Sunday, July 28, 2019

President Of Labor Union Arrested For Demanding And Accepting Bribes

Defendant Glenn Blicht Demanded, and Accepted, At Least $150,000 in Bribes from an Employer in Exchange for Not Vigorously Representing Union Members’ Interests

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Michael C. Mikulka, Special Agent-in-Charge, New York Region, U.S. Department of Labor Office of Inspector General (“DOL-OIG”), Darren Cohen, New York Regional Director, U.S. Department of Labor Employee Benefits Security Administration (“DOL-EBSA”), and William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced that GLENN BLICHT, who currently serves as the president of a labor union (the “Union”), was arrested today for honest services fraud and a violation of the Taft-Hartley Act for demanding and accepting at least $150,000 in bribe payments from an employer (the “Employer”).  BLICHT will be presented today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Stewart D. Aaron. 

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “As alleged, Glenn Blicht abused his position as the president of a labor union to line his own pockets.  He allegedly demanded and received bribes and, in return, he did not fight for his union members – the hard-working individuals whose interests he was duty-bound to protect.  Together with our law enforcement partners, this Office is committed to rooting out corruption in union leadership.”
DOL-OIG New York Region Special Agent-in-Charge Michael C. Mikulka said:  “Labor racketeering investigations that involve bribing union officials are an important part of the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Inspector General’s mission.  We will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to vigorously investigate all types of labor racketeering allegations.”
FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “Criminals are asked to do things all the time for money, but sometimes they’re asked not to do things for money.  Glenn Blicht was supposed to be representing the best interests of hundreds of people who had faith in the fact that he was helping them, but he allegedly decided to help himself to bribes the other side was offering him.  It’s often hard to see what’s actually going on just under the surface, but as the FBI, we have the ability to dig into criminal behavior and expose fraudsters for what they truly are.”    
According to the allegations contained in the Complaint against GLENN BLICHT[1]:
From 2009 through the present, BLICHT served as an officer of the Union, including as its president for many years.  In that role, BLICHT had a duty to act in the best interests of the Union and its members, including by avoiding personal financial conflicts of interest with the Union.  Nevertheless, BLICHT demanded and received cash payments from the Employer, which employed a number of members of the Union.  In exchange for these bribes, BLICHT declined to file arbitration claims on behalf of Union members.  In total, BLICHT received at least approximately $150,000 in bribes from the Employer over approximately 10 years. 
In communications, a number of which were recorded, BLICHT repeatedly referred to the bribe payments as “tickets,” in which each ticket equaled a $1,000 bribe.  BLICHT instructed an official of the Employer (the “Official”) as to the number of “tickets” to pay BLICHT each time.  Indeed, during the past year, the Official met with BLICHT several times and paid him bribes on approximately three occasions, at the direction of law enforcement.  Each of these meetings was recorded.
BLICHT, 57, of Wilton, Connecticut, is charged with one count of honest services fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, and one count of demanding or receiving prohibited payments as a labor union official, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.  The statutory maximum sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.
Mr. Berman praised the Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Investigation Division, DOL-OIG, IRS-CI, FBI, and DOL-EBSA for their outstanding work on the investigation.  He added that the investigation is continuing.  
The charges contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint and the description of the Complaint set forth below constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Friends of Pelham Parkway Do Plantings on the Parkway

  Even with construction of the Pelham Parkway roadway almost all around them, The Friends of Pelham Parkway led by Ms. Roxanne Delgado added a little beauty to the area by planting new flowers. About twenty-five people and one very large puppy gathered to do the plantings which added to the landscape of Pelham Parkway.

Above - Flowers were lined up as to where they were to be planted.
Below - The Volunteers hit the dirt.

Above - Volunteers get to work planting in the garden.
Below - This beautiful plant is the centerpiece of the garden.

Above - As the plantings wind down, you can see how much better this area of Pelham Parkway looks.
Below - Those who stayed until the end are pictured here, along with Kaizer and her nine month old puppy Nola. A job well done by all.



  It was the usual standing room only crowd for Friday Night's Abrazo Dominicano hosted by City Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr., Councilman Rafael Salamanca, 79th Assembly District candidate George Alvarez, and Hector Diaz President Alltown Car Service.  The honorees were Lic. Pedro Joaquin Aguiar, Anthony Perez, Damian Rodriguez, and Dr. Fernando Taveras.

Above - (L -R) Hector Diaz, Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr,. George Alvarez, Councilman Rafael Salamanca
Below - Ms. Evelyn Pichardo sings the national anthem.

Above - Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. honors Lic. Pedro Joaquin Aguiar. Each Honoree received Proclamations from both city council members, citations from an assembly member and a Leadership Medal from 87th Assembly District Leader John Perez.
Below - Councilman Rafael Salamanca honors Mr. Anthony Perez. 

Above - Activist George Alvarez honors Mr. Damian Rodriguez.
Below - Businessman Hector Diaz honors Dr. Fernando Taveras.

Above - Entertainment included a dancer coming out in in an illuminated outfit.
Below - When the lights went out, the dress came off to reveal an egyptian dancer with two other dancers.

Above - 79th A.D. Assembly candidate George Alvarez was in a great mood as there was a possible challenger in the 79th A.D. race in the room trying to gain recognition from Alvarez's event.
Below - Mr. Dion Powell stands with 79th A.D. candidate George Alvarez who is holding candidate Alvarez's palm card for next years 79th Assembly race. 

Attorney General James Secures More Than $215,000 For Consumers After Car Dealerships Illegally Overcharged For Bogus Anti-Theft Product

Victory Mitsubishi of Larchmont and Victory Suzuki of The Bronx Pay More Than $305,000 in Penalties and Restitution to Consumers for Engaging in Deceptive Business Practices

  Attorney General Letitia James announced that restitution payments were mailed to over 400 consumers who were sold a bogus anti-theft window etch product for their automobile without their knowledge or consent. Consumers were charged as much as $4,000 extra for these fraudulent anti-theft products. The award is the result of a Stipulation of Settlement and Order of Damages, stemming from a lawsuit won by the Attorney General’s Office against Victory Motors, LLC (d/b/a/ Victory Mitsubishi of Larchmont) and Victory Auto Group, LLC (d/b/a Victory Suzuki of The Bronx) for engaging in persistent fraudulent, deceptive, and illegal business practices in the sale of a passive security system.

“We are returning money to New Yorkers that was stolen from them,” said Attorney General Letitia James. “These car dealerships ripped off consumers by charging for unwanted, secretive, last-minute add-ons. My office will continue to protect New York’s consumers and ensure that all car dealerships throughout the state comply with the law.” 
The Attorney General’s Office filed a lawsuit in December 2017, alleging that Victory Motors, LLC, which closed in 2018, and Victory Auto Group, LLC, charged many consumers for an unwanted and fraudulent anti-theft product that cost up to $4,000 per vehicle. Known as an “after-sale” product, this item was often added onto the final cost of the vehicle without the consumer’s knowledge or consent – after the consumer had agreed upon the purchase price of a vehicle but before the sale transaction was finalized. The court, finding the above-named dealerships liable of engaging in deceptive business practices and repeated and persistent fraud, permanently enjoined Victory Motors, LLC, and Victory Auto Group, LLC, from engaging in persistent fraudulent, deceptive, and illegal business practices in the sale of a passive security system. The court ordered a Stipulation of Settlement directing the dealerships to pay a total of $305,850 in damages, which includes restitution to the victims of the fraud. Consumers were charged amounts ranging from $129 to $3,998 for the bogus anti-theft product. In many instances, the two Victory dealerships added this fee onto the final sales price without the knowledge or consent of the consumers. As a result, the final price paid by the consumers was inflated by the amount charged for the after-sale product.
The two Victory dealerships also failed to clearly disclose the nature of the after-sale product to their customers. The “Vehicle Replacement Discount Allowance,” also known as the “Etch Guarantee,” is supposed to include a permanent etch or engraving of the vehicle’s VIN on the windows of the vehicle – supposedly to deter theft. However, in many instances, the Victory dealerships did not actually etch the VIN onto the windows of the vehicles.
Since 2015, the Attorney General's Office has obtained approximately $19 million in restitution and penalties from auto dealers; nearly 29,000 consumers have been eligible for restitution under these settlements. This case is part of the Attorney General’s wider initiative to end the auto dealer practice of “jamming,” or unlawfully charging consumers for products and services without their knowledge or consent. 
The case was handled by Assistant Attorney General Sandra Giorno-Tocco, with the assistance of Investigators Peter Schottenfeld, Michael Christian, and Ralph Dorismond, and Senior Consumer Frauds Representative John Katzenstein, under the supervision of Gary Brown, Assistant Attorney General-in-Charge of the Westchester Regional Office and Jill Faber, Deputy Attorney General for Regional Affairs.

Attorney General James Takes Action Against Chelsea Kennel Club For Selling Sick And Injured Puppies To New Yorkers

Pet Store Lied to Consumers About Dogs’ Conditions; Withheld Pet Medical Files 
  Attorney General Letitia James announced a lawsuit against the pet store Chelsea Kennel Club, its manager Yardena Derraugh (a/k/a Yardena Rich, Dana Rich) and William Derraugh, the president of Future Enterprises NYC, Inc. for allegedly selling sick, injured, and abused animals to consumers; withholding pertinent medical information about the puppies; and illegally selling animals obtained through unauthorized breeders. They are also accused of false advertising, engaging in veterinary practice without a license, failing to abide by New York City’s Pet Lemon Law, and treating animals inhumanely.
“It is not only shameful, but illegal to sell sick and injured pets, let alone abuse these animals,” said Attorney General Letitia James. “My office will continue to investigate and prosecute businesses and individuals that mistreat animals and swindle New Yorkers.”
Attorney General James’ office collaborated with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) in conducting the investigation. An HSUS staff member secured employment at Chelsea Kennel Club and, as part of an undercover investigation, obtained evidence of unacceptable conditions and routine withholding of medical information concerning the sick animals, details that supported the Attorney General’s allegations.
“When we filed a complaint with the New York Attorney General’s office based on our undercover investigation of Chelsea Kennel Club, we were confident that it would be taken seriously,” said Kitty Block, president and CEO, HSUS. “No puppy should be forced to endure the type of treatment we documented at Chelsea Kennel Club. We appreciate the effort of the Attorney General’s office in securing justice for these animals and New York consumers.”
The Attorney General’s lawsuit seeks a court order forbidding Future Enterprises NYC, Inc., Chelsea Kennel Club, Yardena Derraugh and William Derraugh from engaging in fraudulent and deceptive conducts, restitution for consumers, and over $70,000 in fines and penalties.
On its website, Chelsea Kennel Club described its business as a “progressive, caring, and ethical pet store.” Meanwhile, their actions were deceptive, illegal, and inhumane.  A veterinarian usually examined the puppies after they arrived at Chelsea Kennel Club. However, the store withheld veterinarians’ preliminary examination reports that in some cases documented serious health issues with the animals. As a result, consumers were either unaware of illnesses, or were misled regarding the health condition of their pets. Many never discovered their animal’s medical issues until after they took their pets home. In one instance, a consumer had his puppy just six days before it died in an animal hospital. 
When consumers demanded their money back, Chelsea Kennel Club denied their requests—violating the terms of the Chelsea Kennel Club Consumer Protection Plan, as well as New York’s Pet Lemon Law, which ensures the good health of cats and dogs sold in the state. Under this law, pet dealers must issue a refund, reimburse veterinary expenses, or replace the animal. To qualify for a refund or a replacement animal, a consumer must obtain a veterinary certification showing that the animal was unfit for sale within fourteen business days of the purchase. Yet, in many of these cases, Chelsea Kennel Club simply refused to comply with this law.
The pet store proprietors’ fraudulent and illegal conduct resulted in consumers unknowingly purchasing sick puppies that required subsequent veterinarian treatment or hospitalization at significant cost. Staff members also provided prescription drugs to puppies without consulting with a veterinarian. Yardena Derraugh regularly instructed her employees to administer unhealthy doses of prescription medications to puppies at the store. In some cases, the medicines used were expired, making the animals even sicker.  
Chelsea Kennel Club staff also treated the puppies in inhumane manners, putting dogs that barked in a submissive position until they began to whimper or whipping them when they refused to keep quiet.  
According to some evidence, some of the puppies came from Class B dealers, violating Section 17-702(b) of the New York City Administrative Code. This prohibits pet stores from selling, offering for sale, or even displaying dogs purchased from Class B dealers.   

Attorney General James Announces Equifax Breach Website Now Accepting Consumer Claims

Attorney General James Announces Equifax Breach Website
Now Accepting Consumer Claims

Consumers Can Check if Personal Information Was Breached,
Sign Up for Credit Monitoring and Restoration,
and Apply for Restitution Directly on Site 

Third Party Administrator — Not Equifax — is Operating Website
  Attorney General Letitia James announced that consumers can now visit a new website — — and input limited information to see if their personal information was compromised in Equifax’s massive breach of 2017 that ultimately affected more than 147 million consumers. The site not only has information about the breach and the settlement reached, but also allows consumers to check if they were victims of the breach, file claims for financial restitution, set up credit monitoring and restoration services, and check on the status of all these services.
“For two years, nearly half the U.S. population has wondered if their personal information was compromised because of Equifax’s irresponsible and negligent behavior,” said Attorney General James. “Today, we can finally provide every American with clarity and undoubtedly tell them whether their information was stolen or not. I urge all to visit and check to see if their data was illegally breached, and if so, file a claim for restitution. Consumers will need to deal with the fallout of this breach for years to come, and this website is just the first step in helping provide consumers with the tools to recover.”
On July 22, Attorney General James announced a multistate settlement with Equifax following their 2017 breach that compromised Social Security numbers, names, dates of birth, addresses, credit card numbers, and, in some cases, driver’s license numbers of nearly half the U.S. population. While the company created a website, in 2017, for Americans to check and see if their personal information was breached, that website was riddled with vague and inaccurate information that only provided consumers with more uncertainty and no clear answer as to whether they were impacted by the breach or not.
Now that the settlement has been provisionally approved by the court, has been updated so that consumers can easily input their last name and the last six digits of their Social Security Number to find out if their information was breached. A third party administrator — not Equifax — is overseeing this new website.
If consumers find out they were victims of the breach, restitution can be provided in a multitude of ways.
Consumer Restitution Fund
A single Consumer Restitution Fund of up to $425 million — $300 million of which will initially be dedicated to compensation, with an additional $125 million available if initial funds are depleted — will be provided to victims.
Consumers can claim up to $20,000 to compensate for money lost due to identity theft or fraud. Consumers who are eligible for redress will be required to submit claims showing they have been a victim of fraud or have taken proactive steps to set up credit monitoring services by submitting documents online or by mail. 
Consumers, however, do not have to prove direct causality from the breach to identity theft. As long as an individual was a victim of the breach and a victim of identity theft in the two years since the breach, they can apply for restitution. Consumers can also be compensated for the time spent dealing with identity theft — at the rate of $25 per hour, for up to 20 hours.
In addition to filing claims online, consumers can also call 1-833-759-2982 to request a paper application be sent to them by postal mail.
Credit Monitoring and Restoration
Equifax has agreed to offer consumers, who had their data exposed, with free credit-monitoring services for up to 10 years. Consumers that take part in the service will have up to $1 million of identity theft insurance available — at no deductible — to cover identity recovery expenses and legal costs. The first four years of credit-monitoring service will include monitoring by all three of the big three credit reporting agencies, while years five through 10 will be made available through Equifax.
Additionally, Equifax has agreed to take several steps to assist consumers who are either facing identity theft issues or who have already had their identities stolen. These steps include making it easier for consumers to freeze and thaw their credit, and dispute inaccurate information in credit reports, as well as maintain sufficient staff to assist consumers who may be victims of identity theft.
Additional Pieces of the Settlement
Under the settlement, Equifax has also agreed to pay $175 million in fines to the Attorneys General of 48 states, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; $100 million in fines to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB); and $10 million in fines to New York State’s Department of Financial Services.
Equifax has also had to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to strengthen its security practices as part of the settlement, and will continue to do so going forward. The company has agreed to regular third-party assessments to evaluate whether it’s administrative, technical, and physical safeguards meet the requirements provided in the agreement. 
More information on the settlement can be found in the initial settlement announcement made on July 22, 2019.


Defendant Also Punched the Conductor

 Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that a Brooklyn man has been indicted in assaults on Metropolitan Transportation Authority workers in two separate incidents in the Bronx. 

 District Attorney Clark said, “The defendant allegedly splashed two female MTA employees with urine, and punched one of them. These victims are a subway conductor and a bus operator who were performing their jobs transporting passengers.” 

 District Attorney Clark said the defendant, Brandon Jobson, 22, of Rockaway Parkway, Brooklyn, was arraigned today on second-degree Assault, Attempted Assault second degree, second-degree Aggravated Harassment, Attempted Aggravated Harassment second degree, thirddegree Assault, Attempted Assault third degree, two counts of second-degree Reckless Endangerment, two counts of second-degree Harassment and two counts of Disorderly Conduct before Bronx Supreme Court Justice George Villegas. Bail was set at $10,000 cash/$10,000 bond and the defendant is due back in court on October 3, 2019.

 According to the investigation, on April 12, 2019 at 10:30 AM, at East 138th Street and Brook Avenue station of the No. 6 train, an MTA Conductor operating a train observed the defendant on the platform from the conductor window. The defendant allegedly approached the conductor window and struck the victim with a closed fist once on her head and threw a liquid substance contained in a bottle at her person. The victim believes the liquid is urine based on the odor and color of substance. The defendant fled on foot.

 According to the investigation, on April 12, 2019, at 11:25 AM, an MTA Bus Operator was driving a bus on the BX1/BX2 line and upon turning the corner of East 138th Street and Grand Concourse, she observed defendant standing across the street holding what appeared to be a cup in his hand. The bus operator pulled up to the bus stop in front of 250 Grand Concourse to let passengers off and on the bus, and while stopped, she saw the defendant standing right outside her window throw a cup with a liquid substance which landed on her face, clothing and in her eyes. The victim believes the liquid is urine based on the odor and color of substance. The defendant fled on foot

 District Attorney Clark thanked NYPD Detective Francis Flynn of Bronx Transit Robbery Squad for his assistance in the investigation. 

 An indictment is an accusatory instrument and not proof of a defendant’s guilt.

News From District Attorney Darcel Clark

Bronx Man Indicted In Strangling Death Of Mother-In-Law

Victim Was Killed While Her Grandchildren Were In Her Apartment

  Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that a Bronx man has been indicted on Murder and Manslaughter charges in the strangulation of his mother-in-law. 

 District Attorney Clark said the defendant, Angel Montanez, 39, of 1269 Sheridan Avenue, was arraigned today on second-degree Murder, first-degree Manslaughter, first and seconddegree Strangulation, three counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child and second-degree Criminal Contempt before Bronx Supreme Court Justice Lester Adler. Remand was continued and the defendant is due back in court on October 16, 2019 

 District Attorney Clark said, “The defendant allegedly killed the grandmother of his children in her home while the children were in the apartment. He ignored the Order of Protection placed against him at the time, as well as the trauma that two of the young children would experience after witnessing parts of the incident.”

 According to the investigation, on July 3, 2019, the defendant allegedly went to the apartment of the victim, Lidia Herrera, 65, while having an Order of Protection issued against him regarding his 4-year-old daughter, 6-year-old son and 10-year-old son. Montanez started arguing with Herrera and punched her in the head. In the victim’s bedroom, the defendant allegedly strangled Herrera by wrapping an HDMI cord around her neck. Two of the children witnessed parts of the incident. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene.

 District Attorney Clark thanked NYPD Detective Justin Prieto of the 44th Precinct and NYPD Detective Sasha Brugal of the Bronx Homicide Squad for their assistance in the investigation. 

An indictment is an accusatory instrument and not proof of a defendant’s guilt.


Shooting Happened in Broad Daylight in Mott Haven

  Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that two Bronx men have been indicted for firing shots in a crowded area in broad daylight—an incident that left a seven-yearold boy injured.  
 District Attorney Clark said, “The defendants’ alleged actions left an innocent child wounded and endangered the lives of people who were outside in the busy Mott Haven area on that afternoon. The gunfire in our neighborhoods must stop.” 

 District Attorney Clark said one of the defendants, Keyshawn Williams, 21, of 600 East 137th Street, was arraigned today on Attempted Assault in the first degree, two counts of seconddegree Criminal Possession of a Weapon, two counts of second-degree Criminal Use of a Firearm, first-degree Reckless Endangerment, Criminal Possession of a Firearm, two counts of Attempted Assault in the second degree and two counts of fourth-degree Criminal Possession of a Weapon before Bronx Supreme Court Justice George Villegas.

 Manuel Colon, 31, of 637 East 138 Street, was arraigned on July 15, 2019 on first-degree Assault, two counts of second-degree Criminal Possession of a Weapon, two counts of seconddegree Criminal Use of a Firearm, first-degree Reckless Endangerment, two counts of seconddegree Assault, Criminal Possession of a Firearm and two counts of fourth-degree Criminal Possession of a Weapon before Bronx Supreme Court Justice George Villegas.

 Bail was set for $25,000 cash/$50,000 bond for both defendants. Colon is due back in court on October 8, 2019 and Williams is due back on October 24, 2019.

 According to the investigation, on the afternoon of June 5, 2019 in front of 600 East 137th Street, Colon allegedly fired multiple shots at Williams, whose 7-year-old cousin and the boy’s grandmother were walking nearby. One of the bullets fragmented and struck the boy. Williams then allegedly pursued Colon and the man he was with, and fired multiple rounds at them outside the Mill Brook Houses, endangering passersby. The child was taken to Lincoln Hospital where he was treated for injuries to his leg and hand.

  District Attorney Clark thanked NYPD Detective Fabio Checo of the 40th Precinct.

 An indictment is an accusatory instrument and not proof of a defendant’s guilt.