Saturday, July 1, 2017


Defendant Dragged Woman Off Street Into Alleyway; Brutally Attacked Her 

  Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that a Bronx man has been sentenced to 23 years in prison for first-degree crimes of Rape, Criminal Sexual Act and Sexual Abuse of a woman who had asked him for directions to the train station in Morris Park. 

  District Attorney Clark said, “This horrifying crime shocked the community with its randomness and brutality. A jury convicted the defendant and now he will spend 23 years in prison, which we hope will bring a measure of justice to his courageous victim and assure the community the streets are safer with this predator behind bars.” 

   District Attorney Clark said the defendant, Francisco Delarosa, 30, of 2327 Grand Concourse, was convicted by a jury on June 9, 2017, after a two-week trial before Bronx Supreme Court Justice John Carter of first-degree Rape, first-degree Criminal Sexual Act, first-degree Sexual Abuse, and Petit Larceny. 

  The defendant was sentenced today to 23 years in prison. Upon his release, he will have to register as a sex offender. 

   According to trial testimony, on May 27, 2015, in the Morris Park section of the Bronx, the 32-year-old victim was walking down the street and asked the defendant where the train station was, and the defendant offered to show her. He then dragged her into an abandoned alleyway and raped and sexually abused her.


Aetna and City partner to support public health, create access to quality jobs, and make NYC the global capital for healthcare innovation

  Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that, by the end of 2018, Aetna’s corporate headquarters will be located in New York City. The health company’s move to a new headquarters at 61 9th Avenue in Manhattan will result in 250 good-paying jobs and an estimated $146 million in economic benefit to the City.

This investment builds on three years of efforts led by Mayor de Blasio to create a 21st century healthcare system for all New Yorkers.

“New York City is where talent and technology come together,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “We’ve never been stronger, and that’s why companies like Aetna and their employees want to be here. We’re proud to support Aetna’s investment in the city.”

“New York City is a knowledge economy hub, and a driver of the innovations that will play a significant part in our ongoing transformation,” said Aetna Chairman and CEO Mark T. Bertolini.  “Many of the roles in our new office will be filled by innovators from the area’s deep talent pool, which will be an invaluable resource as we consider additional investments in the city.  I look forward to working closely with Mayor de Blasio as we build on our role as a responsible corporate citizen.”

As a large employer, Aetna will make the kinds of investments in healthcare innovations and medical technology that help commercialize new discoveries and support the city’s healthcare startups.

The healthcare and life sciences sectors are a core component of Mayor de Blasio’s New York Works plan, a series of 25 initiatives that will spur 100,000 jobs with good wages over the coming decade, to combat economic inequality and grow the middle class.

Aetna already has an established presence in New York City, including operations in Harlem. As part of the City’s commitment to support the new headquarters, Aetna and the City will work together to develop partnerships that support public health, healthy living, advance digital health innovation and increase access to quality jobs for New Yorkers.

“Attracting a major player in the health care industry like Aetna is a big win for New York City, helping to drive even more innovation and job creation throughout the sector,” said New York City Economic Development Corporation President and CEO James Patchett. “We’re excited to partner with Aetna to improve public health, and to help New Yorkers from all backgrounds access quality jobs as part of our New York Works plan.”

Governor Andrew Cuomo Should Bring Back the Commuter Tax

By Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az 
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York

You should know that an article titled “City Has to Pay Up If It Wants Better MTA Service, Cuomo Says” written by Ben Fractenberg in the June 23, 2017 edition of DNAInfo begins with the following sentence: “Governor Andrew Cuomo said the city should put its money where its mouth is in funding the MTA to help fix the beleaguered subway system.”

Instead of asking New York City to pay more money into the MTA, wouldn’t it be more responsible for Governor Andrew Cuomo to push for the reinstatement of the Commuter Tax? Shouldn’t our beloved Governor at least pose this as a possibility and open the subject for hearings, studies and political implications?

It is important for you to know that back on May 27, 1999, former New York State Governor George E. Pataki signed a bill into law to repeal the Commuter Tax.

That piece of legislation was rushed through the Senate and Assembly for a vote, with no hearings, no debate and no studies on the tax break for people who commute to New York City, use our police, fire, sanitation, hospital, parks and other municipal services when needed.

The commuter tax used to help defray the cost of municipal services that New York City provides to one and all, and when it was taken away, it was an additional financial burden placed on everyone who lives in the five boroughs of the City to pay for those services.

In other words, people who don’t live in New York City and come here to work and shop, expect for us to host them so they can take advantage of our municipal services, which include our failing subway system.

Now, with all of the problems that the MTA faces, how could Governor Andrew Cuomo say that the citizens of New York City should pay even more money for these services?

Instead, if we reinstate the Commuter Tax, people from Long Island, Westchester, and Upstate New York who come to New York and use our transportation system can help to pull their fair share of the burden.

I urge Governor Cuomo to lead the way, and instead of asking New York City residents to chip in and pay more money, he should really help the City by bringing back the Commuter Tax.

I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.


Current State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. is running for the 18th City Council seat whose current occupant is term-limited.

More Statements on Hospital Shooting From Local Elected Officials


  "I'm deeply saddened and disturbed by today's fatal shooting at Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center. This senseless tragedy that has left our borough and our City in mourning, did not only take the life of a female doctor but left six others injured, some of them in critical condition. I want to express my condolences to the family and friends of the deceased and wish a swift physical and emotional recovery to those affected by this traumatic event. 

However, in the midst of this horrific tragedy, we are reminded of the many acts of heroism displayed today. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of our first responders including the NYPD, especially police officers from the 44th and 46th Precinct, the FDNY and the EMT, for the courage and professionalism displayed under the most strenuous of circumstances. Further, I want to express my profound appreciation to the doctors, nurses and personnel at Bronx Lebanon for their work in putting their patients out of harm's way. 

It is indeed a very sad day for our City."

Statement from Assembly Member Michael A. Blake on Bronx Lebanon Hospital Shooting

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families impacted by today's tragic shooting at Bronx Lebanon Hospital, where seven people were shot by the shooter; especially to the family of the doctor who had her life senselessly taken. Other persons are in surgery so please keep them and the medical staff lifted up in prayer. The gunman has taken his life.

I thank the first responders and Bronx Lebanon staff for responding so quickly. Our team is on site and in constant communication to get updates.

This tragedy is another reminder that there must be stronger gun laws in our country, and the need for greater awareness around mental health concerns that can lead to unspeakable loss.

Statement by Assemblymember Luis Sepulveda   
"This obviously was the work of a madman"
My prayers and heartfelt condolences go out to the family of the fatal shooting victim in today's terror-filled rampage at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital, and I wish a speedy recovery to the six other shooting victims.

I applaud the quick, heroic work of other doctors and nurses who sprang into action to help the wounded, even as the gunman was rampaging through the hospital. They truly are heroes.

I also applaud the swift response of the NYPD. While others flee from danger, they race toward it.

This obviously was the work of a madman, who vented his twisted fantasies with violence, going out in what he may have felt literally was a blaze of glory by setting himself on fire before shooting himself.

I hope, as part of the investigation, the authorities determine how he was able to obtain a deadly assault rifle, once again, a weapon of choice for lunatics committing mass murder and mayhem.

 When will this nation finally come up with a rational response to the crazy, illogical glorification of these weapons of horrific injury and murder? 


   “Today’s senseless shooting at Bronx Lebanon Hospital, left 2 people dead and several people hurt. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims and their families during this tragedy.

     “I would like to thank NYPD, FDNY and all first responders for dealing with the situation as quickly as possible in order to keep our community safe.

     “My office will continue to monitor the situation and work with the Mayor and my colleagues in government to make sure that our community and the people of the Bronx feel safe and secured.”   

Friday, June 30, 2017

Former Doctor Shoots Up Bronx Lebanon Hospital

  A former doctor walked into Bronx Lebanon Hospital with an assault rifle and opened fire on doctors. Cops found the gunman dead following the rampage, with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. At least one other person is dead, and six other people wounded, five in serious condition.

  Below are statements from Mayor Bill de Blasio, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.


  Mayor Bill de Blasio: We’ve had a real tragedy here in the Bronx this afternoon. It’s something we’ve seen around the country, and now we’ve experienced it here. The tragedy occurred in Bronx-Lebanon Hospital. I want to say at the outset, thank God this was not an act of terrorism. It is an isolated incident. It appears to be a workplace-related matter, but that makes it no less tragic or no less horrible. 

One doctor is dead and there are several doctors who are fighting for their lives right now amongst those who are wounded. As you know, the shooter killed himself, but not before having done horrible damage. Our hearts go out to the family of the doctor who passed away and we’re giving both our hearts and our prayers, standing in solidarity with the families of all of those who were wounded and all of those who are fighting for their lives right now. 

This was a horrific situation unfolding in the middle of a place that people associate with care and comfort – a situation that came out of nowhere. But even in the midst of this horror, there were many, many acts of heroism. I want to thank our first responders – the police officers from the 4-4 and 4-6 Precincts and from our Strategic Response Group who entered the building quickly, went toward the danger to protect the many, many hundreds of people who were in the building. 

The firefighters who arrived – this was not just an active shooter situation but there was a fire that complicated matters and our firefighters did an exceptional job of addressing that situation immediately. And then, of course, all of the personnel at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital whose day went from normal to horrifying in a matter of seconds – the doctors, the nurses – all of the personnel responded with extraordinary bravery, with cool professionalism. They protected each other. They protected their patients even amidst this horrible situation. 

I want to express to everyone at Bronx-Lebanon hospital our profound thanks for all they did to handle this situation and to immediately respond to support their compatriots who are wounded. 

There will be an opportunity in the coming hours to provide more details but at this point, there is a lot that we are piecing together. I want to say upfront, there are many, many details that we’re still putting together, that’s why we’re not in a position to answer questions yet. But there will be an accounting of details shortly. 

But, what I can say in the meantime is there are many things amidst this pain to be proud of today, and God bless our first responders and the hospital personnel for the way they handled this situation. They put the safety of their fellow New Yorkers first, as they always do. 

  I want to thank Fire Commissioner Dan Nigro of the Fire Department. His men and women performed admirably in this situation. I want to thank Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark for being here; the Borough President of the Bronx Rubin Diaz Jr.; State Senator Gustavo Rivera; and Congressman Jose Serrano. Thanks to all for being here in support and solidarity. 

Police Commissioner James P. O’Neill: As the Mayor stated, this is all preliminary information – this just happened a couple of hours ago. So, this is what we have so far – at approximately 2:55 pm, a 9-1-1 call was received reporting a male firing a gun on the 16th floor of Bronx-Lebanon Hospital. That’s located right here behind me on the Grand Concourse. 

Responding patrol units from the 4-4 Precinct, and the 4-6 Precinct, quickly determined that several people had been shot on the 16th and 17th floors by a lone gunman armed with an assault rifle. Additional NYPD units from the Strategic Response Group, Critical Response Command, Emergency Service Unit, and other commands responded and began our active-shooter protocol, including a search for the suspect, evacuation, and activation of the Rescue Task Force, which is a combination of NYPD personnel and F-D personnel. During the incident, the hospital’s fire alarm system activate, apparently due to the suspect’s attempt to set himself on fire. 

On the 17th floor, officers encountered the male suspect lying on the floor, dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. An assault rifle was found nearby. The subject was wearing a white medical-type coat. A female victim was also discovered on the 17th floor. She was pronounced dead at the scene. A total of six additional victims were found on the 16th floor. They have been removed to the emergency room of the hospital. Five of them were seriously injured and one suffered a gunshot wound to the leg. 

The subject, is a former employee of Bronx-Lebanon Hospital.


"Today’s fatal shooting at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center has shocked an entire borough. On behalf of the more than 1.4 million people who call The Bronx home and who consider Bronx-Lebanon a vital partner within our communities, I offer condolences to the family of the woman who was tragically killed this afternoon. As we learn more details about this horrible incident, my office and I will keep the victims, their families and the entire Bronx- Lebanon family in our thoughts as we pray that the survivors of today’s shooting have a speedy recovery," said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.


“Mayoral control of New York City schools is critical to the futures of more than one million kids. Providing a two-year extension gives the system an important measure of stability that’s key to initiatives that have produced record achievement.

“In extending our control of the nation’s largest school system, State lawmakers and the Governor deserve great credit for protecting the dramatic progress our teachers and principals have made in classrooms across the city. At the end of the day, Governor Cuomo, Speaker Heastie, and Leaders Flanagan, Klein, and Stewart-Cousins worked overtime to ensure New York City schools continued on a path of progress. The bipartisan cooperation that prevailed on this issue will have an immediate and lasting effect on the lives of our city’s children. Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, education advocates, business and labor leaders, and a diverse coalition of allies played an equally crucial role in putting aside partisan politics and getting this legislation across the finish line.

“Our state government’s action allows us to refocus our attention away from the political process and back to our classrooms, where it belongs.”    


Within the next two years before this happens again, our state legislature MUST come up with a plan to replace Mayoral Control which has been proven not to work.

The New York City public school system is in worse shape than ever, and that includes the announcement by Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Farina of policy to better integrate the New York City Public School System.


  On Thursday, June 29, 2017, tens of thousands of Bronxites and revelers from all over the region joined Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and State Senator Jeff Klein as they hosted the borough’s official kickoff to the year’s Independence Day Celebrations, the annual “New York Salutes America” boardwalk festival and fireworks extravaganza at Orchard Beach.

“The annual ‘New York Salutes America’ boardwalk festival and fireworks extravaganza at Orchard Beach is one of our jewel events, and is a great way to kick-off our city’s July 4thcelebrations. I was proud to once again join State Senator Jeff Klein in bringing together thousands of our neighbors to celebrate America,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

“As always, the annual Fourth of July extravaganza at Orchard Beach drew thousands of Bronxites for a spectacular evening of free entertainment and fireworks. It was a night where the community came together to celebrate our nation’s freedom, and I'm proud to have once again worked with Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr to make it such a memorable event,” said State Senator Jeff Klein