Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Comptroller Stringer to NYCHA: Fix Heating Failures and Boiler Inspection Problems Now Before Residents are Left in the Cold

Audit revealed the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) does not track how long it takes to resolve individual residents’ heat complaints or how many unresolved heat-related complaints are open at any one time
NYCHA failed to maintain a complete inventory of its boilers, adequate records that boiler inspections were conducted, and to ensure that deficiencies cited in inspections were corrected
Comptroller Stringer recommends NYCHA create a system that accurately tracks all heat-related complaints and ensures timely responses to required inspections and repairs
  New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer released a new audit of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), which found that the agency tasked with managing the largest public housing authority in the country does not have the ability to effectively track the status and resolution of heating complaints involving individual apartments. The Comptroller’s audit found that NYCHA lacked adequate procedures to verify the accuracy of repair information, and did not maintain adequate records of required boiler inspections.
“Heating during the cold winter months is not a luxury — it is a basic necessity.  NYCHA’s consistent lack of accountability in addressing heating complaints and maintaining boilers is unacceptable,” said New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer. “NYCHA developments are home to more than 400,000 New Yorkers who deserve habitable, safe living conditions and timely responses to their concerns.  Instead, our audit reveals NYCHA’s persistent failure to properly manage and resolve heating complaints and the agency’s sheer inability to track what’s broken and what’s not.   If there is a heating issue or broken boiler, then it must be recorded, addressed, and repaired promptly – period. The upcoming warmer months give NYCHA another opportunity to streamline and upgrade its current, ineffective process before temperatures drop. I urge NYCHA to use this time wisely and implement our recommendations now before thousands more residents are left in the cold again. Later is too late – there can be no more excuses for NYCHA’s incompetence.”
NYCHA’s internal procedures require the agency to provide heat to its residents between October 1st and May 31st when the temperature falls below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, and the agency’s own regulations require a 24-hour response time for all heat-related complaints. Comptroller Stringer’s audit found a persistent failure by NYCHA to address heating problems and track the status of much-needed repairs, undermining the agency’s ability to provide heat to its residents.
Comptroller Stringer’s audit of NYCHA’s heating and boiler issues revealed the following findings:
  • NYCHA’s tools to oversee and track heating issues were both inefficient and ineffective, hindering the agency’s ability to manage and resolve heating complaints.
  • NYCHA lacks the ability to readily track the status and completion times of repairs needed to resolve residents’ heat complaints because its system tracks only the disposition of individual work orders and not the ultimate resolution of tenants’ heat related complaints that affect only their apartments.
  • NYCHA cannot identity the number of individual heating repair requests that have not been resolved or the length of time those requests have been open.
  • NYCHA’s records indicate that in the 2017-2018 heating season, 23 percent of heat-related work orders were not closed within the agency’s own target of 24 hours.
  • In addition, work orders are closed for many other reasons than that a repair was completed.
  • For example, NYCHA closed 14,257 work orders during the 2017-2018 heating season because its staff reported that the resident was not home or that maintenance staff could not gain access to the building or apartment.
  • NYCHA lacks adequate procedures to verify that its work orders were properly closed and that work reportedly done was in fact done and properly completed.
  • NYCHA solicits feedback from residents concerning their satisfaction with work performed in response to their complaints, but does not use it to review the quality of the work done under any particular work order, to improve training of heating staff, to allocate resources, or to better organize and perform its operations.
  • NYCHA does not maintain an accurate and complete inventory of all of its boilers, undermining the agency’s ability to properly ensure that boiler issues are identified and repaired.
  • NYCHA does not maintain adequate records of mandatory boiler inspections and as a result, it cannot assess the degree to which the agency’s boilers are being inspected to ensure that the boilers are up to standards and functioning properly.
  • NYCHA was not able to provide evidence that deficiencies identified during boiler maintenance inspections were addressed and so was unable to establish the extent to which the cited conditions were corrected and the amount of time it took to address those conditions.
Comptroller Stringer’s audit recommended NYCHA take the following steps to address the agency’s lack of adequate heating and boiler inspections:
  • NYCHA should create a system that effectively tracks all heating complaints and addresses those complaints in a timely manner.
  • NYCHA should take all necessary measures to determine and monitor on an ongoing basis the adequacy of its staffing levels and processes related to heating.
  • NYCHA should develop a process to independently verify that work orders were closed out properly and that work was completed as reported.
  • NYCHA should formally analyze the feedback that it receives from residents with regard to their satisfaction with the heating-related work performed and use that data to highlight specific areas that require action.
  • NYCHA should complete and update their lists of all boilers in their inventory to better track and monitor any problems with boilers to address them promptly.
  • NYCHA should ensure that it disseminates its inventory listing to those units within NYCHA that are involved in processes related to the boilers.
  • NYCHA should formally document tracking of all boilers that require inspections and the status of inspections to ensure all deficiencies are resolved within a legally mandated timeframe.
  • NYCHA should continue to develop a tracking system to identify work orders to ensure residents’ complaints are addressed and resolved in a timely manner.
In its response, NYCHA effectively rejected the recommendations that current practices need to be improved by only agreeing to three recommendations.
Comptroller Stringer’s audit of NYCHA’s oversight of heating complaints and boiler inspections follows a July 2019 audit of the agency’s roof repairs, which found that NYCHA wasted millions of dollars on roof repairs and failed to perform basic oversight and preventive maintenance of roofs, putting the health and safety of thousands of residents at risk. The audit revealed deficient conditions across 35 roofs including roof sag, pooling water, open seams, and damaged masonry across 88 percent of the roofs inspected, while the agency’s own rules all but ignored these problems — placing the health of residents in harm’s way.
To read Comptroller Stringer’s audit of NYCHA’s heating issues and boiler inspections, click here.
To read Comptroller Stringer’s audit of NYCHA’s roofs, click here.

Gay City News criticized Richie Torres, Michael Blake, and Melissa-Mark Viverito for not defending a Bronx Youth Gay

  You should know that Abel Cedeño was a 19-year Bronx Gay youth when he was sentenced to 14 years in prison for taking the life of another teen during a fight in a Bronx Public School.
It is important for you to know that on September 12, 2019, Mr. Paul Schindler Editor in Chief of “The Gay City News,” wrote an article under the title: “Justice Ignored in the Bronx” in which he gave me credit for my stand. He wrote “Among Bronx Public Officials, the only one who stepped forward prominently to support Cedeño’s right to be treated with mercy” https://www.gaycitynews.com/justice-ignored-in-the-bronx/
In the same article, Mr. Schindler criticized Councilmember Richie Torres, Assemblyman Michael Blake and Melissa Mark-Viverito for their silence when a 19-year old, Bronx gay youth needed their help.
You should also know that even though Mr. Paul Schindler in the past has criticized me, I do appreciate his professional, fairness, and impartial journalistic ethics this time by recognizing my effort on behalf of Abel Cedeño.
I am Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz, and this is what you should know. 

Senator Rivera on Police Activity In Our City

  "The horror of witnessing the murder of Gregory Floyd is a pain the Bronx knows too well. The perpetual injustice that black Americans experience at the hands of law enforcement has not been addressed for far too long. I feel your agony, indignation, and despair. My heart breaks thinking of the many families who have lost innocent loved ones. We see each others' pain in the streets of our city and across the country. The outpouring of rage and grief is a collective cry against this dehumanization and terror. The need for change is overdue.

As I see my neighborhood and district in distress, overtaken by law enforcement in riot gear, I stand firm for the change we deserve. We must hold officers accountable for brutality and violence. We need real investments in communities of color, not over policing and criminalization. Our fight for justice will not end tonight. As we rise up, we face a long road ahead. I humbly ask you to walk the path peacefully and help make our community safer. I demand that the NYPD demonstrate restraint and stop militarizing our streets and neighborhoods. The world is watching."

If you need to file a complaint regarding the NYPD, contact the Civilian Complaint Review Board: 
https://www1.nyc.gov/site/ccrb/complaints/file-online.pageor call 1-800-341-2272.

If you are arrested or in need of free legal services regarding an interaction with the NYPD, consult with the Bronx Defenders 24/7 Legal Emergency Hotline: 347-778-1266.

Partnerships for Parks - Webinar Rescheduled in Observance of Blackout Tuesday

We at Partnerships for Parks (PfP) are deeply pained by the tragedies of recent days, and stand in solidarity with the call for justice in response to the death of George Floyd and all victims of racism and violence in our country.  We know parks as places where people come together to make critical change happen, and affirm our commitment to working with our community partners across the city to create a more just and equitable place to live.

Due to our participation and support of the June 2nd Social Media Blackout, our webinar is RESCHEDULED FOR THURSDAY, JUNE 4TH from 12:30 - 1:30 PM. We hope you are still able to attend and please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.

The NYC Green Relief & Recovery Fund was formed in response to the COVID-19 crisis to support nonprofits and community groups working to keep parks, gardens, and open spaces across the city safe and green. Community groups are eligible for grants up to $1,500 and must apply by June 12. Don’t miss your last chance to attend this FREE webinar.

Thursday, June 4 
Zoom conference call 

Recorded video will be available at cityparksfoundation.org/nyc-green-fund for anyone unable to join. Registration for this session is required. You will receive the conference call link and information after you register. For more information visit cityparksfoundation.org/nyc-green-fund or email NYCGreenFund@cityparksfoundation.org.

March For Justice - June 2nd; 1:00 PM

  June 2nd, community residents, advocates, and elected leaders will join hundreds of New Yorkers as they march for justice, equality, and social and economical equity. We at Strategy for Black Lives seek to organize, educate, and engage communities to raise awareness of America's history in the mistreatment of marginalized populations. We believe in the mission of the NYC Organizing Communities for Accountability and Policy Reform (N.O. C.A.P.) movement. We recognize the diversity of our city and the many injustices that our communities face in the city of New York. It is time for "We, The People" to take a unified and empowered stance against oppression. Join us tomorrow as we March to end police brutality and this nations systematic and racist oppression of Black communties.  
Who: Strategy for Black Lives, New Yorkers, and Elected Officials 
Where: Foley Square 
When: Tuesday, June 2nd; 1:00 PM

Monday, June 1, 2020

False endorsement by Manhattan African Journal, Claims Bronx African Community supports Upper Manhattan Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez

  We asked the CO-PUBLISHER AND EDITOR – IN CHIEF of the African Journal Barnabé Bazona Bado about the African Community endorsement of Ydanis Rodriguez for Congress. How many candidates did you interview we asked? 
We were told that Ydanis Rodriguez called the African Journal for an endorsement, and no other of the twelve candidates were interviewed. The African Journal is located at 1 East 104th Street in the congressional district of Adriano Espaillat who is an ally of Ydanis Rodriguez. There are some who say it was Espaollat who put Rodriguez up to steal votes from Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. We called candidate Ydanis Rodriguez's Communication Director for a comment, and did not get a reply by the time the story was written. 

Read the story below where candidate Ydanis Rodriguez who was born in the Dominican Republic is quoted saying he will be the first African in congress.

The African Journal Online

African Community supports Ydanis Rodriguez as candidate for Congress Member

A  Council member who has been championing for several years for the minority groups is running now to be a Congress member as African community stands for him.  
Ydanis Rodriguez who represents the 10th Council District for 11 years, has had a zoom conference on May 31, 2020 with African leaders in the Bronx to talk about his program as candidate for a congress member, and ask for their support.  

“ I will be the first African in the Congress; You will be in my home; I will take this opportunity to connect not myself but to build bridges in the society we have been today,” said Mr. Ydanis if elected as Congress member.  Mr. Ydanis was born and raised in Dominican Republic and then moved to New York. 

He represents  the 10th Council District which includes the neighborhoods of Washington Heights, Inwood and Marble Hill. Read more about Mr. Ydanis here: https://council.nyc.gov/ydanis-rodriguez/  


  You should know that The New York Hispanic Clergy Organization chaired by Rev. Ruben Diaz, Sr. along with Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., Sgt. John Perez, Community Leader George Alvarez, Ms. Wanda Y. Negron and leaders from West Farm Area Ms. Barbara Brown, Ivonne Rodriguez, Migdalia Moure will be distributing (this Friday June 5th) free food and masks for the first 500 families of the West Farms Area.

Where: Vidalia Park
Address: 180th St. (Bet. Daly & Vyse Avenue)
Bronx, NY
Date: Friday June 5, 2020

Time: 11:00 am

Ocasio-Cortez Campaign Launches Week of Action

  Today, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign is kicking off a Week of Action, mobilizing hundreds of volunteers each day to tell NY-14 residents how they vote safely in the June 23rd primary election.  The week features virtual rallies with the Congresswoman and other speakers to pump-up and inform volunteers. A full calendar for the Week of Action is below.  Volunteers can sign up to participate here.  Reporters can watch the virtual rallies on Facebook Live

“Ocasio-Cortez 2020 has created a grassroots machine, mobilizing over 2,600 unique volunteers during the COVID-19 crisis to make over 250,000 community check-in calls, over 70,000 texts, distribute over 32,800 masks, and deliver over 3000 meals,” said Ocasio 2020 Press Secretary Ivet Contreras. “Now, with the primary just three weeks away, these volunteers will also be sharing with NY-14 voters how they can vote by absentee ballot -- and why it’s so important to get out the vote this year.” 

Polls will be open on June 23rd, but due to COVID-19, every New Yorker can also vote by absentee ballot. Voters should receive an application for an absentee ballot in the mail but they can also request one online at https://www.nycabsentee.com/.  All voters must request an absentee ballot by June 16. On the form, check "temporary illness or physical disability" as the reason you are requesting an absentee ballot. Once you’ve received your ballot, complete it, sign it and send it in immediately - the deadline is June 22, but voters are encouraged to send them in as early as possible. 

Calendar for Week of Action
MONDAY/TODAY at 5:30PM: Virtual Rally for the Green New Deal with Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez and Varshni Prakash, Co-founder and Executive Director of Sunrise Movement 

TUESDAY at 5:30PM: Virtually Rally for Housing as a Human Right with Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez and Cea Weaver, Campaigns Director of Housing Justice for All (New York City’s largest tenant coalition) 

WEDNESDAY at 5:30PM: Virtual Rally for Immigation with Honor with Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez and Javier Veldes, Co-Executive Director of Make the Road 

THURSDAY at 5:30PM: Virtual Rally for Medicare for All with Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez and special guest.

FRIDAY at 6PM: Virtual Rally for Police Accountability with Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez and special guest.