Sunday, April 14, 2019

Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. Announces his Candidacy For Congress

In a letter given out at the Hispanic Clergy of New York meeting Saturday Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. announced his candidacy for the Congressional seat of Jose Serrano in 2020. The letter written in Spanish is below as hundreds of people gathered for the luncheon cheered loudly when Councilman Diaz Sr. announced that he would be running for Congress. 

Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. now becomes the second announced candidate for the 15th Congressional District after current Congressman Jose Serrano announced that he would not be seeking re-election due to advancing Parkinson's Disease. It is expected several other candidates will announce that they are also running. With the new June primary that has placed all federal and state primaries together any NY State elected official would have to give up their current seat to run for congress. That fact may influence some current elected NY State officials not to run for the soon to be open 15th congressional seat.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

A456 (Rosenthal L) requires the board of directors of residential cooperative corporations and not-for-profit corporations to provide tenants with changes to the by-laws in writing. This legislation renders the tenants with rights to be given notice of such changes.
A1148 (Gottfried) requires every general hospital to have a community advisory board. This legislation will allow for communities to establish their needs while also providing vital information and programs.
A3002 (Solages) requires each industrial development agency to live stream and post video recordings of all open meetings and public hearings. This legislation allows for constituents to view live streams and recordings at all times. Therefore, it increases transparency and allows for communication
with the whole community.

A3471 (Zebrowski) decreases the amount of alcohol in a person's system necessary to be considered to be intoxicated while hunting. This legislation makes it unlawful to be above the 0.8% BAC while hunting. It lowers the risk of any accidents while hunting and protects the people from harm due to intoxication.
A6188 (Lentol) protects the tenant with rights towards any kind of harassment and eliminates the need to prove a physical injury, therefore protecting victims of harassment.
A3077 (Gottfried) – simplifies the process by which physicians and other health care professionals are credentialed by health care plans and hospitals, as well as to standardize the referral forms that primary care physicians use to facilitate care for a patient by a specialist physician.
A2653A (Dinowitz) increases the applicability of the plain language law to consumer contracts involving amounts up to $250,000.
A4275 (DenDekker) authorizes a study that will review the rate of the fees and charges being assessed to residents of assisted living facilities. Residents of assisted living facilities should not have to worry about affording their stay in these facilities as a result of fees and charges.

Assemblywoman Fernandez stands in support of the NY Truth Act, that would require the release of NY income tax returns for statewide elected officials, including the President.

Assemblywoman Fernandez speaks in support of the SCAR Act, A1436A, which identifies where the children separated at our countries borders are, holding us accountable to bring families together.

Assemblywoman Fernandez allocated fund to our local libraries last year. The Allerton Branch used the funding for their new Kids Corner and Meet-the-Author program. Children attendance at the library has almost doubled since!

K216 (Joyner) memorializes April 2019 as Oral Cancer Awareness Month in the State of New York.
K221 (DeStefano) memorializes April 2019 as Bullying Prevention Month in the State of New York.
K230 (Lupardo) memorializes the week of April 7-13, 2019 as Crime Victims' Rights Week in the State of New York.
K234 (Barrett) memorializes proclaim March 29, 2019 as Vietnam Veterans' Day in the State of New York.
K235 (Rosenthal L) memorializes 8:30pm-9:30pm on Saturday, March 30, 2019, as Earth Hour in the State of New York.

Young Professionals Happy Hour
Friday, April 26th from 5-8pm at Lexa Bar and Grill (357 E.204th Street)
Join me and Senator Jamaal Bailey as we host a happy hour for Young Professionals. Come, meet, and network with like-minded people!

Prom Beyond Expo
Saturday, April 27th from 11am-4pm at North Central Hospital (3424 Kossuth Ave 17th floor)
We, alongside Lady Pamela Damon's Talitha Cumi Urban Etiquette & Leadership Academy and Senator Jamaal Bailey, are hosting a Prom Giveaway.

2018 Williamsbridge Road Bronx, NY 10461
(718) 409-0109



“President Trump has yet again proven that the only constant in his immigration policy is cruelty. He uses people like pawns. New York City will always be the ultimate city of immigrants – the President’s empty threats won’t change that.”


  We thank Vice-Presidential candidate Bill de Blasio for his statement, but say "Bill de Blasio - Where are you?"

NYC Council Member Andy King Applauds Governor’s Comprehensive Agenda to Combat K2

  “At a time when there is so much conversation on the tolerance of substance use, I applaud Governor Cuomo for his aggressive, multi-agency and multifaceted initiative tackling the scourge of synthetic marijuana, or K2, in our great state," said Council Member Andy King (D-Bronx), who introduced a bill in the New York City Council last week to increase fines to business owners and landlords of establishments where K2 has been sold. “We are sending a clear message state- and city-wide that our communities will not be engulfed by illegal drug use and those who have profited from the sales.  The goal is to ensure that our families live in a safe and drug-free environment.”

Friday, April 12, 2019

Bronx Man Convicted Of Defacing African Burial Ground National Monument With Threatening Racial Slur

  Geoffrey S. Berman, United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that IVAN NIEVES was convicted of vandalism for defacing a sign on the grounds of the African Burial Ground National Monument by writing a threatening racial slur on it.  The conviction follows a bench trial before U.S. Magistrate Judge Ona T. Wang.

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “The protections of the First Amendment do not extend to defacing federal property.  Ivan Nieves was rightly found guilty today for defacing the African Burial Ground National Monument with racial slurs.”
According to the evidence presented during the trial: 
On the morning of November 1, 2018, NIEVES wrote “Kill N----rs” in large bold letters across the face of a signpost entitled “A Place of Remembrance” in front of the African Burial Ground National Monument, which is located at the corner of Duane Street and Elk Street in Manhattan.  The monument commemorates the skeletal remains of approximately 15,000 African slaves who built the early City of New York.  Those remains were discovered in 1991 buried 30 feet beneath the streets of the city across more than six acres in lower Manhattan.
NIEVES, 57, of the Bronx, New York, was convicted of one count of vandalism, which carries a maximum penalty of six months in prison.  NIEVES was acquitted of one count of disorderly conduct.  The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.  NIEVES is scheduled to be sentenced before Judge Wang on July 17, 2019, at 11:00 a.m.
Mr. Berman praised the outstanding investigative work of the Federal Protective Service, the New York City Police Department Hate Crimes Task Force, and the United States Park Police.  Mr. Berman also thanked the National Park Service for its dedication and assistance.

NYPD Raises Awareness about the Dangers of Left Turns in New Video

Left turns caused at least 70 preventable pedestrian collision deaths since 2016

  The NYPD launched a new public awareness video today warning of the specific dangers posed by vehicles making left turns at crosswalks and intersections. Left turns cause disproportionate levels of preventable injuries and deaths every year, because they pose unique traffic safety threats.

"While we have made progress in our quest for Vision Zero through education, enforcement, and engineering, any injury or fatality is unacceptable, and preventable," said NYPD Chief of Transportation Thomas Chan. "When a loved one doesn't come home as a result of being struck by a vehicle it is no less tragic than losing that same loved one to any other form of violence."
The video includes remarks from NYPD Chief of Transportation Thomas Chan, and also features testimonials from New York City parents who lost children to tragic traffic collisions. Amy Tam-Liao and His-Pei Liao lost their young daughter Allison when she was struck by a left-turning vehicle while crossing a street with her grandmother. Dana Lerner lost her son Cooper Stock, 9 when he was struck by a left-turning vehicle. The families now advocate to eliminate roadway deaths as part of Families for Safe Streets.
Since 2016, 70 pedestrians were taken from their family as a result of left turning vehicles. In 2018 alone, 21 people lost their lives to dangerous left turns, out of 116 pedestrian deaths. In 2018, approximately 33% of pedestrian injury collisions were a left-turning vehicle.
Left turns are more dangerous than right turns for three main reasons:
  1. Left turns can be taken at a wider radius, which leads to higher speeds and greater pedestrian exposure
  2. The driver's visibility is partially obscured by parked cars and the vehicle's A-pillar
  3. Left turns are more complicated than right turns, and require more mental and physical effort ("driver workload") than right turns
The video is the most recent extension of the successful Vision Zero program, New York City's action plan to end traffic deaths and injuries. As part of Vision Zero, NYPD has enhanced enforcement of dangerous driving, such as Improper Turns and Failure to Yield to Pedestrians. Since the plan's inception in 2014, traffic fatalities have hit historic lows. 2018 saw the lowest amount of lives lost to collisions since 1910. 2018 also saw a decrease in overall fatalities since 2017, and vision zero summons have been up every year since 2014.
YearCollision Fatalities
Vision Zero Begins

At part of the Vision Zero program, NYPD increased enforcement of several fractions that lead to collisions. They include speeding, failure to yield to pedestrians, improper turns, cell phone usage, texting, and disobeying signs.

YearVision Zero Summonses
Vision Zero Begins

The NYPD launched a new public awareness video today warning of the specific dangers posed by vehicles making left turns at crosswalks and intersections. Left turns cause disproportionate levels of preventable injuries and deaths every year, because they pose unique traffic safety threats.
"While we have made progress in our quest for Vision Zero through education, enforcement, and engineering, any injury or fatality is unacceptable, and preventable," said NYPD Chief of Transportation Thomas Chan. "When a loved one doesn't come home as a result of being struck by a vehicle it is no less tragic than losing that same loved one to any other form of violence."
The video includes remarks from NYPD Chief of Transportation Thomas Chan, and also features testimonials from New York City parents who lost children to tragic traffic collisions. Amy Tam-Liao and His-Pei Liao lost their young daughter Allison when she was struck by a left-turning vehicle while crossing a street with her grandmother. Dana Lerner lost her son Cooper Stock, 9 when he was struck by a left-turning vehicle. The families now advocate to eliminate roadway deaths as part of Families for Safe Streets.
Since 2016, 70 pedestrians were taken from their family as a result of left turning vehicles. In 2018 alone, 21 people lost their lives to dangerous left turns, out of 116 pedestrian deaths. In 2018, approximately 33% of pedestrian injury collisions were a left-turning vehicle.
Left turns are more dangerous than right turns for three main reasons:
  1. Left turns can be taken at a wider radius, which leads to higher speeds and greater pedestrian exposure
  2. The driver's visibility is partially obscured by parked cars and the vehicle's A-pillar
  3. Left turns are more complicated than right turns, and require more mental and physical effort ("driver workload") than right turns
The video is the most recent extension of the successful Vision Zero program, New York City's action plan to end traffic deaths and injuries. As part of Vision Zero, NYPD has enhanced enforcement of dangerous driving, such as Improper Turns and Failure to Yield to Pedestrians. Since the plan's inception in 2014, traffic fatalities have hit historic lows. 2018 saw the lowest amount of lives lost to collisions since 1910. 2018 also saw a decrease in overall fatalities since 2017, and vision zero summons have been up every year since 2014.
YearCollision Fatalities
Vision Zero Begins

At part of the Vision Zero program, NYPD increased enforcement of several fractions that lead to collisions. They include speeding, failure to yield to pedestrians, improper turns, cell phone usage, texting, and disobeying signs.

YearVision Zero Summonses
Vision Zero Begins

The link  to the video

Former New York City Human Resources Administration Employee And Two Others Plead Guilty To Scheme Involving Theft Of Hundreds Of Thousands In HRA Funds

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that ELIANA BAUTA pled guilty in Manhattan federal court to her involvement in a scheme to steal over $300,000 in funds from the New York City Human Resources Administration (“HRA”).  BAUTA perpetrated the offenses in her capacity as an HRA employee.  BAUTA pled guilty today before U.S. District Judge Valerie E. Caproni to federal program theft.  BAUTA also pled guilty on March 25, 2019 before Judge Caproni to conspiring to commit wire fraud.  Co-defendant GERALDINE PEREZ pled guilty before Judge Caproni on February 5, 2019, to her role in the HRA scheme and also to a separate fraudulent scheme involving more than $90,000 of stolen or fraudulently issued U.S. Treasury checks.  Co-defendant ERIC GONZALES pled guilty before Judge Caproni on February 5, 2019, to misdemeanor bank theft.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “HRA employees like Eliana Bauta are trusted to use their positions to help people in need.  Instead, as she has now admitted, Bauta egregiously abused that trust, working with her co-conspirators to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars intended for New York’s needy.  As the guilty pleas in this case indicate, we remain vigilant in seeking out and prosecuting abuses of trust by City employees and remain committed to ensuring that federal and local funds go to their intended recipients.”
According to the Complaint, the Indictment, and statements made in the plea proceedings today and on February 5 and March 25, 2019:                 
HRA is an agency of the City of New York responsible for administering the majority of the City’s public assistance programs.  Among other things, HRA provides temporary, emergency cash assistance to individuals and families with social service and economic needs to assist them in reaching self-sufficiency.  The emergency assistance is funded by the federal government as well as by New York State and the City.
Since 2015, the City Department of Investigation-Office of Inspector General (“DOI-OIG”) has been investigating two related schemes in which an HRA employee – BAUTA – defrauded HRA and the City by using her position to commit public assistance fraud.  BAUTA worked as a Job Opportunity Specialist for HRA from approximately January 2008 to on or about May 23, 2018.  As a Job Opportunity Specialist, BAUTA was at various points responsible for interviewing benefits applicants, compiling and submitting applicants’ paperwork, and disbursing applicants’ benefits.
In the first of the two schemes, BAUTA is alleged to have caused the fraudulent issuance of emergency benefits funds to relatives and acquaintances, including GERALDINE PEREZ and ERIC GONZALES, among others, who in truth and in fact did not qualify for those funds.  For example, BAUTA altered a police report submitted by an actual HRA client by changing the name of the victim to a family member’s name, and then entered the doctored report into HRA systems in support of a request for benefits to be issued to that family member.  On another occasion, BAUTA submitted a request for emergency benefits to be issued to an individual after an alleged disaster, but no such disaster had occurred.  Both PEREZ and GONZALEZ were knowing recipients of such fraudulently issued funds and shared the proceeds with BAUTA.
In the second scheme, BAUTA is alleged to have obtained access to and misappropriated emergency benefits checks issued to actual HRA clients.  Instead of providing the checks to the legitimate clients in need of emergency funding, BAUTA gave them to PEREZ and GONZALES, among other of BAUTA’s relatives and associates, who deposited the checks in their own bank accounts and withdrew the funds, and then shared the proceeds with BAUTA.  In total, the two schemes resulted in losses to HRA of at least $309,000 in public funds.
In addition to obtaining stolen HRA checks into her bank account and the bank accounts of family members, PEREZ also deposited or caused to be deposited into these same accounts improperly obtained United States Treasury checks that were issued to other individuals as tax refunds.  In total, 23 such checks worth more than $91,000 were deposited into bank accounts of PEREZ and her family members and associates.  PEREZ then split the proceeds with a tax preparer who assisted in the scheme.
BAUTA, 35, of the Bronx, New York, pled guilty to one count of federal program theft, which carries a maximum potential sentence of 10 years in prison; and one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, which carries a maximum potential sentence of 20 years in prison. 
PEREZ, 60, of the Bronx, New York, pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit federal program theft, which carries a maximum potential sentence of five years in prison; and one count of receiving stolen government money or property, which carries a maximum potential sentence of 10 years in prison. 
GONZALES, 26, of the Bronx New York, pled guilty to one count of misdemeanor bank theft, which carries a maximum potential sentence of one year in prison. 
The statutory maximum sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencings of the defendants would be determined by the judge.  BAUTA is scheduled to be sentenced before Judge Caproni on July 17, 2019.  PEREZ is scheduled to be sentenced before Judge Caproni on May 16, 2019.  GONZALES is scheduled to be sentenced before Judge Caproni on June 20, 2019.
Mr. Berman praised the investigative work of DOI and the Internal Revenue Service.  

Vincent Esposito Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Racketeering Conspiracy

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), Michael C. Mikulka, Special Agent-in-Charge, New York Region, U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Inspector General (“DOL-OIG”), and James P. O’Neill, Police Commissioner of the City of New York (“NYPD”), announced that VINCENT ESPOSITO pled guilty today to conspiring to commit racketeering offenses with members and associates of the Genovese Crime Family of La Cosa Nostra.  ESPOSITO pled guilty before U.S. Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn.  

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “As he admitted today, for more than a decade Vincent Esposito made millions with members of the Genovese Crime Family by extorting payments, demanding kickbacks, committing fraud, and instilling fear.  Thanks to an extensive investigation by our law enforcement partners, Esposito has been unmasked as a criminal and put out of business.”
FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “The shakedown of union officials, racketeering and extortion may sound like throwback behavior of mobsters who operated decades ago.   However, the bread and butter of the mafia is to make money, so the illegal enterprises they’ve always engaged in are being used even in the modern era.  The FBI New York Organized Crime Task Force will investigate whatever illicit activity the mob chooses to pursue, in order to stop their criminal behavior.”
DOL-OIG Special Agent in Charge Michael C. Mikulka said:  “Vincent Esposito engaged in a scheme to extort annual cash payments from a union official by threatening violence or the loss of their position if they did not give in to his extortionate demands.  Esposito’s guilty plea affirms the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Inspector General’s commitment to protecting unions and their members from those who seek to exploit unions for their own personal gain.  We will continue to work with our local and federal law enforcement partners to ensure unions can operate in a fair and just environment and function within the confines of federal law.”
Police Commissioner James P. O’Neill said:  “The NYPD, its law enforcement partners and others in government are committed to eradicating organized crime in the City of New York.  Associates of La Cosa Nostra – or any other enterprise that seeks to enrich its members through racketeering and the threat of violence – should know that investigators will build strong cases against them and they will be prosecuted.  I want to thank the members of the NYPD, the FBI, the Southern District and the members of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Inspector General and Office of Labor-Management Standards for their work on this case.”    
According to the Indictment and statements made during public court proceedings:
La Cosa Nostra, also known as the “Mob” or the “Mafia,” operates through entities known as “Families.”  One of the Families operating in the New York City area is the Genovese Crime Family.  For years, continuing until 2017, ESPOSITO conspired with other members and associates of the Genovese Crime Family to commit a wide range of crimes to enrich themselves, including multiple acts of extortion, honest services fraud, and bribery.  Among other things, ESPOSITO directed the long-running extortion of a union official (“Official-1”) for annual tribute payments of more than over $10,000, and had a number of lower-ranking members of the enterprise collect money and convey threats to Official-1 on Esposito’s behalf.  In another extortion scheme, ESPOSITO’s co-conspirators extorted a different union official (“Official-2”) and a financial adviser (the “Adviser”) for a cut of commissions made from union investments.
At the time of ESPOSITO’s arrest, the FBI executed a search warrant on his home and seized more than $3.8 million in U.S. currency hidden throughout the residence, along with an unregistered handgun, ammunition, brass knuckles, and lists of made members of the Genovese Crime Family.  As part of today’s guilty plea, ESPOSITO agreed to forfeit the more than $3.8 million seized by the FBI as criminal proceeds resulting from the offense. 
Mr. Berman also announced that two other co-defendants, FRANK COGNETTA and VINCENT D’ACUNTO, both former union officials, previously pled guilty to conspiracy to commit racketeering.  As part of the conspiracy, D’ACUNTO participated in the extortion of Official-1.  Also as part of the conspiracy, COGNETTA engaged in various schemes to defraud his union of his honest services by, among other things, soliciting and accepting bribes and steering union benefit plans into investments in exchange for kickbacks, which resulted in more than $1 million in unlawful payments.  Charges remain pending against two of ESPOSITO’s co-defendants, Steven Arena and Frank Giovinco, with trial scheduled for June 17, 2019, before U.S. District Court Judge Victor Marrero.  The charges in the Indictment are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
ESPOSITO, 51, pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit racketeering, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.  The statutory maximum sentence is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.  ESPOSITO’s sentencing is scheduled for July 10, 2019, before Judge Marrero.
Mr. Berman praised the outstanding investigative work of the FBI, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Inspector General and Office of Labor-Management Standards, the NYPD, and the Special Agents of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.