Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Restaurant Guide for Riverdale-Kingsbridge-Van Cortlandt Area

   Jasper's Pizza Italian Cuisine (as it is listed) was the site for the release of the new restaurant guide of the Riverdale, Kingsbridge, and Van Cortlandt area. Funded by Councilman G. Oliver Koppell, and compiled by the Kingsbridge-Riverdale-Van Cortlandt Development Corporation the new guide lists about 100 local area restaurants in alphabetical order with locations listed below the name of the restaurant. While a first draft of only 200 were printed, there will be updated guides published as more information about the listings come in.
   Jasper's provided samples of some of its fine Italian Cuisine for those who came to the announcement
   For more information contact KRVCDC at 718-543-7100, or go online to 

Pictured are Councilman G. Oliver Koppell and Ms. Tracy Shelton of KRVCDC holding up the restaurant guide.

Espada Safe For Now

   The Daily News reports that Bronx Democratic County Committee Chairman Jeffrey Dinowitz will not move to expel embattled New York State Senate Majority Leader Pedro Espada Jr. from the Democratic party, at least until the September Democratic primary.
   Dinowitz is quoted as saying that there is no pressing reason to do this now, but the News said that does not mean that the issue could resurface after the primary.
   Espada's response to the Daily news was "I can give two hoots about how Dinowitz feels because the fact of the matter is [trying to boot me] is un-American,"

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Will Congressman Rangel Get off With a Wrist Slapping?

    Earlier today Congressman Charlie Rangel met with Democratic Party leaders in an effort to make a last minute deal, and avoid Thursday's public airing of his alleged wrongdoings. Democratic Party insiders want Rangel to make a deal as not to be the poster boy for the Republican Party come this November election.
   A deal where Rangel will get what amounts to a slap on the wrist could be in the making, but that deal could fall apart if the Republicans have anything to do about it. 
   Unless Rangel and the Dem leadership can work out an agreement, the Ethics committee will read out the lengthy list of charges against Rangel on Thursday. Rangels congressional trial could start on September 13th,  the day before the New York State Democratic Primary.


   Comptroller Liu's Audit Had Uncovered Revenues Payable to City Treasury.
    New York City Comptroller John C. Liu announced that the City will now recapture $120 million from the New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC).  The funds represent revenues collected by the EDC on behalf of the City from the 42nd Street Project (aka Times Square redevelopment).  The EDC has in past years inappropriately retained the money instead of passing it through to the City treasury, as revealed in an audit of the EDC completed by Comptroller Liu in April.
   The $120 million of new revenue was first identified in the Fiscal Year 2011 Adopted Budget ( , page 28). The revenue will be collected over four years beginning with $20 million this year and increasing to $40 million in Fiscal Year 2014. Its is expected that the annual revenue would continue indefinitely and at an increasing rate beyond 2014.
   Comptroller Liu stated, “This is good news for the people in a time of continuing economic uncertainty.  It's $120 million that can be put to good use in schools, hospitals, day cares, and senior centers.  Times are still tough and we just cannot afford to allow the EDC or any entity to keep hoarding so much money that belongs to the City's taxpayers.”

Monday, July 26, 2010


   On Sunday, July 25, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr joined by hundreds of Bronxites celebrated the 21st  Anniversary of the Grand Dominican Parade in The Bronx, one of the largest parades in New York City.  
   More than 50 floats and over 2,000 marchers, including folkloric groups, marching bands, artists, elected officials and a variety of groups representing the Dominican culture and traditions, were part of this year’s parade
   “This parade is a great opportunity to recognize our growing Dominican-American population and their contributions to The Bronx and the entire city,” said Bronx Diaz Jr, one of the grand marshals. “They are a vibrant community that makes our economy stronger and with their traditions, Dominicans also add a lot of flavor to our borough”.
      Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. cuts the ribbon to start the parade.

Left- Congressman Jose Serrano and future 79th Assemblyman Eric Stevenson.
Right- New York State Senate Majority leader Pedro Espada with his wife Connie lead the senators rather large group of supporters.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Where are the Voices of Reform and Accountability Now?

   Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) released the following statement regarding the upcoming investigation of New York Congressman Charles Rangel.
   "We know from published reports that a House Committee offered a deal but Congressman Rangel refused to admit any wrongdoing. The only news coverage so far has been about Rangel saying more or less: "Bring it on, I am ready" - which is his right. Meanwhile, the New York Democratic Party and its Executive Director Charlie King remain silent. Where are the voices of reform and accountability now?"
   "When the details of the House Ethics Report and charges against Congressman Rangel are released next week, can we expect that Charlie King, and New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo will decry this betrayal of the public trust and ask that Congressman Rangel be removed from the Democratic Party as they did for Senator Pedro Espada? Or can we expect that these crusaders for justice will insist that judgment be withheld until all the facts are in and a final determination made by the US House of Representatives before they revisit the issue of Rangel's fitness to be considered a Democrat. Maybe Senator Pedro Espada should expect the same kind of temperance and reserve before Democratic leaders like Andrew Cuomo or Charlie King rush to judgment and try to deprive Senator Espada of membership in the Democratic Party."

Friday, July 23, 2010

CDEC 10 Holds July Meeting-No Parents Attend

   The replacement for school boards Community District Education Councils that were to have increased parent involvement have done the exact opposite. School Board 10 in the Northwest Bronx would draw hundreds of parents and School District 10 personnel to a school board meeting. Community District Education Council 10 the replacement for School Board 10 held its July meeting last night, and in the audience was not even one School District 10 parent throughout the entire meeting. School District 10 has over 45,000 students not counting high school students. There were two children of one council member, two translators for the one non-english speaking council member (who alternated every 30 minutes), one staff member from a district 10 high school, and myself in the audience. The CDEC meeting started at 6pm and ended at 7:25PM, and the reason the meeting took so long was that the DOE template of by-laws for the Education Councils were read aloud (all 7pages) with blanks left to be filled in at each District Council and be voted on to comply with the revised education law.
   Even District 10 Superintendent Ms. Sonia Menendez was not present, and the CDEC president marked her absent without notice. It must also be said that there are two parent vacancies on District 10 CDEC that have not been filled for several months, because no district parent is interested in serving on CDEC 10.
   This was an important meeting as there were elections of officers for the council, and passage of the council budget, which amounts to $20,000.00 per council. When you factor in the costs of having to open school buildings, translation, security, and other monies it takes to run CDEC's, one has to wonder how many millions of dollars are not going into the classroom citywide
   Years ago when School Leadership Teams had budgets of thousands of dollars, I personally told Chancellor Joel Klein to do away with them to put more money into the classroom. Chancellor Klein told me "SLT's are state mandated, and if we don't pay the staff to attend they won't". Chancellor Klein later cut the SLT budgets to only the stipends for the members. I would tell Chancellor Klein to cut out CDEC's as parent involvement is now at ZERO, but he will say again that CDEC's are state mandated. I must add that on the SLT's the principal has the final say as to what to do at the school, because the principal can be held accountable, and I was told that we can't fire the parents. Chancellor Klein has the final say as to CDEC's, as he can remove or keep off anyone he wants.
   My question to the state legislature is then why are you mandating things that take away money from the classroom, and why did you renew mayoral control when you knew it was wrong? The changes you instituted only have made things worse.