Showing posts with label 2nd Annual FOLIAGE AND FUN “A Tribute To Our Veterans”. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2nd Annual FOLIAGE AND FUN “A Tribute To Our Veterans”. Show all posts

Sunday, November 25, 2018

2nd Annual FOLIAGE AND FUN “A Tribute To Our Veterans”

The honorees and Ms. Bharati Kemraj of the Bharati Foundation. L - R (front row) Colleen McCarthy U.S. Marines, Tony Salimbene U.S. Coast Guard, Nicholas Himidian Jr. U.S. Air Force, A stand in for Bruce Rivera U.S. Army, (middle row) Gene DeFrancis U.S. Navy, Ms. Bharati Kemraj, LaTanga’ Blair U.S. Army, (back row) Shawn Kingston Service Award, Sidney T. Clark U.S. Marines, and Raymond Tirado U.S. Army received a posthumous award. The event was held at the Coffee Break Company located at 3217 Philip Avenue in the Throggs Neck section of the Bronx.

Above - Sergeant Joe Ronda with his son Joe Ronda Jr. of the Star of The Sea - Sea Cadets lead in the Pledge of allegiance and the star Spangled Banner. Sergeant Ronda is playing the Star Spangled Banner in the photo.
Below - The honorees held lit sparkling candles for the soldiers who never returned from overseas. 

Above - Colleen McCarthy U.S. Marine veteran receives her award.
Below - Nicholas Himidian Jr. U.S. Air Force veteran receives his award.

Above - Gene DeFrancis U.S. Navy veteran receives his award.
Below - Sidney T. Clark U.S. Marine veteran receives his award.

Tony Salimbene U.S. Coast Guard receives his award.