Monday, July 5, 2021

100 PERCENT Primary Day Was One Week Ago, So Who Won, and Where is the Integrity of the Election?



Primary Day Was One Week Ago, So Who Won, and Where is the Integrity of the Election?

Photo by Robert Press

Primary Day was June 22, 2021, so why is it on July 4th people still do not know who the winners are. All we have is that some candidates have been declared winners with over fifty percent of the vote, which will mean in those races, there will be no need for Rank Choice Voting. 

The above photo was common place in many poll sites where the Voter Scanning machines jammed due to the two page ballot filling up the holding box by not falling in place. Board of Election people were pushing ballots down to make more room, so more ballots can fit. What we don't know is the integrity of the voting if the poll coordinators or others from the BOE can open Ballot Scanning machines while voting is going on.

Here is what we do know, The absentee ballots will be counted on or by July 6th, and the results should be made official on July 12th. What we found out was that the Board of Elections has ranked the Choice of the votes that were filled out by voters during early voting and on Primary Day.  However the BOE has said they made a mistake in releasing the first set of numbers by not taking out the "Sample Ballots' that were used for training purposes, (about one hundred and thirty thousand).

Depending on which numbers you look at your next mayor will be either Eric Adams or as we say Kathryn Garcia. Many Absentee ballots from upper Manhattan that may have remained uncounted should be going to candidate Garcia, which should put her in the lead, thus becoming the next mayor of New York City. All but Garcia and Adams have conceded in the race. 

As for the next Bronx Borough President it looks like Councilwoman Vanesa Gibson should be the fourteenth Bronx Borough President as Councilman Fernando Cabrera gave his concession speech. Gibson holds a slim enough lead to be able to hold off any surge by Cabrera in the absentee ballot count. 

City Council races look like this.

11th District - Eric Dinowitz the winner, after the RCV run off.

12th District - Kevin Riley the winner, and there may not have to be an RCV run off. 

13th District - Marjorie Velazquez the winner with no RCV run off.

14th District - Pierina Sanchez the winner, after the RCV run off.

15th District - Oswald Feliz the winner after the RCV run off.

16th District - Althea Stevens the winner, with maybe no RCV run off.

17th District - Rafael Salamanca the winner, no RCV run off since there were only two candidates.

18th District - Amanda Farias is leading, but this race is to close too call, as William Rivera is a very close second. 

Civil Court of the 2nd Municipal Court District the two winners are Jessica Flores, and Verena Powell. This race did not use RCV. 

Our congratulations to the winners, and hope that those who did not win will continue to help the districts, borough, and city recover from the pandemic.

Next is the November General election, but in the Bronx it is just a rubber stamp of the June Democratic Primary. We now look forward to the June 2022 Democratic Primary. 

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress Combating COVID-19


Statewide 7-Day Average Positivity is 0.56%

13,225 Vaccine Doses Administered Over Last 24 Hours

330 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide

2 COVID-19 Deaths Statewide Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19.

"We're working to beat back COVID-19 on all fronts, and with more New Yorkers getting vaccinated every day, our future looks bright," Governor Cuomo said. "We're working to get shots in arms by offering new incentives for New Yorkers at sites across the state. Remember that vaccination is the key to defeating this pandemic for good and moving our state forward, so make an appointment or walk into a site today if you haven't yet received the shot."
Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 48,317
  • Total Positive - 368
  • Percent Positive - 0.76%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 0.56%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 330 (-12)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 35
  • Patients in ICU - 80 (-5)
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 39 (unchanged)
  • Total Discharges - 185,133 (+51)
  • Deaths - 2
  • Total Deaths - 42,986
  • Total vaccine doses administered - 21,332,331
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours - 13,225
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 285,998
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 69.8%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 64.4%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 72.6%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 66.0%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 58.1%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 53.3%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 60.5%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 54.6%

Man Arrested on Charge of Illegally Transporting Fireworks, Including Homemade Devices that Caused Huge Explosion in South L.A.


 A South Los Angeles man was arrested on federal charges of illegally transporting tons of explosives he purchased in Nevada – including dangerous homemade devices that were detonated by police, leading to a massive explosion that destroyed a specially designed containment vehicle and injured 17 people.

            Arturo Ceja III, was arrested by ATF special agents pursuant to a criminal complaint filed late Friday that charges him with transporting explosives without a license. Ceja will remain in custody until an initial appearance expected on July 6 in United States District Court in Los Angeles.

 The complaint alleges that Ceja made several trips to Nevada in late June to purchase various types of explosives – including aerial displays and large homemade fireworks containing explosive materials – that he transported to his residence in rental vans. Most of the explosives were purchased at Area 51, a fireworks dealer in Pahrump, Nevada. The complaint notes that fireworks in California can be sold for as much as four times what purchasers pay for the fireworks in Nevada.

     Ceja told investigators that he purchased the homemade explosives – constructed of cardboard paper, hobby fuse and packed with explosive flash powder – from an individual selling the devices out of the trunk of a Honda in the Area 51 parking lot, according to the complaint.

 “Ceja did not possess an ATF explosives license or permit of any kind that would authorize him to transport either aerial display fireworks or homemade fireworks made with explosive materials, including but not limited to flash powder,” according to the complaint affidavit written by a special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

 On Wednesday, after receiving a tip that fireworks were being stored in Ceja’s backyard, Los Angeles Police officers responded to his residence on East 27th Street. At the house, officers found over 500 boxes of commercial grade fireworks in large cardboard boxes. The initial investigation by local authorities estimated that approximately 5,000 pounds of fireworks were found; however, today the ATF determined that Ceja was storing approximately 32,000 pounds of fireworks in his backyard.

  “[T]he fireworks were stored outside and in an unsafe manner, namely under unsecured tents and next to cooking grills,” the complaint alleges. “None of the commercial fireworks or homemade fireworks, which contained explosive materials, were stored in an approved magazine.”

 In addition to the commercial fireworks, the initial search of Ceja’s residence led to the discovery of over 140 other homemade fireworks (typically referred to M devices of varying sizes), as well as explosives-making components, including hobby fuse that matched the fuse on a homemade mortar shell wrapped in tin foil that was discovered inside the residence, according to the affidavit.

 While the fireworks were being removed from Ceja’s residence, the LAPD Bomb Squad determined that some of the homemade fireworks containing explosive materials were not safe to transport due to risk of detonation in a densely populated area and therefore would be destroyed on scene using a total containment vessel (TCV), according to the affidavit. During the destruction of the devices, the entire TCV exploded, causing a massive blast radius, damaging homes in the neighborhood and injuring a total of 17 law enforcement personnel and civilians

A criminal complaint contains allegations that a defendant has committed a crime. Every defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

The charge of transporting explosives without a license carries a statutory maximum sentence of 10 years in federal prison

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; the United States Department of Transportation, Office of Inspector General; and the Los Angeles Police Department are investigating this matter.

181 Days and Counting


When are these basketball playoffs going to be over? They play eighty games then go into the playoffs which could last another twenty-eight games. 

I went to the Yankee - Met game like this, because I knew if I wore my Boston Red Sox shirt, even my security couldn't save me. I want another Met - Red Sox World Series, so I can throw out the first ball at Citi-Field, that is if that, publicity hungry governor of the state doesn't get wind of my idea. He is thinking of a fourth term as governor.  

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress Combating COVID-19


Statewide 7-Day Average Positivity is 0.54%

31,405 Vaccine Doses Administered Over Last 24 Hours

342 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide

4 COVID-19 Deaths Statewide Yesterday 

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19.

"New Yorkers are making critical progress in the fight against COVID-19, but we need to continue getting shots in arms to defeat this beast for good," Governor Cuomo said. "We're offering exciting incentives for those who haven't yet received the shot and continue to make doses available at sites across the state. Today is the day to get your shot—getting vaccinated helps your family, friends and community, so don't delay."

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 67,237
  • Total Positive - 421
  • Percent Positive - 0.63%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 0.54%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 342 (+2)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 59
  • Patients in ICU - 85 (+6)
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 39 (+1)
  • Total Discharges - 185,082 (+66)
  • Deaths - 4
  • Total Deaths - 42,984
  • Total vaccine doses administered - 21,319,106
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours - 31,405
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 297,519
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 69.8%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 64.3%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 72.5%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 65.9%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 58.1%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 53.2%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 60.4%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 54.5%

Councilman Mark Gjonaj's NYC Moving Forward Week in Review - 7/2/2021


Dear Friends,

I hope you and your families are doing well as we go into this July 4th weekend, the annual celebration of our nationhood, the American freedom and pride.

This week my colleagues and I in the NYC Council passed a $98.7 billion NYC budget, making greater strides to ensure more equitable funding to the millions of Bronxites in the way of essential services like food, education, and employment assistance—components necessary for the long and difficult road to recovery ahead. As your delegate, I fought for the Bronx's fair share of the budget, securing tens of millions of dollars for the borough and a combined $10+ million for District 13 to be utilized to create the necessary community programs, services and infrastructure so we can build back better.

Legislatively, as Chair of NYC Council Committee on Small Business, I am proud we held a hearing on four bills I have authored on third-party food delivery apps. These include bills to cap commission fees that cut into restaurants’ profits and prohibit delivery service offerings made without the consent of restaurants, as our city enters into the post-state of emergency recovery phase.

We are proud that as we go into the summer we introduce our District Office Mobile Hours with public libraries, so constituents can meet with our constituent representatives with any issues or concerns.

As we wish you a happy and safe Fourth of July, please remember we are here for you, contact my office with issues or concerns at 718-931-1721 or email at


NYC Councilman Mark Gjonaj
District 13, Bronx

Statement from Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on Fourth of July


 "Today, we come together with family and friends to celebrate both our nation's founding and its continued freedom. New Yorkers have been continuously tested throughout the past 16 months, but we have emerged stronger than ever and ready for a bright future ahead.

"This is also a time to reflect on the sacrifices our fellow New Yorkers and Americans have made to protect and preserve the United States, its values, and democracy. We thank New Yorkers serving our country in uniform, especially those who have paid the ultimate price.

"I wish everyone a safe, happy and peaceful Independence Day."

Senator Biaggi's Week in Review: 6/28/21 - 7/2/21


Senator Alessandra Biaggi

Dear Community,

Happy Fourth of July weekend! I hope you all take a moment to relax this weekend and recognize this important day in our nation’s history. In recognition of the national holiday, our offices will be closed on Monday, July 5th, 2021. 

I encourage you to use Independence Day as an opportunity to reflect on the complicated history of our nation’s founding. It is important to acknowledge that as a country we have failed to live up to the principle that “all men are created equal.” We each play a critical role in the fight for universal freedom and equity – and that begins by recognizing our nation’s history of injustice and the systems of oppression that remain deeply rooted in our society to this day. 

New York City will be having its annual Fourth of July fireworks celebration on the East River at 9:25pm, plus fireworks at Coney Island starting at 10pm. Wherever you are celebrating, I hope you all enjoy the holiday and stay safe!

With Gratitude,