Friday, April 1, 2011

Town Hall Meetings

  On Sunday April 10th at 11AM at the Van Courtlandt Jewish Center (located at 3880 Sedgwick Avenue) there will be a town hall meeting with Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz (81 A.D.), Congressman Eliot Engel, Councilman G. Oliver Koppell, and State Senator Gustavo Rivera (33 S.D.). The elected officials want your input on federal, state, and city issues, such as housing, city rent laws, senior citizen concerns, MTA issues, education matters, and others. 
  For more information on this town hall meeting in the Van Cortlandt Jewish Center you can call Assemblyman Dinowitz's office at 718-796-5345. 

  On Saturday April 16th at 2PM at the Bedford Park Senior Center (located at 243 East 204th Street, one block from the Grand Concourse) there will will be a town hall meeting with Councilman G. Oliver Koppell, Assemblyman Jose Rivera (78 A.D.), and State Senator Gustavo Rivera (33 S.D.). The elected officials will address issues and participate in an dialogue on matters of importance to the Bedford Park-Norwood area, such as senior citizen concerns, housing, rent laws (set to expire June 30th), MTA,  and education matters to name some.
  For more information on this town hall meeting in the Bedford Park-Norwood area you can call 78th Male State Committeeman Ricky Martinez at 646-509-7166.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

  This came in from Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. which talks about "Conference of Somos Uno" , the annual function for Hispanic legislators to meet, and discuss ways in which they can use their power to defend political abuses and resolve the disadvantages they have as Hispanics. This ends by saying that the black and hispanic elected officials whom voted yes on the budget turned their backs on their communities, to win favor with Governor Cuomo.

     Are We One or Are We the Shame?

This weekend, the Legislative Conference known as Somos Uno or “We are One”, which is comprised of all the Hispanic Legislators of the State Legislature, will gather in Albany, the State Capital to find ways in which Hispanic elected officials can protect, defend and stand up for the Hispanic community all across New York State.

This Conference of Somos Uno began its’ annual functions more than 30 years ago under the name Somos el Futuro or “We are the Future,”  under the guidance of the late Assemblyman Angelo del Toro.

This weekend, from Friday to Sunday, all will gather in Albany where there will be workshops and conferences to discuss ways in which we can use our power to defend political abuses and resolve the disadvantages we have as Hispanics.

The problem  is that these same elected officials were the first ones to give up and trade our community, sometimes for a pittance.

Last night, those same legislators, almost all, voted in favor of the budget which will practically devastate our people.

If all the elected officials, both Hispanic and African-American, would have come together in favor of the poor, the elderly, the children and the needy, we would have defeated the budget and forced the Governor to include the Millionaires Tax and/or extend Rent Control.

Yes my dear friends, we have the power to morally send a message, with our “No” vote,  Governor Cuomo will not be able to continue cutting services to the people that we are supposed to defend.

Instead, one by one, our own legislators and those who will meet this weekend to try to form new methods to defend our people, were the first to fail and lost the opportunity to tell Governor Cuomo “enough is enough.”

Some of them may tell you that they had no other alternative, that if they did not it would cripple the government, or they would have offered some other type of political spin to defend their actions.

I say that there is always an alternative. The alternative to vote with courage and determination. The alternative to defend our community and not say one thing publicly and do another privately with the Governor.

I am afraid that this is not the first nor the last time our elected officials will turn their backs on our community to win the favor of the Governor.

I am afraid that this is not the first time that We are One or We are the Future has become “We are the Shame.”

I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lawmakers Spar over Taxing the Rich

  Bronx Assemblyman Jose Rivera (78th A.D.) said "stop talking sh*t" about the fight over state aid between NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Governor Cuomo. Rivera added that certain people should stop whining. 
  Over in the state senate meanwhile, Senator Gustavo Rivera (no relation) questioned the Republican Senate Finance chairman on the millionaire's tax, trying to get Senator De Francisco to say that it was a tax break for the rich by letting it expire. 
  And then there was Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. who accused Governor Cuomo of eyeing the White House, instead of doing what's right for New Yorkers. See the entire article "Lawmakers Spar Over Taxing the Rich" here , including the 5 1/2 minute video of Senator Diaz announcing the Cuomo for President campaign.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pedro Espada Jr. and Son, Hit With New Federal Charges

  We said months ago that we thought that Pedro Espada would be hit with charges of tax evasion, and that is just what the U.S. Attorney has done. You can read the entire 30 page indictment here where tax evasion charges have been added to other charges against Pedro Espada Jr. and his son Pedro Gautier Espada.
  Both Espadas are currently out on $750,000 Bail, and their was no comments on the new charges.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Assemblyman Dinowitz declares victory in fight to save senior centers

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz (D-Bronx), Chair of the New York State Assembly Committee on Aging, has applauded the restoration of Title XX funding in the budget, part of which is used to fund senior centers in New York City.  Governor Cuomo’s Executive Budget cut Title XX funding, causing Mayor Bloomberg to threaten to close 105 senior centers in New York City.  There is now a three-way agreement among the Governor, the Assembly, and the Senate to restore this funding.

“Restoration of Title XX funding was my number one budget priority as Aging Committee Chair.  New York City colleagues joined with me in insisting that this crucial funding be restored.  Speaker Silver strongly supported this restoration, and the Assembly budget resolution included a full restoration of Title XX funding,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz.

“I am pleased that Governor Cuomo, the Assembly, and the Senate are now all on the same page in supporting continued funding of our senior centers.  This huge victory means that thousands of New York City seniors will not be closed out of their senior centers.  I call upon Mayor Bloomberg to rescind his hit list of senior centers to be closed as soon as the budget is passed and signed.  Now that there will be no state funding cut to New York City senior centers, I call upon Mayor Bloomberg to pledge not to close even a single center,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz.

Kingsbridge Heights Neighborhood Improvement Association Dinner Dance APRIL 30th

This Year Honoring

SR. Mary Cleary
Our Lady of Angels School

7 PM – 11 PM

Lehman College-  East Dining Room
Make your reservations early as seating is limited for this very special occasion.

TICKETS: $25.00      Info/718-618-7550

The Kingsbridge Heights Neighborhood Improvement Association, Inc.
2805 University Avenue, Suite B
Bronx, N.Y. 10468
Tel- 718-618-7550       Fax: 718-618-7549

Plight of Working Poor Inspires Citywide Call for Living Wage

On Anniversary of Dr. King’s Death, New Yorkers Rally in Two Boroughs

Brooklyn and Bronx City Council Members, Faith Leaders, and Many Others to Demand Living Wage Jobs
On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed while fighting for living wage jobs. This April 4th, Brooklyn and Bronx rallies will honor his legacy as part of the growing citywide movement for a living wage at a time when far too many working people continue to struggle to survive, despite working full-time hours. Through story, song, and sermon, they will convey a sense of crisis and rally for action.

On this historic occasion, elected officials from Brooklyn and the Bronx will join faith leaders, labor leaders, community leaders, and local residents in pushing for swift passage of the Fair Wages for New Yorkers Act, popular legislation that will help create more living wage jobs.
Bronx - The event is co-hosted by the following Bronx elected officials: Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.; Bronx City Council Member G. Oliver Koppell; and other elected officials, faith leaders, labor leaders, community leaders, and local Bronx residents will participate.
Monday, April 4, 2011, 7:00 p.m., Bronx Pentecostal Deliverance Center 1755 Watson Ave. Bronx, NY (6 Train to Lawrence)