Thursday, June 24, 2021



Participants Can Turn in Firearms No Questions Asked And Receive Cash Card and Free iPad in Return

 Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark and New York City Police Commissioner Dermot Shea announced today a Bronx Gun Buyback where people can turn in operable handguns or assault rifles, no questions asked, and receive a cash card and free iPad. 

 District Attorney Clark said, “The Bronx has seen far too many shootings since last summer. One of the recent shootings involved two innocent children who were caught in the middle of a gunman and his target. Images of the helpless children have brought international attention to the gun violence plaguing our streets. We must stop these shootings. I am holding this gun buyback along with the NYPD to get firearms off streets and out of homes. I implore those who have weapons to turn them in and save lives, and if you know someone who has an illegal gun, please urge them to turn in the gun. I thank the NYPD for again partnering with my office for this important event, and I thank Rev. Dr. Bruce Rivera for opening his church.”

 The Bronx Gun Buyback will take place at Christ Church located on 860 Forest Avenue, between East 160th and East 161st Streets, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on June 26, 2021. People who turn in operable handguns or assault rifles will receive a $200 pre-paid card plus a free iPad from the Bronx District Attorney’s Office. The free iPad will go to the first 76 participants, limit one per person. Those who turn in operable rifles, shotguns or airguns will receive a $25 pre-paid card.

 So far this year, there have been 257 people shot in the Bronx; last year by now there were 108. As of June 13th, in the 40th Precinct where Christ Church is located, there have been 30 shooting victims so far, compared to 12 last year.



This Saturday, June 26, 2021, at 12:30 pm, Councilman Rev. Ruben DΓ­az will name the corner of Thieriot & Westchester Ave as “Joe Torres Way”.
Joe Torres, better known as Joe, a Puerto Rican owner of Restaurant Joe’s Place, died in March 2020 with complications from COVID-19. Joe’s Place was recognized as the most “Criollo” Restaurant in the Puerto Rican and Latino community where elected officials and artists met. Joe’s Place Restaurant was where the highest political and artistic officials arrived in New York met to share with him.
The street renaming ceremony will begin at 12:30 am all are welcome and encouraged to come as we pay tribute to Joe Torres and celebrate his life. Elected officials, community leaders, friends of Joe, and anyone else who would like to come together to remember Joe Torres.
Location: Thieriot & Westchester Avenue Bronx, NY

Day: Saturday, June 26, 2021

Time: 12:30 pm

192 Days and Counting


Well most of you have voted who will be my replacement. Let's see how long it takes until the Board of Elections gets the final Rank Choice Voting results. Enjoy the Fourth of July Fireworks, and maybe a week later you may know who the new mayor will be. 

What's that, there is a general election in November, and there will be other candidates for mayor, but as everyone knows this is a Democratic city, because we want every single person to come in as long as they are Democrats. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Governor Cuomo Announces New York Ending COVID-19 State Disaster Emergency on June 24


Statewide 7-Day Average Positivity is 0.36%—Record Low for 26 Consecutive Days, Has Declined for 79 Consecutive Days

52,526 Vaccine Doses Administered Over Last 24 Hours

6 COVID-19 Deaths Statewide Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that New York will end the state disaster emergency declared on March 7, 2020 to fight COVID-19. Given New York's dramatic progress against COVID-19, with the success in vaccination rates, and declining hospitalization and positivity statewide the state of emergency will expire after Thursday, June 24. 

Federal CDC guidance will remain in effect, which includes masks for unvaccinated individuals, as well as all riders on public transit and in certain settings, such as health care, nursing homes, correctional facilities, and homeless shelters. State and local government health departments will still be able to ensure mask rules and other health precautions are adhered to in those settings.

Since March of 2020, a variety of actions had been taken by executive order to assist in the rapid response to the pandemic by state agencies, local governments, hospitals, and businesses by both temporarily suspending or modifying laws as well as utilizing temporary directives. Hospitals were able to add space and staffing, meetings were authorized to occur virtually, and various deadlines were extended to accommodate a changed landscape.

"New York went from one of the worst infection rates to the lowest infection rate in the country, and it was all because of the efforts of New Yorkers who were smart, united and did what they needed to do throughout this entire pandemic," Governor Cuomo said. "Now we're starting to write a new chapter for a post-COVID New York--the state disaster emergency is ending and we can focus on reimaging, rebuilding and renewing our state. This doesn't mean COVID is gone, we still have to get more New Yorkers vaccinated, but we are getting back on track and starting to live life once again." 

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 90,350
  • Total Positive - 310
  • Percent Positive - 0.34%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 0.36%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 474 (-12)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 64
  • Patients in ICU - 104 (-3)
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 60 (-2)
  • Total Discharges - 184,386 (+68)
  • Deaths - 6
  • Total Deaths - 42,942
  • Total vaccine doses administered - 20,702,818
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours - 52,526
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 406,783
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 68.6%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 62.2%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 71.2%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 63.5%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 56.9%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 51.2%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 59.1%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 52.3%

Reminder Bronx Progressives Invites You to Our Welcome Summer-City Reopens-Social Gathering!


Join Fellow Progressives for our Bronx Progressives Welcome Summer-City Reopens-Social Gathering!

Greetings Bronx Progressives Members!

Hope you and your loved ones are starting off your summer in good spirits, and are looking forward to a landscape of possibilities of summer fun and relaxation, as we experience a city fully reemerging into a new normal. 

With less than five days to go for the primary elections on June 22, I hope you're making the time to plan out your vote (whether that is voting early, by Absentee, or on Election Day), and using wisely Ranked Choice Voting to vote on the most progressive candidates to lead our city and communities.  

In the spirit of summer upon us and our city emerging into a citywide reopening, the Working Group at Bronx Progressives decided to do something different for our June general meeting. Something we haven't done as a group in a very long time since we went into a lockdown. 

Join us on Sunday, June 27 at 3pm to our In-person Welcome Summer-City Reopens-Social Gathering.

Come join us for some delicious food and beverages, fun and games, music, a safe space to reflect on the elections, our work and what comes next after the New York Health Act and Public Power. We will be visited by two special guests. So come join us to learn who they are! Stay tuned for updates. 

Bronx Progressives Welcome-Summer-City-Reopens-Social- Gathering!

RSVP HERE (So we can accommodate enough food)

Date: Sunday, June 27
Time: 3pm
Location: 2080 Barnes Avenue, Bronx, NY 10462 (Use service entrance at south end of building) Gate will be left open to allow guests to access space behind the building.

FYI: This is an in-person outdoor event

2 Train to Pelham Parkway
5 Train to Morris Park

DCP Introduces Remote Office Hours to Enhance Public Engagement Around Future Bronx Metro-North Stations


Office hours increase opportunities for the public to participate in ongoing planning work for Hunts Point, Parkchester/Van Nest, Morris Park and Co-op City

 Department of City Planning (DCP) Director Marisa Lago today announced the introduction of remote office hours for New Yorkers to continue to plan for and around four new Metro-North stations coming to the East Bronx. These office hours provide a convenient time and place for members of the public to ask questions and offer ideas to DCP planners, to help ensure the coming Hunts Point, Parkchester/Van Nest, Morris Park and Co-op City stations support the community’s current and future needs.

“Four new Bronx Metro-North stations are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform transit access in the East Bronx. These new stations need to integrate seamlessly into their neighborhoods, which means that DCP needs to hear directly from the New Yorkers who know these neighborhoods best – and that means you,” said DCP Director Marisa Lago. “With these remote office hours, DCP’s planners will be on-hand to answer your questions, hear your perspectives and work alongside you towards a brighter, more transit-accessible future. Reserve your spot and make your voice heard!”

“I applaud DCP for taking this step to ensure Bronx residents have their voices heard about the Metro North stations coming to Hunts Point, Parkchester/Van Nest, Morris Park and Co-op City, through holding new designated remote office hours,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “For nearly a decade, I have been beating the drum on direct access to Penn Station from The Bronx, which is becoming a reality. I am encouraging all Bronxites to participate in these office hours to make their voices heard, because this form of transportation in the East Bronx will be beneficial to us all.”

Office hours are the latest in DCP’s public engagement for the new Metro-North service planned for the East Bronx. The public can ask questions and talk to team members one-on-one, or in a small group calling from the same device, for 15-minute bookings every Friday from 3 to 5 p.m. Office hours can be reserved here. People can sign up for the meetings up to 30 days in advance, starting on July 2. 

In addition to office hours, DCP will continue to seek feedback and ideas from the public through a remote open house and upcoming remote workshops. A workshop for Parkchester/Van Nest is scheduled for June 24 at 5:30 p.m. A workshop for Morris Park is scheduled for June 29 at 5:30 p.m. To learn how to participate online or by calling from any phone, and to view DCP’s interactive webpage with videos, maps and surveys, please visit our website.

Since the study started in 2018, DCP has worked alongside the MTA, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., the NYC Department of Transportation, the NYC Economic Development Corporation and other stakeholders to advance public engagement on the new stations via workshops, meetings and additional events with community members and city agencies concerning the transit-accessible project.

The new stations are set to open after completion of the Penn Station Access project in the coming years, which will provide Metro-North riders with a direct route into Penn Station, significantly reducing commute times to and from the East Bronx for the first time in more than a century.

DCP aims to release a final plan for these four station areas by the end of this year.


Department of City Planning
The Department of City Planning (DCP) plans for the strategic growth and development of the City through ground-up planning with communities, the development of land use policies and zoning regulations applicable citywide, and its contribution to the preparation of the City’s 10-year Capital Strategy. DCP promotes housing production and affordability, fosters economic development and coordinated investments in infrastructure and services, and supports resilient, sustainable communities across the five boroughs for a more equitable New York City.

In addition, DCP supports the City Planning Commission in its annual review of approximately 450 land use applications for a variety of discretionary approvals. The Department also assists both government agencies and the public by advising on strategic and capital planning and providing policy analysis, technical assistance and data relating to housing, transportation, community facilities, demography, zoning, urban design, waterfront areas and public open space.

Council Member Ruben Diaz Sr. - Bronx County Demonstrated Political Force

Your should know that in Bronx County, Eric Adams, who was endorsed by the Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and by Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr., won the Bronx by a huge majority above all other candidates.

You should also know that Eric Adams, candidate for mayor of New York City, practically destroyed all the other candidates in the Bronx. We can therefore say that thanks to the Bronx, Eric Adams will be the next mayor for the city of New York.

Moreover, Corey Johnson, the candidate for City Comptroller, was also endorsed by Ruben Diaz Jr., and he too won in the Bronx, although he lost the other counties.  Michelle Caruso Cabrera who was also candidate for City Comptroller, was endorsed by Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr., and the New York Hispanic Clergy Org., and she came in 2nd place in BronxCounty. 

There are other candidates that we still can’t say exactly how they ranked in this election.  For now, we will have to wait for those results. I will be informing you as the results come in.
I am Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz, and this is what you should know. 


It seems that the biggest winner in the Bronx on Primary Day was Congressman Adriano Espaillat, whose candidates are leading in the 14th and 15th City Council Districts, and appear to be unreachable during the RCV process. By doing so he has enlarged his sphere of influence in the West Bronx which includes State Senator Gustavo Rivera, and Assemblyman Victor Pichardo. Congratulations Congressman Espaillat.

Founder Of Non-Profit To End Sexual Violence Against Youth Sentenced To Thirteen Years In Prison For Child Pornography, Enticing A Minor To Have Sex


 Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that JOEL DAVIS was sentenced to 156 months in prison for enticing a child to engage in illegal sexual activity, 60 months for possession of child pornography, and 60 months for distribution and receipt of child pornography, all to be served concurrently.  DAVIS previously pled guilty on January 16, 2020, before United States District Judge George B. Daniels, who also imposed the sentence.

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said: “As he previously admitted, Joel Davis, founder of a non-profit called ‘Youth to End Sexual Violence,’ admitted to engaging in the very abhorrent behavior he had publicly pledged to fight.  Davis, who also claims to be a Nobel Prize nominee for his work with his organization, engaged in sex acts with a minor, recording them, and distributing that recording to others – including an undercover FBI agent. Sex with minors is obviously never permissible, acceptable, or justifiable, and by virtue of his non-profit work, Joel Davis was acutely aware of the irreparable harm these crimes inflict on victims. Davis will now serve a lengthy time in federal prison, where he can no longer victimize minors.”

According to the Information and other documents filed in the case to which DAVIS pled, as well as statements made during the plea proceeding:

In or about June 2018, DAVIS used a dating application on his iPhone to entice a fifteen-year-old boy (the “Victim”) to engage in sexual activity with him.  On June 13, 2018, DAVIS invited the Victim to his apartment building in Manhattan and engaged in sexual activity with the Victim, despite knowing that the Victim was a minor.  DAVIS used his smartphone to film a portion of that conduct and sent the video to at least two others, including an undercover FBI agent. 

In addition, between at least in or about May 2018 and June 2018, DAVIS possessed more than 3,700 images and more than 330 videos of child pornography, including numerous images of prepubescent minors who had not attained 12 years of age, and received and distributed material containing child pornography using a cellphone.  DAVIS was arrested on June 26, 2018.

In addition to today’s prison sentence, DAVIS, 25, of New York, New York, was sentenced to five years of supervised release.

Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding investigative work of the FBI in this investigation.

Any individuals who believe they have information concerning the exploitation of children may contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation at 1-212-384-1000 or