Thursday, March 31, 2022


My next all-virtual career fair series is coming up next month – and I want to make sure you have time to register and be part of it!


 The 2022 Virtual Career Fair will take place on both Wednesday and Thursday, April 20th-21st, from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM on both days. From healthcare, education, retail, government, and more, this career fair will have it all for both applicants and companies looking to adopt new talent – and this year, I’m proud to announce that this time I’ve dedicated a segment that caters to young professionals!

Here’s some important information you need to know:

  • If you are an employer interested in participating in the Spring 2022 Virtual Career Fair, please fill out this registration form.
  • If you are a job seeker wishing to sign-up for the career fair, you can do so by clicking here.
  • Organizations are advised to RSVP by no later than April 14th, and job-seekers are strongly encouraged to prepare prior to the career fair with important materials such as their resumes to maximize their experience.

Be sure to bookmark the career fair tab on my website to stay up to date on everything related to this upcoming career fair – and be sure to sign up for my newsletter while you’re at it!

If you’re looking for a job, this is the opportunity for you – and I’m determined to help make it happen.






Adriano Espaillat
Member of Congress



Mi próxima serie de ferias de empleo totalmente virtuales se realizará el próximo mes, ¡y quiero asegurarme de que tenga tiempo para registrarse y ser parte de ella!

La Feria de Empleos Virtual 2022 se llevará a cabo el miércoles y el jueves, 20 y 21 de abril, de 10:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. en ambos días. Desde atención médica, educación, comercio minorista, gobierno y más, esta feria de empleos lo tendrá todo tanto para los solicitantes como para las empresas que buscan contratar nuevos talentos, y este año, ¡me enorgullece anunciar que esta vez he dedicado un segmento que atiende a jóvenes profesionales!

Aquí hay información importante que necesita saber:

·       Si usted es un empleador interesado en participar en la Feria de Empleo Virtual de la primavera de 2022, complete este formulario de registro.

·       Si busca trabajo y desea inscribirse en la feria de empleo, puede hacerlo haciendo clic aquí.

·       Se recomienda a las organizaciones que confirmen su participación (RSVP) a más tardar el 14 de abril, y se recomienda encarecidamente a los solicitantes de empleo que se preparen antes de la feria de empleo con materiales importantes, como sus currículos (resumes), para maximizar su experiencia.

Asegúrese de marcar la pestaña de la feria de empleo en mi sitio web para mantenerse actualizado sobre todo lo relacionado con esta próxima feria de empleo, ¡y asegúrese de suscribirse a mi boletín informativo mientras lo hace!

Si está buscando trabajo, esta es la oportunidad para usted – y estoy decidido a ayudar a que lo logre.




Adriano Espaillat
Miembro del Congreso

Governor Hochul Announces $50 Million Available to Increase Student Access to Mental Health Services

 school counseling

$10 Million will be Distributed to Eligible School Districts Each Year

 Governor Kathy Hochul announced up to $50 million in available funding for school districts to improve student access to mental health resources and assist students who have experienced trauma that has impacted their education. A Request for Proposals has been issued by the New York State Office of Mental Health, who will administer the program.

"Young students have been particularly hard-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, suffering disruptions in their education, social lives and recreational activities and opportunities," Governor Hochul said. "I have heard the concerns from many parents and educators about the impact that COVID-19 has had on our children's well-being. This funding will help ensure that every student who has experienced trauma that has impacted their education can receive the necessary mental health resources they need and deserve."

A total of up to $10 million each year over five years will be available and distributed to eligible school districts. Awards shall not exceed $500,000 per applicant annually. Continued funding past the first year will be contingent on timely reporting, satisfactory progress in meeting chosen grant objectives, and the availability of funds.   

Proposals will be scored, and awards will be made to the highest scoring applications that meet the minimum scoring threshold until funds are exhausted or until there are no fundable applications remaining.  

Eligible proposals will achieve the following goals: 

Enhance access to mental health services: Enhancement of mental health staffing and use of a standardized tool to identify student needs are both proven interventions that enhance access to the strategies and supports that address the mental health of students.  

Implement integrated mental health supports: Promoting wellness and resilience within the school environment is crucial in supporting the mental health of students and families, particularly in the wake of the global pandemic.  

Strengthen partnerships with existing supports within the mental health system as well as the larger child-serving system: Enhancing coordination between school staff and community providers and identifying resources within and outside the school allows educators to understand the full range of services available and ensure students and their families have access to the full array of supports/services they need. 

More information about the Request for Proposals is available on the OMH website

New York State Office of Mental Health Commissioner Dr. Ann Sullivan said, "By expanding and enhancing mental health resources in our schools, we have been able to greatly increase access to services for children and their families. OMH has invested significant resources for children and youth whose lives were turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic, and who are now impacted by anxiety, depression and trauma. The funding announced today by Governor Hochul will help us improve student access to mental health resources, and support our students as well as their families." 



  New York City Mayor Eric Adams today announced his appointment of two new members to the New York City Rent Guidelines Board (RGB) — Arpit Gupta as a public member and Christina Smyth as an owner member — reflecting his administration’s commitment to affordable housing and evidence-based policymaking. The appointments come ahead of the RGB’s first meeting of 2022.


“The Rent Guidelines Board is an essential component of our affordable housing infrastructure, and I am confident that my appointees today will be faithful stewards of the city’s rent stabilized housing stock,” said Mayor Adams. “My administration is committed to making decisions based on data, and I know these two appointees share that commitment and will serve New Yorkers well in their respective roles.”


“I am delighted to be appointed to the Rent Guidelines Board,” said Arpit Gupta. “The Rent Guidelines Board plays an important role in our city, and I am excited to help serve New York City. I have a strong commitment to keeping New York City affordable, while balancing the needs of all housing stakeholders.”


“Thank you, Mayor Adams, for this appointment to the Rent Guidelines Board,” said Christina Smyth. “Affordable, high-quality housing is crucial for all New Yorkers. The Rent Guidelines Board recognizes this endeavor. I welcome the opportunity to serve with my fellow board members to achieve balance and equanimity for all housing stakeholders.”


The RGB is mandated to establish rent adjustments for the approximately 1 million apartments and homes subject to New York City’s rent stabilization law. The board consists of nine members, all appointed by the mayor — two members are appointed to represent tenant interests, two members are appointed to represent owner interests, and the remaining five members are appointed to represent the general public.


About the New Board Members:


Arpit Gupta is assistant professor of finance at New York University Stern School of Business, where his research focuses on using large datasets to understand default dynamics in household finance, real estate, and corporate finance. His interests in policy research include real estate, housing, and land-use regulation, as well as transit, infrastructure, public finance, pedestrianization, and the management of urban street space. Mr. Gupta was the recipient of the 2016 Top Finance Graduate Award at Copenhagen Business School. He holds a B.S. in mathematics from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in finance and economics from Columbia Business School.


Christina Smyth, Esq. is the founder and owner of Smyth Law PC, a real estate law practice that represents multifamily residential building owners, operators, and management companies throughout Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx. She is also an adjunct instructor at the New York University Real Estate Institute. Smyth has been a member of the Real Estate Services Alliance since 2011 and is a committee member of the New York State Bar Association’s Lawyers Assistance Program. She holds a B.A. in political science from Fordham University and a J.D. from St. John’s University School of Law.

Brooklyn Man Pleads Guilty to Insider Trading and Tax Evasion


Defendant Received Tip from a Company Insider and Concealed his Income from the IRS

 Jason Peltz pleaded guilty in federal court in Brooklyn to securities fraud and tax evasion in connection with an insider trading scheme in which Peltz executed securities transactions based on material nonpublic information (MNPI) from a company insider. The proceeding was held before United States District Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis. When sentenced, Peltz faces up to 25 years in prison, forfeiture of his ill-gotten gains, and restitution to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of over $1 million.     

Breon Peace, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, Michael J. Driscoll, Assistant Director-in-Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York Field Office (FBI), and Thomas Fattorusso, Special Agent-in-Charge, IRS Criminal Investigation, New York (IRS-CI), announced the guilty plea.

“With today’s plea, Peltz admitted to trading on material nonpublic information about a publicly traded company to line his own pockets and also to lying about his income to avoid paying taxes on a substantial tax liability,” stated United States Attorney Peace.  “This Office will vigorously prosecute traders who seek to cheat the system, harm the investing public and undermine the integrity of our financial markets.  We will hold accountable those who lie to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.” 

Mr. Peace thanked the Securities and Exchange Commission, New York Regional Office, for their assistance during the investigation. 

“Plain and simple. It's illegal to use non-public information to buy and sell stocks. Doing so manipulates the markets and can have detrimental effects on the wallets of individuals who play by the rules.  But this defendant didn't stop there, he made significant financial gains and then claimed that he had no income in an effort to blatantly evade taxes,” stated IRS-CI Special Agent-in-Charge Fattorusso. 

In February 2016, Peltz obtained MNPI from an insider at Ferro Corporation (“Ferro”) about a potential takeover offer (the “Ferro Takeover Bid”). Peltz used that MNPI to:

  • Profitably trade in Ferro in the brokerage accounts of two co-conspirators,
  • Tip other individuals, each of whom also profitably traded on MNPI about the Ferro Takeover Bid, and
  • Tip a reporter, who wrote an article making public the news of the Ferro Takeover Bid, which resulted in an increase in the price of Ferro’s stock.
Peltz and the Ferro insider each received significant financial benefits from other co-conspirators shortly after Peltz traded in those co-conspirators’ brokerage accounts, and Peltz continued to receive large payments from co-conspirators, as well as other benefits, as payment for his trading activity. Peltz directed that these payments be made to corporate and nominee bank and credit card accounts, in order to conceal his income from the IRS. Despite receiving such payments, in 2017 Peltz falsely swore under penalty of perjury to the IRS that he had been unemployed since December 2015 and had no income.

New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Launches New York State Historic Business Preservation Registry



Registry to Showcase New York Businesses in Operation For At Least 50 Years

 The Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation announced the launch of the New York State Historic Business Preservation Registry. First proposed by Assembly Member Daniel O’Donnell and State Senator Jose M. Serrano, the online registry was established to honor and promote New York businesses that have been in operation for at least 50 years and have contributed to their communities’ history. The first round of designations includes 100 businesses across the state.

“Many of our state's homegrown businesses have helped shape the character and identity of the communities that they call home,” OPRHP Commissioner Erik Kulleseid said. “From small bakeries owned by generations of the same family, and farms dating back to the 1700s, to manufacturers who ship products around the world, these homegrown businesses serve New Yorkers well. With the launch of the New York State Historic Business Preservation Registry, we are excited to showcase the businesses, large and small, that are the backbone of our state’s economy.” 


The honorary program, which provides educational and promotional assistance to help ensure businesses in the state remain viable, will be coordinated through the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP). An interactive storyboard map, which provides information about the location and history of each business, can be found on the agency website

Nominations to the registry must be sponsored by an elected state official. Each elected official may nominate two businesses for inclusion per term. The program is non-competitive, and as long as the nomination criteria are met, businesses will be added to the registry. Business owners will be presented with certificates by the sponsor of their nomination and given window decals with the program logo. Anyone interested in having a business added to the registry should reach out to their state representative.



Campaign Launching Today Includes Five-Borough Neighborhood Advertisements Encouraging Visitors to ‘Brooklyn Like a New Yorker,’ ‘Bronx Like a New Yorker,’ ‘Manhattan Like a New Yorker,’ ‘Staten Island Like a New Yorker,’ and ‘Queens Like a New Yorker’


Effort Includes Marketing Promotion and Global Publicity Effort, Including Release of Five Distinct Borough Travel Guides, Beginning Today With Brooklyn

 New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced the launch of ‘Get Local NYC’ — a new five-borough tourism marketing campaign, led by NYC & Company — that will encourage visitors to explore all of New York City and support small businesses as the city emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic and the tourism industry begins its rebound. The announcement comes as Mayor Adams addresses NYC & Company’s membership at its first annual meeting held in three years at the Javits Center and as tourism levels in the city are expected to return to 85 percent of 2019 levels by year’s end. 


‘Get Local NYC’ is part of Mayor Adams’ “Rebuild, Renew, Reinvent: A Blueprint for New York City’s Economic Recovery.” The campaign is just one key effort of the mayor’s commitment to the tourism industry, supporting the expansion of the “It’s Time for New York City” marketing campaign to encourage visitors to return to New York City and to rebuild and strengthen tourism and hospitality businesses across all five boroughs.


“My administration is laser-focused on driving tourism in this city and letting the world know that New York City is back,” said Mayor Adams. “Our hospitality and tourism industry have long been an engine of economic prosperity that impacts all New Yorkers. This campaign will highlight so many of the incredibly special small and minority-owned businesses in all five boroughs. While New Yorkers know where to find the best bagel or slice of pizza, see the best street art or artists, tourists are not so lucky. This guide will give an inside view to visitors, both near and far, and we can’t wait to welcome them.”


“Driving our city’s economic recovery includes reestablishing New York as the number one global tourism destination and the world’s second home,” said Deputy Mayor for Economic and Workforce Development Maria Torres Springer. “And we’re not satisfied with simply returning to pre-pandemic levels of tourism — we are working to exceed those numbers starting in 2024. Importantly, we are focusing our efforts on getting people out to attractions in every borough, making sure New Yorkers, in all communities, benefit from the jobs and economic investment that tourism brings.”


“We are pleased to join Mayor Adams to launch this comprehensive borough-wide initiative that will encourage visitors to ‘New York City Like a New Yorker,” said NYC & Company President and CEO Fred Dixon. “We’re confident that the ‘Get Local NYC’ campaign will encourage deeper exploration throughout the city’s diverse neighborhoods, supporting small businesses and spotlighting authentic communities, as New York City emerges from the pandemic.”


The new ‘Get Local NYC’ campaign will ask visitors to ‘Bronx Like a New Yorker,’ ‘Brooklyn Like a New Yorker,’ ‘Manhattan Like a New Yorker,’ ‘Queens Like a New Yorker,’ and ‘Staten Island Like a New Yorker.’ ‘Get Local NYC’ ads — created by NYC & Company — will appear digitally in regional and national markets, including Boston, Washington, DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco/Oakland, and Miami/Ft. Lauderdale. Borough-specific guides with photo galleries, videos, itineraries, events, and venues will also be available on the city’s official tourism website.


The campaign will be promoted on the homepage of and will include relevant content from NYC & Company’s multicultural content hubs, and will also be promoted locally through LinkNYC screens and Taxi TV, as well as via social media using the hashtag #GetLocalNYC. A publicity campaign featuring individual borough travel itineraries will target travel journalists globally through NYC & Company’s international representative offices across five continents with Brooklyn launching today and the others launching later this spring and summer. Travel agent training will also be incorporated as part of the new ‘Get Local NYC’ effort.


In addition to the borough taglines, NYC & Company’s creative team has built-in additional taglines, including ‘Chinatown Like a New Yorker,’ ‘Museum Like a New Yorker,’ ‘San Gennaro Like a New Yorker,’ ‘Dance Till Dawn Like a New Yorker,’ ‘Art Gallery Like a New Yorker,’ and ‘New York City Like a New Yorker,’ with more to follow, including dining and retail solutions to reflect New York City’s vibrancy.


Creative Assets from the campaign can be found onlineBy downloading these assets, you are agreeing to the following terms: 


NYC & Company is granting you permission for press use only. Any use of the provided Media Assets, in whole or in part, other than for PRESS purposes, is prohibited (including, but not limited to, copying, distribution, or sale of these Media Assets). Please note that the Media Assets must not be used for commercial purposes or rebranded in any way without explicit permission from NYC & Company. NYC & Company is providing this to you without any representations as to rights and clearances with regard to third-party rights. 


New York City’s tourism forecast for 2022 is expected to reach 85 percent of 2019 levels (when New York City welcomed an all-time high of 66.6 million visitors), with 56.4 million visitors, including 48.4 million domestic and 8 million international visitors. Hotel occupancy climbed to 74.6 percent for the week ending March 19, recovering to 86 percent of 2019 benchmark levels, and hit 83 percent on Saturday evening, a clear sign that recovery is well underway.


And You Thought Jerome Avenue Was in The Bronx - Permits Filed For 1700 Jerome Avenue In Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn


1700 Jerome Avenue in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn via Google Maps

Permits have been filed for a seven-story mixed-use building at 1700 Jerome Avenue in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. Located at the intersection of East 17th Street and Jerome Avenue, the lot is near the Sheepshead Bay subway station, serviced by the B and Q trains. Moses Kupferstein of BBM Construction Corp. is listed as the owner behind the applications.

The proposed 74-foot-tall development will yield 38,618 square feet, with 23,197 square feet designated for residential space, 15,136 square feet for commercial space, and 285 square feet for community facility space. The building will have 27 residences, most likely rentals based on the average unit scope of 859 square feet. The concrete-based structure will also have a rear yard and 69 enclosed parking spaces.

Francisco Nunez of Studio Gallos is listed as the architect of record.

Demolition permits have not been filed yet. An estimated completion date has not been announced.

Team Biaggi - Just over 24 hours left…


Alessandra Biaggi - Democrat for Congress

Biaggi for Congress End of Quarter

Deadline: tomorrow night at midnight

Hi Friends, we’ll keep this quick — tomorrow is the very last day of this fundraising quarter, and we’re still just a bit short of our goals.

Remember, it’s very important that this is our first federal deadline of the campaign.

As we mentioned, the Republican in this race already raised over $800,000, so we need to catch up to show we can compete. Alessandra knows how to win an uphill battle when so much is on the line, but she can’t do it alone.

All our best,

Team Biaggi


We deleted any and all references for solicitations. We however find it strange that a Republican's amount is mentioned for a Democratic Primary, when there are several Democratic candidates running against State Senator Biaggi.