Wednesday, August 31, 2022



New Signage to be Posted to Warn Pedestrians When Entering “Sensitive Locations,” Like Times Square


City Website With Frequently Asked Questions Will Ensure New Yorkers Are Aware of New Regulations

 New York City Mayor Eric Adams today announced that the city is launching a comprehensive outreach plan to educate and inform New Yorkers about new state legislation, going into effect tomorrow, governing concealed carry regulations across the state. The provisions of the legislation will require concealed carry license applicants to meet revised eligibility requirements and complete a state-regulated firearms training course, as well as defines certain “sensitive locations” where concealed carry licensees are not permitted to carry guns within.


“The U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen decision was the shot heard round the world that took dead aim at the safety of all New Yorkers. New York City will defend itself against this decision, and, beginning tomorrow, new eligibility requirements for concealed carry permit applicants and restrictions on the carrying of concealed weapons in ‘sensitive locations,’ like Times Square, take effect,” said Mayor Adams. “We will be posting signage at every entrance into Times Square informing those traveling through that the area is a gun-free zone and that licensed gun carriers and others may not enter with a gun unless otherwise specially authorized by law. As mayor of New York City and a former police officer, my top priority will always be the safety of all 8.8 million people who call this city home, so while the Supreme Court decision may have opened an additional river feeding the sea of gun violence, we are doing everything we can to dam it and keep New York the safest big city in America.”


Later today, the city will post temporary signage around Times Square informing those traveling through that the area is a gun-free zone, and licensed gun carriers and others may not enter with a firearm unless otherwise specially authorized by law. Signage will be posted at other “sensitive locations” in the near future.

Left: The temporary signage that will be posted around Times Square, starting Thursday, September 1st. Right: The boundary of the Times Square “sensitive location” defined under the law, and the locations where signs will be placed.


The city will also launch a website tomorrow with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to educate New Yorkers about the law. The FAQs will provide an overview of the legislation and what changes New Yorkers can expect. The page will be updated periodically to respond to New Yorkers’ concerns and provide helpful information.


“In response to the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down New York’s century-old concealed carry law, we took swift and thoughtful action to keep New Yorkers safe,” said New York Governor Kathy Hochul. “I refuse to surrender my right as governor to protect New Yorkers from gun violence or any other form of harm. In New York state, we will continue leading the way forward and implementing common sense gun safety legislation.”


“Ignorance of the law is not an excuse to break it, but we are still committed to making it abundantly clear to every resident and visitor what the provisions and effects of this new legislation are,” said Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Philip Banks III. “What this decision doesn’t change is the fact that the NYPD and all of our public safety agencies remain focused on protecting this city. We have worked tirelessly with our law enforcement partners to prepare for the new regulations, and will continue to make safety priority #1 as this legislation goes into effect.”

“The state has developed a licensing regime that is consistent with Bruen and protective of commonsense eligibility requirements — and the city has worked in close coordination with our partners at the state level to implement the provisions going into effect this week,” said City Hall and Mayoral Chief Counsel Brendan McGuire. “We will continue to use every legal tool at our disposal to keep New Yorkers safe.”

“Nothing about the new requirements going into effect regarding legal firearm possession changes the fact that the NYPD remains prepared to ensure public safety in Times Square and elsewhere throughout New York City,” said New York City Police Department (NYPD) Commissioner Keechant L. Sewell. “The NYPD’s focus on detecting and interdicting illegal guns — and arresting those who unlawfully possess them — remains a cornerstone of our continuing fight to eradicate gun violence.”

“The city is committed to doing everything it can to assist in keeping New Yorkers safe,” said New York City Corporation Counsel Sylvia Hinds-Radix. “Our work at the Law Department is ongoing to help the city implement the state’s new laws and ensure public safety, while respecting the constitutional rights of lawful gun owners.”


“Mayor Adams is committed to keeping New Yorkers safe,” said Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice Director Deanna Logan. “We are working with our partners across the city and state to educate the public on the new regulations, strengthening social interventions that reduce the harm of illegal guns to achieve the right balance between responsible gun ownership and public safety.” 


“There is no place for personal firearms at the ‘Crossroads of the World,’” said New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez. “Times Square is a safe, global attraction for the millions of residents, commuters, and tourists who visit and pass through it every day. We are grateful for the work of Mayor Adams and the City Council to ensure this iconic space remains welcoming to all.”


On June 23, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down New York’s handgun-licensing law in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen. Before the Supreme Court’s decision, the law required applicants for conceal carry gun licenses to show “proper cause,” but the court ruled that New York state’s “proper cause” requirement violated the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.


On July 1, 2022, New York state enacted Chapter 371 of the Laws of 2022 in response to the limitations set forth under the Bruen decision. The state law revises specific eligibility requirements to the concealed carry licensing process and restricts the carrying of concealed weapons in a specified list of “sensitive locations.” It also enhances safe storage requirements and background check coordination, as well as amends the state’s existing body armor purchase ban to include hard body armor.


Rally in favor of Upzoning Throggs Neck Foodtown


Mayor Eric Adams was scheduled on Tuesday to attend a pro- upzoning rally of the Throggs Neck Foodtown on Bruckner Boulevard at Crosby Avenue, but cancelled an hour before the scheduled start. Union leaders of 32BJ, Local 79 Laborers International of North America, union members, and those who are in favor of the Throggs Neck upzoning went on with the rally.

Stan Halie, a laborer who works at Lehman High School said he lives in Throggs Neck and he is in favor of the upzoning. Only one other person who spoke in favor of the upzoning said they live in Throggs Neck, yet there were shouts of those who oppose the upzoning don't represent the city. More shouts included 'What do we want, affordable housing. When do we want it, now.' 

Stanley Richards Deputy Director of the Fortune Society said he is a lifelong Bronx resident who lives in Bedford Park. He said that the Fortune Society supports affordable housing, adding that the Fortune Society is the provider of the Just Home project at Jacobi Hospital that will have seventy affordable apartments for people re-adjusting to the community after serving their time in jail. He said Just Home in Morris Park and The Bruckner upzoning is good for the community and the city. 

Bertha Lewis of the Black Institute said there is an affordable housing crisis in New York City, Throggs Neck is not an island, we got empty lots and we should have affordable housing there. She then said "Do you not like Black and Brown people?" Where are you Marjorie, then chants of 'Where are you Marjorie (Councilwoman Marjorie Velazquez), as Ms. Lewis continued "You should be with us here, the fight has just begun, we are not backing down, we are coming strong and you are not going to stop us, this is going to happen. She then mentioned the September 7th City Council hearing on the Bruckner Upzoning. 

There was a bit of irony to this union rally at the Throggs Neck Super Foodtown which is a non union store, and the person requesting the upzoning is rumored to have lied to a bankruptcy court about his ownership of the supermarket. 

This super Foodtown, once an A & P supermarket, was the scene of a pro upzoning rally. You can see union members from 32 BJ and Local 79 standing outside the non union supermarket.

Police officers were on hand to keep the community residents opposed to the upzoning and the pro upzoning union members apart.

Throggs Neck resident and laborer Stan Halie spoke in favor of the upzoning, but after he gave his name to me, he was pulled away by a union rep. 

Stanley Richards of the Fortune Society said the Fortune Society supports the Upzoning of Throggs Neck and mentions the Fortunes Society's Just Home project at Jacobi Hospital.

Bertha Lewis of the Black Institute may of said it best when she said "This is going to happen,"

A group photo of the union members and those in favor of the Throggs Neck upzoning. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

NYC Public Pension Funds Urge Credit Card Company Transparency Regarding the Identification of Sales at Gun and Ammunition Stores


Mastercard and American Express urged to report on their decision-making for the creation of a new merchant category code that would identify purchases made at standalone gun and ammunition stores

 Today, New York City Comptroller Brad LanderMayor Eric Adams and trustees of the New York City Employees’ Retirement System, Teachers’ Retirement System, and Board of Education Retirement System announced the filing of a shareholder proposal at Mastercard and American Expresstwo of the world’s largest credit card issuers. The proposals ask the boards of both companies to assess and publicly report to all investors on their oversight of management’s decision-making regarding any application to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to establish a merchant category code (MCC) for gun and ammunition stores. 

The filing of this proposal, which is accompanied by a letter from the City’s Pension Funds, jointly with the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS), to American ExpressMastercard and Visacomes ahead of a meeting of the ISO this Fall, which is responsible for maintaining MCC guidelines. The three City pension systems and CalSTRS own 1.74 million combined American Express shares valued at approximately $241 million; 2.6 million combined Mastercard shares valued at approximately $834 million; and 4.8 million combined Visa shares valued at approximately $951 million as of June 30, 2022.

“Gun violence continues to ravage our nation and communities across our city. As fiduciaries, we have a responsibility to minimize risks of harm that could negatively impact the companies in our portfolio. Establishing a merchant category code to identify purchases from gun retailers could do just that by preventing gun crimes and saving lives. Unfortunately, the credit card companies have failed to support this simple, practical, potentially lifesaving tool. The time has come for them to do so, said Comptroller Brad Lander.

“When it comes to guns falling into the wrong hands, we must find upstream solutions before we’re faced with downstream consequences — because downstream consequences are lost lives. When you buy an airline ticket or pay for your groceries, your credit card company has a special code for those retailers. It’s just commonsense that we have the same policies in place for gun and ammunition stores. I’m proud to join Comptroller Lander and our partners at the state level to call for this important policy change,” said Mayor Eric Adams. 

An MCC is a four-digit number that financial institutions use to identify businesses by the types of goods or services sold there. Currently, nearly every category of business is issued a specific MCC, from clothing stores and transportation providers, to very specific types of businesses such as glassware stores. However, standalone gun and ammunitions stores are a notable exception.  

The creation of a new code would be an initial step that would enable financial institutions to detect and report suspicious activity related to gun purchases that may be used for criminal purposes (e.g. unusually large purchases at a gun and ammunition retailer over a short period of time or multiple purchases at multiple retailers). This could be accomplished without limiting or regulating gun sales or creating any additional burden to their internal reporting systems.

Shareholders are owed transparency on a company’s stance on issues that could threaten long-term value, including by ignoring or failing to mitigate risks. The shareholder proposal specifically requests a report that would cover American Express and Mastercard’s governance of MCC standards, and disclose and explain the justification for their position on any applications to create an MCC for gun and ammunition stores.

The trustees of the relevant systems are as follows:

New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS): New York City Comptroller Brad Lander; Mayor Eric Adams’ Representative Preston Niblack (Chair); New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams; Borough Presidents: Mark Levine (Manhattan), Donovan Richards (Queens), Antonio Reynoso (Brooklyn), Vito Fossella (Staten Island), and Vanessa L. Gibson (Bronx); Henry Garrido, Executive Director, District Council 37, AFSCME; Tony Utano, President Transport Workers Union Local 100; and Gregory Floyd, President, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 237.

Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS): New York City Comptroller Brad Lander; Mayor Eric Adams’ Appointee Bryan Berge; Chancellor’s Representative, Benjamin Schanback, New York City Department of Education; and Debra Penny (Chair), Thomas Brown and David Kazansky, all of the United Federation of Teachers.

Board of Education Retirement System (BERS)Schools Chancellor David C. Banks, Represented by Ben Schanback; New York City Comptroller Brad Lander’s Representative Alison Hirsh; Mayoral: Vasthi Acosta, Marjorie Dienstag, Gregory Faulkner, Sheree Gibson, Dr. Angela Green, Kyle Kimball, Anthony Lopez, Alan Ong, Gladys Ward, Karina Taveras; Thomas Sheppard (CEC); Geneal Chacon (Bronx), Tazin Azad (Brooklyn), and Kaliris Salas-Ramirez (Manhattan); and employee members John Maderich of the IUOE Local 891 and Donald Nesbit of District Council 37, Local 372.