Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Reps. Espaillat & Torres Re-Launch New Americans Caucus for the 117th Congress


Representatives Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) and Norma J. Torres (CA-35) today announced the relaunch of the Congressional New American Caucus for the 117th Congress.


Founded in February 2017, the Congressional New Americans Caucus is comprised of first-generation immigrants and provides a forum to educate all Members of Congress about issues related to New Americans and public service.


Rep. Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in Congress. Rep. Torres is the sole Central American currently serving in Congress. 


The lawmakers released the following statements:


“I’m proud to join Rep. Norma Torres as Co-Chair the New Americans Caucus during the 117th Congress and look forward to continuing our collective efforts to ensure the support and rights of newly naturalized citizens to our nation,” said Rep. Adriano Espaillat, the first Dominican American and only formerly undocumented immigrant to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. “I know firsthand the path immigrants take to become citizens, and for many, that path can mean life or death. We have made tremendous progress working in collaboration with the Biden administration and vow to continue our unified work to ensure new Americans and their families are supported through the citizenship process and are afforded equal opportunities to help them thrive in America.”

“This Caucus will give Members of Congress an opportunity to discuss how immigrants help strengthen the fabric of America,” said Rep. Norma J. Torres. “It will highlight the important roles that first generation immigrants play throughout the entire country. We hope to encourage new Americans to be a voice for their community and become involved.”

Caucus members include U.S. Representatives Torres (CA-35), Espaillat (NY-13), Krishnamoorthi (IL-08), Jayapal (WA-07), Chuy Garcia (IL-04), Omar (MN-05), Carbajal (CA-24), Lieu (CA-33), Malinowski (NJ-07), Sires (NJ-08). 


Trinitarios Gang Member Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison For Witness Retaliation


 Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that CHRISTIAN NIEVES, a/k/a “Eric Rosario,” a/k/a “White Boy,” was sentenced today to three years in prison in connection with his retaliation against a witness who had testified at a previous federal murder trial by slashing the witness across the neck with a blade.  NIEVES was convicted on April 23, 2021, following an approximately eight-day jury trial presided over by U.S. District Judge Jed S. Rakoff, who also imposed today’s sentence.

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “Christian Nieves’s violent assault of a witness to federal crimes was a naked attempt to subvert the administration of justice, sow fear through the community, and prevent future witnesses from coming forward.  Today’s sentence proves that justice will prevail, and sends a clear signal to other gang members that witness retaliation will not be tolerated.” 

According to court documents, the evidence at trial, and statements made in court proceedings:

NIEVES was a member of the Trinitarios street and prison gang, a criminal enterprise with written rules, oath, and constitution.  The gang has a strict prohibition on cooperation with law enforcement (“snitching”), and violations of the gang’s rules are punished by acts of violence.  Among other governing principles, the Trinitarios mandate a “code of silence,” meaning that members are prohibited from cooperating with law enforcement and speaking about the gang in general.

The Trinitarios had an ongoing rivalry with another Dominican gang, Dominicans Don’t Play (“DDPs”).  In 2018, a member of the DDPs, Stiven Siri-Reynoso, was convicted following a jury trial before U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon of charges including the murder of Jessica White, a Bronx mother who was inadvertently hit during a shooting on a playground as part of the rivalry between the DDPs and the Trinitarios.  Significant evidence at that July 2018 trial focused on the DDP-Trinitario rivalry.  The victim of NIEVES’s retaliation was among the witnesses who testified about the inner workings of the Trinitarios gang (the “Victim”).  In the course of his testimony, the Victim testified about crimes that he had committed with NIEVES, including an incident in 2009 when the Victim took a gun from NIEVES after a Trinitarios-related shooting that had resulted in the death of Issi Dominguez.  The Victim’s testimony violated the Trinitarios’ longtime prohibition against testifying against members of the gang.

Following his testimony, around 7:00 p.m. on the evening of February 5, 2019, the Victim was walking on Grand Concourse in the Bronx when he saw NIEVES and other Trinitarios gang members on the steps of a building near the sidewalk.  As the Victim walked past, one of the group called out to him, and NIEVES and at least one other person began following the Victim.  NIEVES caught up to the Victim, took out a razor blade, and slashed at the Victim’s face, cutting him down the jawline.  During the attack, NIEVES told the Victim “this is happening to you because you are a snitch.”  The Victim received prompt medical attention, including stitches to close the wound.

Ms. Strauss praised the investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the New York City Police Department.

Council Member Ruben Diaz Sr. - Bronx County Demonstrated Political Force


By Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz
18 District, Bronx

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez ideas are detrimental to our community

You should know that last week, on July 24, 2021, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, went to Cleveland Ohio to campaign for congressional candidate Nina Turner in a special election.   While on the stump AOC, doubled down on her previous comments to abolish incarcerations, while in a press conference on June 3rd, 2021 with Senator Chuck Schumer at Jacobi Hospital in Bronx County.

Its important for you to know that Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis in response to Congresswoman Cortez, tweeted “If AOC had her way . . . there’d be no jails, no arrests, no police (except her private security). New York City would be turned into a 24/7 movie set for ‘The Purg.” This is referring to a movie where violent criminals run rampant throughout the city committing violent crimes. 

You should know that Congresswoman Cortez seems to be oblivious about crime facts and statistics.  AOC’s outrageous comments reveal how out of touch she is with the district she was elected to represent, and how she ignores those who fall victim to the skyrocketing increase in crime throughout this nation, but more importantly within the city she represents.   

The Congresswoman fails to see that her rhetoric, her words, ideas, and policies serve to embolden the criminal element, and that is detrimental and impacts our predominately Black and Brown communities.  

You should also know that AOC talks a good game about incarcerated Black and Brown people but she reveals how out of touch she really is with the plight of Black and Brown communities as a whole. 

AOC forgets that our Black and Brown children need to be safe in our community playgrounds, and schools.  Congresswoman Cortez forgets that the Black and Brown elderly need to feel and be safe to walk in our communities without fear to be able to safely shop or simply take a walk in the park. Congresswoman Cortez forgets that the Black and Brown youth need a safe place to play basketball or go to the mall or the movies.  Congresswoman Cortez forgets that mothers have a need to feel that their children are safe when they go out. Congresswoman Cortez forgets that it is, disproportionately and predominantly, the Black and Brown people that are the victims of violent crime. 

Congresswoman Cortez, unfortunately, forgot her oath of office which is to defend the community she represents. Congresswoman Cortez goes off to Cleveland Ohio, to unleash her dangerous, detrimental ideas on other communities instead of addressing the crime in her own backyard.

Congresswoman Cortez blames mental illness on the rise in crime and those incarcerated. Her blindness does not allow her to connect the dots, mainly that upon passing bail reform in 2019 we have experienced this large surge in crime in New York City. Which has emboldened the criminal mind.

According to a CNN report by Josh Cambell, the “Overall crime in NYC rose by 22% in May 2021, driven largely by a 46.7% increase in robbery and a 35.6% increase in grand larceny.  The NYPD reported that the number of murders is at 37%.”   

During the Memorial Day weekend alone 13 people were shot among them a 13-year-old boy in the Bronx.    According to a June 3rd report by Thomas Barrabi “NYPD stats April 19, 25 -year to date.  Murders are up by 9.1%, shootings are up by 76.5%, and shooting victims are up by 71.9%.” 

What Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez should know is that Black and Brown's people care about one thing, and that is feeling and being safe in our communities. Black and Brown's communities want and need more police presence.

The Congresswoman should also know that the hard-working, law-abiding Black and Brown people she represents care about holding criminals accountable for the crimes they commit. Incarceration is getting them off our streets. Mental illness should not be used as an excuse for unleashing criminals and havoc onto our communities making Black and Brown's people prey for the criminals.   

I am Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz, and this is what you should know. 

The above comments are that of Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr.

New York State Parks Initiating Additional Measures to Protect Long Island Beach-Goers from Potential Shark Interactions


Heightened Patrols and Monitoring, Public Outreach to Raise Awareness about Sharks

 Due to recent shark sightings and a reported shark interaction in the Atlantic Ocean waters off of the South Shore of Long Island, the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, with assistance from New York State Police, will implement heightened patrols, including drone and helicopter monitoring along the Long Island State Park Beaches, including Jones Beach and Robert Moses State Parks.


"Long Island beaches are a crucial resource for New Yorkers in summer, and we must make sure people feel safe when visiting," State Parks Commissioner Erik Kulleseid said. "With assistance from New York State Police, we are expanding our measures to patrol for sharks and other potentially dangerous marine animals. I encourage all New Yorkers to familiarize themselves with the steps they can take to stay safe while enjoying a day at the beach."


State Parks and State Police will take the following actions:

  • Enhance lifeguard staffing
  • Increase patrols on the beach by lifeguards, Park Police and Park staff
  • Deploy Lifeguards in surfboats to patrol in the water
  • Deploy Park Police patrol boats to search in the water
  • Provide additional drone monitoring of the swimming waters New York State Police and Jones Beach Lifeguard Corp.
  • Dispatch New York State Police helicopter patrols over the South Shore waters

A lifeguard at Jones Beach State Park reported a potential interaction with a shark while in the water near Central Mall at approximately 11 a.m. on Monday. An investigation into the nature of the interaction is ongoing. Additional shark sightings have been reported at Jones Beach in the past week, including a sighting today.

State Parks continues to follow its shark alert protocols. Under these guidelines, swimming is suspended while the shoreline is inspected by drone. Swimming is only allowed to resume at least an hour after the last sighting. All sightings, including today’s incident, are referred to the Long Island Coastal Awareness Group, which consists of 160 municipalities, agencies and private beach operators stretching from Queens through Long Island. State Parks created this alert system in 2018 after shark interactions off Fire Island. State Park lifeguards are continuously scanning and patrolling the waters and are on the lookout for any dangerous marine life, such as sharks.

To minimize the risk of shark interactions, the state Department of Environmental Conservation advises the following shark safety tips:

  • Avoid areas with seals.
  • Avoid areas with schools of bait fish, often characterized by fish splashing on the surface, diving sea birds, or the presence of marine mammals such as dolphins.
  • Avoid areas where people are fishing.
  • Avoid swimming in the ocean at dusk, dawn, or night time.
  • Avoid murky water.  
  • Avoid isolation. Swim, paddle, kayak, and surf in groups.
  • Swim close to shore, where your feet can touch the bottom.
  • Always follow instructions of lifeguards and parks staff.
  • Adhere to all signage at beaches.


New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation oversees more than 250 individual parks, historic sites, recreational trails and boat launches, which were visited by a record 78 million people in 2020. For more information on any of these recreation areas, call 518-474-0456 or visit parks.ny.gov, connect on Facebook, or follow us on TwitterThe free New York State Parks Explorer mobile app is available for iOS and Android devices. To download, visit: Google Play Store, NY State Parks Explorer App or Apple Store, NY State Parks Explorer App

Statement From Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on New CDC Guidance


 "New Yorkers beat back COVID before -- going from the highest positivity rate on the globe to one of the lowest -- by staying smart, following the science, and having each other's backs, and that's exactly what we'll keep doing in this next phase of the pandemic. We are reviewing the CDC's new recommendations closely in consultation with federal and state health experts."



Fine Particulate Matter Advisory in Effect Due to Wildfires in U.S. and Canada 


New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos and State Department of Health (DOH) Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker, issued an Air Quality Health Advisory for the area of New York City Metro for Tuesday, July 27, 2021.  


The pollutant of concern is: Fine Particulate Matter 


The advisory will be in effect through 11:00 p.m. 


DEC and DOH issue Air Quality Health Advisories when DEC meteorologists predict levels of pollution, either ozone or fine particulate matter are expected to exceed an Air Quality Index (AQI) value of 100. The AQI was created as an easy way to correlate levels of different pollutants to one scale, with a higher AQI value leading to a greater health concern. 




Fine particulate matter consists of tiny solid particles or liquid droplets in the air that are 2.5 microns or less in diameter. PM 2.5 can be made of many different types of particles and often come from processes that involve combustion (e.g. vehicle exhaust, power plants, and fires) and from chemical reactions in the atmosphere. 


Exposure can cause short-term health effects such as irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and shortness of breath. Exposure to elevated levels of fine particulate matter can also worsen medical conditions such as asthma and heart disease. People with heart or breathing problems, and children and the elderly may be particularly sensitive to PM 2.5.  


When outdoor levels are elevated, going indoors may reduce exposure. If there are significant indoor sources of PM 2.5 (tobacco, candle or incense smoke, or fumes from cooking) levels inside may not be lower than outside. Some ways to reduce exposure are to minimize outdoor and indoor sources and avoid strenuous activities in areas where fine particle concentrations are high. 


New Yorkers also are urged to take the following energy?saving and pollution-reducing steps:  

  1. use mass transit instead of driving, as automobile emissions account for about 60 percent of pollution in our cities. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, people are strongly advised to carpool only with members of their households; 
  2. conserve fuel and reduce exhaust emissions by combining necessary motor vehicle trips; 
  3. turn off all lights and electrical appliances in unoccupied areas; 
  4. use fans to circulate air. If air conditioning is necessary, set thermostats at 78 degrees; 
  5. close the blinds and shades to limit heat build-up and to preserve cooled air; 
  6. limit use of household appliances. If necessary, run the appliances at off-peak (after 7 p.m.) hours. These would include dishwashers, dryers, pool pumps and water heaters; 
  7. set refrigerators and freezers at more efficient temperatures; 
  8. purchase and install energy efficient lighting and appliances with the Energy Star label; and 
  9. reduce or eliminate outdoor burning and attempt to minimize indoor sources of PM 2.5 such as smoking.             

Additional information on ozone and PM 2.5 is available on DEC's website and https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/indoors/air/pmq_a.htm on DOH's website. 


The Tuesday, July 27, Air Quality Health Advisory region consists of Region 2 New York City Metro, which includes New York City, Westchester, and Rockland counties.

State Senator Gustavo Rivera - Release: ERAP Outreach at Tenant Associations


Senator Rivera Visits Tenant Associations to Promote Emergency Rent Relief Program Ahead of Moratorium Ending
Senator Rivera’s Team Assists Tenants with Online Applications to Prevent Evictions

Senator Rivera visited 2445 Grand Avenue on the evening of Wednesday, July 21 to help tenants apply for emergency rent and utility relief and discuss repair needs in the building. Senator Rivera was joined by an attorney from the Legal Aid Society to offer free legal representation.

Senator Rivera is visiting tenant associations across Senate District 33 in the Northwest Bronx to ensure eligible tenants can apply to the New York State Emergency Rent Assistance Program (ERAP). ERAP was enacted as part of the 2021-2022 State Budget which allocated $2.35 billion in federal funds to provide New Yorkers with relief to avoid evictions due to COVID-19. 

Through ERAP, households affected by COVID-19 can qualify for up to 12 months of past due rent, three months of future rent and up to 12 months of overdue utility bills. Individuals do not need to have a lawful immigration status to qualify for the program. Digital inequities, language barriers, and technical difficulties on the website are challenges for many community members in the Bronx. Senator Rivera’s office is helping tenants overcome those barriers to prevent evictions and deliver rent relief to neighborhoods by offering appointments to complete ERAP applications and assistance in English and Spanish.

According to the New York Right to Counsel Coalition and CASA Bronx, one in four eviction cases across New York State were filed against Bronxites in the last year. They examined housing court data from June 2020 to date and saw that over 79,000 eviction cases were filed despite the state eviction moratorium and other eviction prevention measures. Eight of the ten zip codes with the highest rates of eviction are in the Bronx neighborhoods where communities of color and large immigrant populations were severely impacted by the pandemic. In neighborhoods that Senator Rivera represents, namely Fordham, Kingsbridge, and University Heights sections of the Bronx, landlords have sued over 50 families per 1,000 units.

“My district was the eviction epicenter before the pandemic. In the last year, 26% of eviction cases that were filed across the state were filed against Bronxites. I fought for a state rent relief program that would help my neighbors in the Bronx who are on the brink of displacement and homelessness. My team and I are committed to ensuring that my constituents get every dollar in rent relief that they are eligible for, which is why we are engaging directly with tenant associations across the district to help Bronxites through the application process,” said State Senator Gustavo Rivera, 33rd District, the Bronx

The statewide moratorium for most housing court cases ends on August 31, 2021. Tenants who have submitted hardship declaration forms are protected from eviction but may be facing a monetary judgment that could result in eviction when the stay ends. Tenants can pause eviction cases against them once they confirm their ERAP application has been submitted and tenants who receive rent relief funds to pay back rent arrears are protected from eviction through the next year. More information about the program is available at otda.ny.gov/ERAP

The NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA), who operates the programs, is only accepting applications online and the website has been prone to technical difficulties, which have created barriers for constituents applying for ERAP. Of further concern, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer wrote to OTDA’s Commissioner urging the state to release rent relief funds when it was the only state that had yet to release any. OTDA announced that they have distributed just $117,000 in funds as of last week. The state is at risk of losing the federal funding that hasn’t been spent in September.

“The successful rollout of ERAP is critical to ensuring that we prevent a devastating eviction crisis across New York State. I strongly believe that we need to extend the eviction moratorium beyond August 31 to allow time to resolve technical issues on OTDA’s application website, ensure New Yorkers in the communities most at risk are successfully applying for the program, and distribute rent relief funds to prevent non-payment eviction cases against tenants, particularly in the hardest hit communities where priorities in the law apply,” said State Senator Gustavo Rivera

Bronx constituents who are interested in inviting Senator Rivera to their tenant association meetings or other community events to learn about ERAP and eviction prevention measures can contact the Office of State Senator Gustavo Rivera at grivera@nysenate.gov or by calling 718-933-2034

Governor Cuomo Announces Selection of Laboratories to Assist the State in the Identification of COVID-19 Variants


Effort Builds on State's Current Robust Genome/Variant Surveillance Efforts

Data Generated to Help Support Discoveries to Inform Public Health Intervention

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the selection of five laboratories to bolster state efforts in identifying COVID-19 variants. The New York State Department of Health is partnering with these laboratories to expand the genetic sequencing of specimens positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The selected laboratories have sequencing expertise and experience, as well as capacity and access to SARS-CoV-2 positive specimens from large multi-county areas in New York State, outside of New York City.

"New York is once again leading the way by using every tool at our disposal to beat this virus and expanding monitoring for these emerging variants will help us remain ahead of the pandemic as more New Yorkers become fully vaccinated," Governor Cuomo said. "You can do your part to help contain the spread by getting vaccinated in order to protect yourself and those around you."  

As part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Prevention and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases Enhancing Detection Expansion supplement, the New York State Department of Health's Wadsworth Center received approval to use $20 million to establish a sequencing partnership with external laboratories.

The five laboratories are:

  • SUNY Upstate Medical University - SUNY Molecular Analysis Core
  • Cornell University - Virology Laboratory (Cornell Animal Health Diagnostic Center)
  • University at Buffalo - Genomics and Bioinformatics Core
  • University of Rochester Medical Center - UR Medicine Central Laboratory
  • New York Medical College - Genomics Core Laboratory

New York State Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker said, "The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of whole genome sequencing in identifying variants of concern that are continuously monitored by the Wadsworth Center as an integral part of our public health response. We are pleased to announce this new partnership that will expand this surveillance ability statewide and assist in ongoing COVID-19 pandemic response efforts. Again, we encourage all eligible New Yorkers to get vaccinated, as that is the best way to avoid serious illness."

This effort aims to greatly expand genetic sequencing on SARS-CoV-2 positive specimens derived from the general population of New York State outside of New York City, thus building on our current robust genome/variant surveillance efforts and characterization of the transmission and spread of SARS-CoV-2 across the State. In addition to surveillance, the data generated will help build our understanding of disease manifestations, therapy or vaccine evasion and efficacy, and will support other discoveries to inform public health intervention. Sequencing results from the partner laboratories will be reported to the New York State Department of Health and the Global Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Data.

As a reminder, as stated on the Department of Health website, all COVID-19 vaccines authorized for emergency use in the United States have proven extremely effective at preventing serious illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19. The effectiveness of the FDA-approved vaccines remains strong even against newer strains, including against variants of concern such as the Delta variant identified in India, also known as B.1.617.2. Those who are unvaccinated have the greatest risk of becoming seriously ill, which is why the New York State Department of Health urges all eligible New Yorkers to get vaccinated as soon as they are able.