Monday, March 4, 2019

YGT 2019 Youth Talent Event Information

For Youth Ages 5 y/o - 25 y/o
Youth Gifted & Talented: “Stirring Up The Gifts”  
(previously called Youth Got Talent: “Stirring Up The Gifts”)
Competition & Show (May 2019 event)
March 23rd (Sat)
10am-12pm @ Claremont Neighborhood Center Upstairs                                 489 E. 169th Street (off Third Ave) Bronx, NY 10456 Bus #15 exit E. 169th St
~ or ~ 2pm-4pm @ GMBC- (See Address Below)
April 9th (Tues)
6pm-8pm @ GMBC- (See Address Below)

Event (Target Date May 4, 2019) By
The Youth of Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church (GMBC)
& Their Adult Supporters
YGT Committee of Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church
771 Fairmount Place (corner of Prospect Ave) ׀ Bronx, NY  10460
Rev. Torrence Robinson, Pastor

Calling Solo and Group Performers
Vocalists, Rappers, Poets; Instrumentalists; Dancers, Steppers; Mimes, Pantomimes; Actors/Actresses, other performances. Also screening for Models.

Entry Categories:
I.    Perform as CONTESTANT Chance to win prize 1st Place $500, 2nd Place $250, 3rd Place $100.
II.  Perform as SUPPORT/GUEST/NON-CONTESTANT - NOT considered for the prize.
III. Model Fashion Wear (SUPPORT/GUEST/NON-CONTESTANT) NOT considered for the prize.      
       Models deadline March 12th (Arrive 6pm-7pm @ GMBC 771 Fairmount Pl)
Youth age 5 -25 y/o who would like to participate as a Contestant (for chance to win prize) or Non-Contestant must first be auditioned. If interested, request information to preregister for audition: send email to
Location for Audition:  
GMBC 771 Fairmount Place (at corner of Fairmount Pl & Prospect Ave), Bronx NY 10460
Bus #40/#42 exit E. Tremont Ave & Prospect Ave (walk 2 blocks off E. Tremont Ave & Prospect Ave to Fairmount Pl).  Bus #17 exit E. 175th/176th Crotona Ave (walk approx. 5 mins off Crotona Ave to Prospect Ave, then
1 block from E. 176th to Fairmount Pl /Prospect Ave).
More Info available at (917) 226-7960


City formally launching digital advertising campaign to reach more eligible New Yorkers

  Mayor de Blasio and City Council Speaker Johnson today announced plans to expand the Fair Fares program, an unprecedented City effort to address poverty through the development of a half-priced MetroCard program for low-income New Yorkers.

Starting this fall, the City will expand the program to eligible New Yorkers in NYCHA, enrolled students at CUNY and military veterans below 100 percent of poverty line.

“We’re doing all we can to help low-income riders get around in a city that can be very difficult to afford. We think this program will go a long way toward making our city even fairer and we’re excited to expand this unprecedented initiative to more New Yorkers,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“Fair Fares is a landmark program for New York City, helping the many New Yorkers who truly need it most. No New Yorker should have to choose between a swipe and a meal. Fair Fares is an example of our City’s commitment to providing equal opportunity for all. I am excited we are starting the outreach program, which will enable us to expand Fair Fares and help as many New Yorkers as possible. I thank Mayor de Blasio, my Council colleagues, and especially the tireless advocates for their support in making Fair Fares a reality for low-income New Yorkers and their families,” said Speaker Corey Johnson.

“We want a city where everyone, regardless of economic status, has the opportunity to thrive — including being able to get to important appointments, such as seeing a doctor or attending a job interview. This expansion shows our commitment to that vision. We will continue to work with the City Council to strengthen our Fair Fares program and to making New York City the fairest city in America,” said Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Dr Herminia Palacio.

In January 2020, City plans to launch an open enrollment process for all eligible New Yorkers at or below the Federal Poverty line who don’t have discounted transportation from the MTA or the City. Those who were previously enrolled in the program and are still eligible will be able to recertify and receive the benefit again. All other eligible applicants will be able to apply through an online platform.

The City is also pleased to announce the pay-per-ride option is launching ahead of schedule and will be available as an option mid-March.

As part of our efforts to reach more eligible New Yorkers, the City will also be formally launching a three month targeted online advertising campaign in March. Advertisements will appear across social media platforms and Google keyword searches, targeting the top 25 NYC zip codes where there are large numbers of eligible individuals to raise awareness of the Fair Fares program.

The City launched the first phase of the program in January. The Department of Social Services has been conducting outreach to over 45,000 eligible working New Yorkers who are receiving cash assistance and/or SNAP benefits. The City sent notifications, and subsequent telephone calls, to inform this first group of their eligibility and invite them to visit the nearest Fair Fares NYC location to receive their half-priced MetroCard. Eligible recipients can also call 311 to assist in receiving their card. The City is poised to launch its online platform for eligible cash assistance and SNAP recipients in April.

Last spring, the Mayor and Council announced a plan to fund $106 million for the Fair Fares NYC program in the first year. Funding for further expansion of the Fair Fares program will be subject to budget discussions.

Protest of Governor Cuomo's proposed Medicaid Cuts at Montefiore Hospital

  Over five-hundred union members of the Health care Workers Union 1199 converged on the Gun Hill Road entrance of Montefiore Hospital to protest proposed cuts of up to One Billion Dollars by Governor Andrew Cuomo to New York's Health care providers. The sign above says that Montefiore Hospital alone would see a cut of thirty million dollars. 

  The proposed cuts would effect all areas of health care. Struggling hospitals of which twenty-six are on a funding crisis watch list might have to cut community services to Medicaid and other vulnerable populations, or possibly some close entirely. The cuts would hurt already struggling Nursing Homes. Health care workers who care for seniors and the disabled who already are struggling to make ends meet would have to take cuts in reimbursements. It would be a no win situation according to members of 1199 the Health care Workers Union. 

  As the demonstration went on during the lunch hour of the union members there were chants of"They Say Cutbacks, We Say Fight Back". Union Leaders, Bronx Borough President Ruben diaz Jr., City Councilman Andy King, and Montefiore President and CEO Steven Safyer MD. all called for no cuts to an already struggling health care system in New York State. The message was to let your State Assembly and State Senators know that you are opposed to any cuts in the upcoming budget to health care.

Above - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., and Councilman Andy King were right in the middle of the over five-hundred protestors on Gun Hill Road in front of Montefiore Hospital calling for no cuts to health care from Albany as is in the proposed budget.
Below - Dr. Steven Safyer President and CEO of Montefiore Hospital outlines what might have to happen if the current proposed cuts to health care were not averted. 


By Councilman Rubén Díaz Sr.
District 18 Bronx County, New York
The Conflict of Interest Board Should Take A Look At This……

You should know that this week, Brooklyn Councilman Jumaane Williams will be sworn in as the New York City Public Advocate. Like many New Yorkers, I wish him well in his newly elected office.
You should also know that since the time when former Public Advocate Tish James was sworn in to serve as New York State’s duly-elected Attorney General, Manhattan Councilman Corey Johnson has been wearing two governmental hats: one as a City Council Member and the other as the Acting Public Advocate.
Corey Johnson was duly elected as Councilman in the 3rd District, and then by vote of his Members, was elected to the position of City Council Speaker.
It is important for you to know that the Public Advocate is a citywide elected post, serving as an independent ombudsman or watchdog over various City services and agencies, including the City Council.
The mechanism for Corey Johnson to ascend to the Acting Public Advocate position is founded under Section 44 of the New York City Charter, which states: “the speaker shall act as public advocate pending the filling of the vacancy pursuant to subdivision c of section twenty-four, and shall be a member of every board of which the public advocate is a member by virtue of his or her office.”
However, there are those who wonder if a constitutional problem exists in our New York City governmental system because of Corey Johnson’s failure to resign or step aside as Councilman and City Council Speaker during his tenure as Acting Public Advocate.
An article written on September 7, 2018 by Samar Khurshid, senior reporter in the, Gotham Gazette stated:
It would be the first time since the creation of the office of public advocate and the current office of the speaker, through a charter revision in 1989, that the clause would go into effect. It’s unclear how the speaker would approach the dual role, even in the interim, as he would both lead his 51-member legislative body and large central staff, and, as the title suggests, an office that advocates for the interests of everyday New Yorkers and keeps a watch on the functions and failures of city government. Both Johnson’s and James’ offices declined to comment for this article. Johnson has endorsed James for attorney general.”
You should know that there hasn’t been a lot written about “dual office holding.”
Dual office holding is when a legislator holds more than one elected and /or appointed governmental positions.
Under common law, there has long been a prohibition on the practice of dual office holding.
This particular undecided legal question of dual office holding may be something that the Conflicts of Interest Board of the City of New York should be investigating. They may want to refer to their own 1991 case of James Molinaro, where they acknowledged why there is a ban on dual office holding: “The rule was intended to prevent public servants from being subject to conflicts of interest as a result of conflicting duties to their political offices and to their constituents.”
For example, when Speaker Cory Johnson oversaw the New York City Council’s vote to disband the “For Hire Vehicles” Committee, perhaps the Public Advocate or Acting Public Advocate might have had a position contrary to that of Corey Johnson and more in favor of the For Hire Vehicle drivers who relied on this committee to be heard.
In this regard, there may have been a conflict of interest, which may in fact, invalidate the City Council’s actions, which was prompted by Acting Public Advocate/Speaker Johnson to disband that “For Hire Vehicles” Committee.
While this issue may seem to become moot on the day that the Honorable Jumaane Williams is sworn in, it is not moot.
Since this situation can reoccur, and because of the doubtful legality of actions that were taken during this interim period that began on January 1, 2019, this issue should be addressed by Conflicts of Interest Board.
I am City Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz, and this is What You Should Know.  

Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association Community Meeting Tuesday March 12,2019

The next meeting  of the Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association will be on Tuesday  March 12, 2019  at Bronx House, 990 Pelham Parkway South beginning at 7:15 pm.

Our special featured speaker will be the The Honorable Robert E.Torres, Administrative Judge, Criminal Term, New York State Supreme Court, Bronx County. Please bring  your issues, questions, and concerns to our meeting. 

The PPNA works around the clock and year round to improve the quality of life in Pelham Parkway. 

We can always be reached  by email at Please look for and like  us on Facebook for neighborhood updates. Please join us for this very interesting guest. Get involved in your community. It's time.


City to partner with community organizations to finance creation of safe, quality basement apartments in East New York

  Today, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed landmark legislation to create a pathway for transforming certain basement and cellar apartments into safe, legal, affordable homes. The new law establishes a three-year demonstration program to facilitate the creation and renovation of apartments in the basements and cellars of qualifying one- and two-family homes in Brooklyn Community District 5.

“There are thousands of basement apartments in our City, but too many are illegal and unsafe. This program will help New Yorkers secure safe, affordable homes and give homeowners a new legal source of income,” said Mayor de Blasio.

Residents in illegal basement and cellar apartments typically have no lease, limited rights, and live in substandard conditions. This new law will add to New York City’s existing housing stock by allowing property owners to create safe, legal, and affordable apartments in their buildings. The City will also use the pilot to learn about how to overcome barriers that owners face when seeking to convert basement units.

Last summer, the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development released a Request for Expressions of Interest to identify a Community Based Organization to administer the program.  HPD will partner with Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation (CHLDC), a local non-profit that will subcontract with four community non-profits.  The program will provide eligible low- to middle-income homeowners living in one- to three-family homes in East New York and Cypress Hills, Brooklyn with low or no-interest loans to convert their basements into safe, legal, and rentable apartments, based on the altered Building Code. The homeowner will also be provided with the technical assistance needed to close on a loan and complete the construction project. Homeowners can learn more by calling 311 or visiting

“Finding a path to create safe, legal basement apartments that will add to our city’s affordable housing stock while stabilizing homeowners is an idea whose time has come,” said Department of Housing Preservation and Development Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer. “We are grateful to Councilmembers Lander, Espinal, and Barron for their leadership on this issue and our partner City agencies for helping us to advance this innovative pilot program that promises to unlock more safe, quality housing opportunities.”

“The Buildings Department is pleased to join our colleagues in city government to promote the Mayor’s vision for affordable housing. This legislation varies several existing city code standards and provides additional protections to help homeowners build safe and legal cellar and basement dwelling units in certain properties in Brooklyn. We thank the City Council and our partner agencies for their work to enact legislation creating this important new program,” said Acting Buildings Commissioner Thomas Fariello, RA. 
Modifications of code standards include minimum ceiling heights and window sizes in basement and cellar spaces and strengthened requirements for emergency egress and fire safety. Each proposed modification to the code standards for this program took into account the health and safety of residents. The changes will modify requirements in order to reduce costs and facilitate conversion of new residential units.

Brooklyn’s Community District 5, including East New York, has an existing building stock of one- and two-family homes that makes it ideal for the launch of this program. The basement conversion pilot program was a commitment made under the East New York Neighborhood Plan, and is the result of a study conducted by a working group convened in October, 2016. This working group was comprised of Administration officials, elected officials including Council Member Espinal; Community groups, residents and housing advocates including CHLDC, Community Development Project at Urban Justice Center, CHHAYA CDC, Pratt Center for Community Development, Coalition for Community Advancement - Progress for East New York/Cypress Hills.


Agreement with Army Corps means beach re-nourishment will take place between Beach 92nd Street and Beach 103rd Street; goal is to have work completed in time for summer beach season

  Mayor de Blasio, Senator Schumer, Comptroller Stringer, Representative Meeks and Borough President Katz announced an agreement between the City and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to use dredged sand to re-nourish and restore Rockaway beach between Beach 92nd Street and Beach 103rd Street. Depending on when dredging work commences and the severity of spring storms, the project should allow for the reopening of this stretch of beach this coming summer.

“Rockaway Beach defines summer in New York City,” said Mayor de Blasio. “Reopening this beach means a lot to this community and families all over the city. We’ve worked months with the Army Corps and our federal partners on a solution to get it done.”

“I cannot be prouder of the team effort to award this vital maintenance dredging contract with our partner, the City of New York,” said Colonel Thomas Asbery, Commander, USACE, New York District. “The safety of the navigation channels and shoreline resiliency is USACE’s top priority in our world class harbor estuary of New York and New Jersey. We have seized the opportunity to beneficially reuse dredge material to provide coastal storm risk reduction measures along the heavily eroded portion of the Rockaway shorefront. This is a tremendous benefit for the community and for the City of New York.”

USACE New York District has awarded a contract for $10.7M to Weeks Marine of Cranford, N.J. to perform needed maintenance dredging of the East Rockaway Inlet Federal Navigation Channel. The New York City Department of Parks & Recreation is contributing $2.7M to pump the sand two and a half miles farther west in order to avoid potential environmental impacts. The work will restore and ensure safe passage for both commercial and recreational vessel traffic through the inlet. USACE is expected to remove approximately, 300,000 cubic yards of sand from the inlet and place it between Beach 92nd and Beach 103rd Streets to replace lost sand due to heavy erosion after last March’s back-to-back nor’easters. Maintenance dredging of East Rockaway Inlet is expected to begin in spring 2019.

In 2013, USACE placed 3.5M cubic yards of sand on the beaches following Superstorm Sandy to help strengthen the resiliency of its coastal storm risk reduction project, which was originally built in the 1970s.    

In addition, the USACE New York District is in the process of receiving final approval from USACE headquarters for the East Rockaway Inlet to Rockaway Inlet & Jamaica Bay General Revaluation Report, with the goal of beginning the first elements of construction in late 2019. The plan calls for a reinforced dune (composite seawall) with a height of 17 feet. This structure will stretch from Beach 9th Street to Beach 149th Street.

The plan also calls for increased beach berm with 1.6 m cubic yards of sand for initial placement, the extension of 5 groins already in place and the construction of 13 new groins --all designed to help reduce the risk from future coastal storms and provide additional resiliency for the residents of this community.

“Rockaway beach is not just vital to our city as a whole, it’s the bedrock of surrounding Queens communities. I’m glad that the City and the Federal government came to the table, and that my office was able to take swift action to move this project forward for the Rockaway community,” said Comptroller Scott Stringer. “We all know how resilient the Rockaway community is, but we can’t let delays take over this process. We’ll keep the spotlight on to ensure the community is always put first.”

We left in Comptroller Stringer's comment, because he seems to understand that if Rockaway Beach is allowed to decay further then it would allow the Atlantic Ocean to cover the Broad Channel, Howard Beach, and other parts of Southeast Queens as the rising water level of the ocean increases. 

It is mentioned that in 2013 only six years ago this process had to be done after Hurricane Sandy. One only has to wonder how soon this process will have to be repeated again.

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Mayor Bill de Blasio: I want to give all New Yorkers an update on the storm that we’re experiencing right now and I want to let people know from the beginning – this is going to be a serious storm. People should be ready for really tough conditions in the morning even though right now in a lot of the city all you’re seeing is rain – that’s going to convert to snow soon, and we expect, as the night goes on, the snow is going to pick up and it’s going to get more and more intense right before the morning rush hour. And this is our concern right now, that we expect actually the biggest snow accumulation we’ve had all year, the whole snow system – excuse me – snow season, so far. This will be the biggest accumulation that we’ve had all year. But in particular, what we’re concerned about is it’s going to hit right before the morning rush hour, in fact, it could drift into the morning rush hour with very fast accumulations.

So, there’s a great deal of concern that it’s going to be a very tough commute in the morning. It’s going to be very tough for people to get around. I want to right now urge all New Yorkers who do not need to use their cars in the morning, please do not. We’re going to have very messy conditions, slippery conditions, dangerous conditions. We want to keep people off the streets to allow the Sanitation Department to do the work that they do. We’re going to have a real problem if there’s too many vehicles out there. So, I’m urging all New Yorkers – if you have to go out, please use mass transit. If you don’t have to go out, stay in in the morning so the Sanitation Department can do their work clearing the streets.

Now, I want to thank right off the bat the Sanitation Department, and Emergency Management, and all the city agencies that have been working so intensely over the last 48 hours to get ready for this. Of course, Sanitation is out in force right now. 695 salt spreaders have been out now throughout the day, all over the five boroughs, getting the roads ready. We have 1,600 plows ready to go, as soon as the snow accumulation amounts to the point that the plows can get into action. But we do expect to see the snow in the next few hours, and then it will intensify, through the night. When we get to the early morning hours, we could see snow coming in at the pace of one to two inches per hour. And we’ve seen that before. Those kinds of conditions really cause us a tremendous amount of concern and those are very tough conditions to drive in. For that reason, school will be closed tomorrow. I’m making a formal announcement now that school will be closed tomorrow, and all activities related to school – field trips, after school – everything will be cancelled tomorrow, Monday.

We’re also announcing that alternate side parking will be cancelled tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday as well. So, we want to make it easier on people who are worried about what they’re going to be doing with their cars the next few days, alternate side – we’re cancelling it Monday, we’re cancelling it Tuesday, it was already cancelled because of a standing government holiday on Wednesday. So, for all New Yorkers with a car, you will not have to move it Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. Hopefully that will help us get through this storm.

Additional information – Code Blue is in effect. We have a very intensive outreach effort you’ll see today and tomorrow. If there’s anyone on the street who needs help, they’ll be led by Department of Homeless Services working closely with the NYPD and the FDNY. Also want people to know that it will be not only difficult to get around on the streets but on the sidewalks as well. So as you’re trying to get around tomorrow, what we expect is a lot of precipitation overnight and then it’s going to freeze up during the day tomorrow. Very cold temperatures will be setting in throughout the day tomorrow and overnight Monday into Tuesday. So we really want people to mindful. There’s going to be a lot of ice. Please be very careful when you’re out there. As always, urging all New Yorkers – look out for your neighbors, look out, in particular, for senior citizens who might need a little help or anyone who lives in your building or in your neighborhood who might need some help. It’s very important to check in on them during storms whenever you can. And for anyone who sees a dangerous situation – if it’s urgent, or immediately life-threatening, call 911. If it’s something that’s important but not immediately life-threatening, call 311. Also, for anyone who does not have heat or hot water, please call 311. We need those reports so that we can make sure that we are working to get heat and hot water restored. That’s for people who live in every type of housing. Obviously most of our heat complaints come from private buildings. We need those complaints quickly so we can push landlords to get the heat back, or, if necessary, the City will go over to the buildings and put the heat back on ourselves.