Monday, December 12, 2022

NYC Comptroller Brad Lander Convenes NYCHA Resident Committee and Releases Resident Survey Results in Next Phase of Resident-Powered Audit Process


NYCHA Resident Committee Kick Off

NYC Comptroller Brad Lander convened a committee of 21 NYCHA Residents who will help steer the Comptroller’s “resident-powered audit” process in 2023. The inaugural resident committee held their first meeting on Tuesday, December 6th in the Comptroller’s office at 1 Centre Street following a summer of roundtable meetings and visits to developments in each borough.

The Comptroller’s office is required to audit all city agencies and entities that receive City funds once every four years. The public housing authority has been on the agency’s “watch list,” facing more frequent scrutiny, for several years due to its perennial financial and managerial struggles. In July, the Comptroller’s office launched a NYCHA residents survey in an effort to ensure that the office’s oversight of NYCHA is guided by residents.

“NYCHA residents are the experts on what is broken in our public housing authority, and they must be part of the solutions. By partnering directly with residents, our resident-powered audits will aim to move the needle forward on the much-needed repairs, resources, services, investments, and quality of life issues that matter most to the people who call NYCHA home,” Comptroller Brad Lander said at the time.

Sanitation, safety, and repair tickets being closed before repairs were completed ranked highest amongst the nearly 800 respondents from across 132 developments and received in five different languages. The committee, made up of residents of NYCHA buildings across the five boroughs, kicked-off their meeting with a review of the resident survey and discussed ways to follow up on the results with future audit and oversight ideas.

The resident survey has already resulted in one quick response field review of building entry doors at NYCHA developments. The Comptroller’s office found that nearly 60% of residential building entrance doors were open and/or had broken locks. That number was up dramatically from 23.5% in a similar field review conducted in 2018.

“As we’ve listened to hundreds of NYCHA residents at Family Days, structured roundtables, and informal discussions this summer, it’s been agonizing to hear the level of frustration, distrust, and appalling conditions they endure,” said Comptroller Lander. “The challenges NYCHA faces are large, and both the costs of repair and the need for management reform can seem overwhelming. But by making sure we include residents in the conversation, we can bring transparency to the process and take meaningful, achievable steps to restoring basic services, safety, and trust.”

To view past audits of NYCHA, please visit the Comptroller’s website here. NYCHA financial spending data, contract information, and vendors can be tracked on Checkbook NYC. 

For more on audits released during Comptroller Lander’s tenure, please visit the new audit recommendations tracker here. New Yorkers can suggest specific audits of any city agency here. 

Jury Finds Washington, D.C. Man Guilty of Assault With a Dangerous Weapon In Road Rage Confrontation


Defendant Pointed Firearm at Mother and Daughter

 Jacobi Williams, 36, of Washington, D.C., has been found guilty by a jury on felony assault charges, announced U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves and Robert J. Contee III, Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD).

Williams was found guilty on Thursday, December 8, 2022 of two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon (firearm) following a two-week trial in D.C. Superior Court. The Honorable Michael O’Keefe scheduled sentencing for March 14, 2023.

On April 26, 2018, Williams began honking his horn at a mother and daughter sitting in the vehicle ahead of him in traffic at the intersection of 4th and I Street NW. Mr. Williams tried to drive around them but was unable to do so. He reversed his vehicle and threatened the mother and daughter at gunpoint before driving away when the traffic cleared. Williams was identified from surveillance footage in the immediate moments before and after the assault.

Mr. Williams is currently in custody on an unrelated 2021 homicide offense. This case is set for trial in June 2023. Mr. Williams is facing another homicide offense in Charles County, Maryland. 

In announcing the verdict, U.S. Attorney Graves and Chief Contee commended the work of those who investigated the case from the Metropolitan Police Department.

Governor Hochul Announces Launch of New Hate and Bias Prevention Unit Within the State Division of Human Rights

 Governor Kathy Hochul New York State Seal

New Unit Will Implement a Statewide Campaign Promoting Acceptance, Inclusion, Tolerance and Understanding of Diversity as Required by Legislation Signed Last Month by Governor Hochul

 Governor Kathy Hochul today announced that the New York State Division of Human Rights is launching a statewide Hate and Bias Prevention Unit, which is charged with leading public education and outreach efforts, serving as an early warning detection system in local communities, and quickly mobilizing to support areas and communities in which a bias incident has occurred. The Hate and Bias Prevention Unit is launching today.

"New York State will use every tool at its disposal to eliminate hate and bias from our communities," Governor Hochul said. "We will not let the rise in hate incidents that we see happening online, across the country and across the world, take root here at home."

"We cannot allow ignorance, fear, and hatred to damage the enormous amount of work we've done to move our state forward," said Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado. "The partnerships that we're building within communities and across the state will ensure what we know to be true which is that love always prevails over hate."

Division of Human Rights Commissioner Maria L. Imperial said, "Everyone - no matter what color they are, or who they love, or what they believe - should feel safe when they go to work, or go dancing, or visit a house of worship, or send their kids off to school. This new unit will advance our mission of equal opportunity, access, and dignity for all in our state."

As part of this new Unit's mandate, the Division is organizing 10 regional councils across the state made up of local stakeholders. These councils will provide a place for community members to share concerns, organize educational programming, host hate crime prevention and community healing events, conduct trainings in conflict resolution, and facilitate the filing of complaints with the Division and other relevant agencies. The Unit also will develop a rapid response team to assist communities affected by a bias or hate incident.

The Hate and Bias Prevention Unit also will be responsible for establishing and implementing a statewide campaign promoting acceptance, inclusion, tolerance, and understanding of diversity, as required by legislation signed last month by Governor Hochul. The campaign will coordinate and cooperate with public and private organizations, including, but not limited to, local governments, community groups, school districts, places of worship, charitable organizations, and foundations and will develop educational materials to be published on the internet, social media, and other platforms to reach the public. The Division also works with the New York State Police to educate New Yorkers on the State's hate crimes laws.

Today's announcement builds upon Governor Hochul's long-standing commitment to combatting hate and violence across the state. The Governor announced $96 million in state and federal funding to safeguard nonprofit, community-based organizations at risk of hate crimes and attacks; $10 million in state funding through the Securing Reproductive Health Centers Program to improve safety and security of patients and employees at reproductive health care centers and abortion services providers that may be at risk of crimes or attacks because of their mission, services, ideology or beliefs; and established within the state Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services a Domestic Terrorism Prevention Unit and directed $10 million in state grant funds to support county governments as they develop domestic terrorism prevention plans and threat assessment and management teams in the wake of the horrific white supremist attack on the Tops Market in Buffalo.

The Division annually investigates more than 5,000 complaints of discrimination from individuals across the state. The agency also has the authority to initiate investigations and file complaints alleging violations of the state anti-discrimination law and last year, the Division secured more than $6.2 million in monetary damages for individuals who have experienced discrimination. The Division also works with the New York State Police to educate New Yorkers on the State's hate crimes laws.

New York has the proud distinction of being the first state in the nation to enact a Human Rights Law, affording every citizen "an equal opportunity to enjoy a full and productive life." The New York State Division of Human Rights is dedicated to eliminating discrimination, remedying injustice, and promoting equal opportunity, access, and dignity through enforcement of the Human Rights Law. Individuals interested in finding out more information or filing a complaint, visit the DHR website.

USO Wishlist - Support our troops this holiday season


Throughout the year, our troops sacrifice so much for us. And when the holiday season comes around, it's so important that they can experience the simple joys — like a phone call with a loved one — that many of us at home take for granted.

It's our duty to make sure brave service members know how much their service and sacrifices are appreciated — especially during the holiday season. But the USO relies on your support to provide essential care like comfort packages and phone calls home.

So as you're making your way down your family's own holiday wish list, ‌will you also take a minute to send a gift to the USO to support our military heroes?

Our Troops'
Holiday Wish List:

Candy bar

to help fund a


to help fund
a phone call

Plate with utensils

to help fund
a holiday

Wrapped gift box

to help fund
all three
holiday gifts*


Thank you so much for supporting our troops!

Team USO

*Your contribution will be joined with the contributions of others and used where it is needed most to strengthen America’s military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country.

United Service Organizations, Inc. (USO) is a nonprofit 501(Ο²)(3) organization (EIN/Tax ID: 13-1610451) and not part of the Department of Defense (DOD). The appearance of DOD visual information does not imply or constitute DOD endorsement.

©2022 USO, Inc. All Rights Reserved
P‌O Box 96‌860 Washi‌ngton, D‌C 20‌077-7677


Construction Begins On Metro-North Penn Station Access Project In The Bronx


Governor Hochul joins the MTA and local officials to celebrate the beginning of construction for the Metro-North Penn Station Access Project

State officials joined leaders from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to celebrate the commencement of construction on the Metro-North Penn Station Access Project in The Bronx. The project will extend Metro-North rail lines to four new stations in the borough, the largest expansion of the line since 1983.

The new stations will be in Hunts PointParkchester/Van NestMorris Park, and Co-Op City. All of the stations will be designed to maximize accessibility in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The total cost of the project is estimated at $3.18 billion.

“We are bringing modern, safe, and reliable public transportation to East Bronx communities and with it, more economic opportunity for New Yorkers,” said Governor Kathy Hochul. “In partnership with Senator Schumer, Representatives Torres, Ocasio-Cortez, and Bowman, and Amtrak, Penn Station Access will not only drastically reduce commute times, but it will also help connect hundreds of thousands of residents and boost local economies.”

Rendering of the new Co-op City Metro-North Station in The BronxRendering of the new Co-op City Metro-North Station in The Bronx

Rendering of the new Morris Park Metro-North Station in The BronxRendering of the new Morris Park Metro-North Station in The Bronx

Rendering of the new Parkchester-Van Nest Metro-North Station in The Bronx
Rendering of the new Parkchester-Van Nest Metro-North Station in The Bronx

Rendering of the new Hunts Point Metro-North Station in The Bronx
Rendering of the new Hunts Point Metro-North Station in The Bronx

The four new stations will serve as an extension of the New Haven Line from the New Rochelle Station. The expansion will use Amtrak’s Hell Gate Line to access Penn Station, optimizing existing infrastructure and minimizing the construction impact on surrounding communities. The infrastructure improvements along the Hell Gate Line will also improve service reliability and on-time performance for Amtrak, which is contributing $500 million toward the project.

When complete, East Bronx passengers traveling to Penn Station will save up to 50 minutes each way, and commuters traveling to Connecticut will save up to 75 minutes.

In addition to four new stations, the project will upgrade most of the existing two-track lines into a four-track railroad. This expansion will provide service flexibility to support the increase in Metro-North and Amtrak trains expected to operate through the area and allow for workarounds in the event of a service disruption.

The scope of work also includes the rehabilitation of more than 19 miles of railroad and repairs to the Bronx River, Eastchester Road, Bronxdale Avenue, and Pelham Lane bridges.

“Transit development equals community development, and as we continue to rebuild our economy coming out of the pandemic, we must do everything we can to make sure it is an equitable recovery through projects like Penn Station Access,” Senator Schumer said.

Construction of the passenger rail stations is expected to begin in 2024. The anticipated completion date for the Penn Station Access Project is 2027.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Mauritanian Terrorist Indicted for the Death of U.S. National in Deadly Mali Hotel Attack and With Providing Material Support to Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Al-Murabitoun


Defendant Planned and Coordinated Lethal Attacks Against Western Targets in Mali, Including the 2015 Mass Shooting at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bamako

 Fawaz Ould Ahmed Ould Ahemeid, a Mauritanian national also known as “Ibrahim Idress” and “Ibrahim Dix,” was arraigned in federal court in Brooklyn on a six-count indictment charging him with multiple terrorism offenses, including his roles in the March 7, 2015 attack on the La Terrasse restaurant in Bamako, Mali, in which five people were killed; the August 7, 2015 attack on the Hotel Byblos in Sevare, Mali, in which 13 individuals – including five United Nations workers – were killed; and the November 20, 2015 attack on the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bamako, Mali, in which 20 victims were killed, including U.S. citizen Anita Ashok Datar.  The defendant, who was transferred to U.S. custody in Mali, arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens, New York, on December 9, 2022.  United States Magistrate Judge James R. Cho ordered the defendant detained pending trial.

The indictment charges the defendant with the murder of Ms. Datar; the unlawful use of firearms in connection with a crime of violence causing the death of Ms. Datar; conspiracy to provide material support to the designated foreign terrorist organizations al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (“AQIM”) and al-Murabitoun; provision and attempted provision of material support to AQIM and al-Murabitoun; and unlawful use of explosives.

Breon Peace, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York; Matthew G. Olsen, Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Department’s National Security Division, Michael J. Driscoll, Assistant Director-in-Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York Field Office (FBI), and Keechant L. Sewell, Commissioner, New York City Police Department (NYPD), announced the arrest and charges.

“We have made clear that the United States is steadfast in our commitment to bring to justice those who commit barbaric acts of terrorism targeting innocent victims including, as in this case, an American aid worker who was killed more than 4,000 miles from her home in Maryland,” stated United States Attorney Peace.  “As a result of our work with our law enforcement partners here and abroad, the defendant now faces justice in a U.S. courtroom for the carnage that was carried out allegedly at his direction.”  

Mr. Peace expressed his thanks to the government of Mali for their continued support and assistance throughout this investigation, as well as to the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, the Justice Department’s Office of International Affairs, and United States Department of State.

“Ahemeid planned and executed deadly attacks targeting westerners, including Americans, and will now be brought to justice,” stated Assistant Attorney General Olsen.  “Let this be a reminder to any who would use violence against our people: no matter how far you run or how long you hide, we will not relent in our efforts to hold you accountable.”

“The defendant's alleged actions — inhumanely plotting and carrying out ruthless terrorist attacks — were not forgotten and will not be forgiven.  The New York Joint Terrorism Task Force and our law enforcement partners are resolute in our determination to ensure those willing to commit heinous acts of terrorism face the consequences of their actions as we seek justice for the victims of the attacks,” stated FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge Driscoll.

“International terrorism remains a grave threat to safety and freedom around the world,” stated NYPD Commissioner Sewell.  “This indictment details the defendant’s callous disregard for human life, and it reinforces the NYPD’s unwavering commitment to bringing terrorists and all those who support them to justice. I want to thank the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York, the Justice Department’s National Security Division, the FBI’s New York Field Office, and everyone else who worked on this critical, wide-ranging case.”

La Terrasse Restaurant Attack

             As alleged in the indictment, the previously filed criminal complaint and other publicly filed documents, Ahemeid joined AQIM in or around 2007.  Subsequently, Ahemeid planned and committed at least three major terrorist attacks against Western targets in Mali.  On March 7, 2015, Ahemeid, armed with two AK-47 assault rifles, a pistol, and grenades, committed an attack on the La Terrasse restaurant in Bamako, Mali, killing five people.  That same day, al-Murabitoun issued a public statement claiming responsibility for the attack.

Hotel Byblos Attack

Following the La Terrasse attack, Ahemeid helped plan and carry out the August 7, 2015 attack on the Hotel Byblos in Sevare, Mali.  During this attack, a gunman armed with an AK-47 assault rifle and wearing a suicide vest entered the Hotel Byblos and opened fire.  The attack caused the deaths of 13 victims, including five United Nations workers.  The gunman was killed in the attack.  Al-Murabitoun subsequently issued a public statement claiming responsibility for the attack.

Radisson Blu Hotel Attack

Ahemeid, along with others, planned and oversaw the November 20, 2015 terrorist attack on the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bamako, Mali.  On the morning of November 20, 2015, two men attacked the Radisson Blu, a hotel frequented by Western visitors.  The attackers, wearing Western clothing and armed with AK-47 assault rifles and hand grenades, moved from floor to floor of the hotel, shooting innocent victims as they progressed.  Security forces responded to the scene and both attackers were ultimately killed.  The attack resulted in the deaths of 20 victims, including U.S. citizen Anita Ashok Datar.  Datar, a guest at the Radisson Blu, was shot multiple times and died at the scene as a result of the gunshot wounds.  Datar was a 41-year-old public health expert from Takoma Park, Maryland, who was in Mali working for an international development firm assisting the United States Agency for International Development.  In addition to the 20 deaths, the attack also wounded at least seven people.  Following the attack, AQIM issued a public statement claiming responsibility for the attacks on behalf of AQIM and al-Murabitoun, stating “Two heroes infiltrating the Radisson Hotel in Mali, may God accept them.  #Al-Qa’ida_in_West_Africa #Ansar_al_din #Al_Murabitun,” along with photographs of the terrorists who committed the murders. 

The charges in the indictment are allegations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. 

A legacy of Andrew Cuomo, Ruben Diaz Jr., and Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr., Coming to Fruition


By Former NYC Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz

You should know that the four New Metro North Train Station recently announced by Gov. Hochul, are a direct result and fruits of the efforts and hard work of former Governor Andrew Cuomo, former Bronx President Ruben Diaz Jr., and yours truly former Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr.
It is important for you to know that (8) eight years ago, Governor Cuomo delivered his State of the State address in which he announced the funding and plans for the construction of these (4) New Metro North Stations in Bronx County.
To be exact, Gov. Cuomo’s address was held on January 21, 2015, and it was delivered before an audience of 3,000 in attendance, including many dignitaries, the news media, and reporters. In his address he announced his plans for the development, funding, and construction of these Metro North Train Stations for Bronx County. 
He stated that “We want to build (4) Metro North stations in the Bronx, to open up that side of the Bronx.”  Immediately when I heard the Governor say this, I shouted out loud “Hoo-rah!”  When the Governor heard my outburst, he looked at me and said, ironically, “I have a name for one of those stations, Diaz Station, we are going to call it, Ruben Diaz Station.”
I couldn’t have imagined, my dear reader, that the Governor’s statement would have created so much rumor among the political community, where Friends and adversaries would question which Ruben Diaz was the Governor referring to. Was he referring to “Senator Ruben Diaz Sr.” or was he referring to “Ruben Diaz Jr. the Bronx Borough President”?
You should know that in an article appearing in the Gay City News, dated January 22, 2015, authored by Duncan Osborne, he questioned the Governor’s intention when he remarked about naming the “Ruben Diaz Station.” The article reports that the Governor’s office had been called for clarification about which Ruben Diaz was he referring to and “The Governor’s press office did not respond….”
This simple remark, made in jest, created needless problems for Governor Cuomo and all because his office would not respond and clarify which Ruben Diaz he had referred to.  Soon after Governor Cuomo’s remark about the naming of this Metro North Station resulting from my simple outburst of “Hoo-Rah!” the news made it to the Tweeter feeds when reporters Laura Nahmias a reporter for “Capital News”, and Ms. Mona Salama from “ANM News” tweeted about it. 
A simple point of information for those who care to know. There are three men in my family named Ruben Diaz. They are Ruben Diaz Sr, Ruben Diaz Jr., and Ruben Diaz III.  If you were to ask me who I think Governor Cuomo was referring to, I would say that I believe he was referring to the Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., given that he was a Cuomo ally, a main supporter of the Cuomo agenda and at the time they were collaborating, working together to ensure that the plans for the Bronx Metro North would come to fruition.  I in turn, often criticized the Governor and his agenda, with the obvious exception of his Bronx Transportation Plans for the Metro North which I also worked to ensure that it would receive funding.
It is important for you to know that these Metro North Train Stations are the result of the work, efforts and legacy of the former New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, former Bronx Boro President Ruben Diaz Jr., and I the former NYS Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr.  Even though the three of us were not invited, nor were we even given an honorable mention we are happy to see that this project is coming to fruition.
I am Reverend Ruben Diaz and this is What You Should Know.

Ruben Diaz the whatever, we have heard a very different version of the Metro North Stations which dates back to the 1990's before there was any Diaz in any office.

Tech Company CEO Pleads Guilty To Defrauding His Former Employer


 Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that SUNI MUNSHANI, the former Chief Executive Officer of a Connecticut-based technology company (the “Victim Company”), pled guilty in Manhattan federal court in connection with a scheme to defraud the Victim Company of millions of dollars.  Pursuant to his plea agreement with the Government, MUNSHANI agreed to pay $10,485,043 in restitution to the Victim Company.  District Judge Jed S. Rakoff accepted the defendant’s guilty plea. 

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “Not even a year into his appointment as CEO, Suni Munshani began betraying his employer’s trust and breaking the law, stealing millions of dollars to line his pockets.  Company executives are given significant amounts of power, but today’s plea should send the message that this Office will be ready to act if an executive chooses to abuse that power.”

According to the allegations in the Superseding Information and other filings and statements made in court:

Between 2011 and 2019, SUNI MUNSHANI was the CEO of the Victim Company, which provided data security services to its clients.  Within six months of his appointment as CEO, MUNSHANI and others began an approximately nine-year scheme to defraud the Victim Company.  During the scheme, MUNSHANI created an email account associated with a purported third-party contractor controlled by MUNSHANI and used that email account to correspond with the Victim Company and to obtain payments from the Victim Company totaling at least approximately $3 million dollars for services that were never provided to the Victim Company.  He also caused the Victim Company to issue a $3.5 million check for a purported tax liability, which check MUNSHANI then deposited into an unauthorized bank account created by MUNSHANI in the name of the Victim Company.  

In addition, MUNSHANI defrauded the Victim Company through fraudulent licensing and reseller agreements between the Victim Company and two other companies (the “Licensing Company” and the “Reseller Company,” respectively).  Among other things, MUNSHANI instructed another individual to set up the Reseller Company “in the same way as [the Licensing Company],” and then helped create and submit fraudulent invoices from the Reseller Company to the Victim Company.

MUNSHANI, 61, of Easton, Connecticut, pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. 

The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s New York Office.