Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Governor Cuomo Outlines 2019 Justice Agenda: The Time is Now

  In 9th State of the State Address, Governor Advances Agenda to Ensure the Promise of Full, True Justice for All
Governor Cuomo: "On our seal it says the Great State of New York. You know why New York is great? Because New York rejects divide and conquer and we believe in unify and grow. New York is great because we believe in community and mutuality and we believe the greatest feast has the most number of people at the table. We are great because we believe the strongest four-letter word is still love. Not hate. New York loves you and what makes us great is we have no tolerance for hate in our state. That's New York. And that's who we are. And that's our message to this nation."
While Federal Government's Dysfunction and Shutdown Persists, Governor Cuomo Leads the Way Forward on Every Major Issue Affecting New Yorkers
FY 2020 Executive Budget Protects New Yorkers from Washington's Devastating Federal Attacks, Strengthens the Middle Class, Safeguards the Environment, Provides Unprecedented Investments in Education, Implements Congestion Pricing, Legalizes Adult Cannabis Use, Protects the Health of Our Communities and Drives Our Infrastructure 

2019 State of the State Book (356 pages) Available Here.
The complete video of the 2019 State of the State Address can be seen Here.

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today delivered his 2019 State of the State Address. The Governor's 2019 Justice Agenda ensures the promise of full, true justice for all. While the federal government's dysfunction and shutdown persists, the Governor is leading the way forward. The Justice Agenda protects New Yorkers from Washington's devastating federal attacks, strengthens the middle class, safeguards the environment, improves the health of our communities and invests in our infrastructure for the 21st century. For the ninth consecutive year, the Budget is balanced and holds spending growth below two percent. In December, in the face of the nation's biggest social crisis, and with the federal government seeking to undo generations of progress, Governor Cuomo laid out his legislative agenda to enable the Legislature to commence action on these top priorities immediately upon convening. In this State of the State Address, the Governor called on the Legislature to swiftly and immediately act on these priorities in the first 100 days of session.
"In the face of unprecedented challenges on a national level and a federal government at a complete standstill, New York will deliver on the most productive agenda in our history and build on our record of accomplishments," Governor Cuomo said. "This is a true Justice Agenda that ensures our neediest schools receive an equitable share of funds, advances historic criminal justice reform, safeguards our health care, protects the rights of women in our state from the federal government, and leads the nation in fight against climate change and contaminants in our environment and our water. While extreme conservatives in Washington govern by division and fuel dysfunction, New York State will raise the beacon of progress and take action to make a real difference in people's lives."
FY 2020 Executive Budget:
  • The FY 2020 Executive Budget is $175.2 billion on an All Funds basis.
  • State Operating Funds is $102.0 billion, growth of 1.9%
  • Health and Education spending grows at 3.6%, Executive Agencies at 0.8%.
Continue the Phase-In of Middle Class Tax Cuts: The Budget supports the phase-in of the middle class tax cuts. Under these reforms, rates will continue to drop to 5.5 percent and 6 percent when the cuts are fully phased in - an up to 20 percent cut in income tax rates for the middle class - and produce a projected $4.2 billion in annual savings for six million filers by 2025. As the new rates phase in, they will be the State's lowest middle-class tax rates in more than 70 years.
Extend the Millionaire's Tax: To protect the progress that has been made in enhancing progressivity and ensuring tax fairness for New York's middle-class, Governor Cuomo is proposing a five-year extension of the current tax rate on millionaires. This will preserve an estimated $4.4 billion annually otherwise unavailable to make vital investments in education and infrastructure to secure New York's future economic prosperity.
Make Permanent the Highly Successful Property Tax Cap: Governor Cuomo made a first-ever property tax cap a hallmark of his first campaign for Governor and a priority of his administration's first year. Since the implementation of the tax cap in 2012, growth has averaged approximately 2 percent and the tax cap has produced approximately $25 billion in taxpayers' savings. The Governor proposes that New York preserve and make permanent the property tax cap, as he has advocated in the past.
Close the Carried Interest Loophole: Because of an egregious loophole in federal law, some of the wealthiest people in the country, including hedge fund managers and private equity investors, are paying lower tax rates on their income than many middle class families. This "carried interest" loophole results in a substantial cost to middle-class New Yorkers, with the State losing about $100 million every year. To ensure that the wealthiest Americans are paying their fair share, Governor Cuomo will take a landmark step to close the carried interest loophole under New York State law and effectively eliminate the benefits of this loophole under the federal tax code.
Fight for the Full Deductibility of State and Local Taxes: Governor Cuomo fought the federal tax bill every step of the way while it was under consideration in Congress. After its passage, New York joined together with three other states to sue the federal government over this illegal and targeted assault. The Governor will continue to fight against this law and the threat that it poses to New York State, and he urges the new Democratic House of Representations stand together and demand that the SALT deduction is fully restored.
Continue Lawsuit Against Federal Government Challenging Unconstitutional Tax Law That Targets New York: Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood filed a lawsuit to protect New York and its taxpayers from Washington's drastic curtailment of the SALT deduction. The lawsuit argues that the new SALT cap was enacted to target New York and similarly situated states, that it interferes with states' rights to make their own fiscal decisions, and that it will disproportionately harm taxpayers in these states. The Governor and Attorney General Letitia James will continue in their fight to overturn the law's unprecedented and unconstitutional limitations on SALT deductibility.
Building 21st Century Infrastructure
Invest an Additional $150 Billion in the Nation's Largest Infrastructure Program: Governor Cuomo has made an unprecedented commitment to invest $150 billion in infrastructure projects over the next five years. Beginning in FY 2020, these capital projects will rebuild transportation and mass transit systems, drive economic and community development, create new environmental and park facilities, and support our sustainable energy future.
Reduce Traffic Congestion in NYC and Fund the MTA: This year, the Governor will implement congestion pricing to establish a reliable funding stream to transform the transit system and reduce congestion in Manhattan. By charging fees for vehicles to move within the most congested area of New York City and then reinvesting those funds into transit improvements, this plan will combat gridlock and deliver to New York City's residents and visitors the world-class transit system they deserve. 
Establish Accountability for the MTA: The MTA is a bureaucracy that lacks any accountability. The board of 17 members gives no single person a clear majority of nominees and there are 32 unions representing MTA employees that exert significant political power over the elected officials who appoint the board members. To overhaul this bureaucracy and fix the system, the Governor will work with the Legislature to establish clear authority over the MTA, while continuing to solve the need for dedicated funding and splitting capital funding shortfalls between New York City and New York State. Only with clearly designated authority and adequate funding can the MTA can be overhauled into the efficient and effective transit system that New Yorkers deserve.
Expand Design-Build and Enact Other Efficiencies to Expedite Construction Projects: Governor Cuomo's $100 billion infrastructure program is the nation's largest and boldest. Key to the program's success is the Governor's visionary decision to deploy the design-build method on complex projects, saving taxpayers time and money by making a single contractor responsible for both a project's design and its actual construction. To ensure efficiency across State projects, the Executive Budget includes legislation authorizing the use of state-of-the-art methods such as construction manager at-risk and construction manager-build, while expanding design-build to additional agencies.
Continuing New York's Bottom-Up Economic Development Strategy
Invest $750 million for Round Nine of the Regional Economic Development Councils: In 2011, Governor Cuomo established 10 Regional Economic Development Councils (REDCs) to develop long-term regional strategic economic development plans. Since then, the REDCs have awarded $6.1 billion to more than 7,300 projects. This strategy has resulted in 230,000 new or retained jobs in New York. The Executive Budget includes core capital and tax-credit funding that will be combined with a wide range of existing agency programs for a ninth round of REDC awards totaling $750 million.
Invest in Communities Across the State Through the Fourth Downtown Revitalization Initiative: The Downtown Revitalization Initiative is transforming downtown neighborhoods into vibrant communities where the next generation of New Yorkers will want to live, work and raise families. Participating communities are nominated by the State's ten REDCs based on the downtown's potential for transformation. Through three rounds of awards, each winning community was awarded $10 million to develop a downtown strategic investment plan and implement key catalytic projects that advance the community's vision for revitalization. The Executive Budget provides $100 million for the Downtown Revitalization Program Round IV.
Ensuring A Quality Education for All
Require Districts to Distribute State Aid in a More Equitable Manner to Their Neediest Schools: Although the state distributes 70 percent of its funding to the neediest districts, the districts do not always distribute funding to their schools in an equitable manner. In fact, some school districts have schools with significantly higher needs receiving less than the average school in the district. We must address this problem and therefore Governor Cuomo proposes to require that these school districts devote a portion of their 2019-20 school aid to increase the per-pupil allocation in those high-need schools. This increase in allocation will help ensure that funding intended to help improve educational outcomes for the neediest students reaches those students.
$1 Billion Education Aid Increase: State support for school districts will have increased by $8.1 billion (42 percent) since FY 2012. Over 70 percent of this year's increase goes to high-need school districts. Foundation Aid is increased by $338 million.
Expand Universal Pre-Kindergarten: The Budget includes an additional $15 million investment in pre-kindergarten to expand high-quality half-day and full-day prekindergarten instruction for three- and four-year-old children in high-need school districts.
Recruit 250 New Teachers in Shortage Areas through the We Teach NY Program: With the goals of diversifying and strengthening the teacher workforce pipeline, Governor Cuomo proposes to invest $3 million in the We Teach NY program, which will strategically recruit 250 new teachers to fill identified needed positions in New York classrooms in 2024.
Expand Master Teacher to High Poverty Schools to Increase Access to Advanced Courses: In 2013, Governor Cuomo launched the New York State Master Teacher Program to strengthen our nation's STEM education, giving selected educators an annual $15,000 stipend for four years, professional development opportunities and a platform to foster a supportive environment for the next generation of STEM teachers. In order to recruit and retain outstanding educators in the highest poverty schools, the Executive Budget will provide $1.5 million to support 100 new Master Teachers who teach in high-poverty schools with high rates of teacher turnover or high rates of relatively inexperienced teachers.
Protect Student Loan Borrowers: There are approximately 2.8 million student loan borrowers in New York that have tens of billions of dollars in outstanding student loan debt, which is serviced by about 30 student loan servicers. The Governor will advance sweeping protections for student loan borrowers by requiring that companies servicing student loans held by New Yorkers obtain a state license and meet standards consistent with the laws and regulations governing other significant lending products such as mortgages; banning upfront fees; requiring fair contracts and clear and conspicuous disclosures to borrowers; and providing penalties for failing to comply with the law.
Creating Economic Opportunity for Every New Yorker
Launch the $175 Million Workforce Initiative: Governor Cuomo will launch a new Consolidated Funding Application for workforce investments that will support strategic regional efforts that meet businesses' short-term workforce needs, improve regional talent pipelines, expand apprenticeships, and address the long-term needs of growing industries — with a particular focus on emerging fields with growing demand for jobs like clean energy, health technology, and computer science. These funds will also support efforts to improve the economic security of women, youth, and other populations that face significant barriers to career advancement.
Expand Employer-Driven Training Opportunities by Enhancing the Employee Training Incentive Program: Governor Cuomo proposes to expand the Employee Training Incentive Program to provide more training options to more industries by enabling employers with dedicated training shops to draw on in-house expertise in delivering approved training, and by extending ETIP tax credits to internship opportunities in additional high-tech industries.
Protect Workers from Union-Busting Activity by Codifying EO 183 into Law and Expanding its Protections to Local Governments: New York State has a long and distinguished history of standing by union workers. This year, Governor Cuomo will continue to advance his support for unions by introducing legislation that not only codifies EO 183 into law, but expands its protections to local governments to ensure that more union workers are protected.
Increase Criminal Penalties for Wage Theft: Governor Cuomo will advance legislation to increase criminal penalties for employers who knowingly or intentionally commit wage theft violations to more closely align with other forms of theft.
Ensuring Access to Affordable Housing
Enact Historic Legislation to Strengthen Rent Regulation: This year, the Governor proposes aggressive rent regulation reforms, including ending vacancy decontrol, repealing preferential rent, and limiting building and apartment improvement charges. These changes will preserve the rent regulated housing stock, strengthen tenants' rights to affordable housing, and ensure New Yorkers safe, quality affordable housing.
Limit Security Deposits to Reduce Housing Barriers: Governor Cuomo will propose legislation to limit security deposits to a maximum of one month's rent across New York State, making New York's security deposit limits among the strongest in the nation This law will serve to ensure that burdensome security deposits will no longer serve as a barrier to entry for anyone trying to find a new place to live.
Help Families Build Credit and Holistically Evaluate Credit Scores: In New York State, most landlords conduct background credit checks on potential tenants, which often leads to rejecting applicants with low credit scores or an insufficient credit history. To ensure all New Yorkers have a fair shot of accessing affordable, quality housing, Governor Cuomo will issue regulations prohibiting state-funded housing operators from automatically turning away applicants with poor credit or histories of bankruptcy. Instead, the State will require that all potential tenants and homeowners be holistically evaluated to determine the circumstances behind their credit history and their ability to pay rent on a forward-looking basis.
Enact Source of Income Protections to Support Fair Housing for All: In certain parts of New York State, landlords can reject applicants based on their lawful source of income, disproportionately impacting households that rely on non-wage income or income assistance and those who use vouchers to obtain housing for their families. The Governor will work with the legislature to amend the New York State Human Rights Law to prohibit discrimination based on lawful source of income statewide to ensure that such lawful income is not a blanket barrier to housing, reducing financial instability for New York's most economically vulnerable individuals.
Combating Poverty
Support ESPRI Communities and Establish ESPRI Representation on REDC Workforce Development Committees: In 2016, Governor Cuomo created the Empire State Poverty Reduction Initiative (ESPRI) to combat poverty and reduce inequality. ESPRI is an important component of the Governor's anti-poverty agenda, and this year Governor Cuomo proposes to build on the success of these State and local partnerships to address poverty, supporting more community-based efforts through continued funding of ESPRI. Governor Cuomo will also continue to support efforts by the REDCs and the economic development community to broaden and deepen their commitments to local anti-poverty efforts and he will ensure an ESPRI representative is included on each region's Workforce Development Committee and involved in the review process for the Governor's new Workforce Development Initiative.
Reduce Hunger and Food Insecurity: Building on historic investments to combat food insecurity, Governor Cuomo will establish a goal to reduce household food insecurity in New York State by 10 percent by 2024. In order to achieve this goal, Governor Cuomo is directing the following actions: create a food and anti-hunger policy coordinator; simplify access to SNAP for older and disabled adults; enhanced resources and referrals in clinical settings; participate in SNAP online purchasing pilot; and expand food access in Central Brooklyn.
Supporting the Rural and Agricultural Economy
Continue the Revitalization of the Great New York State Fairgrounds: The State Fair drives $100 million a year in economic activity in Central New York and thousands of jobs. Under Governor Cuomo's leadership, New York State has invested more than $120 million dollars in two phases over the last three years to remake the New York State Fairgrounds. To continue the transformation of the State Fairgrounds, the State will make additional renovations and upgrades to enhance user experience. The Governor's commitment continues to make the fairgrounds a year-round destination.
Fund Key Programs to Support New York's Farmers: The agricultural industry is full of variability and uncertainty. As a reflection of the Governor's resolve to support New York's farmers, this year's Executive Budget will continue funding the specialized technical assistance, industry promotion, and research investments statewide to reduce farms' exposure to economic and climate inconsistency.

Attorney General James And Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Announce $11 Million Settlement With Sterling Jewelers (D/b/a Kay Jewelers And Jared)

  Attorney General Letitia James and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today announced an $11 million settlement with Sterling Jewelers Inc. (“Sterling”) (doing business as Kay Jewelers, Jared The Galleria of Jewelry, and several other brands). The settlement resolves an investigation that revealed that Sterling signed consumers up for store credit cards without the consumers’ knowledge or consent. Sterling also enrolled consumers in a credit insurance product without consumers’ knowledge or consent and misrepresented the terms of the store cards. Pursuant to the settlement, Sterling will pay $11 million in penalties.

“By tricking consumers into enrolling in store credits cards, Sterling Jewelers betrayed customers’ trust and violated the law,” said Attorney General Letitia James. “This settlement holds the company accountable for its misconduct and ensures that no more consumers are deceived.”
Sterling is based in Ohio and operates approximately 1,500 jewelry stores, including around 130 stores in New York.
Sterling offers a store-branded credit card that can be used only at Sterling stores. Sterling imposed store card enrollment quotas on employees and based employee performance reviews and compensation on the quotas, creating intense pressure on employees to enroll consumers in store cards.
Sterling employees used a variety of tactics to deceive consumers into enrolling in store credit cards. In some cases, employees induced consumers to provide personal information by purporting to enroll consumers in a “rewards program” or discount program. In reality, sales representatives used the personal information to complete and submit credit card applications. Consumers often did not find out that they had applied for a card until they noticed an unexplained inquiry on their credit report or received the card in the mail.  
In addition, when consumers knew they were applying for credit, Sterling employees misrepresented the terms of the store credit cards. Sterling employees told consumers that they were being enrolled in a “no interest” promotional financing plan, when in reality they were signed up for a plan that included monthly financing fees.
Finally, Sterling enrolled consumers in credit insurance offered in connection with the store credit cards without consumers’ knowledge or consent. In many cases, consumers did not find out that they were enrolled in credit insurance until they noticed fees for the product on billing statements.

Councilman Andy King Hosts Coat Giveaway

 On Tuesday Councilman Andy King and Macy's held a coat giveaway for the residents of Councilman Kings District. Councilman King said that the people of his district are in need of many things, and one of them was a warm coat in the cold weather. Councilman King and his staff got together with Macy's to give out to people of Councilman Kings district coats that were donated by Macy's. Everyone who came to Councilman Kings future office on Gun Hill Road next to the new Cherry Valley Supermarket received a new coat.

Above - Councilman Andy King talks to the large crowd in his future office about the upcoming Martin Luther King holiday, and what Dr. Martin Luther King (who had the same last name as the Councilman) meant to the councilman. He also mentioned the similarities in that both he and Dr. King came from the same area in the south, had a relative with the same name, and both are seeking the same thing, equality for all. Councilman King spoke about the United States constitution, and the various changes to the 3/5th amendment. 
Below - The huge crowd that came out for Councilman King and Macy's free coat giveaway.

Councilman Andy King being interviewed about his coat giveaway. He said it is only part of his job, and his aim to help the people who elected him to represent them.

Should Bronx Progressives Host a NYC Public Advocate Forum?

As you know there is a historic election for Public Advocate that will be happening on February 26, 2019. 

At Bronx Progressives, we value political education and empowerment so that communities can elect representatives who will put the community first. To that end, we want your input to determine if you would like Bronx Progressives to host a forum with the declared candidates that are vying to be our next Public Advocate. 

Click on this link to complete a short form so that we can record your responses:

Please fill out the form by Saturday, January 18th to let us know if we should host a forum!



“New York has taken a tremendous step forward to make voting easier for all New Yorkers. Early voting, pre-registering 16- and 17-year-olds and the consolidation of state and federal primaries will help break barriers for New Yorkers every Election Day. I thank Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and the rest of the legislature for passing these key reforms. The legislature should also be proud for passing same-day voter registration and voting by mail. We must continue to push for these reforms so that the next legislature includes them on the ballot in 2021.”


IDNYC, which will continue to be free in 2019, is also adding new benefit partners, including Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art and People’s United Bank

  Mayor Bill de Blasio and First Lady Chirlane McCray announced that transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming New Yorkers can now affirmatively select a gender identity that more closely reflects to how they identify or express their gender on their IDNYC. Since its launch in 2015, the IDNYC program has always let cardholders to self-designate their gender or choose not declare a gender. Current cardholders who want to change the gender designation on their IDNYC can do so at no cost.

IDNYC is also announcing today a number of new benefit partners, including the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, and a new financial institution partner, People’s United Bank. In addition, building upon previous work with NYC Health + Hospitals, cardholders can now link their IDNYC cards with their hospital/clinic registration records at all NYC Health + Hospitals facilities. Now in its fifth year, IDNYC is the largest and most successful municipal ID program in the country with over 1.25 million cardholders.

“In the fairest big city in America, we have a mandate to further our commitment to justice and access for all transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming New Yorkers,” said Mayor de Blasio. “With an IDNYC, more of our neighbors will be able to get the services they need, and take advantage of exclusive benefits and discounts to some of our City’s most iconic landmarks and institutions. We are sending a clear message that all New Yorkers, of all gender identities and expressions, belong and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.”

“Giving people the opportunity to indicate their gender expression is inclusive, affirming and the right thing to do.” said First Lady Chirlane McCray. "All New Yorkers should be valued and respected in their interactions with government. Dignity is central to the efforts of IDNYC.”

"It is great to see that the IDNYC card program in its fourth year will expand its benefits and will be more inclusive by adding the third gender category so every New Yorker can reflect their true selves," said Council Speaker Corey Johnson. “In today’s climate, this program is more important than ever and the Council is committed to its success.”

“Transgender, gender non-conforming and gender non-binary New Yorkers are our neighbors and our coworkers and they should feel safe and validated in their interactions with local government,” said Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives Phillip Thompson. “IDNYC is the key to the City, the one card that shows everyone that you are a New Yorker and one of the key programs of the de Blasio Administration to making sure every single community that calls our city home has equal access to benefits and services. I look forward to continue to work with this program to expand access to opportunities for vulnerable communities across the city.” 

The third gender option builds upon both IDNYC’s proud legacy of inclusion and the City’s reaffirmation of the rights of transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming New Yorkers. Under the leadership of the Mayor and the City Council, New York City has joined progressive cities and states across the country—including California, Oregon, Washington State, and Washington, D.C.—in including a third gender option for official government documents. As of January 1, transgender and non-binary New Yorkers can amend their birth certificates to request and alternative option. From the start, IDNYC applicants and cardholders could choose to self-designate their gender as male or female, or to opt not to designate any gender, recognizing some New Yorker’s wish to not indicate their gender on their ID, their right not to identify with binary gender options. Following NYC law, applicants are not required to submit proof of gender identity when selecting, changing, or removing a gender designation. Now, IDNYC applicants and cardholders can affirmatively choose a third gender option, denoted as “X,” for their official municipal identification card.

Beginning in 2015, IDNYC partnered with NYC Health + Hospitals to serve as a registration card, helping improve patients’ experience with our public hospital system. Patients could link their IDNYC card number to their Health + Hospitals registration record to speed new patient registration and expedite the check-in process for medical visits; nearly 5,000 cardholders have taken advantage of this benefit already. Initially rolled out at NYC Health + Hospitals/Coney Island, as of the end of 2018 IDNYC numbers can be incorporated within the patient’s record at over 70 NYC Health + Hospitals locations—including hospitals, community health centers, and long-term care facilities—making it easy to access those records using the IDNYC number. This integration is just one example of how IDNYC helps New Yorkers access services and realize better outcomes.

IDNYC comes into 2019 with many new benefit partners. Cardholders can receive a 1-year free membership at 40 excellent cultural institutions across the five boroughs – including at Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, IDNYC’s newest cultural institution partner.

IDNYC is also pleased to announce People’s United Bank as the newest financial institution partner. Alongside over a dozen other financial institutional partners, cardholders are now able to use their IDNYC card as primary ID to open a bank account with People’s United Bank, in addition to other required documentation. With 12 branches across the City, this partnership provides cardholders with greater access to financial services. This addition is part of the City’s ongoing commitment to increase financial access for all New Yorkers, particularly the unbanked and underbanked.

In addition, New Yorkers can use their IDNYC to obtain a variety of great discounts in health, entertainment and more. Below are IDNYC’s newest benefit partners:
·  Brooklyn Boulders Queensbridge: 25% off rock climbing classes, including introductory and kids’ classes;
·   Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance (BAAD!): $5 discount on all BAAD! events and performances;
·   National Geographic Encounter: 25% on Daily Dive Time Reserved Entry tickets, plus 15% in the Encounter retail shop; and
·  TADA! Youth Theatre: 10% discount on all TADA! programming.

All city residents age 10 and above are eligible to apply for a municipal ID card, and enrollment is free for anyone who applies in 2019. All IDNYC applicants must demonstrate their identity and residency in New York City. The City will protect the confidentiality of all IDNYC card applications to the fullest extent of the law and will not ask applicants about their immigration status. For information on eligibility criteria, benefits, enrollment centers across the five boroughs, and more, applicants can visit or call 311.

For a full list of information on IDNYC benefits and effective dates for new discounts, please visit

A full list of IDNYC cultural institutional partners includes:
·         American Museum of Natural History
·         BRIC
·         Bronx County Historical Society
·         Bronx Museum of the Arts
·         BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music)
·         Brooklyn Children’s Museum
       Carnegie Hall
·         China Institute
·         The Drawing Center
·         Film Forum
·         Flushing Town Hall
·         International Print Center New York
·         Jacques Marchais Center for Tibetan Art
·         King Manor
·         Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art
·         Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
·         Metropolitan Museum of Art
·         Metropolitan Opera
·         Museum at Eldridge Street
·         Museum of Chinese in America
·         Museum of Jewish Heritage
·         Museum of Modern Art
·         Museum of the City of New York
·         New York Botanical Garden
·         New York City Ballet
·         New York City Center
·         MoMA PS1
·         Park Avenue Armory
·         Pregones Theater
·         The Public Theater
·         Queens Museum
·         Queens Theatre
·         SculptureCenter
·         Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden
·         St. George Theatre
·         Staten Island Museum
·         Studio Museum in Harlem
·         Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling
·         Symphony Space
·         Wildlife Conservation Society at the Bronx Zoo
·         Central Park Zoo (enrollment required at the Bronx Zoo)
·         New York Aquarium (enrollment required at the Bronx Zoo)
·         Prospect Park Zoo (enrollment required at the Bronx Zoo)

“Every single New Yorker deserves to feel safe, and to be seen and respected,” said Bitta Mostofi, Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs. “We are proud that at the start of 2019, IDNYC now offers a gender option that acknowledges the gender spectrum and expands options for our transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming neighbors – at no cost or hassle. IDNYC is the key to the city for all New Yorkers, regardless of gender identity or immigration status.”

“New York City is once again taking a step forward to be a more inclusive city by including an additional gender designation for IDNYC,” said Department of Social Services Commissioner Steven Banks. “For transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming New Yorkers having a document that is consistent with their gender identity is not only a matter of semantics, it represents self-determination and safety from discrimination and harassment.”

Dawn Smalls, Candidate for Public Advocate, Issues Statement in Response to Voting Reforms Passed By State Senate

  "As one of the major platform issues in my campaign for Public Advocate, I'm happy to finally see progress on these long-overdue reforms," Ms. Smalls said of the legislation passed on Voting Reforms by the NY State Senate. "Our outdated election laws have directly contributed to our dismal voter turnout. Just 12% of eligible voters showed up for the 2017 Primary. That is shameful for a state that puts itself forward as one of the most progressive in the nation."

Smalls has been an active proponent of voting reforms over the course of her career. She managed tens of millions of dollars in grants at two of the world's largest philanthropies promoting civic engagement, political reform, and grassroots activism. And, as an attorney, she got an injunction against Trump in the lead up to the 2016 campaign to prohibit voter intimidation at the polls. Smalls has also been involved in Stacy Abrams' efforts to make sure every voice is heard and every vote is counted following her bid for Governor of Georgia.

"The passage of these reforms are a great start for New Yorkers - but they won’t mean anything unless they are properly implemented," commented Smalls. "As Public Advocate, I will be the people’s watchdog to make sure the current reforms are properly implemented so that New Yorkers see a real change the next time they come to the polls. I will also advocate for the passage of policies that are missing from this first round of reforms like restoration for people on parole and the flexibility to change parties closer to the election."