Friday, January 7, 2022



 Governor Kathy Hochul: Good afternoon. It is so wonderful to be here, as we thank you.  As we herald what I call a new era for New York. And I'm delighted to be here with my partner, as we are sure in this new era for New York. And that is our new, incredible, energetic, and many times fun. Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, want to give him a round of applause. I also want to acknowledge some other individuals who are joining us to make some very significant announcements here today. We have a brand-new Commissioner for the New York City Police Department, Commissioner Sewell, who comes with an incredible amount of experience. And as I mentioned, a new era, I'm so excited about partnering the State and the City when it comes to deploying all the resources to make New Yorkers feel safe again, so thank you, Commissioner for being here as well. Someone who I've come to rely on incredibly since our first hours in office. Battling the rages of a hurricane. This is the person you want in the trenches with you and that is our State Operations Director, Kathryn Garcia. Also, we have representatives from the New York City Transit. That is Craig Cipriano. Also, Sarah Meyer, our Customer Service Officer at MTA. There's a lot on her hands. Thank you, Sara. And Pat Warren the Chief of Safety and Security right now at MTA. And of course, we know Jana Lever is our leader.   


We're here today to address an issue that is on the minds of so many New York residents. And that is the issue of homelessness. So, we're going to talk about homelessness and public safety. And I want to talk about the fact that, as I mentioned in my State of the State yesterday, this truly is a humanitarian crisis. It's hard for people to walk past someone in need of help on our city sidewalks, whether they're coming to a subway station, a train station, or just walking to work. And roughly 4,000 people, our fellow citizens are homeless on the streets. These are the New Yorkers for whom the system has failed. And failure is not an option for us in government.  


So, we're going to go back, we're going to assess the problem. And know that no New Yorkers should ever have to experience life on the streets. And in our state, we're going to deploy the tools that we have available to team up with the Mayor and tackle this issue head on, because our ultimate goal is to make sure that every New Yorker has a roof over their head and that they are safe. Again, New York City, new Era, new opportunity. And New York City is one of three cities where there actually is a guaranteed right to shelter. What does that mean? It is not a safe shelter to go to.   


So yesterday, I announced a major initiative. The first time we're going to create teams of trained professionals, who will be embedded here, who develop relationships, develop trust, and allow us to face the issue of chronic street homelessness with a plan. We're going to get them the support they need, get them into shelter, and ultimately into housing. So, we're going to have what we call our State funded SOS teams, Safe Options Support. What does that mean? These are individuals who work hand in hand with New York City outreach teams, this is what has to happen. This is where you don't need to be siloed or have turf battles, you're teamed together. That's how it works. That's what's been missing. And today, to address this, I'm announcing that I'm signing an RFP to go out immediately to develop these teams to step up initial five batch of teams right now, each team what is this eight to 10 people are part of a team. These are medical professionals, their social workers, outreach people, socialists who understand the very deep human needs that lead people to need more help than they're getting. Because, as I said yesterday, I believe we can and will do better. It's that simple. We have no choice but to act. At the same time, I also mentioned that street homelessness only accounts for a fraction of people are housing insecure. Many people do live in shelters. Shelters can be a scary place for someone, especially during COVID and we tell people not to be in congregate settings. We're worried about that as they are as well.   


So, we also need to talk about another issue and how to make sure that our streets and subways are safer. And I'm so glad that we're going to talk about a plan to do just that. But I mentioned we're just talking about the tip of the iceberg here. And that's why in conjunction with launching a very hands-on strategic approach to dealing with the people on the streets, I want them to have an option to go somewhere else that is safe and worthy of them. And that means we're going to continue focusing on what I announced yesterday 100,000, new affordable housing units, but not just affordable housing. This recognizes that people are homeless because they have unmet needs, unmet mental health needs, substance abuse issues, PTSD, if these are our veterans, they need our help. So, we'll also add 100,000 supportive housing units. And I have been to so many ribbon cuttings, at these types of facilities, and other times, and they are, it's like walking people home again, and saying this is your new life. It's beautiful how government can provide that to a human being. It's powerful. And it's what we must continue to do. We're going to focus on also the most vulnerable populations, whether it's our runaway young people, LGBTQ youth who have nowhere to go, and formerly incarcerated individuals. And you heard me announced yesterday a bold plan to welcome them back into society and some might need to transition back because they've been out of the community for so long. Transitional helping to help them get on the feet, their feet as well. We also announced eviction prevention, legal assistance to help low-income individuals at risk of being evicted as well. So today, we turn yesterday's rhetoric into action. And it starts here right now, with an incredible partner, that I am so enthusiastic, and so ready to roll up our sleeves and get the job done for all New Yorkers. And with that, I'm proud to introduce the Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams.  

Mayor Eric Adams: Thank you, Governor, as you move through the state with your swagger, you know, your thoughtfulness and thoughtfulness of how we must really have the partnership and people miss the fact that the coordination that's taking place in Albany and New York is allowing us to just get stuff done. And the communication we had even around the school openings, and how we talked about getting our children back into schools and moving supplies, you helped us get a million test kits, two million test kits down to the city so that we can deploy and get them into school. And all of those things are happening behind the scene. This is a homecoming for me. I was a transit cop in this station of almost 30 years ago. And I remember this station and I remember the challenges before they rebuilt the location. I remember riding these trains, I remember during the high crime period of high crime time when people were afraid to utilize our system. Graffiti was everywhere. And there was just a feeling that the system was out of control. Today, we are saying we are not going back there. But not only are we not going back, but we're going to utilize our police to do public safety and our mental health professionals to give people the services that they need. And so, this historical moment that many people may miss, but I acknowledged how important it is. Safe Option Support team plan is going to do just that. And as I look at Dr. Ashwin, who's here, how he talked about this so much during his work in the organization, he was affiliated with the group, went out and dealt with street homeless all the times and he understood it. And that was one of the leading reasons, we brought him on our team, the Deputy Mayor and I. Our city can take two of the biggest challenges I believe, and solve them. Helping and fight in homelessness that many of our brothers and sister New Yorkers are experiencing and public safety.   


I said it over and over again that public safety and justice, is the prerequisite to prosperity. And I've seen it from both sides, both living on the verge of homelessness as a child and right in theses subways to protect everyday New Yorkers as they went to and from their place of employment. I know what life was like in the system as a transit cop, and how important it is to give the perception of safety with the actual safety. But also know that New Yorkers care about the people that use the system, it breaks their hearts to walk past people that are living on a train, or experiencing a level of homelessness in the city.  These new Safe Options Support teams will do just that by helping homeless New Yorkers access the services they need. Far too often, those critical periods when people have lost their jobs, lost their homes or, going through some form of health care crisis, if you don't reach them at that critical period, it will take a longer investment to turn their lives around. And we want to do so at that critical period with proven methods and research. That's the team we're building. They understand this line of work, they are committed to getting it right and we're going to do that. This new plan also frees up our police officers to focus on crime and not be the street sweepers of sweeping men and women who are homeless of our system. Nowhere is that more important than the transit system.   


Over the last year, New Yorkers have heard this for me again, and again, I talked about what the issue is in our subway system. Actual crime and the perception of crime and a perception of disorder leads to the crisis we are facing. But also, we can do a better job by addressing the public safety aspect. And we need to be clear here, we will not allow our police officers to have unnecessary engagement with homelessness individuals and those petty issues that will cause a negative encounters with our police officers and riders of the public. We want serious criminals, like the one that stabbed the individual the other day, yesterday, on the subway system, that is our focus, public safety. So, we are going to sustain and ensure that we don't continue to see a decline in ridership. We want to reduce the amount of people who no longer want to take our trains or invest in our city. We want to ensure that tourists and others are safe on our subway system, and that's why this important partner of assuring that our transit system is safe. So as we head into the new year with this recovery, we must restore public trust in our transportation system, and I will say it over and over again, that trust comes with public safety. We are going to add hundreds of daily visual inspections from existing police manpower. That's the goal, how do we better utilize our police force.  


And those existing men and women on patrol will have an additional responsibility to go into the subway system and do visual inspections. Omnipresence brings about the level of security and safety. So, those precinct level offices, they will park, they will go into the subway system, and they will inspect the stations to determine if there are any law problems or any public safety problems that existed. And we're going to also have officers that are behind the desk. I said this on the command – on the campaign trail, too many officers who were hired for public safety are sitting behind the desk. We gave them that bulletproof vests, that badge, and that firearm to go on patrol and protect the public, not to protect computer screens. We want them on patrol where they're supposed to be, and by getting officers from behind the desk, we're going to beef up our manpower in a real way. In addition, transit officers on patrol will now do this, they're going to ride the trains. When the last time you saw an officer walk through the train, to see him there and engage with passengers. How are you? How was your day to rebuild that trust? That's the omnipresence that I knew as a rookie top. When you walk through that train and the public sees you, they feel the level of confidence that the system is a safe place to be. Subway riders will see our officers on that patrol and ready to respond if needed. And so I am really pleased with this moment, Governor, with your additional resources is going to allow us to get – receive the mental health professionals to help us on the ground and be proactive. And part of the role our police officers will play if they identify a homeless condition, they're going to communicate with our outreach workers so they can respond, not to have the offices engage, unless there is some criminal activity taking place that needs immediate attention. This is not a partnership where officers are going to be engaging, but mental health professionals building trust, giving people the resources they need, and giving them the dignity and respect they deserve to ensure they could have permanent housing or permanent resources.  


So I'm proud of this moment, I'm proud of what the Governor has done for the City of New York, our largest transportation system, we receive hundreds of thousands of people that utilize this system every day, and if rebuild the trust, if we rebuild the reliability, and we rebuild the belief that our system is safe, people will utilize the system again, and we – it will become part of our overall recovery for the city. So, again, Governor, thank you so much, and if I could have the opportunity to introduce my amazing Police Commissioner and her real vision outlook for the City of New York, not only below ground, but above ground, and it's the coordination in partnership that we're looking forward to. Police Commissioner? 

Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell: Good afternoon, everyone. It is my honor and privilege to stand here today with Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams, members of the Command Staff and our partners today to speak about the important work we're doing in the nation's largest subway system. It's an exciting day. Communities take many shapes and forms throughout New York City and not all of them are above ground. We see our subway station in lines as not just necessary rapid transit, but as neighborhoods themselves, and it's easy to understand why. In in each station on each platform, in each train car there are people, people who are going to work, to school, to their tourist destinations, and to home. These are all people who make New York City great by keeping it connected, one ride at a time. In fact, if you want to get a quick idea of just how diverse the most diverse city in the country actually is, ride the train. If you want to travel a dozen cultures and traditions and under 20 minutes, ride the train. If you want to see how people get the work of New York City done, ride the train. We know that these millions of riders take a deep sense of ownership in their line, in their station, because for the length of that ride, that's their neighborhood, and their fellows riders – excuse me – their fellow riders are their community. And just as they do above ground, they depend every single day on the NYPD and the MTA to keep them safe.  


We take great pride in the part we do and our public safety partners play to keep this system running, and we're always looking for ways to improve what we do. As with everything else we do across the city when something works, we enhance. When something needs fixing, we fix it. These new NYPD measures mean that officers will be on targeted patrol in the subway system throughout each day, to reinforce what the mayor and the governor have said this plan. This vision for the subway system means that additional NYPD officers from the Transit Bureau, from Patrol Services Bureau, and from other special units will be will be reinvigorated to work in tandem for the same goal to deter crime and getting the assistance people need to them as quickly as possible. There will be hundreds of new visual inspections on the trains throughout each day and night. New Yorkers will witness uniformed officers presence in the transit system, both on platforms, in and out of trains, riding the trains to cover as much ground as possible.  


So, today with our Governor and our Mayor, we're introducing our plan to make the system safer for everybody every day. We will have additional laser focused targeted trained deployments on the lines in subway stations that need them the most with innovative transportation initiatives. They will direct patrols from above ground precincts to integrate coverage of the transit station in their sectors on each tour every day. This will ensure more uniformed NYPD officers in stations and platforms system wide. We will use all of our Transit Bureau's available resources to deter and prevent crime before it happens, and to bring swift justice to victims when and if it does. We will accomplish this by being present, alert, uniform, in uniform, and by proactively seeing all of those we serve. As the Mayor said, we're going to talk to them, say good morning, say, how are you? How's your day going? And actually listening for the answer and responding. If we see passengers sleeping in transit, for example, we will engage them because we know that sleeping passengers are among the most vulnerable victims in the subways. When we see those in need, we will make sure we make real time referrals to get them the social services and the mental health professionals that can assist them. This subway system is for everyone. It is the lifeblood of this city. It must be and it will be safe. That's our job, and we're getting it done. I'll turn it back over to the Governor.  

Governor Hochul: Like I said, it's a whole new day New York. You just heard from our Commissioner who speaks with great confidence, and I'm looking forward to working with her as well as embedding her with our State forces as well. So we have a dynamic opportunity here to make a difference, and I do want to thank the Mayor for responding and delivering on something that we've talked about. I've been on the job 135 days, but early on, I also knew that we needed more of a visible presence in our subways and not up on the streets, not on the platforms, but in the subways. And I've had these conversations before, and now you've delivered on what we've been wanting to see happen to give people that confidence that when you get on our trains, you will safely get to your destination, and that our police will be deployed to do the rightful job of they have which is to protect the public, but also managing a situation again, I call it a humanitarian crisis, we need to take care of the people involved. So I want to thank everyone for participating.  




The pair of legislators had advocated for pedestrian safety improvements at the intersection following a fatal crash between a bus and pedestrian.

 The NYC Department of Transportation has approved a traffic signal to be installed at the intersection of Kappock Street and Johnson Avenue. This decision follows months of advocacy from Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Council Member Eric Dinowitz, and community residents for pedestrian safety improvements after local resident Ruth Mullen was fatally struck by a turning bus while she crossed the street at night. DOT has already made several changes to the intersection following the collision, including the relocation of a street light, the addition of a second luminaire to the relocated light post, the addition of left-turn delineators, and re-painting of the crosswalk markings.


Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and Council Member Dinowitz issued the following joint statement in reaction to this decision from the NYC Department of Transportation:


“A new traffic signal will not bring back our neighbor, Ruth Mullen, but it will hopefully prevent future tragedies from occurring from the moment it is installed. Kappock Street and Johnson Avenue has been a chronic problem spot for vehicles that roll through stop signs, frequently ignoring the presence of pedestrians. A traffic signal should significantly increase the number of vehicles that come to a complete stop at this intersection, which in turn should make this a safer place for people to walk. This traffic signal is a great example of how our neighborhoods are safer when community members and elected officials work together and speak out as one voice. Walkable communities are livable communities, and we will continue to fight for pedestrian safety improvements wherever they are needed.”



Mayor Eric Adams today announced the appointment of Philip Banks III as Deputy Mayor for Public Safety. He most recently served as the New York City Police Department (NYPD) chief of department. As deputy mayor, Banks will be tasked with coordinating all agencies on public safety matters to ensure they align with the Mayor’s vision. Mayor Adams noted Banks’ long and distinguished career in law enforcement, and how he is well-suited to fill the role of the City’s first deputy mayor for public safety since the 1990s. 


“I say it often: Public safety and justice are the prerequisites to prosperity. As someone who wore a bulletproof vest protecting the children and families of this city for 22 years, and now has the privilege of serving as mayor, I need a partner in government who understands what it takes to keep New Yorkers safe. Phil Banks is that person, and I am grateful for his continued public service in this new role to help our administration deliver the safety we need and the justice we deserve,” said Mayor Eric Adams


“I thank Mayor Adams for appointing me as Deputy Mayor for Public Safety. The fact that he is restoring this position in his administration speaks volumes about how dedicated he is to tackling the real public safety crisis on our streets. My goal will be to carry out the Mayor’s plan, working with all City agencies to make this a safer, more equitable city for all New Yorkers,” said Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Philip Banks III. 


“Congratulations to Deputy Mayor Banks on his historic appointment as deputy mayor of public safety, the first to be appointed since former mayor David Dinkins did so Like Mayor Dinkins, Mayor Adams understands how essential it is that we get public safety right, protecting our most vulnerable in the right way,” said National Action Network Founder and President Reverend Al Sharpton.


“Chief Banks has always been there for our community. He has been a faithful servant and a man for all seasons. We trust him,” said NAACP New York State Conference President Dr. Hazel Dukes.


Banks joined the New York City Police Department (NYPD) in 1986, beginning his career on patrol in the 81st Precinct. In 2010 he was appointed Chief of Community Affairs, a role he served in before being appointed chief of department in 2013. Banks earned a B.S. in business administration from Lincoln University. He is a graduate of the Police Management Institute at Columbia University, and has completed advanced management training for senior executives in state and local government at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and the Executive Leaders Program in Counterterrorism at the Center for Homeland Defense and Security at the Naval Postgraduate School. Banks is also a member of the founding chapter of the philanthropic institution 100 Black Men, Inc. and has served on the board of South Bronx Overall Development Corporation. He has also served as adviser to a number of mid- and large­-sized cities on best practices for implementing relationship­-based solutions to address public safety challenges. 

Governor Hochul Announces Availability of $4.5 Million in Funding to Improve Addiction Prevention Efforts in High-need Communities


Federal Funds Under The Substance Abuse Prevention And Treatment Block Grant Will Be Used For Substance Use And Prevention Coalitions

Coalitions Will Engage Vulnerable, Underserved Communities To Develop And Implement Change Prevention Strategies

 Kathy Hochul today announced the availability of up to $4.5 million in federal funding under the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SABG) program to develop substance use and misuse prevention coalitions in underserved areas of New York State. These coalitions are designed to better engage vulnerable and isolated communities in developing and implementing environmental change prevention strategies. Funding will be awarded through a Request for Applications (RFA) process administered by the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS).

"Addiction can impact any family, suddenly and harshly. Fighting the opioid crisis is a personal battle to me, and I want to let all New Yorkers who struggle with addiction know that we are here for you," Governor Hochul said. "Treatments services should be accessible to everyone, and this new funding will go a long way towards ensuring New Yorkers in underserved communities have the resources they need to address addiction and move towards recovery."


Coalitions receiving funding will use the Strategic Prevention Framework to develop culturally appropriate and tailored prevention for underserved communities and populations, including veterans, LGBTQ youth, Latinx, people over the age of 50 years, people with disabilities, rural communities, and migrant communities. This approach involves using local data sources that can identify culturally specific substance use and misuse issues, helping to foster specific prevention strategies to reduce underage substance use and instill lasting positive changes for high-risk communities. 


Up to $150,000 annually will be awarded to one coalition in each of the 10 Economic Development Zones in New York State for 3 years. The RFA for this initiative can be viewed here.


OASAS Commissioner Chinazo Cunningham said, “Properly addressing the circumstances that lead to substance use and addiction requires a community-based approach, with the recognition that different communities and populations require different services. This allows us to target our services wherever there is the greatest need, and with these new coalitions we will be able to bring these vital prevention services to a number of high-need communities and populations.”

Over the past several years, New York State has instituted an aggressive, multi-pronged approach to addressing the opioid epidemic, and created a nation-leading continuum of addiction care with full prevention, treatment, and recovery services. To combat this epidemic, the state has worked to expand access to traditional services, including crisis services, inpatient, outpatient, and residential treatment programs, as well as medication assisted treatment, and mobile treatment and transportation services.


Governor Hochul was a member of the NYS Heroin and Opioid Task Force, which in 2016, recommended new, non-traditional services, including recovery centers, youth clubhouses, expanded peer services, and open access centers, which provide immediate assessments and referrals to care. These services have since been established in numerous communities around the state and have helped people in need access care closer to where they live.


New Yorkers struggling with an addiction, or whose loved ones are struggling, can find help and hope by calling the state’s toll-free, 24-hour, 7-day-a-week HOPEline at 1-877-8-HOPENY (1-877-846-7369) or by texting HOPENY (Short Code 467369). 

Available addiction treatment including crisis/detox, inpatient, residential, or outpatient care can be found using the NYS OASAS Treatment Availability Dashboard at or through the NYS OASAS website. 


If you, or a loved one, have experienced insurance obstacles related to treatment or need help filing an appeal for a denied claim, contact the CHAMP helpline by phone at 888-614-5400 or email at

CONSUMER ALERT: Attorney General James Warns of Cyberattacks Targeting Consumers Reusing Passwords for Online Accounts


Simple Steps Can Help Consumers Safeguard Online Accounts From “Credential Stuffing” Attacks

 New York Attorney General Letitia James today issued a consumer alert warning New Yorkers of cyberattacks targeting consumers that use the same username and password (login credentials) on more than one website or app. In these cyberattacks, known as “credential stuffing” attacks, cybercriminals attempt to log in to online accounts using login credentials stolen from other online services. Specialized software enables attackers to generate and send tens of thousands of login attempts in quick succession. 

“With billions of stolen credentials floating around on the internet, credential stuffing attacks have the ability to hurt both businesses and consumers,” said Attorney General James. “Fortunately, consumers can help safeguard their online accounts against credential stuffing. As we work with businesses to better safeguard consumers’ private information, I encourage all New Yorkers to remain vigilant against these types of attacks and take the appropriate steps to protect their data and their wallets.”

Credential stuffing attacks occur with alarming frequency. One company reported that it witnessed more than 193 billion credential stuffing attacks in 2020 alone. And, earlier this week, Attorney General James announced that a sweeping investigation by her office had identified more than 1.1 million online accounts compromised in credential stuffing cyberattacks on just 17 well-known companies

Attorney General James recommends consumers take the following steps to safeguard their online accounts against credential stuffing attacks:

  • Never reuse passwords: While reusing login information may be convenient, it also puts consumers at risk. Consumers are encouraged to always create a unique password for each of their online accounts.
  • Use a password manager: A password manager on a phone or computer can keep track of a consumer’s passwords, automatically filling them in when they log in to a website or an app. Many modern web browsers include this functionality. Browsers and other password managers can also check if a consumer’s passwords have been stolen in a data breach, and even generate new passwords when creating new online accounts.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): 2FA can provide an extra layer of security by requiring anyone logging in to an account to provide another credential, such as a one-time code sent by SMS or email. Most attackers that have access to a stolen password will not have access to a secondary credential. Consumers should ensure that if a website or app offers 2FA, that it is enabled for their account.
  • Check regularly for unauthorized activity: Not all companies will notify their users when their online accounts have been compromised. Consumers are encouraged to regularly check their online accounts for unauthorized transactions and activity, and immediately contact their online service (and credit card company, if appropriate) if they see something suspicious.
  • Sign up for updates: Consumers should register with a breach notification service, like Have I Been Pwned, that will send them a notification if an account associated with their email or phone number has been compromised.
  • Take Suspicious Activity Seriously: If an online service notifies a consumer of suspicious activity on their account, they should immediately change their password. If consumers use the same password for other accounts, they should be sure to change the password for those accounts as well.

VCJC News & Notes 1/7/22


Van Cortlandt Jewish Center
News and Notes


  1. Shabbos

    Shabbos information is, as always, available on our website, both in the information sidebar and the events calendar.
    Here are the times you need:  
    Shabbos Candles Friday 1/7/22 @ 4:26 pm
    Shabbos morning services at 8:45 am.  Please join the services if you can do so safely. 
    Shabbos Ends Saturday 1/8/22 @ 5:30 pm
  2. Sisterhood Meeting Cancelled
    Because of COVID concerns the Sisterhood meeting scheduled for Sunday, 1/9, has been cancelled. 
Here's this week's edition of the VCJC News and Notes email. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful!



$16 Million in Unused Cards Turned Over to DiNapoli’s Office in 2021

 New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli is urging New Yorkers to spend the gift cards they received this holiday season in a timely fashion. If not, the money could eventually get turned over to the Office of Unclaimed Funds. In the last seven years, the amount returned to DiNapoli’s office in unused gift cards has risen sharply from $5.8 million in 2014 to $16 million in 2021.

“Misplacing your gift cards after the holiday season is easy to do,” DiNapoli said. “Don’t wait too long to spend your gift cards to avoid possible inactivity fees or having the money turned over to my office as lost funds.”

After five years of dormancy, money from unused gift cards issued by New York businesses is turned over to the Office of Unclaimed Funds as abandoned property.

DiNapoli urges recipients to read the fine print for details about the fees and expiration dates on any cards they received and to register the card with the retailer. Under the federal Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009, many types of retail gift cards sold after August 22, 2010 are not permitted to charge inactivity fees unless the card has been inactive for at least 12 months. Gift cards cannot expire within the first five years after purchase.

Currently, state law provides that gift cards cannot be assessed a monthly service fee against the balance prior to two years or the 25th month of inactivity. Beginning in December 2022, with a few exceptions, state law will eliminate fees and expiration dates on gift cards.

New York requires companies offering rebates to disclose whether they will be issued in the form of a gift card and whether any fees will apply to those cards. Rebate cards are not all covered by the same rules as regular gift cards, so this disclosure helps consumers to identify the different cards and how they can be used.

Gift cards may have other terms and conditions that can decrease the value. These may include:

  • Service fees when the card is purchased;
  • Dormancy fees if the gift card is not used within a certain time period;
  • Fees to call and check the balance remaining on the card; and
  • Replacement fees for lost or stolen gift cards.

DiNapoli’s office is currently holding more than $17 billion in unclaimed funds. He urges New Yorkers to visit to see if they are owed money.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Manhattan Man Arrested For Acting As An Unregistered Agent Of The Egyptian Government In The United States


 Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Matthew G. Olsen, the Assistant Attorney General for National Security, and Michael J. Driscoll, the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced today the unsealing of an Indictment charging PIERRE GIRGIS, a dual Egyptian and U.S. citizen, with acting and conspiring to act in the United States as an unregistered agent of the Arab Republic of Egypt. GIRGIS was taken into custody earlier today, and will be presented this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Robert W. Lehrburger.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said:  “As alleged, Pierre Girgis failed to meet his requirements to register as a foreign agent in the United States.  At the behest of Egyptian officials, Girgis’s alleged prohibited conduct included attempting to covertly gather non-public intelligence about the activities of political opponents of Egypt’s president, and attempting to gain access for foreign officials to attend law enforcement-only trainings in Manhattan. This Office will continue to strictly enforce foreign agent registration laws, which remain critically important to ensuring that our government is not secretly influenced by foreign governments.”

Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen said: “The Department of Justice will not allow agents of foreign governments to operate in the United States to pursue and collect information about critics of those governments. Working at the direction of the Egyptian government, Girgis agreed to target its perceived critics located in the United States. This indictment begins the process of holding him accountable for his actions in contravention of our laws and values.”

FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge Michael J. Driscoll said: “Agents of foreign countries are required to register with our government for a good reason - they often act in their home country's interests and against those of the United States.  We allege Mr. Girgis sent non-public information back to Egypt for the benefit of the Egyptian government. Mr. Girgis broke our laws, and we must hold him accountable.”

According to the allegations contained in the Indictment unsealed today in Manhattan federal court, and statements made during court proceedings[1]:

From at least approximately 2014 to 2019, GIRGIS, a native of Egypt, acted in the United States as an agent of the Egyptian government, without notifying the U.S. Attorney General as required by law. GIRGIS operated at the direction and control of multiple officials of the Egyptian government in an effort to further the interests of the Egyptian government in the United States. Among other things, at the direction of Egyptian government officials, GIRGIS tracked and obtained information regarding political opponents of Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. GIRGIS also leveraged his connections with local U.S. law enforcement officers to collect non-public information at the direction of Egyptian officials, arranged benefits for Egyptian officials who were visiting Manhattan, and coordinated meetings between U.S. and Egyptian law enforcement in the United States, including by attempting to arrange for Egyptian officials to attend police trainings.

On or about May 7, 2018, GIRGIS discussed his status as an agent of the Egyptian government with an Egyptian official (“Egyptian Official-1”) using an encrypted messaging application. During the conversation, Egyptian Official-1 expressed frustration that GIRGIS had communicated with personnel from a different Egyptian government agency, warned GIRGIS that “it is not possible to open with all the agencies,” and stated that Egyptian Official-1 was “letting you [GIRGIS] open with us only.”[2] Later in the encrypted messaging exchange, Egyptian Official-1 advised GIRGIS that other Egyptian government agencies “want sources for themselves, and you [GIRGIS] have become an important source for them to collect information.” GIRGIS responded, “I know and I see and I learn from you,” and then informed Egyptian Official-1, “it will not be repeated again.”

Approximately one year later, on or about March 8, 2019, in the course of GIRGIS’s continuing operations as an Egyptian agent, GIRGIS and Egyptian Official-1 discussed an upcoming trip of certain Egyptian officials to the United States. During that telephone conversation, GIRGIS stated, “Tell me what you want me to do,” and Egyptian Official-1 responded by inquiring about GIRGIS’s relationship with a particular U.S. law enforcement officer. Egyptian Official-1 then instructed GIRGIS “to ask [the U.S. law enforcement officer] for something. We want you to find out if there are any police trainings happening in Manhattan in the coming days, and if so, who are the people in charge of these trainings? We would like to attend.” Later in the conversation, GIRGIS again asked, “What you want me to do?” Egyptian Official-1 directed GIRGIS, “Make follow up, Ok?” and GIRGIS agreed by responding, “Ok.”

GIRGIS, 39, is a resident of Manhattan. GIRGIS is charged with one count of conspiring to act as an agent of a foreign government without notifying the Attorney General, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, and one count of acting as an agent of a foreign government without notifying the Attorney General, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. The maximum potential sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by a judge.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of the FBI and its New York Field Office, Counterintelligence Division, and thanked the Department of Justice’s National Security Division, Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, for their assistance.

The charges in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the Indictment, and the description of the Indictment set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

[2] The statements described in the Indictment and herein are set forth in substance and in part.