Monday, July 22, 2024



DOT to Propose Rules Expediting Approvals and Removing Barriers to Allow Property Owners to More Quickly Install Safe, Outdoor E-Battery Charging Infrastructure 


Administration to Launch $2 Million Trade-In Program for Unsafe E-Bikes, E-Mobility Devices, and Batteries 


FDNY Invests $1 Million Into Education Campaign Following New Data Showing 59 Percent of 2023 Lithium-Ion Battery Fires Occurred While Batteries Were Not Charging 

New York City Mayor Eric Adams today launched the New York City Safe Charging Accelerator to ensure safe e-bike usage and charging, and to prevent deadly lithium-ion battery fires in New York CityAs a part of this accelerator, the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) will propose a rule to expedite approvals for property owners to more quickly install e-bike battery swapping and charging cabinets on public sidewalks, removing barriers to their installation and making them accessible and usable for e-bike users. Additionally, DOT will launch the nation’s first municipal trade-in pilot program for unsafe e-bikes and other powered mobility devices and their batteries, allowing eligible food delivery workers to replace their unsafe devices with certified, high-quality e-bikes and batteries. Finally, the Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY) will launch a $1 million public education and awareness campaign on the dangers of unsafe lithium-ion batteries, following new data showing that 59 percent of 2023’s lithium-ion battery fires started when those batteries were not charging. These steps build on Mayor Adams Charge Safe, Ride Safe: New York City’s Electric Micromobility Action Plan” to promote public safety as e-bike usage continues to skyrocket. 


When used correctly, e-bikes are a convenient, low-cost transportation option that reduce congestion and emissions, and tens of thousands of delivery workers rely on them every day,” said Mayor AdamsBut too often, those bikes are powered by unsafe, uncertified batteries that at any minute could combust. That is why we are doing everything in our power to put a stop to these deadly fires and make use of safe lithium-ion batteries more affordable. We’re cutting red tape so property owners can install charging stations outside, in front of their buildingsWe’re also launching the nation’s first municipal trade-in program, so delivery workers can swap their dangerous bikes and batteries for certified, safe versions. And we’re launching a new campaign to let New Yorkers know that charging or not, uncertified batteries can be ticking time bombs. When New Yorkers face danger, this administration will take decisive action, and that is what we have done and continue to do with respect to deadly lithium-ion battery fires.” 

"The Adams administration knows e-micromobility is a critical tool many New Yorkers use for work, commuting, and pleasure, and we want to ensure our residents have more access to new technology and guidance that allows them to charge and store their lithium-ion batteries safely and prevent dangerous fires," said Chief of Staff Camille Joseph Varlack. "I am proud New York City and the mayor's E-Micromobility Interagency Task Force is leading the way on this urgent issue." 


"We must deliver safety to the people who deliver everything we want to our doorstep every day. That’s why we're making sure that safe charging and storage equipment can be on our streets, where on-demand delivery workers need it; that e-bike safety education is widespread and easy to access; and delivery workers have the chance to swap a dangerous bike and battery for a new one," said Deputy Mayor for Operations Meera Joshi. "In addition to these critical fire safety measures, we are hard at work with our partners in the City Council to create regulatory authority to more broadly control who uses our streets for profit and how." 


“The fact of the matter is that deaths caused by lithium-ion battery fires are preventable,” said Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Philip Banks III. “We should not be losing any lives to this, and these efforts will go a long, long way toward getting us to that goal of zero. We’ve already made progress thanks to New Yorkers heeding the warnings about these devices, and we’re going to continue to give them the tools and support they need to stay safe.” 


“E-bikes are critical tools used by tens of thousands of delivery workers to support our economy,” said DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez. “By providing these workers with reliable, safe equipment, we are helping protect this workforce, their neighbors and loved ones, and all New Yorkers who rely on them each day. We look forward to engaging with delivery stakeholders and with the broader public as we work together to make our city safer for everyone.” 


“The reality is that lithium-ion batteries can be dangerous even if they are certified, and even if they are not charging,” said FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh. “We implore every user of a device with a lithium-ion battery to closely review this campaign and see for yourselves the deadly and destructive fires the device in your home may cause. We are not kidding around, and need everyone to think about their safety, and the safety of their families, their neighbors, and first responders.”  


“Thanks to the Adams administration’s efforts, New York continues to be the safest big city in the country, and, with the launch of the new Safe Charging Accelerator, we are continuing to be a national leader in the field of building safety,” said New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) Commissioner James Oddo. “Through the Accelerator, DOB is working in close coordination with our partner agencies on a streamlined approval process for property owners who are looking to safely install new sidewalk charging cabinets outside of their buildings. The dangers associated with poorly manufactured lithium-ion batteries are clear, and by taking these batteries out of people’s homes, these sidewalk charging cabinets will vastly improve the safety of our built environment.” 


“Uncertified lithium-ion batteries pose immense danger for our neighbors and communities, and we’re proud to stand with our sister agencies in taking bold action to keep New Yorkers safe,” said New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection Commissioner Vilda Vera Mayuga. “Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve safe equipment to perform their jobs and we thank the mayor and Commissioner Rodriguez for delivering for them by establishing this first-of-its-kind program to provide safer devices for some of our city’s hardest workers.”  


Illegal and unregulated batteries — which power tens of thousands of micromobility devices in New York City — pose significant risks to residents and first responders due to their potential for explosive and deadly fires. Since 2019, lithium-ion batteries have started 733 fires, killing 29 New Yorkers and injuring 442 more. Notably, in 2023, 133 fires started from lithium-ion batteries that were not charging, compared to 91 that occurred while they were. 


Simplifying Safe E-Bike Charger Installation 


To address fire safety concerns and promote the safe use of electric micromobility devices, DOT is proposing a rule to expedite approvals for property owners to install electric micromobility device battery swapping and charging cabinets on public sidewalks, which is currently prohibited. This rule will enable property owners, or commercial tenants with the property owner's consent, to apply for a permit to install a battery swapping and charging cabinet in front of their business on the sidewalk. Each cabinet must comply with specific siting and dimensional requirements and undergo FDNY and DOB review and approval.  


To support this effort, the FDNY will hire additional staff to allow for expedited safety inspections and approvals of equipment for use in New York City. Once fully staffed, approval decisions are anticipated to take no more than six weeks, with prioritized approvals for new technologies. The city will publish clear guidance for building owners on how to improve charging safety in their buildings. The FDNY will also update its website to make it easier for companies that sell lithium-ion battery storage and swapping cabinets to receive FDNY approval. To provide further guidance on lithium-ion battery policies, the city will convene a working group consisting of representatives from tech companies, real estate stakeholders, and municipal experts focused on transportation and fire safety. Within 90 days of convening, that group will issue a set of recommendations on how to update city rules and processes to increase adoption of safe charging cabinets.   


A public hearing on the administration’s battery swapping and charging cabinets rule will be held online on August 21 at 10:00 AM. Applications for the program will open at the end of 2024. 


E-Micromobility Trade-in Program for Food Delivery Workers 


Currently, many food delivery workers utilize uncertified e-bikes and heavier electric and gas-powered mopeds, which cannot be registered with the New York state Department of Motor Vehicles due to the lack of Vehicle Identification Numbers. DOT’s e-bike trade-in program — the nation’s first municipal program of its kind — will focus on exchanging unsafe e-bikes and lithium-ion batteries for new devices. Selected participants will receive a UL-certified e-bike and two compatible, UL-certified batteries in exchange for their unsafe devices and batteries. By swapping these illegal devices for UL-certified e-bikes and batteries, the program will reduce fire and crash risks; help participants comply with local and state laws; and encourage workers to utilize cleaner, greener, forms of e-mobility for deliveries.  


The program offers trade-ins of both e-micromobility devices and lithium-ion batteries to help ensure that unsafe batteries and devices are fully removed from New York City streets and that batteries are compatible with the devices they are powering.  Participants must reside in New York City, be at least 18 years of age, own an eligible, working device, and have earned at least $1,500 over the prior year as a food delivery worker to be eligible to participate in the program. Participants will receive two batteries because many delivery workers report that a full day of work often necessitates the use of two batteries.  


A public hearing on the administration’s new trade-in program will be held online on August 22 at 10:00 AM. Applications for the program will open at in early 2025. The e-bike and battery trade-ins will take place in 2025, using $2 million in funding.  


FDNY Public Education Campaign 


This month, FDNY will launch a $1 million education campaign to further raise public awareness about the historic increase in lithium-ion battery fires in New York City and the dangers that uncertified batteries pose — even when they are not chargingBatteries must be safety certified by a national, accredited testing laboratory, like UL, and should never be repaired but rather replaced. A devastating fire that took place in May 2024 was caused by a battery on a moped that had not been used or charged in two years. In 2023, lithium-ion battery fires killed 18 people, making those fires among the top causes of fire fatalities. 


Of the $1 million, $750,000 will be used for ads online, on subways and buses, on digital kiosks, in targeted newspapers, and on the radio. Translated into 10 languages, these ads will highlight the destructive potential of battery fires and will be strategically placed in neighborhoods that have a high incidence of lithium-ion battery fires. Ads will feature imagery promoting proper battery usage and include QR codes linked to fire safety education tips, including best practices for usage; will include input and safety messaging from agency partners citywide; and will incorporate feedback from delivery workers. The final $250,000 will support educational materials and advanced firefighting equipment, including technology that allows firefighters to safely extinguish fires without opening lithium-ion battery packs. New Yorkers can learn more about lithium-ion batteries and view the new campaign online. 


The Adams administration has taken swift and urgent action to prevent dangerous lithium-ion battery fires and promote safe e-bike usage and charging as more and more New Yorkers use e-micromobility devices to get around the five boroughs for both work and for leisureIn March 2023, Mayor Adams released Charge Safe, Ride Safe: New York City's Electric Micromobility Action Plan. The plan focuses on four key areas: promoting and incentivizing safe battery use, increasing education and outreach to electric micromobility users, advocating for additional federal regulation of these devices, and expanding enforcement against high-risk situations. Last spring, Mayor Adams also signed five bills into law to further regulate lithium-ion batteries sold in New York City and strengthen fire safety related to battery fires. 


Additionally, in his 2024 State of the City address, Mayor Adams proposed the creation of the New York City Department of Sustainable Delivery — a first-in-the-nation regulatory entity that will establish clear goals and guidelines for the future of delivery in New York City; consolidate work that is now spread out over multiple agencies; prioritize safety; and harness the potential of e-bikes, mopeds, cargo bikes, and other e-micromobility devices. Efforts to structure this new entity are ongoing.  


Subsequently, in February, Mayor Adams activated the first of five public e-battery charging stations as part of the city's new six-month pilot programto test safe, public charging of lithium-ion batteries by an initial group of 100 delivery workers.  


The Adams administration has also worked closely with delivery app companies, as well as delivery workers, to spread fire safety messaging among groups and business organizations most likely to utilize e-micromobility devices. In June, the city hosted Pedal Power for the Green Economy at the Brooklyn Army Terminal, where government, advocacy, and economic development stakeholders convened to test out electric micromobility devices and charging cabinets and discuss ways businesses and government can collaborate to build the green workforce of the future in New York City 


Finally, FDNY Commissioner Kavanagh has visited Washington, D.C. four times in the past two years to advocate for legislative changes to promote lithium-ion battery safety. On her latest trip, she met with bipartisan lawmakersattended the inaugural World Fire Congress, and participated in a panel with global fire experts to discuss lithium-ion battery safety. FDNY Commissioner Kavanagh also testified before the U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in July 2023. Subsequently, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 1797, the “Setting Consumer Standards for Lithium-Ion Batteries Act,” which mandates that the CPSC establishes safety standards for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries in devices like e-bikes and e-scooters to prevent fire risks. That bill is expected to be voted on by the U.S. Senate by the end of the year. 


The Lithium-Ion Battery Task Force — made up of FDNY fire marshals, Bureau of Fire Prevention inspectors, and DCWP inspectors — have conducted hundreds of inspections at e-bike and e-bike repair shops throughout the city. More than 1,000 violations, 46 criminal summonses, and 16 vacate orders were issued last year alone. The enactment of Local Laws 39 and 40, which make uncertified lithium-ion batteries illegal, has led to increased enforcement efforts and fewer of these dangerous devices being utilized on New York City streets. FDNY has also produced multiple Public Safety Awareness ads on both digital and television platforms. FDNY Fire Safety Education teams conduct events throughout the city every day, highlighting best practices for lithium-ion battery use. The full list of FDNY’s fire safety tips can be found online. 


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - My endorsement

 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

Kamala Harris will be the next President of the United States. I pledge my full support to ensure her victory in November.

Now more than ever, it is crucial that our party and country swiftly unite to defeat Donald Trump and the threat to American democracy.

Let's get to work.

In solidarity,

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Statement from NYGOP Chair Ed Cox following Joe Biden's announcement


New NYSGOP logo 2023

NYGOP Chair Ed Cox released the following statement:


"With the aide of a compliant party and many in the media, Joe Biden hid his condition from the American people for years.  In 2020, the Democrat voters in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary saw him and his cognitive disabilities up close and ranked him fourth and fifth, respectively.  Yet running as a moderate, he won the primary against socialist Bernie Sanders and under the cover of COVID hid both his condition and the inflationary, open border and woke policies of his party which he adopted as president.

“These Democrat policies produced inflation destroying the value of workers' paychecks, wide open borders for drugs, criminals and terrorists and huge burdens on city and state resources. Biden’s conduct of foreign policy invited aggression by Russia in Europe and by Iran’s proxies against Israel.  Furthermore, workers have been fleeing Democrat states plagued by high taxes, fiscally irresponsible government and insecure streets due to woke pro-criminal and anti-police regulations, prosecutors and judges.

“The American worker is poorer and less safe, America less secure and the world in turmoil as a result.  

"Joe Biden is losing not only because of his cognitive problems but also because his policies contrast with Donald Trump’s strength on the issues that matter to the working men and women of America: the cost of living, economic prosperity, the border and security at home and for America abroad.

"Under President Donald Trump’s administration, inflation was low and wage hikes higher, the border was secure and Americans felt secure in their homes and streets.  Deregulation and well-designed tax cuts unleashed prosperity for all and particularly for minority workers.  Peace through strength by the leader of the free world was the world order of the day.  Republican states attract workers with low taxes, fiscally responsible governments and secure streets.  

"Under Donald Trump’s leadership, the Republican Party nationally and locally as the party of the American worker is destined for decisive wins this year. Desperate Democrat leaders undemocratically defying the will of fourteen million Democrat primary voters and changing horses at the last minute will not change the general voters’ view of their disastrous polices at all levels of government.


"The American people want change and they will get it."


Chuck Schumer - Thank you, President Biden


Chuck Schumer


Joe Biden has not only been a great president and a great legislative leader, but he's a truly amazing human being. His decision to withdraw from the presidential race of course was not easy, but he once again put his country, his party, and our future first.

Joe, today shows you are a true patriot and great American. You will be remembered in history as one of the most effective and monumental Presidents America has ever seen.

Together, we have created more than 15 million jobs, including more than 750,000 in manufacturing.

Together, we delivered critically-needed historic legislation to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure.

Together, we passed the biggest action against climate change in history.

Together, we confirmed the first Black woman Justice to the Supreme Court.

President Biden did all of that and more. We owe him our gratitude for his incredible leadership. Please, join me in signing your name to thank Joe Biden for a historic lifetime of service to our nation.


In gratitude,


NYSYR Statement on Biden Announcement



“If there’s one issue that has united all Americans, it’s that Joe Biden has been the worst president in the history of our nation. Today, Biden’s decision not to seek re-election affirms his realization of this brutal fact.

The most despicable part of all this is that, as Americans increasingly questioned Biden’s physical and cognitive health these past several years, his family and top aides selfishly paraded him around the world and repeatedly lied to us about his health — even the mainstream media was in on it.

Biden’s announcement follows a historic week for the Republican Party, which gathered in the Midwest for an energized national convention that united a younger and more diverse GOP behind President Donald J. Trump and his Young Republican running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio.

Democrats now head into the November election having disenfranchised millions of their voters and without a standard-bearer that can unite them. Kamala Harris — Biden’s heir apparent — is one of the least popular Vice Presidents in our nation’s history and is far behind Biden in most national polling. With a crisis raging on our southern border, an economy in free-fall, and global tension at an all-time high, it’s no surprise. Democrats are in a state of total disarray — and right now, it’s at the expense of America’s strength and prosperity.

Young Republicans are stepping up to take control of our future as we fight fight fight to elect President Donald Trump and JD Vance and usher in a new era of American greatness.”

Stefanik Statement on Joe Biden Announcement He Will Not Seek Re-Election


“If Joe Biden can’t run for re-election, he is unable and unfit to serve as President of the United States. He must immediately resign.

The Democrat Party is in absolute free fall for their blatantly corrupt and desperate attempt to cover up the fact that Joe Biden is unfit for office.

Every elected Democrat in America owns Joe Biden’s failed and feckless record causing the border crisis, Bidenflation, and chaos and weakness around the world.

President Trump will win this November to save America.”



New York City Mayor Eric Adams today released the following statement after President Joe Biden announced he would not seek reelection this November: 


“America owes a debt of gratitude to President Joe Biden for his decades of service. He and his team took us out of COVID, stabilized the country, and restored the soul of the nation. 


“President Biden is now again delivering for the American people by passing the torch at a critical moment, when the country needs strong leadership from a new generation. 


“From here, the Democratic Party must continue to put working-people first and address their concerns about the cost of living, public safety, and our shared democratic values. I look forward to working with senior members of the party as we make our push towards November and ensure we address the concerns of New Yorkers and all Americans.” 

Permits Filed For 3530 Willett Avenue In Olinville, The Bronx


Permits have been filed for a four-story residential building at 3530 Willett Avenue in Olinville, The Bronx. Located between East 213th Street and East Gun Hill Road, the lot is one block from the Gun Hill Road subway station, serviced by the 2 and 5 trains. Kodra Construction is listed as the owner behind the applications.

The proposed 50-foot-tall development will yield 4,113 square feet designated for residential space. The building will have eight residences, most likely rentals based on the average unit scope of 514 square feet. The masonry-based structure will also have a 20-foot-long rear yard.

John Backos of GRID Drafting and Consulting LLC is listed as the architect of record.

Demolition permits will likely not be needed as the lot is vacant. An estimated completion date has not been announced.