Thursday, August 1, 2019

Special Districts Proposal Update - For Bronx Community Board 8

The Department of City Planning filed a revised application on July 29, 2019 to retain zoning text changes affecting the Bronx special district, eliminate regulations only affecting Staten Island, and expand a proposed authorization for subdivisions to the entire Bronx special district.  The revised text and cover memo are posted on our website: (

The City Planning Commission public hearing will be on August 14th at 120 Broadway beginning at 10am.  ULURP calendar constraints limit flexibility in scheduling the hearing, but the Department of City Planning will be strongly urging the City Planning Commission to hold open the hearing in order to provide stakeholders time to review the revised application text and submit fully informed comments.   

There are several ways to provide comments to the City Planning Commission, through verbal testimony at the public hearing or through written testimony, which can be submitted through the “CPC Comments form” (

We want to ensure everyone from the public has an opportunity to speak or send comments regarding the proposal.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Juton Horstman

(718) 220-8518 I

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Attorney General James Launches Investigation Into

Impacted Charities are Encouraged to Contact the NY Attorney General’s Office  

  Attorney General Letitia James today announced an investigation into, an online fundraising platform that has failed to distribute hundreds of thousands of dollars to New York charities over the past several months.

“ is inexcusably depriving charities of their donors’ generosity,” said Attorney General Letitia James. “Leaving New York’s charitable organizations high and dry by denying them what they are owed is unacceptable. My office is launching this investigation because we remain committed to the protection of New York’s charitable sector, and those who contribute to it.” 
The investigation, being conducted by the Attorney General‘s Charities Bureau, is based on more than 100 complaints from individuals and organizations. The claims of unpaid contributions range from $200 to over $100,000.  
Charities that wish to submit a complaint can do so on the Attorney General's website, via an email to, or by calling the designated hotline at 1(800) 771-7755. 
The Charities Bureau has also issued a guidance for charities that have utilized the now defunct fundraising platform. Impacted charities are encouraged to:  
If the website is active, use their account to post a message on the page connected to their organization to alert potential donors that contributions should be made directly to the charity, and, to cancel any recurring contributions that have been set up on’s website;  

Post a notice on their websites indicating that contributions should be made directly to the charity and not via;  

Contact regular contributors to advise them that contributions should be made directly to the charity and not via and to cancel recurring contributions. 

First Day Detroit Presidential Debate Watch By Ben Franklin Club.

  The top two Democratic candidates for the Democratic Presidential nomination in round one at  the Detroit debate were Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Yes there were eight other candidates on the stage with them, but the bulk of the exposure were on these two front running candidates. The debate was hosted by CNN, and to the surprise of some answers to a few questions seemed to agree with the current presidents policies. 

The Presidential Debate Watch by the Ben Franklin Club was held at Blackstones Bar and Grill, where the food was delicious and the drinks tall and smooth. Tonight is part two of the Presidential Debate which will feature all three local representatives running for president. They are U. S. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) and Corey Booker (NJ), as well as NYC' beloved Mayor Bill de Blasio. The big names will be former Vice-President Joe Biden, California Senator Kamala Harris, and five other longshot candidates. 

The debate will begin at 8 PM and the Ben Franklin Club will be toasting the candidates for the second night at Blackstones Bar and Grill located at 3713 Riverdale Avenue between West 236th and West 238th Streets. Below are photos from night one.

Above - 81st A.D. District Leader (and announced candidate for city council in 2021) watches the debate closely trying to pick up what to do, and what not to do.
Below - Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and Chief of Staff to Congressman Eliot Engel Bill Weitz enjoy the debate with other members of the Ben Franklin Club.

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr - Bronx Summer Concert Series at Orchard Beach August 4th.


Asthma-Free Bronx aims to reduce asthma-related emergency room visits to three of the City’s public hospitals

  The de Blasio Administration announced today the launch of Asthma-Free Bronx, the City’s first program to address pediatric asthma in a comprehensive, coordinated manner between a child’s home, school and health providers. The programrun by the NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene, NYC Health + Hospitals, and the NYC Department of Education, will provide a suite of personalized services to every child seen in the emergency department or hospitalized at any of the City’s three Bronx public hospitals due to an asthma attack. The three hospitals currently serve more than 2,500 children for an asthma exacerbation yearly.

“Families in the Bronx should not worry about their kid’s next asthma attack,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “As a city, we are stepping up to ensure kids have access to a comprehensive program that provides them with the resources and education they need to control their chronic condition and live healthy lives.”
“Too many families in the Bronx live in fear of their child’s next asthma attack, which is emotionally taxing and compromises their overall physical health,” said First Lady Chirlane McCray. “This new program will connect families in our city to the treatment and holistic care their children need to manage their asthma and be healthy.”
“This new health initiative is the latest evidence of what can be accomplished when we successfully leverage the power of our local Health Department, health care delivery and public school systems to improve the health of New Yorkers.” said Dr. Herminia Palacio, Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services. “Through Asthma-Free Bronx, families will learn to manage their children’s asthma, avoiding unnecessary ED visits and hospitalizations; this will go a long way in closing the Bronx pediatric asthma racial disparity gap.”

Asthma-Free Bronx will help coordinate key services between the hospital and other agencies by stationing social workers in all three NYC Health + Hospitals’ Bronx acute care centers. These social workers will be responsible for identifying children who are seen in the ED for asthma exacerbation, and enrolling them into the Asthma-Free Bronx program. Social workers will also schedule a follow-up visit with a primary care provider within two weeks, notify the child’s school nurse, and refer them to the NYC Department of Education’s Open Airways Program, which educates children about the condition and empowers them to manage their asthma. The program will also facilitate the seamless sharing of information between providers to better serve families, and will provide home inspections to identify allergens and provide in-home asthma education to the family of all kids enrolled in Asthma-Free Bronx. Additionally, the program aims to increase the number of schools in the Bronx with DOE’s Open Airways curriculum.

The program will start at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln in September and will be fully implemented at all Bronx NYC Health + Hospitals by November. The City will invest $2 million in FY 20 for this program, and double the funding for future years.

Asthma-Free Bronx will improve asthma outcomes in the Bronx among children ages 5 to 17 by reducing asthma-related visits to the emergency room by 50 percent and asthma-related hospitalizations by 30 percent in the three public hospitals, both within five years. Black and Latino communities endure the highest burden of preventable emergency department visits and hospitalizations, so achieving a reduction in childhood asthma rates will make significant strides towards closing racial health disparities in the Bronx. Each year, approximately 20,000 children in New York City end up in the emergency department or are hospitalized due to asthma; about 40 percent of these children live in the Bronx. NYC Health + Hospitals’ three acute care facilities serve about one-third of all Bronx kids with asthma exacerbations.

Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot said, “As a pediatrician I have seen how dangerous, as well as how treatable, asthma can be. Asthma-Free NYC will enable us to reach children at home, in school and in their neighborhoods to lead healthier lives.”

“When we work together to meet the needs of the whole child, our children succeed, our schools succeed, and our City succeeds. I’m excited to be part of this innovative partnership to better serve our Bronx children and families, and I thank Mayor de Blasio, DOHMH, and NYC Health + Hospitals for their leadership and collaboration in this exciting, first-of-its-kind program,” said Schools Chancellor Richard A. Carranza.

“We are excited to be partnering with the Mayor and NYC DOHMH to help address pediatric asthma in the Bronx,” said Dr. Ted Long, Vice President for Ambulatory Care at NYC Health + Hospitals. “Chronic diseases, such as asthma, require comprehensive, coordinated care, and so working with schools, health providers and others in a child’s day-to-day life will ensure they’re able to better manage their asthma and stay out of the hospital.”

Other NYC Health + Hospitals facilities will have the opportunity to adapt the program to meet their pediatric patients’ needs as success of the program is demonstrated in the Bronx.

The City’s three public hospitals in the Bronx are:
·         NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi
·         NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln
·         NYC Health + Hospitals/North Central Bronx

at RINCÓN CRIOLLO (La Casita de Chema)
Saturday, August 3, 2019 ~ 2-6pm
The FREE live arts series that asks "WHAT MAKES OUR SOUTH BRONX BOOGIE?" continues its second season of STAGE GARDEN RUMBA!

We Stay/Nos Quedamos in partnership with Pregones/PRTT invite you experience our beautiful South Bronx green spaces and Casitas in the company of creative and fearless agents of change throughout the summer. Music, theater, dance, literature, and activism. All are welcome—family friendly! 
Extraordinary ARTISTS—actors, singers, dancers, writers; ACTIVISTS with the pulse of local, national, and international struggle and social justice; and other COMMUNITY MEMBERS, just like you, invited to join in co-learning/co-curating activities shining a spotlight on 40 years of original Puerto Rican/Latinx theater and music by Pregones! Get inspired and connected with live performances, community dialogue, and calls to action!
Performances by Pregones/PRTT Ensemble in scenes from GuacharaMazarte Dance CompanyMariachi Real de MĂ©xicoCaridad "La Bruja" de la LuzSimply RobAriel FranciscoRoyo MarshSandra GarcĂ­a RiveraDahlma Llanos FigueroaVamir DJ Music, and more!

Featured activists/advocates include Lisa Ortega, Frank Vergara, Enrique ColĂłn, and Ray Figueroa.
Rainbow Garden at 749 Brook Avenue (East 157th Streets), starting at 2PM—RAIN OR SHINE!
GARDEN LOCATION (click for map):
RincĂłn Criollo ~ La Casita de Chema

749 Brook Ave (East 157th Street), South Bronx.

Team AOC - Trump uses AOC’s image in Facebook Ads

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

t’s no secret that AOC and the rest of the Squad scare Trump. Our positive vision for the future clashes directly with his divide-and-conquer agenda — but now, he’s using his massive online advertising program to try and attack us:
Our policies aren’t radical. Majorities of both Democrats and Independents support the Green New Deal, raising the minimum wage, and making the rich pay their fair share. A majority of Americans disapprove of Trump’s immigiration policies, and resoundingly reject separating families at the border.
But Trump has to lie — it’s the only way he can protect his campaign, and prevent working-class Americans from uniting around an agenda that centers economic, social, racial, and environmental justice at its core.

Alexandria doesn’t do call-time — so as we’re building this movement, we’re counting on small donations from people just like you to keep everything going.
And we’ve accomplished so much in such a short period of time that now, the President of the United States is trying to take us down. And he’s failing, because the power of our progressive, unifying vision for the future will always defeat his politics of hatred.


Team AOC

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Governor Cuomo Signs Legislation Allowing Candidates to Use Campaign Funds for Child Care Expenses, Enabling More Women to Run for Public Office

Governor Cuomo: "By signing this measure into law, we will build on the historic progress we've made toward gender equality and empower more parents - and mothers in particular - to seek public office to ensure the decision makers in Albany reflect the people they are elected to represent."

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today signed legislation (S.2680A/A.1108B) to allow state and local candidates to use campaign funds to pay for child care expenses, enabling more parents to run for public office.

"Women face too many barriers when it comes to running for office and frankly child care expenses shouldn't be one of them," Governor Cuomo said. "By signing this measure into law, we will build on the historic progress we've made toward gender equality and empower more parents - and mothers in particular - to seek public office to ensure the decision makers in Albany reflect the people they are elected to represent."

"We are committed to continuing to break down barriers for women in New York," said Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, Co-Chair of the NYS Child Care Availability Task Force. "I know firsthand the challenges mothers, and all parents, face running for office and balancing responsibilities at home, work, and on the campaign trail. Despite more women being elected in the state and nationwide, women are still underrepresented at all levels of public office. This legislation will make it easier for women to run for office and advances our efforts to achieve full equality for all."

Specifically, the bill amends state election law to allow campaign funds to be used to pay child care expenses that are "incurred in the campaign or in the execution of the duties of public office or party position." The bill's provisions are effective in 60 days.

In New York, about 33 percent of the state's executive and legislative officials are women, compared with a national average of 29 percent of state executive and legislative officials, according to the Center for American Women and Politics.   
Governor Cuomo launched the Child Care Availability Task Force in 2018, which is tasked with examining solutions to ensure that families of all income levels have access to child care in New York without risking their employment or the quality of care. Additionally, the FY 2019 Enacted Budget provided more than $800 million dedicated to helping low-income families access child care.   

State Senator Shelley B. Mayer said, "Today is a historic day for parents, particularly mothers, across New York State. I am thrilled that my bill allowing state and local candidates to use campaign funds for child care expenses was signed into law. Child care expenses are a heavy burden for many families across the state, and these expenses should not prohibit qualified parents from seeking public office. This new law will allow more young parents to run for public office, and we need their experiences represented in government. Thank you to Governor Andrew Cuomo for his leadership, and thank you to former congressional candidate Liuba Grechen Shirley for spearheading this important issue nationally."

Assembly Member Linda B. Rosenthal said, "'Run, momma, run,' is the rallying cry for the cadre of women and mothers who are considering and running for elective office. This law will encourage more women to run, ensuring that legislators begin to look more like the communities they represent. By making child care an allowable campaign expense, we pay more than mere lip service to that reality, and begin dismantling some of the institutional barriers that women and mothers continue to face."


We left in the comments from the two female state legislators on how this will help mothers and women run for office who will look more like the communities they represent. 

We beg to differ, and fail to see one mention of single fathers raising children. We hope that this legislation as noted by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and two female state legislators while not mentioning it at all, does include single fathers raising children.