Friday, March 24, 2023

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - Bronx Business News You Can Use

Upcoming Events, Legislative News, Grant Opportunities, & More
(Friday) Extra, Extra
Walsh & Brady Honored during Irish Heritage Reception
We Love NYC Campaign Launched
Small Business Resource Network Update
Kingsbridge Armory Planning Session

Legislative & Advocacy Updates
NYS One House Budgets Released

Funding Opportunities

Upcoming Events
Women of Distinction Luncheon, 3/31/2023 at 11:30am
Friday Extra, March 24, 2023
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce honored
Robert Walsh, Interim President of the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation & Former Commissioner of NYC Department of Small Business Services and Michael Brady, CEO of Third Avenue Business Improvement District its annual Celebration of Irish Heritage and Networking Reception on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 6:00pm at Rambling House, 4292 Katonah Avenue Bronx, NY.

The evening acknowledged the achievements and contributions of the Irish community on the Bronx and New York City economies and its impact on small business. The evening featured live music, networking, drink specials, Irish fare, and acknowledged the contributions of notable Irish Americans and their influence on Bronx business and economic development.
We ♥ NYC! This is the mantra of a new 5-borough tourism campaign by our partners, the Partnership for New York City and a coalition of New York City organizations and elected officials. The Bronx Chamber leadership team joined the Partnership, Governor Kathy Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams, and leaders from throughout New York City to launch the We ♥ NYC campaign to help capture the energy of our people and preserve the city’s spirit by encouraging New Yorkers of every background to come together, get involved and make a positive change in their community. The Bronx Chamber of Commerce is delighted to participate and lend the voices and energy of our members to creating a stronger New York City.
The Five Borough Chamber Alliance, launched in FY 2022, supports the NYC Small Business Resource Network (SBRN). The NYC SBRN is a comprehensive approach to small business resiliency that offers free, personalized guidance and support to help businesses grow and thrive. 
Originally launched as a pandemic recovery effort, the SBRN continues to support small businesses today via a collaborative partnership between the five borough Chambers of Commerce. Our unique service-delivery model places Business Support Specialists on the ground in neighborhoods across the city, helping businesses connect to free resources offered by both the public and private sectors.

During FY2023, the Bronx Chamber of Commerce engaged with over 6,200 businesses and served just over 3,000 businesses with direct, in-person, customized, high touch assistance. For more information to for assistance, email:
First opened in 1917 but now vacant for almost 30 years, the Kingsbridge Armory is one of the Bronx's vital landmarks. Today, the City has a historic opportunity to redevelop the Armory, placing the needs and priorities of Bronx residents and business owners at the center of the process.

Beginning in the fall of 2022, New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC), local elected officials, and a working group of community leaders are partnering to launch an engagement process to understand the community’s vision for the future of the armory.

The Bronx Chamber of Commerce joined stakeholders this week to discuss the future plans for the Kingsbridge Armory and how to mobilize the business community's priorities in redeveloping this historic site. To learn more, click here.
One House Budgets Released

On March 14, 2023 the New York State Assembly and the Senate released their respective One House budget proposals in response to Governor Kathy Hochul’s Executive budget, which was issued on February 1, 2023. The budget negotiated among the Governor, the Senate Majority and the Assembly Majority is expected to be finalized on or around April 1st, the beginning of the State’s next fiscal year, and voted upon thereafter.

The following overview highlights the Legislature’s positions related to many of the proposals in the Governor’s budget as well as includes several stand-alone proposals otherwise prioritized by the Senate and the Assembly. We encourage you to review this document and to alert us if there are proposals for which you have questions or require additional information.
New Trash Set-Out Times Begin April 1 - Effective April 1, 2023, businesses that place waste at the curb* for collection have two setout options:

  •   If using a container with a secure lid, a business should place waste at the curb 1 hour before closing, or
  •   If putting bags directly on the curb, place waste out after 8:00 PM.
*This does not apply to businesses that have waste collected from a loading dock or other off-street location.
Send your questions to DSNY’s Commercial Engagement Team will provide additional free resources including information on the rules, educational site visits, trainings, and webinars.
Verizon announced a new grant funding opportunity for small businesses, totaling $500,000, which is now available via Verizon Small Business Digital Ready.

In partnership with partners Next Street and LISC, the Verizon Small Business Digital Ready online resource is designed to give small businesses the tools they need to thrive in today’s digital economy. Small businesses can access, for free, personalized learning through over 40 courses, mentorship, peer networking, 1:1 expert coaching and incentives such as grant funding.
Wednesday March 29, 2023
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Join the Bronx Chamber of Commerce for virtual coffee and conversation with Councilmember Pierina Sanchez as we discuss housing, the future of the Kingsbridge Armory, leadership development in District 14 and more. Reserve Your Spot - Click Here.

Friday, March 31, 2023 from 11:30am to 2:00pm

Villa Barone Manor

For 18 years, the Women of Distinction Luncheon has recognized outstanding women leaders for their contributions to the Bronx community. Each year with the support of local Bronx businesses and Bronx Chamber members we are able to provide scholarships to deserving college-bound female students through the Bronx Chamber of Commerce Foundation.

Ticket & Sponsor Opportunities available by emailing:

Where is The Caption From The Daily News Front Page That Reads “BIDEN TO NEW YORK, DROP DEAD"


You Should Know that in 1975, New York City was facing the worst economic crisis in New York’s History.

Then Mayor Abe Beame, Governor Hugh Carey and every New York elected city official were so desperate to prevent the city from going into Bankruptcy, they reached out to the White House and to the Republican President the Honorable President Gerald Ford.

On October 29, 1975, President Gerald Ford delivered a public speech where he denied New York’s request for federal assistance.   New York was on the brink of bankruptcy, but the cry for economic help was denied.

It is important for you to know that the day after The Republican President Gerald Ford delivered his speech, The story made it to the Front Page of the Daily News, with a scathing headline that read “FORD TO NEW YORK, DROP DEAD.” 

You should know that President Ford never uttered these words, “New York Drop Dead”.  But the New York Daily News didn’t hesitate to print this on their front pages, and this is what its readers, the entire city, and the nation read, and believed.

As a result, President Ford faced tremendous backlash; a firestorm ensued impeding his reelection bid.   He was never ever to live down the misleading Front Page of the Daily News.  

It’s a new dawn, and history is repeating itself.  New York City again is facing an economic crisis, created in part by the Democrat Administration under President Joe Biden, and his open border policies.  This has enormously increased the number of illegal migrants entering New York City.   This huge influx of migrants has placed an immense burden on the city, straining its social services resources, in Housing, Education, Financial Assistance, Medical and Hospitalization and the list goes on.

The Mayor of the City of New York, who is a Democrat same as President Biden also a Democrat, and his administration predominately all Democrats, New York elected officials also all Democrats, have been crying out to The White House requesting that President Joe Biden intervene and help New York with this Economic Crisis, and help prevent New York City from further economic devastation and imminent bankruptcy. 

As of today, my dear Readers, I have noticed two important things that are happening, and no one is commenting on them.

The first one is that President Joe Biden, a Democrat, has spoken and has publicly refused to heed Mayor Adams' call for help.   Especially when the mayor is having to deal with the additional strain brought about by the immigration crisis, which was not created by the mayor’s administration, but by the policies of the United States President Joe Biden, and in response he turns his back on New York City. 

My second observation is how silent the New York Daily News has been on this issue.   I haven’t seen this story make the Front Pages of the Daily News. 

In 1975 the New York Daily News announced to the World that President Ford told New York to “DROP DEAD”, again I remind you that those words were never uttered by the Republican President Gerald Ford, yet that’s the News we got. Now that President Biden has taken the very same stance toward New York by, obviously, not heeding to the mayor’s cry for federal help, well surprise, surprise there is no Front-Page Caption from the Daily News that should read “Biden to New York Drop Dead.”


I am Rev. Ruben Diaz and this is What You Should Know. 



In his State of the City AddressMayor Adams Laid Out ‘Working People’s Agenda’ of Jobs, Safety, Housing, and Care

New York City Mayor Eric Adams today was joined by labor leaders, other elected officials, and working New Yorkers to rally state lawmakers to double down on their support for the Child Tax Credit and a further expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) — a critical initiative that Mayor Adams advocated for and secured in last year’s budget. Thanks to that expansion, a single parent with one child with an income of $14,750 saw their tax benefit increase from $181 to $905 — a 400 percent increase. A married couple with two children and an income of $25,000 saw their New York City benefit increase from $299 to $897 under the city payment — a 200 percent increase.


“The Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit are lifelines to so many New Yorkers,” said Mayor Adams. “That’s why we were proud to fight alongside our colleagues in Albany last year to push for an expansion of the EITC for the first time in 20 years and to get more funding for child care. And we’re not stopping there — the ‘Working People’s Agenda’ that we’re rallying for today will bring fairer wages, better benefits, and a better quality of life to working New Yorkers.” 


“Labor fights for workers. But we don’t stop there. We fight for our working families. For our children and for our communities. 32BJ SEIU is excited to join a powerful coalition to make permanent the New York State supplemental Child Tax Credit,” said Manny Pastreich, president, 32BJ. “When the federal government expanded the Child Tax Credit in 2021, some 120,000 New York City children were lifted out of poverty. This policy works. Let’s make sure it becomes a permanent fixture within New York’s social safety net system. This is a collective investment in the children who will lead this state one day.”

"As New Yorkers face continuously rising costs, extending and expanding the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit are common-sense proposals that will make a real difference in so many people’s lives,” said Rich Maroko, president, Hotel & Gaming Trades Council (HTC). “These tax credits will support working families who need it the most, and by promoting the well-being of children, will put New York City on more solid footing for years to come. Thank you, Mayor Adams, for actively prioritizing the economic needs of New Yorkers, especially during such a crucial time in our city’s recovery."

"Access to quality child care is an essential service for working parents across the city,” said Henry Garrido, executive director, District Council 37. “The expansion of both the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit is not only good public policy but also allows us to invest in and protect one of our most vulnerable populations: our children."


At today’s rally, Mayor Adams focused on state legislation that would expand eligibility for these vital tax credits to individuals with Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN), as opposed to just those with Social Security numbers. Currently, a Social Security number is required to claim the EITC at the federal, state, and city level. This requirement excludes hundreds of thousands of hardworking, immigrant New Yorkers, preventing them from receiving as much as $2,000 in tax credits. In New York City, 78 percent of undocumented immigrants were in the labor force as of 2017, with a median annual income of $25,300.

"State-level Child Tax Credits have been the most effective tool for putting money directly in families’ wallets, where the funds have the power to stabilize whole households that include children,” said Davon Russell, president, Women’s Housing and Economic Development Corporation. “In the Bronx, which has the highest rate of child poverty in New York State, the Child Tax Credit has contributed directly to declines in child poverty. $2,000 per child equals $166 per month that can go directly for food, utilities, rent, and other essentials in an economic climate where such costs are prohibitive to many New Yorkers. Making the Child Tax Credit permanently refundable and inclusive of immigrant children could cut childhood poverty almost in half, reduce racial inequity in child poverty rates, and boost life-long social mobility. Studies of analogous cash transfer programs to families have found benefits long into the future, improving children’s educational attainments into young adulthood, enhancing health outcomes, and resulting in higher earnings for recipients later in life.”

“LIIF supports the expansion and permanent continuation of New York’s Child Tax Credit -- a proven solution for ameliorating childhood poverty,” said Kimberly Latimer-Nelligan, president, Low Income Investment Fund. “One of our strategic pillars is early care and education, so we know of the need for racial equity to be centered in these policies, as Black, Latino and other historically excluded communities experience significantly higher rates of poverty per capita.”

"The Chinese-American Planning Council urges lawmakers in Albany to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit to benefit undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers and extend the state's child care tax credit. Too many families cannot access the EITC and we know that income from these tax credits leads to better outcomes for children.” said Wayne Ho, president and CEO, Chinese-American Planning Council. “As an organization that promotes the economic empowerment of Asian American, immigrant and low-income communities we know how vital equitable access to resources are to ensuring children and families can thrive. We are proud to join Mayor Adams call to action to expand and extend these tax credits to more New Yorkers."

“Child poverty is a crisis across New York State that costs $60 billion annually in lost economic productivity and the best solution is to make better policy choices – starting with the 2024 state budget. We can lift tens of thousands of children out of poverty by making the expanded Empire State Child Tax Credit permanent and making eligible children under four and increasing the credit amount for the lowest-earning families,” said Matthew Klein, chief program and impact officer, Robin Hood. “Not only is this morally sound policy, it’s also a direct investment in the success of our society; fully refundable and inclusive tax credits increase children’s health, education and future earnings while alleviating costs on health care, child protection and crime. In fact, refusing to fund permanent reforms undermines statewide economic growth and entrenches racial disparities in poverty. We can’t afford to play politics with our children’s future. We support city leaders in calling on Albany to step up with permanent solutions that get us on the path to ending child poverty in this budget cycle."


Mayor Adams’ ‘Working People’s Agenda’ focuses on delivering jobs, safety, housing, and care to working New Yorkers. Other initiatives within this agenda include:

  • Helping 36,000 economically disadvantaged workers and residents of high-poverty communities — including 8,000 construction workers and 28,000 service contract workers — get connected to good jobs every year by working with city partners in Albany to finally empower New York City to require companies with city contracts to hire local community members.
  • Doubling the city's current rate of contracting with minority- and women-owned business enterprises (M/WBEs), and awarding $25 billion in contracts to M/WBEs over the next four years and $60 billion over the next eight years.

Bronx Borough President Vanessa O' Gibson's Irish Heritage Month Celebration

It was a warm evening as the room at the Rambling House in Woodlawn was packed for Bronx Borough President Vanessa O' Gibsons Irish Heritage Month Celebration. The FDNY Pipes and Drums lined up and marched into the room followed by the Borough President. there was a short musical prelude from members of the Loughran School of Music.  Then Father David Power gave the Invocation. The Irish And American National Anthems were sung and there was an Irish Ceili Dance by Aoife Fleming.

Bronx Borough President Gibson then spoke before she called up the first of the Honorees. James (Jimmy) Casey, and Brian Golden of the Terry Daulton Jr. Toys for Kids, Kim Furletti the President of the Women of Woodlawn, Siobhan Dennehy the Director of the Emerald Isle Immigration Center, and Deirdre Sekulic Assistant Director of Social Work for Montefiore's Department of Social Services. A special Youth Award was given to Aisling Coleman a student at PS 19 in Woodlawn.

Borough President Gibson talks to one of the drummers from the FDNY Pipes and Drums Corp.

The Irish National Anthem is sung by Aoife Fleming, and the American National Anthem by Pamela Geraghty.

Borough President Gibson speaks to the audience about Irish Heritage Month.

Borough President Gibson is with Honorees James (Jimmy) Casey and Brian Golden.

(L- R) - Sile Maloney  Mistress of Ceremony, Siobhan Dennehy Emerald Isle Immigration Center, Deidre Sekulic Montefiore Hospital, Kim Furletti Women of Woodlawn, Aisling Coleman Youth Award, James (Jimmy) Casey Toy For Kids, and Deputy Bronx Borough President Janet Peguero. 

Robert Nolan past Honoree, Borough President Vanessa Gibson, former Honoree Joe McManus, and Deputy BP Janet Peguero.