Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What You Should Know

By Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz

   The year 2011 has been one of ups and downs for our community: we have endured political scandals;  Governor Andrew Cuomo’s  budget has practically eliminated programs and services for the needy in our community;  marriage between men with men and women with women was imposed on our people;  an extreme sex education  curriculum has been introduced into the public schools of the city of New York by Mayor Michael Bloomberg; and the elimination of the use of the public schools by churches for worship and service to our Lord.  These are among some of  the many  and most important events of the year 2011.

On the other hand our community has grown in sports,  in the sciences, in the arts, in music and above all else, according to the 2010 census- in numbers.

In this new year, I want to wish my friends  and  my  enemies prosperity.  May the Lord keep and protect  them, and bless them and their loved ones with health.  

 For some people, I have special wishes for the New Year:

For Gerson Borrero, May he find a job where he can survive because wherever he goes, they fire him or he has problems.

For Ruben Diaz Jr., May The Three Kings put under his bed news that his ambitions are on the right track.

For, El Pacha, May he stop feeding so much food to the Pachasitos, he is going to give them an upset stomach
For, Wadoman, May the Administration of Univision or Telemundo open their eyes and see the talent that they have lost in Wadoman.

For,  Luis Sepulveda, Esq., When he makes it  to the State Assembly, may he not forget Wadoman and the values we have taught him.

For, Assemblyman Nelson Castro,  May he learn to honor and keep his word.  All  a person has is his word, and when the person sells or compromises their  word, they lose all credibility and become the laughing stock of their colleagues.

For,  Dr. Hector Chiesa, May the New Year  bring him the partner of his dreams and  may he have many Chiesitos.

For,  Dr. Kittim Silva, May he continue writing books and hitting Satan over the head.

For, Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, May he always stand in defense of the community, the poor even when the Speaker and  his colleagues reject his position.

For, President Barack Obama, May he fulfill his promises to immigrants and resolve their problems with their immigration’s status. May he stop the destruction and separation of families who suffer with so many deportations and above all else, that once and for all, may he stop blaming President Bush and accept his  responsibility.

And my wish for myself:  that the New Year grant me, Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change things I can and wisdom in order to know the difference.

This is what you should know, and I am the Rev. Senator Rubén Díaz.


RE: The New York Times Endorsement of 'Living Wage'

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. released the following statement in response to The New York Times' endorsement of the "Fair Wages for New Yorkers" Act:
"This major endorsement shows that we have momentum on our side, and that more and more New Yorkers agree that the 'Fair Wages for New Yorkers' Act is good public policy. If a developer solicits heavy taxpayer subsidies then they must do better by their employees. This is our fundamental premise, and the Times explicitly endorses it,” said Borough President Diaz.
A recent Quinnipiac Poll showed that New Yorkers of all political leanings support a “living wage.” Voters polled by the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute said that the “Fair Wages for New Yorkers” Act, which is currently before the New York City Council, is a “good idea” by a wide margin of 74-19 percent.
The poll also found support strong for the bill across the political spectrum, with support for the bill among Republicans at 56-39 percent, among Democrats at 83-11 percent and among independents at 67-25 percent.
“Our coalition continues to grow, and we are grateful that the Times' editorial board has seen fit to show their public support for this common sense legislation that would help thousands of New Yorkers take the first steps out of poverty. As the Times said in its endorsement, 'this bill makes sense,' and I look forward to seeing this bill passed by the City Council and signed into law," said Borough President Diaz.
The endorsement, titled "A Living Wage, Long Overdue," can be read at the following link:

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Diaz Christmas Party

      Despite Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. taking some flack for announcing his holiday party as a Christmas party with no children invited it was the biggest and most attended party of the holiday season in the Bronx. People were wall to wall, and Senator Diaz said that he will have to find a larger venue next year that will be able to host the most popular Christmas Party. Assemblyman Marcos Crespo (85 A.D.) co-hosted the event with Senator Diaz.   

     Other elected officials in attendance were Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., fellow State Senator Adriano Espailat, Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Carl Heastie, Assemblywoman Vanessa Gibson (77 A.D.), Assemblyman Eric Stevenson (79 A.D.), City Council members Fernando Cabrera and Jimmy Vacca, City Comptroller John Liu, Public Advocate Bill DeBlasio, Judge Fernando Tapia, and announced 78th A.D. candidate Luis Sepulveda on the left in the first photo. 

     The music was loud, and because of the huge crowd the lines for food were long, but everybody had a good time. Below are a few pictures of the event. 

                                  And here is Team Diaz 2012

Friday, December 23, 2011


 City Comptroller John C. Liu today green-lighted technology contracts after the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT) agreed to a $93 million reduction in
the cost of the contracts. This follows six weeks of negotiations between the Comptroller’s office and DoITT.

“We will continue to closely scrutinize, examine and, wherever possible, apply the budget scalpel to city contracts with expensive outside consultants,” said Comptroller Liu. “The $93 million savings
here can surely be redirected to helping with the significant fiscal challenges we face in the near horizon. We thank DoITT and MOCS for their cooperation and efforts in this negotiation.”

On November 3, 2011, the Mayor’s Office of Contacts (MOCS) approved $290 million in contract extensions for IT services to City agencies. Comptroller Liu had expressed deep concerns about the contracts and said his office would examine them closely once they were submitted. In the weeks since MOCS approval, Comptroller Liu’s office has worked on this issue with DoITT and MOCS, and as a result of these negotiations the agencies agreed to the $93 million cost reduction.

DoITT and MOCS also agreed to shorten the contracts’ time frame to 18 months from their original proposals of two years.

This is the latest example of contract savings Comptroller Liu’s office has been able to realize for the City’s taxpayers. Working with City Hall, the Comptroller’s office successfully put an end to the runaway spending related to, among other items, CityTime and the Emergency Communications Transformation Project (ECTP).

Liu credited Deputy Comptroller Geneith Turnbull and the staff of the Bureau of Contract Administration for securing the cost reductions from MOCS and DoITT.

Credits Cuomo with Disability Access  
    As Chair of the Council Committee that deals with disability services and a longtime advocate for full taxi accessibility, Council Member Oliver Koppell is particularly pleased that the legislation creating changes in NYC taxi service will provide for wheelchair accessibility and has praised Governor Cuomo as being instrumental in making this happen. 
In a letter to the governor, Koppell said, “Your leadership with respect to this legislation was crucial in moving the city toward the goal of full accessibility.  Without your insistence that there be greater taxi accessibility for disabled people this would not have happened”. (see attached.).
In addition to giving credit to the governor for the success of this historic legislation, Koppell also credited the disabled community and their advocates saying, “A victory of this magnitude does not happen in a vacuum. It can be attributed in large measure to those who have been forcefully calling for “taxis for all” for more than a decade.   As the prime sponsor of a bill in the City Council to make all new yellow cabs in New York City wheelchair accessible, Koppell has been a strong spokesman for equal transportation.
The legislation provides for 2,000 more wheelchair accessible yellow cabs, whose medallion auction is expected to raise at least $1 billion for the city. It also creates a new class of livery cabs with metered fares, credit card readers and roof lights.  Of the 18,000 new permits that the Taxi and Limousine Commission is expected to issue for these cabs, one fifth will be wheelchair accessible. The city will also provide up to $54 million in subsidies and loans to encourage livery drivers to buy vehicles that accommodate disabled riders.
As part of the deal, within a year, the city must create a long-term plan to convert the entire yellow cab fleet to disability access. The State Department of Transportation, which is overseen by the governor, will have to approve that plan before the city can auction all 2,000 new medallions.
Koppell is also gratified that people in northern Manhattan and the outer-boroughs will have vastly expanded access to taxi service, something his constituents have wanted for a long time.
Koppell said, “As the representative of an outer-borough district, I am delighted that my Bronx constituents will no longer be disadvantaged with respect to taxi service. I am equally gratified that, after a long fight, members of the disabled community will have equal access to taxi service.” 

   On Thursday, December 22, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., together with New York Yankees broadcaster Suzyn Waldman, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Deputy BP Greene, and Councilman Fernando Cabrera hosted the borough’s annual Chanukah celebration.
   As hundreds were in attendance Borough president Diaz, Rabbi Israel Greenberg (left), New York Yankees broadcaster Suzyn Waldman (right), lit the menorah to commemorate the Jewish holiday

Also in the photo next to Assemblyman Dinowitz are Mr. Lou Goldstein, and Ms. Marlene Cintron of BOEDC.

The event held at the Bronx County Building’s Veterans Memorial Hall, featured traditional Chanukah foods, such as latkes and jelly donuts. Everyone then went outside to light the huge outdoor menorah.

BP Diaz turns the on the switch to light the menorah. Click on the photo to enlarge it.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

NYC Parks Dept.: The Grinch Who Stole Christmas


   THE HOLIDAY MARATHONS team wanted to make everyone aware that the NYC Parks Dept. has DENIED our permit request to host a run on Christmas in Van Cortlandt Park! For a detailed list of the NYC Parks Dept antics go to,
The two articles below help explain how damaging NYC Parks decision was to the community.
Luckily Westchester County has been very cooperative and agreed on short notice to host the Christmas Run in Yonkers, (Tibbetts Brook Park)!
Please pass along the news and let us know if you would like to do a story on this issue.

On Thursday, December 22, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., together with New York Yankees broadcaster Suzyn Waldman, will host the borough’s annual Chanukah celebration.

The event will take place at 12 noon in the Bronx County Building, 851 Grand Concourse, in Veterans Memorial Hall. Traditional Chanukah foods, such as latkes and jelly donuts, will be served. The event will also feature a musical performance from world-renowned recording artist Dafka Israel-Potok.

“As borough president, I invite all Bronxites to participate in our annual Chanukah celebration. I am thrilled to have Suzyn Waldman, the voice of our very own Bronx Bombers, join me on this festive occasion,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

"The celebration of Chanukah reminds us that we can triumph over oppression of all kinds, no matter what the odds.  It is a triumph of a little light over total darkness.  I am thrilled to be partnering with Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. to help celebrate Chanukah and light the Menorah in ‘my second home’...The Bronx!” said Suzyn Waldman, who will serve as MC at the event.

Waldman has spent the greater part of her twenty five year career overcoming all the obstacles that go along with being a female sports broadcaster, and has risen to the top of her profession. She is the only woman doing radio color commentary for a MLB team.  Suzyn Waldman is the first woman to broadcast a World Series and is prominently featured in the Women and Baseball room in Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown.

In l987, Waldman became the first female voice heard on WFAN, the first All-Sports Radio station in the country, and was a mainstay on that station for almost 15 years, creating the job of the radio beat reporter, covering both the New York Yankees and New York Knicks. Her news-breaking reports, exclusive interviews and always original and controversial opinions won her countless journalism awards.