Thursday, August 9, 2018


  “Our city is directly confronting a crisis that is driving working New Yorkers into poverty and our streets into gridlock. The unchecked growth of app-based for-hire vehicle companies has demanded action – and now we have it. More than 100,000 workers and their families will see an immediate benefit from this legislation. And this action will stop the influx of cars contributing to the congestion grinding our streets to a halt. I want to thank Speaker Johnson and Council Member Levin for their leadership on this issue, and the entire Council for standing up for working people. I look forward to signing these bills into law.”

Michael Beltzer - That Which Is Known: Ruben Diaz gets a Pow-Pow

This was sent to us by Mr. Michael Beltzer 
By Michael Beltzer

Ruben Diaz gets a Pow-Pow 
It is known that the Ethics Committee of the City Council in the greatest City in the world New York found the ordained minister Diaz of misusing public resources to send you an email similar to this. These emails, known to us for years are often entertaining and have given those in politics something to talk about to pass the time. But we have long known they are just words that are typed often without much use except to take political shots, extract revenge and show spite and contempt for others. 
These emails often include contrarian viewpoints and include almost endorsements of Republican darlings such as Donald Trump, who is mentioned in his emails well over a dozen times in the past 2 years. So we applaud Councilman Matteo (R-Staten Island) for leading the proceedings as this leaves Mr. Diaz little room to claim it was an attack by Democrats.
It is important to note that I am a firm believer of the first amendment and in no way would condone limiting someone’s ability to do so. I have at times agreed with some of the sentiments expressed in his columns, especially when it comes to increasing representation of minorities in state and local government workforces. But it is important to read what the City’s Conflict of Interest Board says about being a Public Servant “ Since party politics has a certain level of influence over the manner in which the public is governed, the political activities provisions of the conflicts of interest law were enacted in an attempt to ensure that City employees maintain impartiality when dispensing services to the public.”
We know this pow-pow, of which we do not know if it will be a “church pinch” or ‘la chancleta”, but it still must hurt as Mr. Diaz has a long history of colluding with Republicans during his days in the State Senate. During his time, he claims he "never had an issue" in sending emails or misusing public resources. But my dear reader, we know Albany is not a place that holds itself to the highest standards. Perhaps it is the good reverend's ability to read through text, because last year in his run to become a Councilperson, he sent a piece of propaganda to every voter just before the deadline for State Elected to send out mail before an election. His campaign sent a follow up mail that looked almost identical the following week. I and many of his constituents do not feel that was done in good faith as a steward of public funds.
Now you may say, so what, I use his taxpayer funded birthday card that he sends to my house every year as a proof of address to apply for services at a non-profit whose workers help hand out large bags with his name on the side, it’s all for the community. You may feel that even though he hosted a 2016 holiday giveaway in a Public School with a political candidate during a special election for City Council in violation of Chancellor's Regulation D- 130, that he is, “giving a person a fish” because he got a few toys from Republicans instead of the millions owed our Public Schools.
But it is known that he was one of the "Four Amigos", of which 3 went to jail, despite the Councilperson's claim that "Never in the history of New York State has there been something so exciting". It is not only known but it is proclaimed by himself that the amigos led to the eventual formation of the Independent Democratic Conference or the "IDC". Now if you do not know how this conference is currently in violation of campaign finance laws, which we know Mr. Diaz has had campaign treasurers arrested himself, it is known that they have kept Public Schools from being fully funded, held women's rights hostage, along with healthcare for all, rights and protections for our LGBT neighbors and recognizing a Black Woman as the rightful leader of the NYS Senate.
But it is known that Mr. Diaz has long felt he is above any man-made rules. This is a man who proclaims "I am the Church, I am the State." It is known that he has often mixed the two to support his political quest to embroider titles into starched shirts and collect multiple taxpayer funded pensions, and we only need to look to the FBI’s investigation of him and his organizations (click here to read more). At the time, it is known multiple people employed by him and his non-profits had requested investigations, ones that unfortunately were not acted upon as judiciously as our City Council has. So it comes as no surprise that Mr. Diaz’s most uttered words at the hearing was:

“C’mon, get out of here!”
It’s time for him to take his own advice.

This is Michael Beltzer and this is That Which Is Known.


You should know that the City of New York has become the first city in the nation that has regulated Uber.
It is also very important for you to know that even those responsible for Uber being the cause of drivers taking their lives,  and the devastation of the Yellow Taxi industry, now are taking and claiming credit for what The For Hire Vehicle Committee has accomplished.
The For Hire Vehicle Committee was created by Council Speaker Corey Johnson under a negotiation with Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., and the Bronx Democratic County Chairman, Assemblyman Marcos Crespo. 
After becoming aware of my efforts to solve the problems of The For Hire Vehicle drivers, and my serious commitment and concern for this industry, Assemblyman Crespo was very influential in convincing the Speaker, Corey Johnson to appoint me as the Chair of this newly created Committee.  This Committee is geared toward exploring the issues that negatively impact the drivers of the taxi industry,   especially the livery drivers under the Transportation Committee which was led by Councilmember Ydanis Rodriguez.  
Councilmember Rodriguez and some of the same councilmembers that are now claiming credit were responsible, in 2016,  for approving legislation to increase penalties up to $10,000.00 for those drivers picking up passengers in the street in order to give Uber and others the opportunity to be the ones allowed to do street hails.
By taking away the Taxi Section from  the Transportation Committee, and creating the newly independent Committee, Speaker Johnson gave me the authority and the opportunity to hold public hearings and to question, even The Taxi and Limousine Commissioner,  about the abuses done to livery drivers and allowing Uber to devastate the Yellow Taxi industry.  
There were some central council staff and some councilmembers working to put an end to my efforts as The Committee Chairman, with the hopes of impeding some of my initial legislation.   In their efforts, sometimes we were confronted by some individuals that even ignored the Speakers instructions.
Today this legislation has passed, and I have to recognize the efforts of the Committee Counsel Mr. Christopher Lynn, who on many occasions had to become a thorn on the side of many.   This was to ensure that what had to be done was done correctly.
The support, that the For Hire Vehicles Committee, received from our Council Speaker Corey Johnson, and his chief of Staff, Mr. Jason Goldman was vital allowing us to move forward in accomplishing our goals on behalf of the Taxi industry.   Their support was honest, sincere and greatly appreciated.   
The City Council’s Central staff, Ms. Malak Masderdean and Mr. Louis Cholea-Brown, Mr. Hector Figueroa President of 32BJ, The Metropolitan Taxi Cab Board of Trade,  Ms. Bhairavi Desai from The NY Taxi Workers Alliance and Mr. Richard Lipsky and the Drivers with the Yellow Cowboy Hats, Councilmembers Brad Lander and Steven Levin were all extremely helpful in our endeavors. 
By the way, it was Christopher Lynn who was the most instrumental in writing and helping others write their Legislations.  
Finally, it was I who confronted everyone.  Some confrontations were contentious especially the ones I had with the Commissioner of the TLC in order for everyone to understand that this committee meant business.   Also, these confrontations were intended to send a message to those who were not paying attention to the Committee in the beginning.
There were some reporters that tried to make news by twisting everything, and questioning my integrity and honesty, implying that this legislation was motivated by political contributions.   This not true! And this is not right.
You should know that my only intention was to bring equality and justice to the taxi industry, that for many years had been used, abused, and ignored by everyone including the NYC Administrations.
The press and some of my colleagues have refused to give me any credit or acknowledge that it was the efforts of my Committee for this historic moment in NYC.   However, everyone, Uber and company know that no matter how much money, lies and scare tactics,  there is now, a  For Hire Vehicles Committee, in the NYC Council with a Chairman that are not for sale, not for rent, and not for hire.
I am Councilman Ruben Diaz and this what you should know.


Having  been at the press conference by Mayor de Blasio, Speaker Johnson, City Council members, TLC commissioner Joshi, Bhairavi Desai Executive Director of the NY Taxi Workers Alliance, Hector Figueroa President of 32BJ, and many others, someone was missing.

The Chair of the For Hire Vehicles Committee was not there. The mayor even put a quote in his press release from Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr., Chair of the For Hire Vehicles Committee which is below. 

“Yesterday was a historic day. The New York City Council led by Speaker Corey Johnson along with my For Hire Vehicle Committee passed some of the most comprehensive legislation halting app-based ride sharing services and initiating a study on their effect in NYC. This is the first legislation of its kind in the nation and it will stand as a template for other large cities facing issues with their taxi industry. Thank you to all my colleagues who were a part of this package of legislation and we will continue to work for a more fair & equitable New York City,” said Council Member Ruben Diaz, Sr., Chair of the Committee on For-Hire Vehicles, Sponsor of Intros. 634-B, 838-C, 958-A.

So Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. I was at the press conference, where were you?

That is what the people should know!

Monday, August 6, 2018


Killings Happened A Month Apart; Elderly Man Had Won Lottery

  Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that a man has been indicted for the fatal stabbings of his 73-year-old uncle and a 45-year-old woman during robberies in the Bronx. The first murder occurred on June 11, 2018 and the second killing occurred on July 11, 2018, while the defendant was being sought by police. 

 District Attorney Clark said, “The defendant allegedly killed his uncle who was battling cancer, during a robbery that netted him a few dollars. A month later, while he was on the run, the defendant allegedly killed a woman who was considered a close friend of his family, at the place where she worked.” 

 District Attorney Clark said the defendant, Idris Abdul Muhaymin, 45, originally from Georgia, was indicted in the murders of Owen Dillard, who was his uncle, and Wanda Rios, an employee of MNI Security Specialist Inc., at 888 East 233rd Street. The defendant was arraigned today before Bronx Supreme Court Justice Steven Barrett on first-degree Murder, four counts of second-degree Murder, two counts of first-degree Manslaughter, four counts of first-degree Robbery, and first and second-degree Strangulation. The defendant was remanded and is due back in court on October 9, 2018.

 According to the investigation, on June 11, 2018, the defendant allegedly put Owen Dillard in a chokehold and stabbed him repeatedly with a sharp object. The victim sustained wounds to his head and neck. He was pronounced dead at the scene. On July 11, 2018, the defendant entered the MNI office while Wanda Rios was there alone. He then stabbed her repeatedly with a sharp object, causing her death, and fled with electronic equipment.

 District Attorney Clark thanked NYPD Detectives Javier Cordero of the 40th Precinct, Mark Moccia of the 47th Precinct, and Sean O’Leary and Robert Klein of Bronx Homicide for their assistance in the case.

An indictment is an accusatory instrument and not proof of a defendant’s guilt.


  Today, Mayor de Blasio signed seven bills aimed at making New York the fairest city in the nation: Int. 741-A requiring the city to provide free domestic telephone service to individuals within the custody of the Department of Correction; Int. 779-A requires the Department of Correction to issue reports on the use of tasers; Int. 510-B and Int. 724-A requiring the disclosure of information regarding the rights of those seeking bail bond services Int. 399-B and Int. 411-Aregarding Senior Centers; and Int. 981-A, requires online short-term rental platforms to report data about those transactions.

Department of Correction

Int. 741-A requires the city to provide free domestic telephone service to individuals within the custody of the department of corrections, and prohibits the city from collecting any revenue for providing said telephone service.
“This piece of legislation will ensure that no incarcerated person will have to pay to reach their loved ones on the phone and maintain crucial connections to the support networks key to their rehabilitation,” said Mayor de Blasio.

“Today we take a major step forward in the areas of criminal justice reform, public safety, and affordable housing. No one should have to choose between speaking to their loved ones and paying the bills and I am proud to say that New Yorkers with loved ones who are incarcerated will no longer have to make this decision. In addition, legislation to rein in illegal hotels and shady operators using Airbnb to the detriment of everyday New Yorkers will increase public safety and help preserve our affordable housing stock. I thank my colleagues in the Council for supporting these common sense measures and I thank Mayor de Blasio for signing them into law,” said Speaker Corey Johnson.

“Free access to telephone service will help people in custody maintain strong ties with friends and family and will play an important role in supporting their successful transition back into our community,” said NYC Department of Correction Commissioner Cynthia Brann.

Int. 779-A requires the Department of Correction to issue quarterly reports on the use by Department staff of any device capable of administering an electric shock (Tasers).

Bail Bond Consumer Bill of Rights

Int. 510-B requires bail bond agents to post a sign prepared by DCA containing information regarding maximum premiums or compensation under state law, and how to file a complaint  with DCA.

Int. 724-A requires DCA to produce a consumer bill of rights for those seeking bail bond services, requires bail bond agents to post a sign containing the information about the business, and adds additional protections for consumers seeking bail bond services.

“For far too long, New Yorkers have turned to the bail bond industry, which has a history of exploiting those who are economically disadvantaged and coming to them during a time of need, said NYC Department of Consumer Affairs Commissioner Lorelei Salas. “Earlier this year, we took action against bail bond agent Marvin Morgan for engaging in deceptive and unlawful trade practices. These two new bills will allow us to continue to protect the economic lives of New Yorkers by requiring bail bonds businesses to provide customers with a bill of rights and to disclose information regarding charges, which will further hold bail bonds businesses accountable.”

Senior Centers and Adult Day Cares

Int. 399-B requires the Department of the Aging to report annually on participant attendance, services, budgets, costs, and rates of utilization at senior centers.

Int. 411-A requires the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to ensure that all senior centers and social adult day cares that are food service establishments under Article 81 of the New York City Health Code are inspected on an annual basis.

Short Term Rentals

Int. 981-A requires online short-term rental platforms that provide booking services for a fee to report data about those transactions to the Mayor’s Office of Special Enforcement. The report shall be submitted on a monthly basis. The bill creates a per-listing fine of $1,500 a month for each month of inaccurate reporting, or the total fees collected during the previous 12 months, whichever is greater.

“We look forward to working with our partners in the Mayor’s Office of Special Enforcement to help deter illegal short-term rentals,” said Buildings Commissioner Rick D. Chandler, PE.

“This law provides the City with the critical data it needs to preserve our housing stock, keep visitors safe, and ensure residents feel secure in their homes and neighborhoods. I want to thank Mayor de Blasio for his leadership on this important issue that impacts all New Yorkers,” said Christian Klossner, Executive Director, Mayor’s Office of Special Enforcement.

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. - Back to School


Elected leaders will provide over $1.2 million to fund new skate park and fitness equipment

  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and City Council member Andrew Cohen announced today that they have allocated a combined $1,249,000 in capital funding for renovations in Riverdale’s Seton Park.

The funding will be used by the City’s Department of Parks & Recreation to fund the construction of a new skate park as well as to provide new fitness equipment throughout the park.

“Seton Park is one of the great gems of the Riverdale community, and I am proud to have partnered with Council Member Cohen to help bring a skate park and upgraded fitness equipment to this park,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., who provided $830,000 for the renovations from his FY2019 capital budget. “These renovations will make this park more accessible to users of all ages, provide Bronx residents with greater recreation options and create a new space for our skateboarders to shred!”

"With its tennis courts, baseball fields, sitting areas and playground Seton Park is the heart of South Riverdale," said Council Member Andrew Cohen, who allocated $410,000 towards the installation of the new skate park and fitness equipment. "I am thrilled to have partnered with Bronx Borough President Diaz and NYC Department of Parks and Recreation to repurpose an area of this beautiful park that was previously under-utilized to create more recreational spaces for everyone in the community to enjoy."

Borough President Diaz has funded a total of $55,014,000 across 73 park projects through his capital budget since taking office in 2009.

This year, Borough President Diaz’s office has provided $23,250,000 in total capital dollars across 81 projects. Since coming to office in 2009, Borough President Diaz has provided $271,896,000 in total capital funding to 806 projects.

New York City Council Member Brad Lander Endorses Cynthia Nixon for Governor

   Council Member Brad Lander today endorsed Cynthia Nixon in her bid for governor. Lander, a founding co-chair of the Council’s Progressive Caucus, represents the 39th district encompassing portions of Cobble Hill, Carroll Gardens, Columbia Waterfront, Gowanus, Park Slope, Windsor Terrace, Borough Park, and Kensington.

“This is a moment when bolder leadership is smarter leadership,” said Council Member Lander. “We desperately need a leader who will meet this moment with action and courage-- by implementing Andy Byford’s ‘Fast Forward’ plan, calling the State Senate back to Albany to vote to save our kids from traffic crashes, and pioneering bold, progressive legislation like single-payer, universal health care for every New Yorker. I’m proud to endorse progressive champion Cynthia Nixon for Governor of New York State. She will provide the bolder, smarter leadership that this moment demands.”

Lander is the Council’s Deputy Leader for Policy, and sits on the Committees on Civil Rights, Consumer Affairs, Economic Development, Education, General Welfare, and Women’s Issues. While in office, he has fought successfully to reform discriminatory practices in the NYPD, win living wage jobs and paid sick days for low-wage employees, protect workers in the “gig economy” and bring climate-change responsive policies to NYC.

"I am honored to receive the endorsement of Council Member Brad Lander, a leader for progressive values and a true fighter for working New Yorkers,” said Cynthia Nixon. “Brad understands the necessity of empowering communities and making government work for the many, not the few. I look forward to working together to fight for bold policy like single payer health care and finally making our state as progressive as its people."

This endorsement adds to a growing group of elected officials backing Cynthia. Cynthia has been endorsed by former Speaker of the City Council Melissa Mark-Viverito, current Council Members Menchaca, Van Bramer and Reynoso, Assembly member Andrew Hevesi and she has also cross endorsed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; Jessica Ramos, New York State Senate candidate in the 13th district; Julia Salazar, New York State Senate candidate in the 18th district; and Robert Jackson, New York State Senate candidate in the 31st district. She has received the endorsement from a slate of elected officials in the Capital District and Hudson Valley.