Friday, April 5, 2019

Comptroller Stringer Calls on DOT to Immediately Explore Taking Over NYC Ferry

“New Yorkers deserve reliable and comprehensive public transit systems, but not at the expense of transparency, accountability and fiscal responsibility. The Economic Development Corporation’s contract with NYC Ferry operator Hornblower raises serious questions about the exploding costs and liabilities that the City is choosing to absorb, all while handing over millions in revenue to a private contractor – questions that to-date have not been sufficiently answered.
“We must do better. That’s why I’m calling on the city Department of Transportation to immediately explore taking over NYC Ferry. This has the potential to improve efficiency and public savings across the board – capitalizing on DOT’s experience running the Staten Island Ferry, eliminating administrative redundancies, allowing the City to keep all fare box and concession revenues, and providing a level of budgetary and operational transparency that EDC has to-date refused to provide. Given all of these potential benefits, DOT should examine the feasibility of such a takeover as soon as possible.”

Council Member Ruben Diaz Sr - Open Letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio

By Councilman, RubΓ©n DΓ­az Sr.
Bronx County, New York

You should know that I received a copy of a letter that an organization called Aguila sent to Mayor de Blasio. Aguila is one of many agencies created by our Puerto Rican and hispanics pioneers in the Bronx, and that in the last few years has been confronting a sophisticated elimination.

Aguila and other hispanics organizations in the Bronx have been systematically transferred to other organizations from outside of the borough (mostly from Brooklyn) with apparent political direct connection to City Hall.

Please read the Open Letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio


March 28, 2019

Honorable Bill de Blasio Mayor,
City of New York City Hall
New York, NY 10007

Dear Mayor de Blasio:

Aguila, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Latino based organization based in the South Bronx that partners with the City of New York to provide housing and support services. Since our founding in 1998, we have helped thousands of families thrive while employing hundreds of people from the local community. Today, we remain committed to our mission and to the administration’s goals outlined in Turning the Tide on Homelessness — a leading, comprehensive plan to address homelessness in our City. Despite our good work, the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) has worked to systematically dismantle Aguila.

Aguila has made repeated attempts to meet and work with DHS leadership to improve conditions, address concerns and create a productive working dialogue. However, our phone calls, emails and overtures are consistently disregarded. Therefore, we write this letter to bring your attention to several matters that require further inquiry:

In 2018, MOCS/DHS requested that Aguila signed an affidavit stating that a relationship with the Podolsky’s did not exist. Under duress, I was coerced into signing this affidavit even though the City knows full well that Aguila manages multiple buildings owned by the Podolsky’s.

Aguila has been cited for a lack of security yet Aguila is consistently denied security personnel increases. Most recently DHS rejected a security wage increase for Aguila but then proceeded to approve similar requests from our peer providers. Aguila has been cited most recently, for clients’ biopsychosocial not completed within 30 days of intake (2016), yet CCC (social workers) initiative was not rolled out until 2017.

For over 10 years, Aguila operated the Briggs Family Residence. Subsequent to an RFP process, the Residence was assigned to another provider, Housing Bridges. The Mayor’s Office of Contracts informed Aguila staff that despite having the highest score, determined by the formal and established RFP process, the contract was being awarded to another provider. In short, the City did not like the result of the RFP process and therefore changed the rules.

Unlike other organizations, Aguila’s leadership is composed of Latina and Latino’s from the community that were not formerly members of the DHS administration, the Mayor’s transition team or are otherwise politically influential. Unfortunately, a clear trend has evolved whereby those with the proper relationships are awarded programs that have to date been operated by Aguila. In sum, a systematic dismantling and reassignment of Aguila is underway.

As DHS’ efforts to dismantle Aguila have progressed, Aguila’s staff have taken notice, as many of their coworkers are no longer employed. The uncertainty of not having a job has created a pervasive fear within the organization, leading to staff turnover, low morale, loss of employment of over 125 employees, plus over 400 plus vendors’ employees from various sectors, 9security, maintenance, extermination, etc., and ultimately a dismantling of Aguila’s internal infrastructure — all a result of DHS actions.

In furtherance of the City’s established goals in Turning the Tide on Homelessness to create additional housing, Aguila has presented multiple new shelter locations to DHS for consideration. Each time the location has been rejected with limited to no explanation despite meeting the City’s stated criteria for new facilities.

As one of three Latina women serving as Chief Executive Officer of a non-profit organization in the Bronx, I’ve developed a reputation as a steadfast advocate for the proper administration of public funds — it is our moral and fiduciary responsibility. In continuation of this commitment, Aguila requests that City Hall look into the above matters as well as the decision-making process and actions of the Department of Homeless Services and the Mayor’s Office of Contracts. In addition, until a full and comprehensive review is completed, DHS’ dismantling of Aguila should not be permitted to continue. These matters, and DHS’ motivations, must be fully understood.

Thank you for the consideration of this request.


Jenny Rivera Lozada
CEO-Aguila Inc.

HermΓ­nia Palacio, Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services,
Lorraine CortΓ©s-VΓ‘zquez Special Advisor
Steven Bank, Department of Social Services Commissioner
Marco A. Carrion, Commissioner of New York City's Community Affairs 
Jose Serrano, United State Congressman, 32nd District
Ruben Diaz, Jr., Bronx Borough President
Luis Sepulveda, NYS Senator
Gustavo Rivera, NYS Senator
Marcos Crespo, Assemblyman
Michael Blake, Assemblyman
Karina Reyes, Assemblywoman
Carmen dela Rosa, Assemblywoman
Ruben Diaz, Sr., Councilman
Rafael Salamanca, Councilman
Ritchie Torres, Councilman

News and Upcoming Events From Councilman Mark Gjonaj

Sign the Petition Against the Morris Park Avenue Road Diet Plan
Please support our local businesses and community by signing a petition and voicing your opposition to the proposed Road Diet Plan for the Morris Park Avenue Commercial Corridor and the main artery for many hospitals in our District.

Friends of Van Cortlandt Park - Applications Now Available for Summer Internships

Summer Tibbetts Brook Restoration Crew Internship
During the six-week summer internship in 2019, the Restoration Crew will remove non-native Water Chestnut from the waters of Van Cortlandt Lake to improve its health. The Crew will also assist in floodplain forest enhancement, improving the native habitat of the forests that border Tibbetts Brook, thus improving the brooks health. The internship is physically demanding and requires interns to work out on the water for six hours a day. Training in freshwater ecology, lake management, tool use and data collection will be provided to all interns. 
Garden 2 Market Internship
When we understand where our food comes from, and where it goes, we can make better decisions about what we buy and eat! This internship is for anyone interested in our food system and covers topics from growing to selling and eating. During the summer interns spend time in our garden learning about growing vegetables, composting and the social and community aspects of a garden, and time exploring food justice issues and learning about the business of running a farm stand. They learn everything from ordering and pricing to stocking the table and completing a sale. They gain communication skills and become advocates for healthy eating in their community. The internship includes many chances to taste and cook new foods and recipes- because no internship about food is complete without eating! 


Friends of Van Cortlandt Park


80 Van Cortlandt Park South Ste. E1
Bronx, NY 10463, US

Jewish Community Council of Pelham Parkway 42nf Annual Breakfast

  On Sunday March 31st the room at Bronx House was packed with supporters of the Jewish Community Council of Pelham Parkway, and there was a distinct feeling of success. The Executive Director of the JCCPP Mr. David Edelstein  said that the emergency food program had distributed a quarter of a million dollars of food assistance to local people in need. He also spoke about the JCCPP Crisis Prevention Program, Assistance to over one-hundred and forty households to avoid Utility Turn-Offs, and the many hundreds of people who have been given the JCCPP's expert advice in applying for government benefits, or seniors who received holiday food packages. 

The honorees included State Senator Alessandra Biaggi, Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez, Councilman Mark Gjonaj, Newspaper Publisher Laura Guerriero, and Rabbi Yitzchak Gross.
State Senator Alessandra Biaggi and Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez were held up in Albany due to the completion of the state budget talks, but had representatives receive their plaques for them. 

Above - Councilman Mark Gjonaj receives his award from David Edelstein Executive Director of the JCCPP. With Councilman Gjonaj are representatives of the Kosovo and Albanian governments. 
Below - Ms. Laura Guerriero Publisher of the Bronx Times Reporter receives her award. With Ms. Guerriero are (L - R)  Charles Landsberg President, Steven Glosser Treasurer, and David Edelstein Executive Director of the JCCPP.

Rabbi Yitzchak Gross receives the Young Leadership Award from David Edelstein Executive Director, Charles Landsberg President of the JCCPP.

The Jewish Community Council of Pelham Parkway is located at 2157 Holland Avenue Bronx NY. 10462. 718-792-4744.


  On Thursday April 4, 2019, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. joined with New York State Assembly Member Aravella Simotas to host the annual Bronx Greek Heritage Celebration at St. Peter the Apostle Greek Orthodox Church in Kingsbridge.  

Honorees at this year’s program included George Manesis, owner of Billy’s Sports Bar; Steve Zervoudis, owner of Galaxy General Construction; Anne Prokop, principal at the Greek American Institute; Costas Papavasilakis, founder of the Dale-Way Auto Body Center; Katherine Kapsis and Georgia Poulos, owners of Columbia Florist; and Merkourios Angeliades, president of M.A. Angeliades, Inc. 

The program included Greek dancing and songs performed by students of the Evdoxia Levesanos School and a short lecture on Greek heritage by journalist-sociologist Despina Afentouli, PhD.

"The Greek culture gave us a template for democracy and the Greek diaspora are pillars of our community today with their strong focus on family and helping the community," said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. "As Borough President, I thank all the honorees for making The Bronx a better place."

Join Senators Biaggi, Rivera, and Bailey at Their First Joint New York State Senate Post-Budget Forum on April 11 at Fordham University!

Former Reality Television Series “Bad Girl” Sentenced To 1 Year In Prison

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that SHANNADE CLERMONT was sentenced to one year in prison for making and attempting more than $20,000 in fraudulent charges using debit card information she stole from a man who died during the course of a prostitution date with her.  CLERMONT pled guilty to one count of wire fraud in November 2018 before U.S. District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald, who also presided over today’s sentencing. 

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “Former reality TV ‘Bad Girl’ Shannade Clermont lived up to her on-screen persona, as she admitted to stealing the debit card information from a man she visited for a prostitution date in his Manhattan apartment.  When the man died of an overdose, instead of notifying the authorities or calling for help, Clermont callously chose to use the man’s debit card information to make tens of thousands of dollars in illegal purchases.  As Shannade Clermont has now learned, her real-life bad behavior has real-life consequences, and has now landed her in federal prison.”      
According to the allegations contained in the Complaint and Indictment to which CLERMONT pled guilty and other filings in the case:
The New York City Police Department (“NYPD”) and the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York had been investigating the overdose death of a male individual (the “Victim”), who was found dead on the morning of February 1, 2017, in his apartment at 250 East 53rd Street in Manhattan, New York (the “Victim Apartment”).  During the course of that investigation, law enforcement learned that CLERMONT visited the Victim for a prostitution date at the Victim Apartment the previous evening (January 31, 2017), and stole the information for two debit cards in his wallet.  CLERMONT admitted that she stole the debit card information after the Victim passed out during the prostitution date.  CLERMONT then used the stolen debit card information to make or attempt to make more than $20,000 in fraudulent purchases during the months following the Victim’s death, including to pay her rent and phone bills, to purchase flights, and to make several online purchases of thousands of dollars of luxury clothing and other merchandise, including, among other items, Valentino shoes, a Phillip Plein jacket, Beats headphones, as well as a gift certificate at a beauty salon.
CLERMONT also created and used a fake email account in the Victim’s name to falsely represent to third parties that she was the Victim, in order to commit fraud using the Victim’s identity.  Specifically, on April 3, 2017, approximately two months after the Victim’s death, the fake email account was used to register an account with Western Union in the name of the Victim, which was used to initiate a fraudulent money transfer of $1,000 from the Victim to CLERMONT. 
In an interview by law enforcement after she was arrested, Clermont stated, in substance and in part, that she committed this crime at least in part due to the stress of keeping up her public image.
In addition to the prison sentence, CLERMONT, 25, of Los Angeles, California, was sentenced to three years of supervised release and ordered to forfeit $5,775.27 and pay $4,696.40 in restitution. 
Mr. Berman praised the outstanding investigative work of the NYPD.