boards are a great place to do so.”
In addition, Borough President Diaz is encouraging young people ages 16 and 17 to apply for community board membership. Presently, there are six high school students who have been appointed by the borough president to community boards, and Borough President Diaz is working to ensure that there is a least one youth member per community board.
“I believe that the earlier young people become engaged in community affairs and interact with government officials and agencies, the better they will understand government and become active leaders in their communities. It is important to hear the voices of our youth when planning for our neighborhoods,” said Borough President Diaz.
Applications are available online at Applications can also be picked up at any Bronx Community Board office, or by calling the Borough President’s Community Board department at (718) 590-3913.
The deadline for submission of applications for the next round of appointments isFebruary 9, 2018.

Engel Votes Against H.R. 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

  Congressman Eliot Engel, a member of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, today spoke out and voted against H.R. 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, a bill House Republicans pushed through that would force states like New York, with strong gun laws, to honor permits from states with weak or non-existent concealed carry laws. The bill would allow anyone with a permit from any state to carry a concealed, loaded handgun in public.

“This bill is attack on common-sense gun laws across the country. It doesn’t create a national standard, but instead, lets the states with the weakest laws dictate safety standards for everyone else,” Engel said. “Thirty-one states require safety training. Thirty-five states prohibit domestic abusers from carrying concealed weapons. Twenty-seven states prohibit people convicted of violent misdemeanors from carrying concealed weapons. All of these state laws will be overridden if H.R. 38 becomes law.

“It is unconscionable that in the wake of two of the worst mass shootings in modern American history, Republicans are trying to dismantle gun laws. We must fight on behalf of the safety of all Americans and pass comprehensive gun safety laws, not this dangerous bill.

“So much for the Republican mantra of ‘State’s rights.’”
For video of Congressman Engel’s remarks in opposition to H.R. 38, please click here.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Senator Ruben Diaz Resignation Letter

December 2,2017

Hon. Andrea Stewart-Cousins
Democratic Conference Leader
188 State Street Room 907
Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12247

Dear Hon. Andrea Stewart-Cousins:

Please accept this letter as my official resignation as a member of the NYS Senate. This resignation is effective on Sunday, December 31, 2017, at 12:00 midnight.

I am herewith also requesting that you please consider keeping my local senate office open and fully staffed until this vacant position is filled.

This Senate office serves approximately 50 to 60 constituents daily, therefore, the residents of the 32nd district should not be left without the vital services we have faithfully provided them for the past 15 years.

Your consideration and approval of this matter will be highly appreciated by this servant, the stall, and the residents of the 32nd district in the Bronx.

Thank you in advanced.

Rev. ”Rubcn Diaz
Member of the NYS Senate

3rd Annual Blake's Birthday Boogiedown

Dear Friend,
Please join us Tuesday, December 19, 2017 from 6 pm to 9 pm for our 3rd Annual Blake's Birthday Boogiedown. You can RSVP here to reserve your tickets today to support us as we continue #BuildingABetterBronx.
For more information or to RSVP, please email Baba Oloyede

Councilman Salamanca Provides Takeaway from Today's NYCHA Oversight Hearing

  Today, Council Member Rafael Salamanca, Jr. as a member of the Council Public Housing Committee heard nearly five hours of testimony pertaining to oversight on NYCHA’s compliance with lead paint testing, including the falsification of documents certifying compliance with federal law. He had the following takeaways.
On the falsification of records by NYCHA on compliance with federal law
“Chair Olatoye did nothing to alleviate concerns and bring clarity to the rationale behind why she certified that NYCHA was in compliance with federal regulations despite her knowledge that this was not true.
‘While I am not an attorney, this seems like textbook perjury.  I have lost complete and total faith in Chair Olatoye and the current administration in place at NYCHA, and believe she should resign immediately.”
On the testing, remediation and abatement of lead paint in NYCHA apartments
“I want to echo Chair Torres’ concerns surrounding the testing of units by individuals who did not receive the proper training.

‘NYCHA’s admission that individuals were not properly trained to do all of the needed testing is unbelievable. It immediately brings into question the legitimacy of previous testing, something that should concern all of us.”

On a third-party monitor
“I remain completely convinced that the installation of a third-party monitor, whether it be under the purview of the Department of Investigation, the Southern District or the state of New York, must happen as soon as possible to ensure the proper compliance of lead paint testing and abatement.”
On the new NYCHA compliance officer
“We need real transparency, and that requires that there is the creation a defined schedule in which the new Chief Compliance Officer will publish updates pertaining to the oversight of NYCHA’s regulatory compliance for the Council, tenants and the public.”

Statement from State Senator Gustavo Rivera on Governor Cuomo's Veto of Bill Requiring Medicaid Coverage For Blood and Skin Prick Testing for Allergies

  On Wednesday, November 29, bill S1222/A00807, sponsored by State Senator Gustavo Rivera and Assemblymember Nick Perry, was vetoed by Governor Andrew Cuomo. This bill would ensure critical access to blood allergy testing in addition to the already covered skin prick testing for Medicaid recipients seeking to determine an allergic condition. 

While the veto message issued by Governor Cuomo raised a reasonable concern about the legislation's potential fiscal impact to our State's Medicaid program, it fails to recognize the benefits of implementing such policy. This bill would not only promote a clinically proven practice that could prevent thousands of New Yorkers from suffering from avoidable and life-threatening medical complications, but it could also prevent avoidable emergency room visits and the high costs that come along with it. For instance, according to a 2011 report by the Office of New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, New York State's asthma related hospitalizations, which are closely related to allergies, cost approximately $660 million. In addition, the veto message does not consider the impact this policy shift could have in helping reduce the health disparities that continue plaguing especially low income and minority communities across our State.

The two objections outlined in the Governor's veto message fail to take into consideration key factors. The veto message states that Medicaid already treats blood allergy tests and skin prick tests as equivalent confirmatory tests. While this is somewhat true, it does not acknowledge that the policy is extremely limited. Currently, it only covers children age 3 or under, patients who have a skin condition that would not be conducive to skin prick testing, or patients who cannot discontinue medications as a precursor to skin prick testing. Bill S1222 would have made both skin prick testing and blood allergy testing available to all Medicaid patients seeking to determine an allergic condition.

The veto message also argues that the bill could have the unintended consequence of reducing the number of patients obtaining accurate diagnoses by allergy specialists. The reality is that there are only a few hundred allergy specialists across the State, including approximately 243 in New York City, 15 in Buffalo and 11 in Albany. Scheduling an appointment can take up to six months for Medicaid patients, and require extensive travel. Covering blood-based allergy testing under Medicaid would allow primary care doctors to directly order the test, determine an appropriate course of treatment, and help prevent unnecessary medical complications. A primary care doctor would still be able to refer a patient to an allergy specialist if they deemed it medically necessary.

As the first line of care for most patients, primary care physicians could directly administer a blood-based allergy test if it were to be covered under Medicaid. This critical shift in Medicaid policy could potentially help reduce the number of asthma and allergy related hospitalizations, which are already higher among patients with Medicaid coverage. In addition, this bill would have aligned the New York State Medicaid program's allergy testing policy with the asthma and food allergy guidelines set by National Institute of Health as well as with the procedures already implement by private health care insurance providers.

"As the Ranking Member of the New York State Senate Health Committee and the sponsor of S1222, I am deeply disappointed that this bill was vetoed. This common sense policy could have ensured that Medicaid patients across New York State have greater and easier access to different options of allergy testing, allowing them to identify and treat their allergies faster and more accurately. This measure would have saved New York State significant costs in emergency care, help reduce health disparities, and improved our health care system. I am committed to continue working with Assemblymember Perry and Governor Cuomo's office to address the lack of access to comprehensive allergy testing in New York State's Medicaid program," said State Senator Gustavo Rivera. 


 International CIty and urban Regional CoLlaborativE (I-CIRCLE) calls on cities around the world to advance the mental health of their residents by adopting efforts similar to ThriveNYC

  New York City’s unprecedented efforts to change the culture around mental health and improve New Yorkers’ access to services and support have been recognized as an innovative model for cities across the globe by the International CIty and urban Regional CoLlaborativE (I-CIRCLE). ThriveNYC was launched in November 2015 by New York City’s First Lady, Chirlane McCray to change the way City government and its many partners address community mental health needs, and help dismantle the stigma associated with seeking treatment. With 54 initiatives backed by an $850 million investment over the first four years, ThriveNYC is the most comprehensive mental health plan of any city or state in the nation. I-CIRCLE announced today that it has endorsed and will promote the six key guiding principles and framework of ThriveNYC.

“With the launch of ThriveNYC two years ago, we set out to change the culture around mental health and deliver services where people live, learn, work and worship,” said First Lady Chirlane McCray, who spearheads ThriveNYC. “Mental illness and substance misuse are common -- one in five people suffer from some kind of challenge, but do not get the help they need because of stigma or because they have difficulty finding appropriate services. Although we have received a great deal of positive feedback for ThriveNYC’s public health approach, our work has just begun. We are committed to building a culturally competent mental health system that meets the needs of all New Yorkers. We are honored to be recognized by I-CIRCLE as a model for other cities. And, we stand ready and willing to share all we have learned with our sister and brother cities around the world.”

“Many of us recognize the need to use new approaches to build effective Mental Health systems in cities and urban regions. ThriveNYC is using the best population and public health concepts as key principles. We believe that linking I-CIRCLE with ThriveNYC will result in a global collaboration of cities to work and share these new ideas,” said Fran Silvestri, President and CEO of the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership.

"ThriveNYC launched as a local solution to a mental health crisis facing cities across the globe. Two years in, we are finally starting to see change take hold in New York City, with more New Yorkers getting help than ever before -- at senior centers, hospitals, community-based organizations and beyond. I am grateful that these 54 initiatives may bring hope to people suffering in other parts of the country and the world. We owe this success to the visionary leadership of Chirlane McCray, who has helped bring mental health out of the shadows and make care available to all,” said Richard Buery, Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives.

The stigma of mental health has afflicted our nation for far too long. Americans with depression, anxiety or any other mental health issues should freely ask for help and openly discuss their struggles. ThriveNYC is a groundbreaking roadmap to change the culture surrounding on mental illness. The New York City Council is proud to support ThriveNYC’s goals and needs through the Council’s Mental Health Initiatives, a $13 million investment in programming and services to New Yorkers experiencing mental health issues. Because of ThriveNYC’s success, I-CIRCLE had taken note and will urge other municipalities to follow suit. I thank First Lady Chirlane McCray for championing the mental health conversation and Mayor Bill de Blasio and his administration for the devotion to this critical cause,” said Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito.

I-CIRCLE made the announcement today during the second annual Cities Thrive Conference. First Lady McCray spearheads the Cities Thrive Coalition that brings together some of the nation’s best advocates to develop innovative programs, creates an ongoing conversation and pushes federal partners to make mental health and substance misuse a top priority. Since the coalition’s launch last November, nearly 200 cities from all 50 states, Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico have joined to share best practices and advocate for a better funded, more integrated behavioral health system – working through the key ThriveNYC principles. Several cities and urban regions have been inspired to adopt this broader view of mental health reform at the local level, including London, England’s recent launch of “Thrive London” in July 2017.

“Under Mayor Bill de Blasio and First Lady Chirlane McCray, New York City has seen an unprecedented investment in mental health and substance use services,” said Dr. Mary T. Bassett, Commissioner of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. “I encourage my fellow health commissioners in cities across the world to consider how they can reduce stigma, increase access to care, and support the mental health of their constituency.”

NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi Is Recognized as a “Champion” of HPV Vaccine/Cancer Prevention

Achieves 70% Vaccination Completion Rate of Patients

  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recognized NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi and its Children’s Health Center as an “HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention Champion.”  The recognition is one of just ten given out nationwide to health centers and facilities that have succeeded in vaccinating a large portion of their 13-to-15-year-old patient population.  While the nationwide vaccination rate among all teens is 43 percent, NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi has been able to vaccinate 70 percent of its 13-to-15-year-old population.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the vaccine is for protection from most of the cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. HPV is a very common virus that spreads through sexual contact. About 14 million people, including teens, become infected with HPV each year. HPV infection can cause cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers in women and penile cancer in men. HPV can also cause anal cancer, throat cancer, and genital warts in both men and women.

To control the spread of HPV in the Bronx, NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi physicians and nurses, led by Dr. Kathleen Porder, embarked, in 2013, on a five-year effort to increase vaccination rates in the target age group. Because the vaccination involves a series of shots and patients relocate over time, the vaccination effort is more complicated, often requiring documentation checks, including outreach for records in other states. The records of foreign-born patients often require translation.

“Our success has not been an overnight achievement,” explained Dr. Porder.  “It required an ‘all hands on deck’ approach and thousands of hours of detail-focused work.  Our staff, particularly our nursing staff, really went above and beyond to make our vaccination rate a national model.”

Significant effort also went into dispelling the common myth among patients’ parents and guardians that vaccination promotes or leads to sexual activity. “This myth is responsible for countless cases of avoidable cancers,” said Dr. Porder. “The goal must be to complete the series of vaccinations before sexual activity begins to provide a lifetime of protection. Children who are not vaccinated run the risk of contracting the virus, at which point vaccination is too late.”

Those interested in setting up an appointment for their child to be seen in the Children’s Health Center at NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi should call 718-918-5000.