Monday, October 3, 2022



Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams, one of the only elected officials in the country with Tourette Syndrome, continued his longstanding efforts to house New Yorkers, protect against discrimination, and advance disability justice today. In a statement at a joiny hearing of the City Council Committee on Housing and Buildings and the Committee on Aging today to consider his bill, he argued that despite being prohibited by federal law under the Fair Housing Act of 1968, discrimination against disabled tenants is still prevalent, including through denial of reasonable accommodations. 

"Disability discrimination complaints are reportedly the most common complaint received by federal and local agencies under the Fair Housing Act. People with disabilities have high rates of housing insecurity and experience poverty at twice the rate of nondisabled adults." argued Public Advocate Williams. "Additionally, disabled people are more likely to have medical debt, to receive lower pay, and to experience food insecurity all factors which contribute to an increased risk of eviction and homelessness... Further, having a record with an eviction filing, regardless of whether the eviction was granted, can be a barrier to obtaining rental housing in the future, which can keep renters with disabilities in a cycle of housing instability and homelessness."

The Public Advocate's legislation, Intro 584, would would require the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) to provide tenants with disabilities with information about legal services when they are facing eviction. It would also require the HPD Commissioner to report on any pattern of discrimination against disabled tenants.

He closed highlighting the ongoing eviction crisis citywide, acknowledging the challenges posed in recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and pledging to work to "ensure that all people with disabilities in our city have access to stable, affordable, and accessible housing."

News, updates and more from NYC Council Member Rafael Salamanca, Jr.



Former NYC Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. - Governor: Why The Lies?

By Former NYC Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz 

You should know that, during campaign season, when we the People are looking for whom to elect as our representatives in the Government, we are inundated by propaganda, disinformation and to put it bluntly lies. Millions of dollars are spent on commercials, social media, and advertisements to help spread the lies to deceive the voters.
My question is why lie? These political ads usually come from the incumbents who desperately want to hold on to their seats, and power. As a result, they have no qualms accusing their political opponents by resorting to name calling and lies. Political opponents are often called "Hitler", "racist", "sexist", "fascist", "homophobic", antiwoman, etc. The list of hateful names and insults are endless.
My dear reader, think about this for one moment.  If our elected officials have worked successfully at their jobs, and for the benefit of the people that elected them, then why not highlight their achievements instead of resorting to insults and outright lies?
For example, Governor Kathy Hochul’s campaign has poured millions of dollars into a commercial that is filled with innuendos, misinformation and outright lies against her opponent, Congressman Lee Zeldin.
You should know that this commercial implies that Congressman Lee Zeldin approved the attack on the nation’s Capital Building on January 6th.  That is a lie!  According to Hochul’s campaign commercial, "5 police officers were killed” on January 6th   when the Capitol was breached. This too is a lie.  NO Capitol police officers were killed on January 6th. Hochul’s campaign commercial also says that Congressman Zeldin is "extremely dangerous" because he opposes abortion. It’s no secret that Lee Zeldin is pro life. Therefore, he favors protecting the life of the unborn.  So, according to Kathy Hochul, this makes him “extremely dangerous”? Really?
The commercial also accuses Lee Zeldin of being “so cruel to women" because he opposes abortions when the mother's life is in danger. That is another lie.
So why the lies? The answer is because if the voter knows the truth, Kathy Hochul would not be elected.  She cannot run on her dismal record. You should Know that Governor Hochul supports the most radical, cruel, and extreme forms of abortions. Kathy Hochul supports late term abortions up until the moment when the baby is about to exit the mother’s womb. Congressman Zeldin opposes this and rightfully views it as a crime like most New Yorkers do. 
Gov. Hochul, according to the New York Post, allocated $35 million dollars to expand abortions to make New York State the Abortion Capitol of America. Now the state legislature wants to allocate an additional $50 million dollars to extend abortions to women from other states, wanting to get an abortion, in New York will have their transportation and expenses paid for by you the New York State taxpayer. Don’t think the voters would be too happy about that.
Another reason Gov. Kathy Hochul cannot run on her record is because of the out of control increasing crime rate and violence in New York. It is important for you to know that Governor Hochul favors cashless bail for criminals and violent offenders. This allows the immediate release of those who commit crimes. It lets the criminal back out on the streets enabling them to commit more crimes and prey on the innocent victims of New York. The Bail Reform Law has negatively impacted our judicial system, tying the hands of our police officers and court judges. This leaves New Yorkers in the hands of those who want to prey upon us.
So, you see, Governor Kathy Hochul must hide her dismal record as Governor by hiding behind her deceptive commercials. She has no successes or achievements to highlight, so she resorts to lying about her opponent. Governor Hochul must pay millions of campaign dollars to hide her inability to control the violence, crime, failing judicial system and the disrespect for our law enforcement officers. She must deflect from her ineptitude to put an end to the chaos that has befallen our State under her watch.
If we want things to change for the better in New York State and we want to improve the quality of life in New York, then we must ignore the lies, the political propaganda, and go out as educated voters, and vote with understanding and wisdom.
I Am Rev. Ruben Diaz, and This Is What You Should Know.


Governor Hochul Issues Proclamation Designating October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month and Highlights Resources for Small Businesses and New Yorkers

 computer screen and keyboard

"See Yourself in Cyber" Theme Stresses the Growing Importance of Cybersecurity in an Increasingly Connected World

Read the Proclamation Here

 Governor Kathy Hochul today issued a proclamation designating October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month. As New Yorkers face growing cybersecurity threats, Cybersecurity Awareness Month is part of joint state and national efforts to engage and educate the public about cybersecurity and provide tools and resources to help them stay safe online.

"Whether you're a novice internet user or a tech savvy expert, cyberattacks pose a threat to all of us whenever we're online," Governor Hochul said. "This October, we are raising awareness for New Yorkers at all levels of the public and private sectors as we continue to lead the nation in aggressively combating evolving cybersecurity threats."

The theme for the 19th annual Cybersecurity Awareness Month - "See Yourself in Cyber" - highlights the growing importance of cybersecurity and encourages individuals and organizations to take the necessary measures to protect themselves in an increasingly connected world.

New York State Chief Cyber Officer Colin Ahern said, "Governor Hochulcreated the position of Chief Cyber Officer because she understands the importance of protecting the state's cybersecurity infrastructure from emerging threats and strengthening our cyber defenses. I am proud to serve in that role and am committed to establishing and building relationships across all levels of government and the private sector to ensure New York's critical infrastructure is secure and resilient."

 Each week in Cybersecurity Awareness Month focuses on a different topic:

  • Understanding and implementing basic cyber hygiene practices, including the creation of strong passphrases, using multi-factor authentication, performing software updates and backing up data.
  • Recognizing and reporting phishing attempts, whether they come through email, text messages, or chat boxes.
  • Empowering individuals to not only practice safe online behavior, but also consider joining in the mission to secure our online world by pursuing a career in cybersecurity.
  • Making cybersecurity a business priority by ensuring products and processes are "secure by design" and encouraging the consideration of cybersecurity when purchasing new internet-connected devices.

ITS also is coordinating a statewide cybersecurity poster contest for children in kindergarten through 12th grade, a timely opportunity for teachers to focus on keeping children safe online in a fun and informative way. Submissions are due Dec. 16, 2022. New York State winners will be featured on the ITS website and entered into the national contest sponsored by the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center. In addition, the agency provides a number of free resources to the public, including the Cybersecurity Awareness Toolkit, which includes cybersecurity-themed posters, calendars, brochures and other content that can be downloaded and shared to help promote and reinforce cyber safety themes in practical, informative, entertaining, and usable ways.

For more information, visit the ITS CISO website, follow the agency on Twitter (tag #NYSCyber) and Facebook.



First-Of-Its-Kind Program for App-Based Food Delivery Workers Will Use Existing Infrastructure Like Vacant Newsstands to Create Critical Street Deliveristas Hubs


Hubs Will Provide Workers With Charging Stations, Shelter, Rest Areas, Bike Repair Servicing

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer today announced a first-of-its-kind hub program for New York City’s 65,000 delivery workers that uses existing infrastructure, like vacant city newsstands, to provide a place to rest and recharge. Street Deliveristas Hubs will create a place for delivery workers to seek shelter from the elements, charge both their electric bicycles and cell phones, and, by revitalizing these empty public spaces, ensure New York City’s public spaces serve all. Through a $1 million federal grant secured by Senate Majority Leader Schumer in the upcoming appropriations bill for Workers Justice Project/Los Deliveristas Unidos, this pilot program will renovate and transform underutilized structures on city properties. A portion of the federal grant will also be used to help renovate a worker center in Williamsburg for deliveristas.


“Deliveristas are out there doing the hard work, day in and day out, and are essential to New Yorkers’ way of life and to our city’s economy, and essential workers deserve essential services,” said Mayor Adams. “While most people have a break room to rest while at work, app-based food delivery workers do not. I’m proud to partner with Majority Leader Schumer to create the first-in-the-nation Street Deliveristas Hubs that will eventually help serve the more than 65,000 deliveristas in New York City. By investing in existing, underused spaces, like vacant newsstands, this program will ensure our public spaces serve all and ‘Get Stuff Done’ for some of our hardest working New Yorkers.”


“When I rode my bike alongside deliveristas last fall, I pledged to fight for better infrastructure to support their needs, including charging stations, shelter, rest areas, and more,” said Senate Majority Leader Schumer. “With $1 million in federal funding I have secured for deliveristas, we are creating these innovative Street Hubs and a renovated worker center. Alongside millions for better bike infrastructure in the Bipartisan Infrastructure and Jobs Law, we are proudly on our way to meeting that promise for better and safer biking infrastructure. I’ll continue working closely with Mayor Adams and Los Deliveristas Unidos to deliver better infrastructure for the thousands of app-based delivery workers serving our city.”


“The city is thinking creatively about how our parks and open spaces can best respond to the needs of the most vulnerable New Yorkers,” said New York City Department of Parks and Recreation Commissioner Sue Donoghue. “We are proud to be part of this first-of-its-kind effort to support app delivery workers by providing them with a homebase to take a break, take a call, and recharge.”


“Delivery workers keep New York City fed. They are a vital part of the city’s economy, and they deserve safe, welcoming work environments, just like any other workforce,” said New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez. “DOT is proud to partner in this pilot as we continue to rethink our curb space to better accommodate e-bike deliveries. Thank you, Mayor Adams and Senate Majority Leader Schumer, for this novel approach to address the demands of the industry.”


“Food delivery workers serve our city in rain, snow, and extreme heat,” said New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection Commissioner Vilda Vera Mayuga. “These new hubs will provide much-needed shelter and services between deliveries for some of our city’s hardest workers. We applaud Senate Majority Leader Schumer, Mayor Adams, and Los Deliveristas Unidos for undertaking this innovative and much-needed pilot.”


“Whether we’re experiencing a pandemic or a storm, delivery workers often serve the front lines of getting New Yorkers what they need,” said New York City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs Commissioner Manuel Castro. “This pilot program represents a true innovative step forward to ensure delivery workers know their rights and get support throughout their trips.”


“On behalf of the Worker’s Justice Project and Los Deliveristas Unidos, I applaud U.S Senator Chuck Schumer and New York City Mayor Eric Adams for their commitment to invest and build the nation’s first Deliveristas Hubs, a new infrastructure model that will deliver worker-led training programs, essential services, workers’ rights information, micro-mobility charging stations, and a safe place for deliveristas to rest,” said Ligia Guallpa, executive director, Worker’s Justice Project/Los Deliveristas Unidos. “We are proud to be partners in developing the concept of Street Deliveristas Hubs and to be transforming app delivery jobs into a profession that deserves a living wage, safe working conditions, and new deliverista infrastructure.”


The Street Deliveristas Hub pilot program will be the first-of-its-kind in the nation for app-based food delivery workers — an exploding workforce in the post-pandemic economy. Delivery worker hubs will be designed in high-traffic neighborhoods with input from both delivery workers and communities to design spaces that are most beneficial to delivery workers and neighborhood residents alike.


Street Deliveristas Hubs will help provide spaces for the more than 65,000 app-based delivery workers — providing workers a place to rest and shelter from the elements, as well as a place to reach numerous services for this mobile work force. Hubs will also help keep streets and sidewalks clear for pedestrians and revitalize unused existing public infrastructure, like newsstands. These hubs — alongside the millions of dollars Majority Leader Schumer secured for safer bike infrastructure in the Bipartisan Infrastructure and Jobs Law — represent New York City’s commitment to safe, innovative infrastructure to support critical essential workers.


Medical Sales Representative Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison for Role in Multimillion-Dollar Health Care Fraud, Wire Fraud, Anti-Kickback Statute, and Travel Act Conspiracies


 A medical sales representative was sentenced today to 168 months in prison for defrauding federal, state, and private health insurance plans out of more than $4.6 million, Attorney for the United States Vikas Khanna announced.

Steven Monaco, 40, of Sewell, New Jersey, was convicted in April 2022 of one count of conspiracy to commit health care fraud and wire fraud, eight counts of health care fraud, eight counts of wire fraud, and one count of conspiracy to violate the Anti-Kickback Statute and the Travel Act, following a nine-day trial before U.S. District Judge Robert B. Kugler, who imposed the sentence today in Camden federal court. 

According to documents filed in this case and the evidence at trial:

Monaco was a leader of two related fraud schemes that resulted in millions of dollars of loss to public health insurance plans. In the first scheme, Monaco, as a sales representative for a medical diagnostic laboratory, orchestrated a kickback scheme with a doctor, Daniel Oswari.  Monaco arranged for Oswari’s medical assistant to be placed on the payroll of the laboratory while continuing to work as a medical assistant for Oswari’s practice. In exchange, Oswari referred all his lab work to the laboratory for testing between late 2013 and 2016, and Monaco received $36,000 in commissions from the laboratory.

In the second fraud scheme, Monaco and his conspirator, pharmaceutical sales representative Richard Zappala, discovered that certain insurance plans – including New Jersey state and local government plans – paid for very expensive compounded prescription medications between 2014 and 2016. Monaco and Zappala organized a scheme in which they received a percentage of the insurance reimbursement for compounded medication prescriptions that they arranged. Monaco and Zappala approached medical professionals and paid them to sign medically unnecessary prescriptions for the compounded medications. Monaco paid Oswari and his staff to identify and prescribe the compound medications to patients of Oswari’s practice with the requisite insurance plans, as well as other people that Oswari did not medically evaluate.  Monaco also arranged for other medical professionals – including Dr. Michael Goldis and his cousin, physician’s assistant Jason Chacker – to sign medically unnecessary prescriptions for members of Monaco’s family and others whom these medical professionals did not examine.  Monaco directly compensated Chacker with money and tickets to sporting events, and Zappala paid Goldis cash to sign the medically unnecessary prescriptions for members of Monaco’s family and others. Monaco also directly paid individuals who had coverage under the public insurance plans and agreed to receive prescriptions for the compounded medications. As a result of this scheme, Monaco received approximately $350,000 and caused a loss of over $4.6 million to the insurance plans.

Oswari, Zappala, Goldis and Chacker all have previously pleaded guilty to their roles in the conspiracy and are awaiting sentencing.

In addition to the prison term, Judge Kugler sentenced Monaco to three years of supervised release and ordered him to pay $4.69 million in restitution.

Attorney for the United States Vikas Khanna credited special agents of the FBI’s Atlantic City Resident Agency, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge James E. Dennehy in Newark; special agents of IRS - Criminal Investigation, under the direction of Acting Special Agent in Charge Tammy L. Tomlins in Newark; and the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Inspector General, New York Region, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge Jonathan Mellone, with the investigation leading to today’s sentencing.

Sunday, October 2, 2022


We Are Your DOL - New York State Department of Labor

New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) Commissioner Roberta Reardon today issued an order accepting the recommendation of the Farm Laborers Wage Board to lower the current 60-hour threshold for overtime pay to 40 hours per week by January 1, 2032, allowing 10 years to phase in the new threshold. The Board included its recommendation in a report that the Board voted to advance to the Commissioner during its final meeting on September 6, 2022, following a two-year process and 14 public meetings and hearings. Following a rulemaking process to enact the Commissioner's Order, farm work in excess of 40 hours per week would be required to be compensated at overtime rates, as it is in other occupations.

“I thank the Farm Laborers Wage Board and all New Yorkers who provided insight and input during this inclusive process,” said New York State Department of Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon. “I come from a farm community myself, so I know how important the agricultural sector is to the New York State economy. Based on the findings, I feel the Farm Laborers Wage Board’s recommendations are the best path forward to ensure equity for farm workers and success for agricultural businesses.”

Beginning in 2020, the Board held public hearings to gather testimony from farm owners, workers, advocacy groups, and academic researchers. Recordings of these hearings and additional materials are available on the NYSDOL’s Farm Laborers Wage Board webpage. The report released on September 6 documents and summarizes the Board’s process and its findings. The Board was convened pursuant to the Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act passed by the New York State Legislature and signed by the Governor in 2019.

The Board’s report recommended that the reduction in overtime hours take place by reducing the overtime work limit by 4 hours every other year beginning in 2024 until reaching 40 hours in 2032, giving agriculture businesses proper time to adjust.

During the course of the Board's deliberations in 2022, the Governor and Legislature enacted three new tax credits to assist farm employers in transitioning to a lower overtime standard.  

  • The Investment Tax Credit was increased from 4 percent to 20 percent for farm businesses, providing an encouragement for potential automation of farm production.
  • The Farm Workforce Retention Tax Credit was increased to $1,200 per employee to provide near-term relief to farmers.
  • Most importantly, a new refundable overtime tax credit was established for overtime hours paid by farm employers at the level established by the Board and confirmed by the Commissioner up to 60 hours.

The Board noted that these actions by the Governor and Legislature were supportive of food production and provided a means for farms to transition to a lower overtime standard.

NYSDOL will now be undergoing a rule making process which will include a 60-day public comment period.  Further details about the rulemaking process will be posted on the NYSDOL’s Farm Laborers Wage Board webpage.

More information on the Farm Laborers Wage Board process and next steps can be found on NYSDOL’s Farm Laborers Wage Board webpage.


Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association


Please join us as The PPNA hosts the October General meeting at 2134 Barnes Avenue with featured guest Mr. Joe Franklin Borough Manager ,Bureau of Pest Control Services for The City of NY, Dept. of Health.