Saturday, February 6, 2021

State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli: Statewide Local Sales Tax Collections Declined 10 Percent in 2020


DiNapoli: Statewide Local Sales Tax Collections Declined 10 Percent in 2020

Local government sales tax collections declined by 10 percent overall in 2020, or $1.8 billion, compared to the previous year, according to a report issued by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. This decline was steeper than the drop during the Great Recession, when local sales tax collections fell 6 percent statewide in 2009 compared to 2008.

Job Recovery and Unemployment Rates:
New York City and New York State

Unemployment rates for New York State, New York City and the balance of the State spiked upward in April 2020. At that point, and in the months immediately before, the percentages of officially unemployed workers in the City and in the rest of the State were nearly identical—but those numbers have since diverged sharply.

Source: NYS Department of Labor; OSC analysis

For more current highlights on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the State’s finances and economy, visit our web page. This office is committed to keeping New Yorkers regularly updated on the State’s economy and finances.

329 Days and Counting


I have 329 days left until I leave office.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Councilman Mark Gjonaj's NYC Moving Forward Week in Review - 2/5/2021


Dear Friends,

I hope you and your families are doing well while we are still facing an unprecedented pandemic and the many consequences and uncertainties around it. 

Last week a major snow storm battered NYC dumping around 18 inches of snow, crippling the public transit and forcing many non essential workers home. We are glad that the city is back and most of the roads and streets were cleaned on time. Helping seniors in our District has always been our focus and through our partnership with the Wildcats, we are proud that over 120 senior homes were shoveled after the storm in District 13. 

While the Covid-19 vaccine is one of the key words to return to normalcy, there is still a lot to be done as far making it easier to make an appointment, outreach in cluster communities in more than one language, logistics and extended eligibility as well as convenience for the elderly and sick. Today I visited a vaccination site at the Sue Ginsburg Senior Center in our District and met and encouraged many NYCHA residents in Pelham Parkway Houses to take advantage of the vaccines to stop the spread. We are also thankful that a mass vaccination site at Yankee Stadium is now open for Bronx residents by appointment only by calling 1.833.SOMOSNY or visiting

As Chair of NYC Council Small Business Committee, I have joined my colleagues in NYC to ask Governor Cuomo to increase indoor dining to 50% capacity in NYC. Our city's struggling restaurants must be allowed maximal indoor dining to survive and certainly one on par with the rest of the state. 

We are looking forward to our Fiscal Year 2022 Discretionary Funding Tele-Townhall on Monday, February 8th. As a reminder, all not-for-profit community-based organizations in our District who can not join, can still apply for discretionary funding for Fiscal Year 2022, at: The submission deadline is Tuesday, February 16, 2021.

Remember we have been with you throughout this pandemic and you can count on us with your issues, needs and concerns. We are proud that we have been able to assist so many in need in District 13 as we have given out over 75,000 food boxes, 62,000 masks and so much more. 

While it is a difficult time for all, we will rise to meet the challenges. Please do not hesitate to contact my office at 718-931-1721 or email at


NYC Councilman Mark Gjonaj
District 13, Bronx

The COVID-19 vaccine is available to certain groups in NYC. The following groups have recently become eligible:
  • People ages 65 and older
  • Teachers and education workers
  • First responders
  • Public safety workers
  • Public transit workers
For more information, to make an appointment and for more eligibility requirements, Click Here.



Tomorrow, February 6th, on the first anniversary of a nearly fatal federal police terror attack New Yorkers are uniting for a press conference, rally, and march seeking justice for Erick Diaz Cruz and Gaspar Avendaño-Hernández who were both seriously injured in a violent shooting and unlawful kidnapping by plain clothes and secretive federal police seeking to enforce racist and broken federal immigration laws in the early morning hours of February 6th 2020. 

A large group of family friends, Brooklyn neighbors, and supporters will gather to march and demand Democratic President Joe Biden abolish the racist federal police terrorizing our communities and demand that Biden's Department of Justice deliver reparations and justice to Erick, Gaspar, and all families who have been attacked by his federal immigration police force. 

Camren Cruz, mother of Erick Diaz Cruz and Gaspar Avendaño-Hernández's partner, family friends, and New Yorkers from across the city. 

Behind 26 Federal Plaza at Foley Square  near Lafayette Street Worth Street, Centre St, New York, NY 10013

12:00PM, Saturday February 06th 



Perez brings extensive knowledge of the social and political challenges facing communities across New York City 

 Mayor Bill de Blasio today appointed Roberto Perez as the new commissioner of the Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit (CAU). With his decades of experience and deep connections throughout New York City, Commissioner Perez will support New York City’s Vaccine for All equity efforts in our hardest hit communities and help deepen the bonds of police and neighborhoods. Perez is returning to CAU where he served as a Deputy Commissioner at the beginning of the de Blasio Administration.    

“This year is about building a recovery for all of us in New York City, and Roberto is going to help lead that effort in neighborhoods across the City,” said Mayor de Blasio. “I’ve known Roberto Perez for years and I’ve seen firsthand how deep his relationships are with communities across this city. Roberto is a true leader who is deeply committed to improving the lives of all New Yorkers, and I’m excited to see him lead the Community Affairs Unit.” 


Mayor de Blasio’s State of the City address this year featured a bold community agenda to build a new city where everyone belongs, a city where everyone feels fairness and get the decency they deserve. As CAU commissioner, Perez and his more than twenty staff distributed around the city are tasked with connecting city resources to community members, and helping to build a new city where the recovery is for all of its residents, and especially those living in the communities most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  


“It's an honor to come back to CAU to lead a group of talented and committed the city workers who are the face and voice of this administration in each part of this city,” said Commissioner Roberto Perez. “One of the mandates of government is to be accessible to people, and we will continue following that mandate every day at our unit to build strengthen our commitment with all New Yorkers.” 


Perez is a native New Yorker and has lived in Queens for almost forty years. His professional experience spans to nearly a decade career in government positions where he has cultivated an extensive array of relationships and strategies to bring awareness to critical issues in front of elected officials and community leaders. Perez brings to CAU broad knowledge of the social and political issues impacting different communities throughout New York City.  


Perez’s prior position was at the NYC Department of Education where he was Senior Executive Director of Intergovernmental Affairs until recently. Perez will start immediately as CAU commissioner.  “Roberto Perez is a true professional and a dedicated public servant who lives and breathes New York City.  I and my fellow New Yorkers are fortunate to have his talented service as our Commissioner of New York City’s Community Affairs Unit,” said Chancellor Richard A. Carranza. 


“I congratulate Roberto Perez on his appointment as Commissioner of the Community Affairs Unit with the Mayor’s Office. Roberto is a professional and caring individual who prioritizes relationship-building and has a lot of credibility with the communities we serve in our city government roles. He has been a pleasure to work with during his time in the State Legislative Affairs unit and under his stewardship my office made significant updates to state law that will result in real wins for New York consumers and workers,” said NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection Commissioner Lorelei Salas.  


“Having a high-quality team in the City’s Office of State Legislative Affairs is intrinsic to effectively representing the City’s interests before State government. As director during Mayor de Blasio’s first term, I turned to people like Roberto Perez to join the team and achieve results for New Yorkers. Roberto’s skill set, affable nature, and hard work ethic enhanced the work of the Albany operation. He deftly engaged legislators, committee staff and other stakeholders on the key legislative and budgetary priorities, experience that will undoubtedly serve him well when interacting with the City’s diverse communities as Commissioner of the Community Affairs Unit,” said Department of Finance Commissioner Sherif Solimon. 

“I am pleased to see that Roberto Perez has been appointed by Mayor Bill de Blasio to serve as Commissioner for The Community Affairs Unit," said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. "His years of service to The City of New York working successfully with different government agencies show that he will undoubtedly be a strong advocate and voice for Bronx residents as we work to achieve equity with vaccine distribution and to rebuild our city from this pandemic."  

REMINDER: Fridays with Fernandez: Ranked Choice Voting


Just wanted to make sure you saw our invite for tonight's Ranked Choice Voting event at 6 PM!

To register for the zoom, you can sign up here:

Feel free to respond to this email with any questions. Hope to see you this evening!

- Team Fernandez

Hi all,

There's a new way to vote in NYC! Join us tomorrow for Fridays with Fernandez to learn about Ranked Choice Voting -- how it works, what does it mean for candidates, and how can we empower our communities and strengthen their voices!

To register, please sign up here:

We look forward to seeing you there!


Team Fernandez

Is She Saying 'No I didn't Lie about What Happen to me at the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021' - No - AOC is Asking For Money


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

This is exactly what Alexandria predicted would happen in response to sharing her story about the events of January 6.

It happens all too often in the aftermath of trauma or abuse when we come forward and tell our stories.

Right-wing media and politicians didn’t waste a minute misrepresenting the facts and accusing Alexandria of ‘overreacting’ or ‘exaggerating’. It’s unacceptable, and yet not at all surprising.

If you have Alexandria’s back, please chip in (DELETED) to help us fight back against these attacks and show the GOP that their lies only fuel our determination.

Many people – survivors especially – will recognize these phrases and attempts to silence our truths to absolve others of their accountability. And there are real consequences.

How many veterans, Capitol Police officers, and other survivors are watching and will stay quiet or not get the care they need for fear that their voices will be denied or minimized?

But we will not be silenced. We’re fed up and their attempts to discredit Alexandria and her experience won’t work.

Together we can raise a ton of grassroots donations today and let Alexandria know we are here for her.

We see you.

–Team AOC

So Where were you, and did you make up the story AOC?

Founder Of $90 Million Cryptocurrency Hedge Fund Charged With Securities Fraud And Pleads Guilty In Federal Court


Stefan He Qin Stole and Dissipated Nearly All the Assets of His $90 Million Flagship Hedge Fund and Attempted to Steal Millions of Dollars from a Secondary Fund to Pay Back Investors

 Audrey Strauss, United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Peter C. Fitzhugh, Special Agent in Charge of the New York Field Office of Homeland Security Investigations (“HSI”), announced that STEFAN HE QIN, the founder of the Virgil Sigma Fund LP (“Virgil Sigma”) and the VQR Multistrategy Fund LP (“VQR”), a pair of cryptocurrency hedge funds in New York, New York, with over $100 million in investments, was charged with one count of securities fraud and pled guilty today in Manhattan federal court.  For years, QIN stole investor money from Virgil Sigma and, in December 2020, QIN tried to steal investor money from VQR to pay back his investors in Virgil Sigma.  QIN pled guilty today before United States District Judge Valerie Caproni.           

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “Stefan He Qin drained almost all of the assets from the $90 million cryptocurrency fund he owned, stealing investors’ money, spending it on indulgences and speculative personal investments, and lying to investors about the performance of the fund and what he had done with their money.  Then, as he further admitted today, Qin attempted to steal money from another fund he controlled to meet redemption demands of the defrauded investors in the former fund.  The whole house of cards has been revealed, and Qin now awaits sentencing for his brazen thievery.”

HSI Special Agent in Charge Peter C. Fitzhugh said:  “Virgil Sigma and VQR, two multimillion-dollar cryptocurrency investment funds, were revealed to be slush funds for Qin to live his extravagant lifestyle.  Qin orchestrated this reprehensible criminal scheme for many years, making misrepresentations and false promises that coaxed investors into pouring millions of dollars into fraudulent cryptocurrency firms, all the while stealing the hard-earned money of his investors.  Furthermore, Qin mastered the art of trickery by representing these firms as profitable investment strategies so more victims fell to his tactics and were defrauded of nearly $100 million.  The HSI New York El Dorado Task Force, with our incredible law enforcement partnerships, are committed to aggressively pursue fraud in all forms, regardless of how elaborate and profitable these schemes appear.  In today’s technological world, there are increasingly more opportunities for fraudsters to take advantage of people, and with Qin pleading guilty to his deceitful acts, HSI and our partners remind those who attempt to defraud victims in any manner, your fraud will be uncovered and you will be brought to justice.”

According to the Information and statements made in open court:


STEFAN HE QIN is a 24-year-old Australian national.  Between 2017 through 2020, QIN owned and controlled two cryptocurrency investment funds, Virgil Sigma and VQR, both of which were located in New York, New York.  Since its creation, Virgil Sigma purported to employ a strategy to earn profits from arbitrage opportunities in the cryptocurrency market, specifically, by using a trading algorithm to take advantage of price differences for a number of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and others, in approximately 40 different exchanges around the world, including three exchanges located in the United States.  This strategy was touted by QIN to the investing public as “market-neutral,” meaning the fund was not exposed to any risk from the price of cryptocurrency moving up or down and therefore provided a relatively safe and liquid investment.  QIN exercised day-to-day control over Virgil Sigma and was responsible for tracking the fund’s balances at different trading exchanges, designing the algorithms to implement arbitrage trading, and preparing monthly investor statements.  QIN also regularly participated in calls with Virgil Sigma investors and other forms of public communication where he touted the growth and success of Virgil Sigma.  Until recently, Virgil Sigma purported to have over $90 million under management from dozens of investors, including many in the United States.  According to its public marketing materials, Virgil Sigma has been profitable in every month from August 2016 to the present, with the sole exception of March 2017.

In or about February 2020, QIN founded VQR.  VQR employed a variety of trading strategies and was poised to make or lose money based on the fluctuations in the value of cryptocurrency and was not market neutral.  QIN was the sole owner of VQR’s general partner, but was not involved in VQR’s day-to-day operations.  Instead, VQR had its own trading staff, including a head trader (the “Head Trader”) and other investment professionals.  Until recently, VQR had at least approximately $24 million under management from investors. 

Qin’s Scheme to Steal Assets from Virgil Sigma

Since 2017, QIN engaged in a scheme to steal assets from Virgil Sigma and defraud its investors.  Rather than investing the fund’s assets in a cryptocurrency arbitrage trading strategy as advertised, QIN embezzled investor capital from Virgil Sigma and used the funds for purposes other than the purported arbitrage trading strategy, including: (a) using a substantial portion of investor capital stolen from Virgil Sigma to pay for personal expenses such as food, services, and rent for a penthouse apartment in New York, New York; (b) using a substantial portion of investor capital from Virgil Sigma to make personal, often illiquid, investments in other entities that had nothing to do with cryptocurrencies (for example, in or about October 2018, QIN invested hundreds of thousands of dollars stolen from Virgil Sigma in a real estate investment); and (c) using a substantial portion of investor capital from Virgil Sigma to invest in crypto-assets that had nothing to do with the fund’s stated arbitrage strategy (or example, in or about 2018, QIN invested funds from Virgil Sigma in certain initial coin offerings, a speculative form of investing in new issues of cryptocurrency).  As a result of these and other fraudulent activities, QIN dissipated nearly all of the investor capital in Virgil Sigma.

In the course of stealing assets from Virgil Sigma, QIN regularly lied to the fund’s investors about the value, location, and status of their investment capital.  These lies included an array of investor and public communications, including:

(a) QIN prepared and disseminated monthly statements to investors purporting to record the value of their holdings in Virgil Sigma.  The amounts recorded in these statements did not accurately reflect the results of cryptocurrency trading.  Instead, the amounts were made up by QIN and did not disclose the dissipation of assets by QIN.

(b) QIN also periodically prepared marketing materials for the investing public, including summary reports known as “tear sheets” that fraudulently reported that Virgil Sigma was earning remarkable profits, often with double-digit returns in a single month, month after month.  For example, in or about February and in or about April 2017, QIN falsely reported that Virgil Sigma had earned 48.7% and 35.5% returns, respectively.

(c) On an annual basis, QIN prepared spreadsheets that purported to show Virgil Sigma’s balances at the approximately 40 exchanges where Virgil Sigma purportedly traded in order to prepare tax forms for the fund’s investors, also known as schedule K-1s.  As QIN well knew, however, these spreadsheets and the resulting schedule K-1s were false and substantially overstated Virgil Sigma’s balances and trading activity on the exchanges. 

As a result of QIN’s lies about the activity and success of Virgil Sigma in these and other communications, QIN was able to steadily attract new capital to Virgil Sigma thereby (a) ensuring that he was able to pay off investors’ redemption requests, and (b) projecting to the public the appearance of continued growth.  For example, after QIN and the purported success of his fund were profiled in the Wall Street Journal in or about February 2018, Virgil Sigma experienced substantial growth as new investors flocked to the fund.

Qin Attempts to Steal Assets from VQR to Pay Virgil Sigma Investors

In the summer of 2020, QIN was having difficulty meeting redemption requests from investors in Virgil Sigma.  In order to access funds to make those redemptions, and in order to conceal his fraudulent activities described above, QIN attempted to steal investor capital from VQR to pay redemptions to Virgil Sigma investors.  After a few Virgil Sigma investors requested redemptions that Virgil Sigma could not pay, QIN convinced those investors that rather than redeem the funds outright, the investors would agree to have the funds withdrawn from Virgil Sigma and transferred into an investment in VQR.  After months passed and no funds were transferred to VQR, QIN falsely told these investors that he had requested the transfer of funds from Virgil Sigma, but that the transfer was delayed because of an intermediary bank.  QIN showed some of these investors wire transfer requests in order to bolster the impression that QIN was in fact trying to transfer the funds from Virgil Sigma to VQR.  Virgil Sigma’s bank could not, however, effectuate these wire transfers because QIN had dissipated all of Virgil Sigma’s assets.

In or about December 2020, faced with additional redemption requests that he could not meet, QIN demanded that the Head Trader at VQR wind down all trading positions at VQR and transfer a portion of the funds to QIN so that QIN could use that money to pay off these redemptions to Virgil Sigma investors.  QIN issued the demand even though the Head Trader advised QIN that closing out VQR’s then-current trading positions, rather than holding those positions in accordance with VQR’s directional trading strategy, would result in losses to VQR’s investors.  In the course of those conversations, QIN threatened that if the Head Trader did not sufficiently expedite that process, QIN, as the sole owner of VQR’s general partner, would need to take over control of all of VQR’s accounts in order to access the funds.  At QIN’s direction, the Head Trader accordingly closed out VQR’s positions and turned over access to VQR’s trading accounts to QIN.  QIN subsequently attempted to take control of VQR’s assets in order to enable QIN to meet certain Virgil Sigma investor redemption requests.

QIN, 24, pled guilty to one count of securities fraud.  This charge carries a maximum term of 20 years in prison.  The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge. Sentencing has been scheduled for May 20, 2021.

Ms. Strauss praised the work of Homeland Security Investigations.  She further thanked the Securities and Exchange Commission for its cooperation and assistance in this investigation.   

This case is being handled by the Office’s Securities and Commodities Fraud Task Force.  Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel Tracer is in charge of the prosecution.