Saturday, June 24, 2017

Founder Of Purported Investment Company Charged With Commodities Fraud And Wire Fraud

   Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and William F. Sweeney Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced today the filing of a criminal complaint charging MICHAEL WRIGHT with commodities fraud and wire fraud in connection with WRIGHT’s operation of an investment company, Wright Time Capital Group (“WTCG”). WRIGHT is alleged to have misrepresented to investors the trading performance of WTCG, and, after acquiring investor funds, misappropriating a large portion of those funds for his personal benefit. Additionally, after losing most of the funds he actually invested in foreign currency (“forex”) transactions, WRIGHT allegedly began operating WTCG as a Ponzi scheme, using funds obtained from investors to make payments to other investors. WRIGHT was arrested this morning and will be presented before the U.S. Magistrate Judge James L. Cott later today.
Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “As alleged, Michael Wright used his investment company as a personal piggy bank and issued fraudulent account statements to cover up foreign exchange trading losses, ultimately operating a classic Ponzi scheme. Thanks to the dedicated work of the FBI, Wright's alleged scheme has been brought to an end and he will now be held to account.”
FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said: “Wright allegedly lured investors to Wright Time Capital Group by falsely representing his trading performance. Most of the currency received was used for his personal benefit; some of it was actually invested in foreign currency transactions. But when this money was eventually lost, he created another layer in his litany of crimes—a Ponzi scheme. For anyone who thinks they can manipulate people’s investments in this way, we remind you today that’s simply not the case.”
According to the Complaint[1]:
WRIGHT started WTCG in January 2011, and ultimately obtained more than $400,000 from various investors (the “Victims”). While WRIGHT did initially conduct some forex trades on behalf of the Victims, he then began to steal their money, using it to cover his personal expenses, including hotel and travel expenses. From the outset of WTCG, WRIGHT misrepresented to WTCG’s investors the gains he had achieved. WRIGHT claimed in statements to Victims that he had achieved double-digit gains for them through forex trading in WTCG’s first six months of existence. In reality, however, WRIGHT earned little to no money through his forex trading. WRIGHT also operated WTCG as a Ponzi scheme by using the Victims’ funds to make payments to other Victims who were demanding the return of their investments.
WRIGHT, 30, of Rockville Centre, New York, was arrested this morning in New Jersey. WRIGHT was charged with commodities fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison, and wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.

Mr. Kim praised the efforts of the FBI in this investigation.
The charges contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint and the description of the Complaint forth herein constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Bronx Man Arrested For Attempting To Provide Material Support To ISIS

Saddam Mohamed Raishani Was Arrested at John F. Kennedy International Airport While Allegedly Attempting to Travel Overseas to Join ISIS

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Dana Boente, the Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security, William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and James P. O’Neill, the Commissioner of the Police Department for the City of New York (“NYPD”), announced that SADDAM MOHAMED RAISHANI, a/k/a “Adam Raishani,” was arrested last night at John F. Kennedy International Airport (“JFK Airport”) in Queens, New York.  RAISHANI was charged by a criminal Complaint earlier today with attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (“ISIS” or the “Islamic State”), a designated foreign terrorist organization.  RAISHANI is expected to be presented later today before Magistrate Judge James L. Cott in Manhattan federal court.

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said:  “As alleged, Saddam Mohamed Raishani, a Bronx man, plotted to travel to Syria to join and train with the terrorist organization ISIS.  Having already helped another man make that trip to ISIS’s heartland, Raishani allegedly acted on his own desire to wage violent jihad, planning to leave his family and life in New York City for the battlefields of the Middle East.  Thanks to the excellent work of the FBI and NYPD, Raishani’s alleged plan to support this deadly terrorist organization was cut short at the airport and now he will face federal terrorism charges.”
Acting Assistant Attorney General Dana Boente said:  “According to the complaint, Raishani attempted to travel overseas to join ISIS and to provide material support to the designated terrorist organization.  The National Security Division’s highest priority is countering terrorist threats, and we will continue to work to stem the flow of foreign fighters abroad and bring to justice those who attempt to provide material support to designated foreign terrorist organizations.  I would like to thank all of the agents, analysts and prosecutors who are responsible for this case.”
FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “This case is another alleged instance of the nature of the terrorism threat and its reach into communities here at home. It is also a great example of the coordination which exists among local and federal law enforcement partners who work together to stop these alleged threats and interdict individuals allegedly determined on joining a terrorist organization intent on conducting violence around the globe. The FBI’s JTTF will continue to work with our partners, both here and abroad, to prevent acts of terrorism.”
NYPD Commissioner James P. O’Neill said:  “As we have seen many times before, allegedly attempting to join a designated terrorist organization usually has one outcome: arrest.  Thank you to the NYPD detectives and FBI agents who, through the original Joint Terrorism Task Force, remain relentless in their focus to keep New York City safe.”
As alleged in the criminal Complaint,[1] filed today in Manhattan federal court:
In January 2017, RAISHANI contacted an individual who was, unbeknownst to RAISHANI, a confidential source working at the direction of law enforcement (the “CS”)  During a meeting with the CS, RAISHANI told the CS that RAISHANI had a friend (“Person-1”), who had left New York to join the Islamic State some time ago.[2]  RAISHANI told the CS that prior to Person-1’s departure, RAISHANI took Person-1 shopping to buy supplies to bring to the Islamic State, and that on the day of Person-1’s departure, RAISHANI gave money to Person-1 and drove Person-1 to JFK Airport.  In later meetings with the CS, RAISHANI expressed his regret at not having traveled with Person-1 to join ISIS.  RAISHANI also indicated his desire to wage jihad and his belief that the Quran can be read to justify the violence, including beheadings, engaged in by ISIS.    
As part of the investigation, the CS introduced RAISHANI to an undercover law enforcement officer (“UC-1”), who was posing as an individual who wanted to travel abroad to fight for ISIS.  During meetings with the CS and UC-1, RAISHANI expressed his desire to travel abroad to join ISIS.  For example, RAISHANI indicated that he had been in contact with other ISIS supporters and no longer felt comfortable in the United States.  He also showed UC-1 a video that appeared to depict ISIS supporters discussing their desire to travel overseas to join ISIS and its ongoing fight.  RAISHANI further showed the CS and UC-1 an ISIS video that appeared to depict ISIS members in Yemen killing civilians who did not support ISIS.    
In addition, RAISHANI advised the CS and UC-1 as to how they could avoid detection by law enforcement.  For example, RAISHANI advised the CS to cover the camera on the CS’s computer and turn off the computer’s microphone when watching pro-ISIS videos online.  RAISHANI also advised the CS to use a particular Internet browser (the “Browser”) to hide their online activity, and explained that he used the Browser to watch ISIS and jihadi videos online.  Furthermore, RAISHANI himself put on gloves when using a laptop and viewing pro-ISIS and pro-jihadi videos online.  Moreover, RAISHANI conveyed to UC-1 that if they traveled together to join ISIS, RAISHANI, a home health aide, could pose as a nurse and UC-1 could pose as a refugee aid worker, in order to cross international borders without being stopped and questioned by authorities.  Finally, RAISHANI told the CS and UC-1 that he (RAISHANI) had to be careful because he believed that federal authorities were monitoring his activities.
By April 2017, RAISHANI was actively planning to travel abroad to join ISIS.  The CS told RAISHANI that, through a family acquaintance, the CS might be able to obtain contact information for an ISIS affiliate capable of facilitating travel to join ISIS.  In reality, the purported facilitator was an FBI employee acting in an undercover capacity (“UC-2”).  In May 2017, RAISHANI contacted UC-2 and indicated that he had previously helped another individual travel to join ISIS.  RAISHANI further told UC-2 that he was seeking guidance for his own “hijrah,” an Arabic term normally used to refer to migration, but which is also used by ISIS supporters to refer to traveling overseas to join ISIS and engage in jihad.  In subsequent conversations with the CS, UC-1, and/or UC-2, RAISHANI stated that he aspired to travel to Syria to join ISIS and that he aimed to travel before the end of Ramadan, an Islamic holy month that runs from approximately May 26 through June 24 this year.  He indicated that he would be in contact with UC-2 about his travel.  RAISHANI also stated that if he was arrested he will not care, because Allah would know that he tried.
In June 2017, RAISHANI told the CS that he was making preparations to leave, including paying off his remaining debts.  Subsequently, RAISHANI and UC-1 purchased clothing that they intended to wear for their training with ISIS.  Earlier this week, RAISHANI revealed to UC-2 his (RAISHANI’s) intention to meet an ISIS member in Turkey in the next few days, who would facilitate RAISHANI’s joining the terrorist organization in Syria.  RAISHANI also purchased an airline ticket for a flight scheduled to depart on June 21, 2017, from JFK Airport to Istanbul, Turkey, via Lisbon, Portugal.  On June 21, 2017, RAISHANI traveled to JFK Airport, where he was arrested by the FBI after he attempted to board that flight to Lisbon.              
RAISHANI, 30, of the Bronx, is charged with one count of attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.  The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by a judge.
Mr. Kim praised the outstanding efforts of the FBI’s New York Joint Terrorism Task Force, which principally consists of agents from the FBI and detectives from the NYPD, and the NYPD’s Intelligence Division.  Mr. Kim also thanked the Counterterrorism Section of the Department of Justice’s National Security Division, as well as the New York Office of U. S. Customs and Border Protection.
The charges contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.                    
[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint and the description of the Complaint set forth below are only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.
[2] Communications and conversations discussed herein are described in substance and in part.

Two Sex Money Murder Gang Members Convicted In Connection With Murder Of Rival Gang Member

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that a federal jury late yesterday found COREY BROWN guilty of murder in aid of racketeering, conspiracy to commit murder in aid of racketeering, racketeering conspiracy, and firearms charges, and found JOSNEL RODRIGUEZ guilty of conspiracy to commit murder in aid of racketeering and racketeering conspiracy.   

Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said:  “As a unanimous jury found after trial, Corey Brown ordered the murder of Vincent Davis, a rival gang member, and Josnel Rodriguez participated in that murder. Sex Money Murder has terrorized residents of the Bronx with years of drug dealing, gang violence, and murder. This prosecution ensures that Brown and Rodriguez will no longer be able to do so. We will continue to be relentless in working to make our communities safer by investigating and prosecuting gang violence.”   
According to the allegations in the Indictment and the evidence presented in court during the trial:
Between 2011 and 2016, BROWN and RODRIGUEZ were members of Sex Money Murder, a gang that operates mainly in and around several housing developments in the Bronx, New York. Sex Money Murder (“SMM”) members enriched themselves by selling drugs, such as crack cocaine, cocaine, heroin, and marijuana, and engaged in acts of violence, including murder.  BROWN, who was a leader of Sex Money Murder, ordered the murder of fellow gang member Vincent Davis.  On or about July 15, 2012, JOSNEL RODRIGUEZ and another SMM member participated in the murder of Vincent Davis, in the vicinity of 566 Pugsley Avenue, Bronx, New York, in order to maintain, and increase, their standing within SMM. 
Mr. Kim thanked the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the New York City Police Department for their work on the investigation.   

Comptroller Stringer Releases New, Interactive LGBTQ Guide in Advance of Pride 2017

  New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer today released a new interactive 2017 LGBTQ Guide, which is the most comprehensive resource across the city of organizations and programs that serve the LGBTQ community. The guide helps New Yorkers find organizations, obtain services, better understand available resources like healthcare and support groups, and more. This year’s LGBTQ Guide launched new online tools – including the ability to map the location of key service providers across the five boroughs – as well as a new section that helps LGBTQ New Yorkers obtain government benefits and public assistance.

“It’s our job to help New Yorkers get the services they need – and this year’s guide is a critical resource. With new online offerings, what was already New York City’s most comprehensive resource is even better,” New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer said. “My entire life I’ve stood up for progress. That’s never going to stop. If we’re going to be the greatest city in the world in this century and the next, then we also must work to be the most inclusive city in the world.”
This builds on Comptroller’s Stringer previous work. Earlier this year, he led a group of investors in speaking out against Texas’s S.B. 6 – also known as a “bathroom bill” – as well as worked with other large pension funds to promote diversity inclusive of the LGBTQ community at companies across the nation. Comptroller Stringer has also been an outspoken advocate on the Gender Non-Discrimination Act at the state level, and has written a report about gender-neutral bathrooms in New York City that was the basis for City Council legislation that ultimately became law.
Earlier this week, the Comptroller released the results of a survey of hundreds of LGBTQ New Yorkers, which was created to pinpoint gaps in how government services are provided and identify ways New York City can improve. Many survey respondents indicated that they experienced discrimination in the workplace, public harassment, and economic and healthcare challenges. The survey results can be found here.
“We are one of the most LGBTQ-friendly places in the world, but there’s always more to do. We have to keep standing up for what’s right – and we have to do it together,” Comptroller Stringer said.
The new 2017 LGBTQ Guide can be found at


  This weekend, the de Blasio Administration will decorate crosswalks in Greenwich Village and light City Hall to celebrate Pride Month and NYC’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender and Queer communities. For the first time, the crosswalk across Christopher Street near the Stonewall National Monument will be painted in rainbow colors. Rainbow decals will also be placed on crosswalks across the 5th Avenue Pride March route at 36th and 24th Streets. In addition to having rainbow lights, City Hall will also display rainbow flags.

Mayor Bill de Blasio and First Lady Chirlane McCray will attend the 48th annual NYC Pride March this Sunday.

“Pride Month reminds us that the fight for LGBT rights is not yet won, but that we can be proud as a city to have blazed the trail,” said Mayor de Blasio. “Now more than ever, we need to come together and celebrate the contributions that the LGBTQ community has made to both our city and country. These displays serve as a profound symbol of a painful past, a hopeful future and the transformative change that happens when New Yorkers take action.”

First Lady of NYC Chirlane McCray said, “As we illuminate the steps of City Hall and grace the streets of The Village with the wondrous designs of Gilbert Baker, NYC commemorates the journey of the LGBTQ community – hardships and triumphs alike. With a newfound artivism and activism on display, we celebrate you, honor your perseverance and respect your PRIDE!”  

DOT will begin painting the sidewalk near the Stonewall Monument overnight starting Saturday evening, in partnership with Heritage of Pride. NYC DOT and HOP have worked closely in recent years during NYC LGBTQ Pride in preparation for the March. In addition, City Hall will be lit starting Friday at sundown through Sunday evening.

“DOT street crews are happy to add the festive colors of the iconic rainbow flag to this year’s Pride Parade, including just steps away from the historic Stonewall National Monument,” said DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg. “With a beautiful day expected Sunday, we want to wish all revelers a happy, safe and very proud celebration.”

"NYC Pride is honored to bring Gilbert Baker's original rainbow to the very streets where the modern LGBT movement began," said David Studinski, NYC Pride Co-Chair. "We are proud to fund the installation of this exciting project. We thank the Mayor, City Council members and Department of Transportation for helping us make this long-awaited tribute a colorful reality."

New York City continues to lead the nation in protecting LGBTQ rights. Earlier this month, the de Blasio Administration published New York City’s first-ever LGBTQ Healthcare Bill of Rights. In June 2016, New York City became the first municipality to launch a citywide campaign specifically affirming the right of transgender individuals to use the bathroom consistent with their gender identity or expression. In March 2016, Mayor de Blasio issued an executive order requiring City agencies to ensure that employees and members of the public are given equal access to City single-sex facilities without being required to show identification, medical documentation or any other form of proof or verification of gender. In December 2015, the NYC Commission on Human Rights issued legal enforcement guidance defining specific gender identity protections under the City Human Rights Law, including equal bathroom access.

The Administration has also enhanced services to address LGBTQI homelessness, including opening a 24-hour drop-in center in Harlem specializing in the LGBTQI community, and the first-ever City-funded transitional independent living homes with specialized services for transgender youth. Earlier this year, the de Blasio Administration opened Marsha’s House—named after famed LGBTQI activist Marsha P. Johnson—in the Bronx, the first-ever shelter for LGBTQI young persons in the New York City adult shelter system, offering nearly 90 homeless individuals 30 years and under the opportunity to be sheltered in a welcoming and supportive space providing targeted resources. The Administration has also funded 500 additional beds for runaway and homeless youth, all of which are available to LGBTQI youth. During FY18, the total number of beds brought online will expand to 653, with a total of 753 by end of FY19.

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz Hosts Summer Concert Series with Bronx Council on the ArtsAssemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz Hosts Summer Concert Series with Bronx Council on the Arts

  Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz,  in partnership with the Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA ), will present seven summer concerts beginning July 18th and ending August 23rd in the Northwest Bronx. Venue hosts and co-presenters include the Amalgamated/Park Reservoir Housing Cooperatives, the Riverdale YM-YWHA and Henry Hudson Park. All shows will be free and open to the public. “I am pleased to provide funding to the Bronx Council on the Arts for this amazing free concert series,” says Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz (District 81). “All of the performances are superb. I encourage my neighbors and constituents to attend and I know you will have a great time!”

Performers will include Ginetta’s Vendetta at the Amalgamated Train Park (July 187-9pm), the Just Nuts Party Dance Band at Henry Hudson Park (July 247-9pm), John Benitez and his Salsa Band at Amalgamated Train Park (Aug 27-9pm), the Mystery Tour Beatles Tribute Band at Henry Hudson Park (Aug 97-9pm), The Gene DiNapoli Variety All-Star Show at Riverdale YM-YWHA (Aug 217-9pm), the New York Skyscrapers and Friends at Riverdale YM-YWHA (Aug 227-9pm) and River of Dreams at Riverdale YM-YWHA (Billy Joel Cover Band) on Aug 237-9pm

“The summer concerts that Assemblyman Dinowitz makes possible are a great way for us to meet families and individuals from around the Bronx, in a way that’s different than our year-round Bronx Writers Center and Longwood Art Gallery programs,” says Bronx Council on the Arts Deputy Director Charlie Vázquez, who also directs Bronx Writers Center programs. “I began my creative journey as a young musician in the Bronx and that’s what summer’s for: to have fun and meet new people.” 


On the steps of City Hall Wednesday, Michael received the endorsement from the Small Business Congress for Bronx City Council District 18. Founded by Sung Soo Kim, called the Godfather of Small Business is the city’s leading authority on small business for three decades and is one of the City’s leading small business advocates. The Congress is comprised of Merchant and Business organizations throughout the City. 

“I am honored by the support of the Small Business Congress,” said Michael Beltzer, Democratic Candidate for Bronx Council District 18 “The work of the Congress has been vital to protecting the hard work of our small business owners, many of whom immigrated to The Bronx to open shops that give our neighborhoods character. I fully support the Small Business Congress’s platform to fight back against greedy landlords and big box stores looking to push small businesses out. I join their call for an Emergency Commercial Eviction Freeze as too many of our owners are on month to month leases. I will work with the Small Business Congress on the City Council to pass the Small Business Jobs Survival Act to ensure our local mom and pops are not being thrown out to the street.”

“I am honored to endorse with enthusiasm the candidacy of Michael Beltzer for Bronx District 18,” said Small Business Congress founder Sung Soo Kim. “Only independent minded candidates like Beltzer have the courage to stand up to big real estate interests and the powerful political machine. Due to commitment to serve his community, Beltzer is the only hope to save our struggling small businesses and jobs. I call upon all Southeast Bronx residents who love their mom and pop businesses and their neighborhoods to stand with Beltzer in this fight to restore democracy in government and take back our communities from real estate speculators and predatory landlords.” 

Michael has experience with the businesses and merchants throughout Bronx Council District 18 as a former Merchant Organizer for The Bronx Chamber of Commerce and through Bronx Community Board 9. Michael looks forward to forging even stronger connections with the owners and shopkeepers along Westchester, Castle Hill, Metropolitan and Soundview Avenues and commits to continuing to organizing our commercial corridors and supporting the existing Merchant Associations in their future successes.