Friday, October 3, 2014


 Standing in front of a construction site at 2338 Bruckner Blvd. State Senator Jeff Klein, Assembly members Luis Sepulveda & Marcos Crespo, Councilwoman Annabelle Palma, and local community leaders voiced their displeasure about a proposed 60 unit "Days Inn" motel which they said would be a "Hot Sheet' Motel. 
  “I continue to have serious concern over the development of a Days Inn Motel that would provide day rates, creating the potential for a “hot sheet motel” at 2338 Bruckner Boulevard. We know from multiple past experiences that these types of establishments breed not only illicit but potentially illegal activity and hurt otherwise strong communities. I am pleased that the NYC Department of Buildings has issued this stop work order and is taking the matter under careful review,” said State Senator Jeff Klein.
“I commend the of Department of Buildings for their responsiveness to this issue in our community.  The residents of Castle Hill have shown that they will not let unscrupulous businesses into their neighborhood without having a seat at the table.  This stop work order shows that when communities and elected officials work together we can have a serious impact on decision making,” said Assemblyman Sepulveda.
“The Castle Hill Neighborhood Betterment Association is elated that our hard work is paying off and that a stop work order has been issued against the motel. We will continue addressing all issues affecting our community,” said Castle Hill Betterment Association member and resident Fernando A. Panate.
The announcement comes on the heels of a letter Senator Klein sent to the NYC Department of Buildings Bronx Borough Commissioner, dated September 29, 2014, stating that he believed the approved plans for construction of a hotel at the 2338 Bruckner Blvd site were made in error. On October 1, 2014 the NYC Department of Buildings notified Klein’s office that a stop work order had indeed been issued on the property.

Left - Heavy machinery lays idle due to stop work order.
Right - Construction work is almost right next to the neighboring house.

The stop work order that took effect on 10/01/2014.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

STATEMENT FROM BOROUGH PRESIDENT DIAZ RE: Mayor de Blasio Signs Executive Order to Expand Fair Wages for New Yorkers Act

  “I am thrilled with Mayor de Blasio’s executive order to expand the ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act. Today’s announcement is a victory for the hard working people of the Bronx and the City of New York.  The mayor's executive order will benefit thousands of workers, covering employees of commercial tenants in development projects that take in more than $1 million in city subsidies.  
“We first introduced the ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act in 2011 to fight for the rights of those underserved and often ignored residents of this City.  The expansion of this bill will ensure that tax payer subsidized developments work for even more New Yorkers and we applaud Mayor de Blasio for it.   
“As I have said in the past, when developers voluntarily use taxpayer subsidies to make their projects work, they must do better by their employees. New York City is open for business, but at a better rate of return for the taxpayer.  The Mayor’s executive order marks another important step forward for economic development policy in our City and will have an incredible impact on the lives of thousands of hardworking residents,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Council Member Andy King Job Fair

  Council Member Andy King organized and hosted a job fair today at his District 12 office in the Bronx which attracted more than 125 applicants in the first 2 hours. More than 98 percent of those who attended met the qualifications to be hired as a paratransit driver. "In order to stabilize our families, economic prosperity is a must. I applaud all the men and women who showed up today at my district office in search of a new job opportunity,” said Council Member Andy King Co-Chair of the Black, Latino, and Asian Caucus.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj Senior Gaer Day

  About 100 seniors from the 80th Assembly District stopped by Mastero's Caterers today to partake in the fun and festivities that was being provided by Assemblyman Gjonaj. Tables were set up with many different games to play from Bridge to Yatzee. Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Senator Jeff Klein also stopped by to see the seniors, and BP Diaz even partook in a game of Connect Four with one of the seniors. The hottest game being played seemed to be a friendly game of Dominoes by four friends that lasted throughout the event.
   Midway there was dancing, and it appears that a replacement to the former 'Dancing District Leader' was found as Hakeem Egbo (a volunteer in the assembly office). During his stay BP Diaz explained the reason that 'The Bronx' is called 'The Bronx', referring to the settling of Jonas Bronckx 350 years ago in the lower part of the borough. Diaz Jr. 

Above - The hot dominoe game that went on almost for the entire event.

Above - Left BP Diaz starts a game of Connect Four using the blue pieces.
Right - His opponent has lined up four connected pieces, and wins the game.

Left and Right - people hit the dance floor. Gjonaj volunteer Hakeem Egbo seems to have replaced the old 'Dancing District Leader'.

Left - Gene Dinapoli provided the entertainment.
Right - BP Diaz greets some of the seniors.

Left - Assemblyman Gjonaj and BP Diaz.
Right - BP Diaz and Senator Klein.

Pichardo Statement re: Certification of 86th Assembly Seat Recount

  Today, the Board of Elections certified the results for the Democratic primary race in the 86th Assembly District, with the final vote count designating Assembly Member Victor Pichardo as the winner. Assembly Member Pichardo issues the following statement in response to the certification of the election:

“I am honored to have the opportunity to continue to serve and represent my community in Albany for a full term.

I am truly humbled to have received the unwavering support of my neighbors - as well as from a great number of elected officials and unions across both the city and the state - during a tough campaign and while we worked to ensure that this was a fair and clean election. I remain committed to working hard to deliver results and to building a better future for the 86th district.” 

We congratulate Assemblyman Pichardo on this victory. Due to the very slim margin ( 2 votes we were told ) we are sure that his challenger will be appalling the Board of Elections certification in the courts. 


  State Senator Gustavo Rivera has promoted Ms. Katrina Asante, who has been working in his office since 2011, to the role of Chief of Staff.  Ms. Meghan Lynch, who served as Senator Rivera's Chief of Staff for over a year and a half, is moving on to New York Academy of Medicine.

"Whether it was during her time as a Community Affairs Representative or as Deputy Chief of Staff, Katrina has been an invaluable member of my team.  She has demonstrated a true commitment to the communities we serve and is constantly working to improve the lives of hard working Bronx residents," said Senator Rivera. "I am extremely excited to have Katrina take on this new role in my staff. Her deep knowledge of this district and her background in social services will be a tremendous asset to my office."

"As a lifelong Bronx resident, I am humbled to have the opportunity to continue working along with Senator Rivera on the issues that are important to the communities we both serve, such as expanding and improving affordable housing and reducing unemployment," said Katrina Asante. "I am very happy to lead Senator Rivera's team in serving our constituents and in our efforts to build a better and stronger Bronx every single day."

Before being promoted to Chief of Staff, Katrina Asante served as Senator Rivera's Deputy Chief of Staff and Community Affairs Representative. Prior to working for Senator Rivera, Katrina worked at the Administration for Children's Services as a ChildProtective Specialist. Katrina also has a Master in Public Administration from the Metropolitan College of New York.

Monday, September 29, 2014


New installations, funded by City and NY-Sun Initiative, are first step toward 100 MW of new solar on City-owned buildings and long-term goal of 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050

  Today, outside the Kennedy Campus, Mayor de Blasio announced a major investment in solar power at City schools, funding 24 installations as part of the administration’s new green buildings plan (One City, Built to Last), tripling the amount of solar currently planned on City-owned buildings, and marking another step forward as the City works to dramatically reduce its contributions to climate change. The Kennedy Campus is one of nine schools that currently use solar panels (500 in all at the school) to generate energy.  

The 24 new installations will be funded by the City, as well as by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) under Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s NY-Sun Initiative. The $28 million investment includes $23 million in City funds and an estimated $5 million in grants from NYSERDA. The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) and the New York Power Authority will implement the projects, in partnership with the Department of Education (DOE). The planned 6.25 MW of solar power at these 24 installations will result in a reduction of more than 2,800 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions a year, the equivalent of taking over 600 cars off the road every year. The solar installations will be paired with an environmental curriculum plan, including dashboards and web portals where students can track in real time what the systems are generating and the amount of emissions that have been offset, and undertake related analyses of the systems’ impacts.

The Mayor made the announcement outside the John F. Kennedy Educational Campus, which is home to a rooftop solar installation that will serve as an innovative and cost-effective model for installing solar.

The new solar projects are part of a larger commitment announced at the start of Climate Week. Last week, Mayor de Blasio announced that New York City is committed to an 80 percent reduction in its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions over 2005 levels by 2050, charting a long-term path for investment in renewable sources of energy and a total transition from fossil fuels. This commitment starts with the sweeping green buildings plan announced last week.

One City, Built to Last focuses on dramatically reducing emissions from buildings, which account for nearly three-quarters of the City’s GHG emissions. The Mayor has committed to retrofitting every single City-owned building with significant energy use by 2025, including installing 100 MW of solar power. 

Additionally, the City will spur private building to invest in efficiency upgrades, including by providing ambitious interim targets and incentives and implementing mandates if targets are not met. In particular, the City plans to catalyze an additional 250 MW of solar power on private buildings.

After the announcement Mayor de Blasio took questions on topic, and eventually off topic. I asked after 12 stagnant years of student performance under the previous mayor what was this mayor going to do to improve student performance in the public schools. Since Chancellor Carmen Farina was not present Mayor de Blasio said that there will be many things to come in struggling schools, and the mayor even came back to my question later saying that many parts of the school system are not working, and have to change. Without any mention of how or what he wants to change the mayor said that he is devoted to the public school system.

There were questions about the ground hog's death, and if the mayor was going to pick it up this coming year, which the mayor answered that is up to the zoo. About possible legislation for letter grades on nail salons proposed by Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. the mayor said that he has not seen the proposal. The mayor was also asked about the recent pedestrian deaths during his Vision Zero program. The mayor said that it is up to individual behavior, but with the deterrents like speed zones and cameras that he thinks peoples behavioral patterns can be changed for the better.