Monday, February 8, 2021

Funeral Assistance up to $7,000 for the Expenses of Laying a Loved one to Rest.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

 Last year, as COVID ravaged our district, a leader from a Queens community organization – Elmcor – came to us with an issue that was devastating families: funeral costs.

For much of last year, we pushed and pushed the Trump administration to make this critical relief available. Finally, today, we announced that families who’ve lost a loved one will soon be able to get reimbursed up to $7,000 for the expenses of laying a loved one to rest.

The program is retroactive and will reimburse families who lost loved ones to the pandemic as far back as January 2020. It is available to everyone nationwide, including those who are undocumented.

We know there is so much left to do – but this is a small, yet crucial victory.

Early in the pandemic, community leaders shared with us the disparate impact of COVID cases on our community compounded with the devastating economic impact of funeral expenses.

Alexandria’s dad passed away when she was a teen and she had to arrange his services. The funeral expenses were part of the financial devastation, and she never wants anyone else to experience that. So, working with Senator Schumer, she got to work right away to prioritize funeral assistance in the next relief bill.

Now, FEMA is authorized to reimburse up to $2 billion in funeral expenses. Through this measure, families won’t have to bear the incredible financial burden on top of the immeasurable loss they have endured. This will also help families who have suffered the financial burden of funeral costs over the last year get back on their feet.

With hope,

Team AOC

Comptroller Stringer Unveils Comprehensive Food Security Plan To Combat Hunger In New York City


Offers immediate local, state, and federal recommendations to close gaps in emergency food programming

Calls for creation of $25 million City-based emergency food program to serve undocumented New Yorkers left out of federal and state safety net programs; a “shared delivery zone” program that centralizes neighbors’ food deliveries to meet online retailers’ minimum purchasing requirements; expanded SNAP outreach and purchasing power; and increased halal and kosher food options

 New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer released a comprehensive food security plan to combat hunger in New York City and reach any New Yorker in need regardless of immigration status. Comptroller Stringer called for the City to create a $25 million emergency food program to serve undocumented New Yorkers left out of federal and state safety net programs, expanded SNAP outreach and purchasing power, and increased cultural competence in the City’s current food programming to ensure that New Yorkers of all backgrounds are able to access benefits.  Comptroller Stringer also proposed the creation of  a “shared delivery zone” program that would allow neighbors to accept food deliveries from online retailers at a central location, combining their purchasing power to meet retailers’ minimum purchasing requirements and share in the cost of delivery fees.

The COVID-19 pandemic has acutely heightened food insecurity in New York City. An estimated 1.6 million New Yorkers report being unable to afford food – an increase of 400,000 in the last year. New York City employment remains 605,000 jobs below pre-pandemic levels, with the majority of job losses concentrated in lower-wage sectors and communities of color. According to Comptroller Stringer’s Popular Annual Financial Report, nearly one in four New Yorkers of color lost their jobs in the economic fallout of COVID-19. However, New York City Human Resources Administration (HRA) data indicate that 42,000 fewer New Yorkers are receiving SNAP benefits today than in 2015.

“There is no excuse for a single person to go hungry in one of the wealthiest cities in the world, yet more than 1.6 million New Yorkers go to bed hungry in our city every night,” said Comptroller Stringer. “We don’t have a food shortage in New York City – we have a management shortage.  Our current food programs are simply not reaching enough of the New Yorkers who are most food insecure – especially lower-income New Yorkers, New Yorkers of color and immigrant New Yorkers hit hardest by the economic devastation of COVID-19. My emergency plan to combat food insecurity meets New Yorkers where they are regardless of immigration status, cultural background or language. Hunger does not discriminate  – and neither should we.”

Comptroller Stringer offered immediate local, state and federal recommendations to combat food insecurity and close gaps in the social safety net:

Create an emergency food program to serve undocumented New Yorkers using $25 million in FEMA reimbursement funding. The Biden Administration has agreed to lift the cap on FEMA reimbursement for New York State and City’s pandemic related costs, clearing the way for 100 percent reimbursements. This will result in $1 billion in reimbursements for New York City. This funding creates an opportunity to address food insecurity among New Yorkers who cannot access the federally funded SNAP program due to immigration status. The City should dedicate at least $25 million of this funding to create food security programs for immigrant New Yorkers who have been left out of other safety net programs.

Increase and improve SNAP outreach to ensure all eligible New Yorkers are receiving this valuable benefit. While emergency food programs are a crucial part of our food security system, there is no substitute for putting money into people’s pockets to enable them to purchase food for themselves. The Biden Administration has authorized the increase of SNAP benefits, making this critical benefit even more valuable to New Yorkers. Yet the most recent HRA data indicates that 42,000 fewer New Yorkers are receiving SNAP benefits today than in 2015. To ensure that all eligible New Yorkers are receiving SNAP, the City should:

  • Create a comprehensive, coordinated, citywide outreach campaign to educate New Yorkers about SNAP benefits and encourage enrollment. This should be combined with outreach efforts to promote the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC),  Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), senior meals, and summer meals to ensure New Yorkers are using the programs they are eligible for and entitled to.
  • Provide more funding for community-based organizations (CBOs) to conduct SNAP outreach and enrollment, particularly ones with linguistic and cultural competence to reach New Yorkers across our city’s diverse neighborhoods, including CBOs that work with immigrants and survivors of domestic violence who may have greater barriers to accessing services due to data sharing sensitivities.
  • Use data to inform and drive outreach efforts. To the greatest extent possible, the City should examine data sets from agencies including Human Resources Administration, Department for the Aging, Administration for Children’s Services, Department of Education, and Department of Finance to identify New Yorkers who may be eligible for SNAP and ensure that information about the program is shared with them via mail, text, or phone.
  • Streamline the process of applying for multiple benefit programs by creating one online portal that informs New Yorkers about key benefits, allow required interviews to cover multiple program applications whenever possible, and work towards sharing application data between programs to the greatest extent possible under city, state and federal law. This would reduce the time consuming, confusing, and bureaucratic application process that can deter New Yorkers from seeking the full range of benefits they are eligible for.
  • The State should increase funding for SNAP outreach to further support these activities in New York City, and take a similar data driven approach by establishing a statewide process for data sharing between Medicaid and SNAP cases to identify Medicaid recipients who are not receiving SNAP.

Increase where and how EBT cards can be used to give SNAP beneficiaries more purchasing power. While EBT cards can be used in-person at most supermarkets and major retailers, there are very few online retailers that accept SNAP. This means that New Yorkers living in food deserts cannot use their SNAP benefits to buy food online and have it delivered to their homes – missing a major opportunity to increase food security. Further, most bodegas, green carts, and local merchants like halal and kosher butchers do not have EBT terminals, limiting options for New Yorkers to use their benefits close to home, and denying sales opportunities to local businesses that are often minority and immigrant owned. To increase opportunities for SNAP usage:

  • The Federal government should expand the SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot to include local grocery stores, smaller retailers and farmers markets. Currently the pilot allows SNAP to be used when ordering groceries online from select Amazon, Shop Rite, and Walmart stores in New York State. To increase food access for more New Yorkers, USDA should identify and enable farmers markets, smaller local grocery stores, as well as chains that have a larger presence in New York City, to participate in the pilot.
  • Congress should change federal law to allow SNAP beneficiaries to purchase hot food at SNAP authorized retailers. This will allow New Yorkers who do not have cooking facilities at home, or do not know how to cook, to be able to purchase complete meals.
  • The State should work with USDA to include New York in the SNAP Restaurant Meals Program to enable people who are currently homeless, people with disabilities, and older New Yorkers to use SNAP at select restaurants.
  • The City should support expanded use of SNAP benefits at green carts, bodegas, and local merchants like halal and kosher butchers by funding, or seeking funding, to subsidize the cost of EBT terminals and transaction fees, and working with the State to obtain waivers from USDA where needed. This would have a secondary benefit of increasing business opportunities for small businesses, many of which are immigrant, minority, or women owned.
  • The City should create a “shared delivery zone” program that allows neighbors to accept food deliveries from online retailers at a central location, allowing them to combine purchasing power to meet retailer’s minimum purchasing requirements and share in the cost of delivery fees. This would be especially useful at NYCHA developments where deliveries could be made to community rooms, allowing residents to simply retrieve their groceries from an onsite location on their way home.

Make immediate plans to fill gaps in the City’s food pantry network. Ten and a half months into the pandemic, there are still gaping holes in the city’s food pantry network that have not been filled. Food Bank for New York City’s recent analysis found that 38 percent of emergency food providers across the five boroughs had closed by mid-April, with a whopping 50 percent of Bronx emergency food providers shutting their doors.3 As a result, more and more New Yorkers are traveling farther from their neighborhoods to find emergency food. The City should be taking immediate steps to provide emergency food in the City’s food pantry deserts while planning for more permanent investments. To ensure New Yorkers can access emergency food no matter where they live, the City should:

  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the City’s food pantry network to identify areas that are underserved by emergency food providers but have high rates, or pockets of, food insecurity.
  • Invest in programs to bring emergency food to those areas in the near term, including opening pop-up pantries in community locations like senior centers that have refrigerator space but are currently closed due to the pandemic, and increasing programs like mobile markets that bring fresh food to communities by truck.
  • Immediately allocate an additional $25 million to ensure existing pantry operations can keep up with demand for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2021, and ensure funding for emergency food providers to connect their customers with SNAP, WIC, tax refunds, and job training and placement services.

Increase the cultural appropriateness of the City’s current emergency food programs so more New Yorkers will take advantage of them. The City has spent hundreds of millions to bring food to New Yorkers in need through the City’s Get Food boxes and grab and go meals at Department of Education (DOE) school sites – programs that serve all New Yorkers regardless of immigration status. The Get Food program has been critical for seniors who are staying safe by staying home. Despite this tremendous investment, many New Yorkers still do not find food that they want to eat or know how to cook with through the City’s programs. The City should consider the following changes to increase utilization of its programs:

  • Increase the amount of fresh fruits, vegetables and pantry staples that are available in the City’s Get Food boxes and provide more choice to allow people to receive food that meets their dietary needs.
  • Ensure that food offered through DOE’s grab and go locations provide options that are culturally relevant to the surrounding community, as well as appropriate for both children and adults.
  • Continue to improve the quality and diversity of kosher and halal food options in both Get Food boxes and grab and go meals.
  • Work with local restaurants, caterers, and markets to ensure they can participate in the Get Food program, and if they cannot meet the current or future RFP requirements alone, encourage submissions through multi-business partnerships. This would increase the diversity and cultural appropriateness of the food provided while creating opportunities for minority, immigrant and woman-owned businesses who have struggled during the pandemic.

Strengthen federally funded Child Nutrition Programs to ensure no child in New York City goes hungry. School-based nutrition programs and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) are critical to ensuring the nutritional needs of New York City children and expectant and new mothers are met regardless of immigration or citizenship status. Additional federal investment would create further tools to combat food insecurity among the youngest New Yorkers. The following action should be taken to increase food access:

  • Congress should make improvements while reauthorizing Child Nutrition Programs to ensure sufficient federal reimbursements for the breakfast, lunch and afterschool meals that New York provides free of charge and establish a permanent summer and vacation EBT program so families can continue to receive support to purchase food for their children all year round.
  •  Congress should extend WIC eligibility for children up to their sixth birthday to ensure that children who are not enrolled in school programs until then can still access food assistance.

Create borough-based councils of emergency food providers, advocates, community and faith-based organizations, and mutual aid networks to partner with the City on improving food access. Local organizations have unique knowledge of community needs, deep networks of relationships, and the trust of the communities they serve. The City should create borough-based councils so food network stakeholders can advise the City on local needs and priorities, help shape community engagement strategies, and provide input on the City’s food programs, policies, and initiatives.



City providing suite of free services including instructional webinars and one-on-one counseling

 Mayor Bill de Blasio, NYC Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) Commissioner Anne del Castillo, and NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) Commissioner Jonnel Doris today announced the launch of Curtains Up NYC, a program to provide application assistance to live-performance venues, organizations and workers applying for federal relief.

The federal Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVO), also known as Save Our Stages, includes $15 billion for grants of up to $10 million to qualified live venue operators and promoters, performing arts organizations, theatrical producers, talent representatives, movie theater operators, and non-profit museums with auditoriums.
Curtains Up NYC will provide webinars three times a week that will review the Shuttered Venues Operators Grant program and the application process. Trained counselors will also be available for virtual, one-on-one sessions. Services are free and will begin this Wednesday, February 10, 2021.
“New York City’s live performance venues, theaters, and night clubs are the best in the world, and they’ve been hit hard by this pandemic. Their city will help them fight for every federal dollar they deserve to get back on their feet and better than ever,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “I urge every venue to take advantage of these resources, and I can’t wait to take in a performance as soon as we defeat COVID-19 once and for all.”
“The creative industries are what make New York City a global capital. The arts and entertainment sector, which has been hardest hit hard by the pandemic, is critical to the city’s recovery,” said Anne del Castillo, Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment. “We are pleased to partner with NYC Department of Small Business Services to launch Curtains Up NYC to help our theaters and venues secure this much needed federal financial assistance in order for them to survive until they are able to safely reopen.”
"The pandemic has caused our cultural venues and creative spaces to face financial loss, economic hardship, and difficult business decisions in an attempt to stay afloat. The SVO Grants will provide targeted financial relief for these businesses," said Jonnel Doris, Commissioner of the NYC Department of Small Business Services. "We are proud to partner with MOME and bring the technical support needed for the application process to ensure New Yorkers get their fair share of this critical federal relief."
SVO Grants are available equal to 45% of the applicant’s gross earned revenue, with the maximum amount available for a single grant award of $10 million. For more information on SVO eligibility and the Curtains Up NYC program, visit or
Please note: Shuttered Venues Operators Grant applications are not yet open, but anyone considering applying is urged to begin preparing as soon as possible.

Nathalia Fernandez - Why I Love The Bronx


Dear Friend,

In case you haven't noticed, I LOVE THE BRONX. I have dedicated my entire career to make The Bronx a better place for all of us. I love this borough and I will do whatever it takes to make sure it comes back stronger than ever. Join me on zoom and let's share what makes The Bronx the best and why we love The Bronx!

I hope you can join me next week! You can sign up for the zoom here:

De Blasio Orders Review of City Homeless Shelter Providers

Mayor Bill de Blasio ordered a compliance review of all nonprofit homeless shelter providers in the city on Sunday, after the New York Times published numerous allegations of sexual assault against Victor Rivera, the prominent head of the Bronx Parent Housing Network (BPHN), one of the city's largest nonprofit shelter operators.

The Times' story detailed the accounts of ten women, including BPHN employees and shelter clients, who alleged that Rivera assaulted them or paid them unwanted attention. The article also laid out other allegations of impropriety, such as nepotism hires and doling out contracts to friends. Multiple reports about Rivera's alleged wrongdoing went unheeded, the Times found, even as the city continued to rely on his organization's services. 

"In light of this @NYTimes investigation, the City is hiring an outside auditing firm to review non-profit shelter providers to ensure true compliance," de Blasio said on Twitter on Sunday morning. He directed BPHN to conduct an independent investigation of the accusations against Rivera. He also said any sexual misconduct complaint to a city agency about a city-contracted nonprofit would have be investigated by an independent agency, rather than the nonprofit's own board.

327 Days and Counting


I still have 327 days left to go. What's that there is a problem in the Department of Homeless services?

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic CORONAVIRUSHEALTHPUBLIC SAFETY - FEBRUARY 7, 2021


7,649 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide; Lowest Hospitalization Since Christmas Day

1,459 Patients in the ICU; 979 Intubated

Statewide Positivity Rate is 4.00%; Lowest One-Day Positivity Since November 27

Statewide 7-Day Average Positivity Rate is 4.50%; Lowest 7-Day Average Since December 2

143 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"It's no accident that our positivity and hospitalizations are continuing to decline, this is happening because of the dedication and discipline shown by New Yorkers," Governor Cuomo said. "While we are encouraged by these declining numbers, we must remain vigilant. Today, I urge New Yorkers to enjoy the Superbowl but be smart and don't do anything to undo our progress: wear a mask, practice social distancing and avoid gatherings."

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 250,892
  • Total Positive - 10,025
  • Percent Positive - 4.00%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 4.50%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 7,649 (-155)
  • Net Change Patient Hospitalization Past Week - -327
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 878
  • Hospital Counties - 57
  • Number ICU - 1,459 (-22)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 979 (-16)
  • Total Discharges - 132,905 (+893)
  • Deaths - 143
  • Total Deaths - 36,224

Governor Cuomo Announces Over 2.1 Million Vaccine Doses Administered


As of 11AM today, New York's Health Care Distribution Sites Have Administered 87% of the Total First Doses Received from Federal Government

Vaccine Dashboard Will Update Daily to Provide Updates on the State's Vaccine Program; Go to; Dashboard Now Includes Demographic Data

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the state has administered over 2,136,209 vaccine doses through the state's vaccination program. The total week 8 federal allocation of vaccine delivery to providers will be complete today. As of 11AM today, New York's health care distribution sites have received 1,874,975 first doses and already administered 87 percent 1,627,191 first dose vaccinations and 76 percent of first and second doses. Delivery of the week 9 allocation from the federal government begins mid-week.

"Our singular focus right now is getting vaccines into arms and the daily numbers continue to demonstrate we are doing that job quickly and effectively, as we have administered over 2.1 million doses so far," Governor Cuomo said. "We have the operational capacity to do much more and the only limiting factor is lack of supply. But I am hopeful because we now have a partner in the White House who is working to increase supply to states, and we will continue to work hand in glove with them to get every single New Yorker vaccinated as fast as possible."

Approximately 7 million New Yorkers are currently eligible to receive the vaccine. The federal government has increased the weekly supply by more than 20 percent over the next three weeks, but New York's vast distribution network and large population of eligible individuals still far exceed the supply coming from the federal government. Due to limited supply, New Yorkers are encouraged to remain patient and are advised not to show up at vaccination sites without an appointment.