Monday, January 25, 2021

Attorney General James Investigating Fraudulent Sales of PS5 Gaming Consoles


Encourages New Yorkers Who Purchased PS5s from Prestigious Marketing Concepts to File Complaints With the AG’s Office 

 New York Attorney General Letitia James today announced that her office is looking into potentially fraudulent sales of Sony PlayStation 5 (PS5) gaming consoles after receiving complaints from consumers who paid for consoles but never received them. The complaints center around “Prestigious Marketing Concepts,” a company that claimed to have the in-demand consoles available for purchase, yet has failed to provide them to customers who paid full — and even above retail — prices upfront and have gone months without receiving them. Attorney General James encourages anyone who purchased a PS5 from Prestigious Marketing Concepts, but has not received it, to file a complaint with her office online or by calling 1-800-771-7755. 

341 Days and Counting - State Senator Gustavo Rivera endorses two mayoral candidates to replace Mayor Bill de Blasio


State Senator Gustavo Rivera endorses two mayoral candidates to replace Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers On State Vaccination Program, and State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic JANUARY 24, 2021

As all of Week 6 Allocation Arrives, as of 11AM today, New York's Health Care Distribution Sites Have Administered 88% of First Doses Received from Federal Government

Vaccine Dashboard Will Update Daily to Provide Updates on the State's Vaccine Program; Go to

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's vaccination program. The total week 6 federal allocation of vaccine delivery to providers will be complete today. Delivery of the week 7 allocation from the federal government does not begin until the middle of this week. As of 11am today, New York's health care distribution sites have received 1,304,050 first doses and administered 88 percent or 1,144,070 first dose vaccinations.

“As our week six allocation finishes arriving to providers today, New York has already administered 88 percent of its first doses, demonstrating once again that the problem we face is lack of supply from the federal government,” Governor Cuomo said. “We have the operational capacity to do over 100,000 doses a day — we just need the dosages. In the meantime, the state will continue working around the clock to get shots into arms quickly, and providers must continue administering to their assigned priority populations in order to ensure equity of distribution during this time of limited supply.”

New York's vast distribution network and large population of eligible individuals far exceed the vaccine supply coming from the federal government. While the federal government has increased eligibility for the vaccine to include 7 million New Yorkers, the federal supply of vaccines has actually decreased. Due to limited supply, New Yorkers are encouraged to remain patient and are advised not to show up at vaccination sites without an appointment.

Vaccination program numbers are for doses distributed and delivered to New York for the state’s vaccination program, and do not include those reserved for the federal government’s Long Term Care Facility program. A breakdown of the data based on numbers reported to New York State as of 11AM today is as follows: 


  • First Doses Received - 1,304,050

  • First Doses Administered - 1,144,070

  • Second Doses Received - 564,600

  • Second Doses Administered - 139,929

8,613 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide

1,527 Patients in the ICU; 997 Intubated

Statewide Positivity Rate is 5.09%

160 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"I have high hopes for New York as we enter this new year with a new administration, but New Yorkers have to do their part," Governor Cuomo said. "The COVID war still needs to be fought, and while many feel COVID fatigue, that is a luxury we cannot afford. If we tire before the enemy, the enemy wins - it's that simple. I am confident that we can defeat this and rebuild stronger than ever before. Until that day comes, I encourage all New Yorkers to keep fighting the good fight together - wear a mask, social distance and avoid gatherings."

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 249,955
  • Total Positive - 12,720
  • Percent Positive - 5.09%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 8,613 (-189)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 1,021
  • Hospital Counties - 57
  • Number ICU - 1,527 (-35)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 997 (-26)
  • Total Discharges - 121,923 (+1,022)
  • Deaths - 160
  • Total Deaths - 34,069

Bronx CB 11 Chair Al D'Angelo Sends Alternate Site(s) to Mayor and DHS for Proposed Stillwell Avenue Adult Men's Shelter


The proposed 1682 Stillwell Avenue site.

On March 11th there was a proposal to Community Board 11 for a second two-hundred adult men's homeless shelter. This one is located at 1682 Stillwell Avenue to a height of six stories. The site is a closed former auto repair shop right next to a residential neighborhood, and one block from a highly successful charter school. Opposition quickly grew to the second adult men's homeless shelter which would burden Community Board 11 with four hundred homeless adult men, more than half of the seven hundred total homeless population the board was told it is responsible for. The Department of Homeless Services had a formula where no more than twenty-five percent of the total homeless population in a community board could be adult single men. 

When the first adult Men's homeless shelter (at 1400 Blondell Avenue) was proposed the community asked that it be a family shelter instead of an adult single men's homeless shelter, and now they are being given a second adult men's shelter. Mayor de Blasio answered a question of why the need for more single adult men's shelters by saying last year, with the new No Cash Bail law people are no longer being kept in jails when they could not pay bail, and the city now has more single adult homeless men.   

In a letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio and Department of Homeless Services Commissioner Steve Banks, Dated Jan. 22, 2021 Bronx Community Board 11 Chair Al D'Angelo is proposing an alternate site to the proposal of a homeless shelter at 1682 Stillwell Avenue. Chair D'Angelo has come up with 1956 Birchall Avenue where a two-story building with cellar space would be constructed with the owner of the properties approval, in an M1 zoned lot that would not need any zoning change. It is stated that the Birchall Avenue site is at the foot of an elevated subway station, not near any schools, or one family homes. It is further stated that this site would be less expensive and wind up saving the city close to one million dollars a year over the Stillwell Avenue proposed site. There are other alternate sites also listed. This letter has also been sent to local city, state, and federal elected officials, the Governor, NY State Attorney General, all citywide elected officials, DHS, DSS, and the Lantern Community Services (the provider).

In a second letter of Intent it is stated that the owner of the Birchall Avenue site in CB 11 has a total of 23,013 square feet, and can be estimated to be 35,000 square feet with a cellar. Included is that the homeless shelter would meet all compliance with Part 494 of the OTDA regulations and that the owner of this alternate site would work with the provider the Lantern Corporation or any other non-profit provider the city chooses. The letter of intent is signed by CB 11 Chair Al D'Angelo and the owner of the Birchall Avenue alternate site. 

342 Days and Counting


This photo is from January 2020. Today it would say 

342 days left of Mayor de Blasio.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Rally for Closing Riverdale Coffee Shop


Buunni Coffee located at 3702 Riverdale Avenue which has been open for over three years will be closing its doors at the end of January because it can not continue to operate at a loss as it has been since COVID-19 hit the city last year. While there is still six years to go on the lease co-founder Sarina Prabasi said that her landlord would rather have an empty store than let her continue at a fairer rent that would allow her business to survive.

There was a rally Saturday afternoon in front of the coffee shop where State Senator Alessandria Biaggi was joined by City Councilman Brad Lander to push the Commercial Vacancy Tax Bill in the State Senate, the City and State Recovery Lease Program, the City Councils Small Business Jobs Survival Act and Commercial Rent Stabilization Bill. Three of the candidates Mina Lori, Jessica Haller, and Dan Padernacht in the March special election to replace the former Councilman, now Supreme Court Judge Andrew Cohen were in attendance. 

Above - State Senator Alessandria Biaggi tells of how Buunni Coffee was the only store on the block to welcome her when she was running for the State Senate in 2018.

Below - Councilman Brad Lander met candidate Biaggi at Buunni coffee, and talked about what needs to be done to save businesses like Buunni Coffee from going under.

Above - Buunni Coffee owner Sarina Prabasi (r) explains why she has to close due to the loss of business during the Pandemic, and 11th City Council candidate Mino Lori said 'Those in power need to act now to save other small businesses'. 

Below - The crowd of people who came to the rally in freezing weather.

343 Days and Counting


343 days left for Lame Duck de Blasio.

DiNapoli: Tax Revenues Through December Were $2.5 Billion Lower Than Last Year


State tax receipts through the first nine months of the state fiscal year were $2.5 billion lower than last year, but were $1.8 billion higher than anticipated by the state Division of the Budget (DOB), according to the monthly State Cash Report released by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

Tax receipts in the month of December totaled $8.4 billion, $422.5 million above last year, and $1.4 billion above DOB’s latest projections.

“December’s tax receipts were better than expected, but the revenue challenge is still with us,” DiNapoli said. “President-elect Biden’s proposed stimulus plan, with new aid to help states and localities fill gaps created by the COVID-19 pandemic, is another hopeful sign. We still have a long way to go, and it’s essential that leaders in Washington act on a robust plan of assistance as quickly as possible.”

Comparison of State Tax Collections as of December 31, 2020

Personal income tax receipts in December were $544.8 million, or 12.7 percent, above December 2019, due in part to an additional day of withholding in 2020. Sales tax receipts continued to fall short of the previous year in December, down $86.6 million, or 5.5 percent, from 2019. 

State Operating Funds spending through the first nine months of the fiscal year totaled $63.9 billion, which was $7.8 billion, or 10.8 percent, lower than last year. This is largely due to higher federal reimbursement for Medicaid spending, as well as the withholding of certain payments.

As of December 31, the General Fund held a balance of $16.6 billion, $2 billion higher than DOB projections, and $8.4 billion higher than last year at the same time. The higher balance is driven partly by withheld payments as well as receipts from short-term borrowing that DOB anticipates repaying before the end of the fiscal year. The state has repaid $1 billion of that borrowing, with the remaining $3.4 billion due by March 31.

December Cash Report